Chapter 2: Hope

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Feb 26, 2021 11:39 pm
Hilmar joins the others at Greyhorn Outfitters. Like Alfrey he buys a length of rope - he used most of his for tying up the bandits. He also buys two throwing knives, a steel mirror, a signal whistle, a scroll case, ten sheets of paper, charcoal, two sacks and a thin scabbard for his wand.
See character sheet.
On the way from the outfitters to the inn, looking round at the village, he says, "I assumed the town of Hope would be bigger than this."

At Amanda's question, he notices Alfrey's sidelong glance. "We managed to sneak up on them and we had them outnumbered. Knowing what we know now, they weren't the hardest of adversaries. I think they were rather out of their depth to be honest. We came to Hope when we heard reports of messengers from your town seeking warriors and mages."

He is delighted when the lunch of baked hare with garlic and crowberry tart with a glass of apple cider arrives and tucks in with gusto. He has a surpisingly large appetite for someone on the thin side. He nods in agreement at Alfrey's comments as to the advantages. "It also seems - on the face of it - more attractive than just 60gp between us. But I'd like to see if first. Hopefully it's not in such a bad state of repair making it uninhabitable. I'd also like to make sure it doesn't come with strings attached, like having to pay high taxes and so on, which might make it not so viable. We also need to check if it's close to the town. Whether or not we agree to help the sheriff and her people against the bandits, we have made an enemy today. Word will get back to Ralavaz about what we've done. If we were all in a house in the middle of nowhere we could be easy targets for the Night Blades." He takes another mouthful of his baked hare with garlic. "Which leads on to whether we decide to help the sheriff. As far as I can see, 'the die is cast'. We've already crossed the Night Blades and we may as well follow through now. The sheriff also told us that they could reward us with some of their magic treasures from Imperial days."
Last edited Feb 26, 2021 11:43 pm


Feb 26, 2021 11:43 pm
To Kaa, Amanda smiles a knowing smile, the kind a grandmother gives a favorite grandchild. "Oh I'm sure you're a fierce one! But I wouldn't want to get on any of your bad sides. Really appreciate your work. You know, if it helps keep you in town a little longer I'd be happy to cook you two square meals a day, no charge at all for as long as your fierceness is keeping this town safe. Bath too, free of chare!"

As Alfrey discusses the house, Amanda can't help but give her two cents, even if he wasn't talking to her.

"The long run is the key there, my friend. Wont' be any buyers for quite some time. People are only leaving this beautiful town these days. I've been here for twenty odd years, and this is the worst I've seen things. Not to discourage you, that place is lovely. Used to belong to the Whitesparow family, bless their souls. But don't take it as an investment or you'll be disappointed."
Feb 26, 2021 11:50 pm
Hearing Amanda's comments, he looks up, "Thank you for your generous offer." Then he asks, "You say you've been here over twenty years and this is the worst it's been. When did things go wrong? What happened?"
Last edited Feb 26, 2021 11:55 pm
Feb 27, 2021 4:03 am
UPD: The pink woman picked up two apples from the barrel, and, biting one crunchy fruit fed another one to the horse. Here you are, Butterscotch! End of the timey-wimey stuff

I'll be back for you later, boy,- Euphoria says to the stallion, petting his mane.

She then leaves the stable, enters the shop, picks up the ink pen, gives it to Gavun, and says: Sell me this ink pen.
As Gavun agrees and names the price, she looks disappointed, and replies: No, it's not how it's done. Come on, didn't you hear the tale of The Wolf of Fence Boulevard? Arianne, sell me this ink pen, show him how it's done!

When the tiefling is done fooling around she buys a whip, a set of manacles, a tent, a grappling hook, to a total of 8 gp.
Last edited Feb 27, 2021 5:07 am
Feb 27, 2021 4:21 am
Is it apple cider I smell?,- smiled the infernal, entering the Summerspring Inn.
Did I miss something?


Feb 27, 2021 4:52 am
Jusika says:
The infernal greets the owners and goes into the stable. She stops next to a stallion, pets his mane, and asks: Does this horse have a name?
Mr. Greyhorn calls out "We all call him Butterscotch! If you want to feed him, there's some apples in the barrel back yonder."

The old couple get quite a kick out of Euphoria's bargaining tactics and they end up throwing in the pen for free. "It's worth it to see some young folk with high spirits. Hope you're contagious!"


Feb 27, 2021 4:55 am
Amanda greets Euphoria and hands her a mug of cider. "We can head over to the Evershaddy later and open up the good stuff!"


Feb 27, 2021 5:07 am
Amanda listens carefully to everything Hilmar is saying. "Taxes? No, nothing like that here. But we do raise money from time to time. Maybe somebody's house burns down everyone chips what they can afford to help out. But that's just part of being part of a community."

"As for the 'die is cast' I think you have the right of it. Ralavaz isn't going to take being crossed lightly, and if he sees the town gaining strength he might decide to attack while he still has the advantage. You might be able to use that against him. But maybe just 'get him first' is the simpler plan. The simpler the better usually."

It's clear Amanda is more worldly and knowledgeable than your average innkeeper.
Feb 27, 2021 5:24 am
Thank you! The tiefling takes the mug into both hands and takes a sip. Is Evershaddy a tavern?

If this Ralavaz guy turns out to be at least half as dangerous as people say he is,- Euphoria spoke with a full mouth, munching on a baked hare leg,- I'm gonna be really surprised.
Last edited Feb 27, 2021 6:10 am
Feb 27, 2021 6:19 am
Jusika says:
If this Ralavaz guy turns out to be at least half as dangerous as people say about him I'm gonna be really surprised.
Maybe you're right but didn't those bandits say that the Night Blades were burned alive when they caught them last time? I hope that's not normal. Maybe it's just a wild tale but maybe it was the only way to deal with Ralavaz's magic?
Feb 27, 2021 6:13 pm
He's quite ferocious! I'm glad he's with us.
Oh I'm sure you're a fierce one! But I wouldn't want to get on any of your bad sides. Really appreciate your work. You know, if it helps keep you in town a little longer I'd be happy to cook you two square meals a day, no charge at all for as long as your fierceness is keeping this town safe. Bath too, free of chare!
He appreciates the play-along and he pats his instrument a bit as he is nodding to himself. "Aaand I can play too!"

He makes space for Euphoria as she joins them.

"I will try that bath right as we finish, does it fit everyone?"

"But on the serious topics, I don't know much about what the house is worth, let's look but I leave the decision to you" he waves at all of them. "As for the drama-bandit, you think that mask magic works on us too? Do we have to face him blindfolded or earfolded or something?"
Last edited Feb 27, 2021 6:22 pm
Feb 27, 2021 11:58 pm
Hilmar takes another sip of his cider, feeling pleased about how things have turned out so far. He looks forward to the hot spring.
[ +- ] Pitrio says
He smiles at the term 'drama-bandit' Kaa uses to describe Ralavaz. "Hmm, that's a good point. Hopefully not. The sheriff described the prisoners as 'not the smartest' of people, so maybe they were easier to beguile. But it wouldn't do to make assumptions," he responds, making a mental note to make enquiries about this.


Feb 28, 2021 1:39 am
Astroloma says:
Maybe you're right but didn't those bandits say that the Night Blades were burned alive when they caught them last time? I hope that's not normal. Maybe it's just a wild tale but maybe it was the only way to deal with Ralavaz's magic?
"No wild tale, I'm ashamed to say. That's what happened. Back then, there was a different sheriff. Smooth talker, convinced everyone he was the Hope's salvation, but in the end he turned out to be no better than the bandits. When he burned the Night Blades alive, we recalled his badge but he didn't go peacefully. It was Ruth Willowmane that drove him out of town. That's one tough lady, I'll tell you."

"But, now that Ralavaz is out of prison, we're reaping what we sowed. A kind of reckoning with the past I guess you could say."


Feb 28, 2021 1:46 am
Kaa says:
"I will try that bath right as we finish, does it fit everyone?"
"Are you kidding? Before the Arkadia fell, the baths would would hold fifty at a time and there'd be a line up to get in next! Head on down when you're ready, it's just down those stairs over yonder. Take a light with you, it's pretty dark down there. This whole building is built on top of a natural cave system with heated mineral pools, you see. The builders of this place constructed nice housings around the big ones so you can sit comfortably on the edge or dive right in."

"Watch out, there is one pool that is completely drained at the moment. Weirdest thing, I never seen that happen before. The whole pool just emptied out one day, probably blocked up underneath. Too bad, it was the nicest of the pools! I might have to pay somebody to go down in there and unplug it!"


Feb 28, 2021 1:57 am
Those you who venture down the old wooden stairs find themselves in a place of natural beauty. The air smells strongly of sulfur and clay, and the steam fills your lungs. It's been a while since you've had the amenities of civilization!

Sure enough, on of the pools is roped off with an 'out of order sign' and is bone dry. It is fascinating to see the geothermal vent from which the water comes at the bottom, as round as any every made by an Arkasian engineer.
If anyone does not want to go down into the hot spring, feel free to describe a different course of action.
Feb 28, 2021 1:20 pm
Dropping her belongings and most of her clothes onto a wooden floor, Euphoria jumps right into the water, making a big splash. She dives deep down, touches the very bottom with her hand and goes back up. Didn't expect to find a hot spring this cool in here!
Last edited Feb 28, 2021 1:22 pm
Feb 28, 2021 11:35 pm
Naeris is at the back of the group heading to the spring and she stops before they reach the steps down to this pool. She says to Amanda ‘Is it okay if I have a look around?’

(Assuming Amanda says this is okay) Naeris studies the cavern. She wasn't expecting this space hiding in the middle of town and she wants to make sure she understands it. She walks around the cavern to check that there are no passages or rooms that weren’t immediately visible. She takes a quick look at the vent (but from a distance - not actually entering the empty pool because she's suspicious of it). She looks at the forms of the rocks and observes the colour and smell of the water.
Len - if there's no new information you don't need to respond. This is mostly role-play but she would check for passages.
After this, since she's not keen on caves or this water, which she sees as impure, she's thinking of leaving. She asks Amanda ‘Does anyone live at the keep over yonder?’
Last edited Mar 2, 2021 2:09 am
Mar 1, 2021 2:32 am
Hilmar removes his outer clothing, placing it in his pack, away from any edge. He descends the stairs, entering the water gradually, getting used to the temperature and testing out the depth. Then he will swim around the rim of the pool and float on his back. After about 15 mins he will get out, find a secluded area to change into his spare clothes and wait for the others where they had their meal.
While waiting, he will ask Amanda, "When did things start to go wrong in Hope, causing people to leave and so on? What happened?"
Mar 1, 2021 3:23 am
After taking a moment to remove and store his armor in a safe place, well away from the moisture of the spring, Alfrey descends into the cave. He admires the otherworldly beauty of the place before following his companions’ lead and spending some time in the pool. He does not linger in the water, preferring to focus on getting himself clean, having grown sick of all the dust and grime accumulated over the long journey.

After completing a satisfactory bath, he continues to take in the cave, walking from end to end, not looking for anything in particular but enjoying the sights and sounds of such a unique place.
Mar 1, 2021 8:11 am
Jusika says:
Didn't expect to find a hot spring this cool in here!
It is beautiful but I don't like this place. I don't enjoy being confined underground. I like the open forest.
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