Chapter 6 - Mission Impossible

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Jun 28, 2021 8:46 am
Larry manages to keep out of sight as he scoots behind the piles of ore, rubble and broken walls. Riley and Charles rumble along at the other side and once in position, Riley gives Larry the thumbs up.
Jun 28, 2021 2:24 pm
what is the timer like on the grenades?
Jun 29, 2021 2:44 pm
Where on the map are we located, just trying to make sure of explosion plans
Jul 1, 2021 7:03 am
Charles. You can use your knowledge of Physics (or Demolitions or Achitecture?) to select the best spot to plant the charges.
Jul 1, 2021 10:25 am
Charles surveys the heaps and surrounding walls trying to determine the best spot for the bomb.


Physics(60) - (1d100)

(57) = 57

Jul 1, 2021 2:31 pm
What would I use to throw the grenade at the stack behind the spider?
Jul 1, 2021 3:11 pm
A wing and a prayer? :)
Jul 2, 2021 5:42 pm
It would be a throw roll.
Jul 3, 2021 1:14 am
Larry waits for the sign and readies a grenade. He readies another in the other hand for a second throw.
30% chance, why not lol
Jul 3, 2021 7:00 pm
An alternative would be to plant a bunch of grenades by the wall, creep to a safe distance and lob one to the pile. No roll needed for that throw, just another sneak to avoid being seen.
Jul 3, 2021 11:28 pm
how much longer am I useless?
Jul 3, 2021 11:39 pm
I think at this point Mallard is coming to his senses (sorry to have left you out of it for so long)
Jul 4, 2021 1:30 am
Larry sets all but 2 by the wall and sneaks back.


stealth versus 60 - (1d100)

(39) = 39

Jul 4, 2021 2:00 pm
Once in position, Larry waits for the others to get into position before scuttling back to the ore heap. Pulling the pin, he lobs the grenade at the wall and drops to the ground.

The grenade hits and the spectacular but silent explosion sends shards of ore and dust into the air. Two of the slug-creatures move to investigate while the other two remain on the spider machine.
That's Charles' cue. Let's have a stealth roll.
Jul 4, 2021 6:10 pm
Charles pushes his glasses up and gulps, before mouthing to Riley They’ll never know we were here.
EDIT: Closer than I thought! Can I spend 10 luck to make that a success?
Last edited July 4, 2021 6:11 pm


Stealth(20) - (1d100)

(30) = 30

Jul 4, 2021 8:33 pm
Good idea. Or push to get another roll...with a risk :)
Jul 4, 2021 10:17 pm
I’ll just spend the luck :)
Charles is practically giggling at himself for being so sneaky. But as the malformed creatures sweep their non-human gazes across the area where Charles is pushing the cart he is ultimately going to be seen… until he stumbles on a rock and falls out of sight
Jul 5, 2021 1:26 pm
Dr. Mallard, now back to his senses, scurries for cover if allowed to do so
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