Apr 18, 2021 9:07 am
So fare they are willing to talk to us as long as it is to their advantage. They will most likely attack us if they this its benefitial to them. Let's be very careful! Perhaps report to central command first.
Tamara is still keeping an eye on the heart of the ship and the ghosts within.
I'm still keeping an eye on the 3 ex-living people. They are ghosts now. Properly a necromantic trick to stay on the mission when it was deemed too unhealthy to stay here...
W.A.R.P., would you ask your friend how long it's safe for me to be up here? And how long it is safe for you guys?
Tamara is still keeping an eye on the heart of the ship and the ghosts within.
I'm still keeping an eye on the 3 ex-living people. They are ghosts now. Properly a necromantic trick to stay on the mission when it was deemed too unhealthy to stay here...
W.A.R.P., would you ask your friend how long it's safe for me to be up here? And how long it is safe for you guys?