The Game

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Apr 18, 2021 9:07 am
So fare they are willing to talk to us as long as it is to their advantage. They will most likely attack us if they this its benefitial to them. Let's be very careful! Perhaps report to central command first.

Tamara is still keeping an eye on the heart of the ship and the ghosts within.
I'm still keeping an eye on the 3 ex-living people. They are ghosts now. Properly a necromantic trick to stay on the mission when it was deemed too unhealthy to stay here...
W.A.R.P., would you ask your friend how long it's safe for me to be up here? And how long it is safe for you guys?
Apr 18, 2021 4:51 pm
"As this unit understands, it does not matter where you are on The Way. We are all being exposed to the same levels of Siberys radiation, and could possibly begin feeling the first deleterious effects within less than half an hour."
Repost from The Dashing and Daring DM...
Here's the mechanics: every hour spent in an environment with moderate Siberys radiation will require you to make a Con save. The DC starts and 5 and goes up by 5 for each additional hour. If you fail, you receive a level of exhaustion from your body being oversaturated with magic. This oversaturation cannot be prevented by any class feature or healed by any other means than extended rest away from Siberys radiation. If you succeed, you experience the benefits of a Long Rest. You can experience more than 1 long rest in a 24 period this way.
You have currently spent 30 minutes in an environment with moderate Siberys radiation.


Apr 19, 2021 4:17 am
annex says:
"Was your former Jotun cursed during the assimilation attempt on that ship?"
"No. All the Jotun I meet have been this way for a long time. I have not been told why."
annex says:
"Undead are once-living creatures that had been animated by spiritual or supernatural forces, L0-C0, like those fiery craniums out there. Undead populate the ship you sought to assimilate. Can you point me in the direction of the Colossus you and your partners came from?"
"I see, thank you for that information. You are in luck, I have a magical function that allows me to locate the colossus relative to my current position 3 times per day. I shall cast it now - it seems the Colossus is on an intercept course for our current position, approximately 5 hours away. I'll show you!"

In your field of vision, L0-C0 highlights a dark region of the sky. You realize that this is the second, more distant asteroid that you detected when you first reached The Aurora's last known coordinates.


Apr 19, 2021 4:21 am
HeroAmongMen says:
Brush will speak to the skulls.

"We seek to aid your vessel. What do you require, and we would be happy to lend a hand.

"We defeated a Cul’sir monstrosity nearby, and it seems that they want to capture your technology for some reason.

"The Riedrans attempted to stop us from coming to you, as they wanted to destroy your ship in lieu of the Cul’sir capturing you.

"We are literally sent here to assist your ship in becoming operational again."
The Flameskulls chatter among themselves. It does not take long before they return, and in unison say:

"We accept your assistance. You will proceed to The Aurora where you will render your assistance. You will report to our masters first."

The Flameskulls part, and leave the way to the ship open.


Apr 19, 2021 4:28 am
runekyndig says:
Tamara is still keeping an eye on the heart of the ship and the ghosts within.
I'm still keeping an eye on the 3 ex-living people. They are ghosts now. Properly a necromantic trick to stay on the mission when it was deemed too unhealthy to stay here...
Tamara sees the other two Flameskulls arrive at The Aurora and float to the three ghosts. One of the ghosts departs the others at the heart, and accompanies the skulls to a viewport, from which the ghost watches The Way with intense focus. Although spectral and glowing, you realize you recognize that you recognize the ghost - it is the ghost of Aleksander ir'Brenius, a former acquaintance of yours.
[ +- ] Reminder of the living crew of The Aurora
Apr 19, 2021 4:46 pm
B-9 nods to the flying skulls, giving Brush a parting look before heading back onto the bridge of The Way. He stands ready to assist in navigating the vessel towards the Aurora.
Apr 19, 2021 5:51 pm
"How close shall this unit move The Way to the Aurora?" W.A.R.P. X asked as he effortlessly manipulated the maneuvering controls.

Much quieter, W.A.R.P. X added to B-9, "The docent says there are between twenty and thirty Giants on a Colossus which will arrive in approximately 5 hours, all suffering from what it describes as a wasting curse but what may be undeath. Undead giants meeting undead Karnathi necromancers? The results could be... fascinating."

"How long until attunement is complete, L0-C0?"
Last edited April 19, 2021 5:51 pm
Apr 19, 2021 5:56 pm
"Truth be told, while I was briefed about the nature of the Aurora's condition," B-9 responds, "I did not fully realize how useless I would be. I thought there would be at least one person or more that required medical care."
Apr 19, 2021 6:50 pm
Lets get on with it Tamara takes the helm and steers The Way closer to the Aurora. As they get within firingrage, Tamara has a thought. What kind of aid can we offer? What kind would they need?
Apr 19, 2021 11:22 pm
"Realistically, they will need some tactical assistance, as well as some technical assistance.

"Seeing that these are now undead, I suspect that their plan relates to the jotun undead, and how to tap into such constructed technology for themselves. It could be a tipping point in their war machine, after all.

"That being said, our mission is to establish contact. Perhaps if we can help them repair their comms array, we can then go in our way.

"If they wish to contend with the Constructs, perhaps we should let them, but we should not participate in the battle ourselves unless it is forced upon us.

Apr 19, 2021 11:26 pm
"Ours is a search and rescue operation. If they insist on staying afterwards, that is their decision to make."
Apr 20, 2021 12:16 am
With a bit of side eye, W.A.R.P. X cedes helm control to Tamara.

"Agreed, Whispers. Since we do not now what their true mission is, our actions and possible assistance depend on what they stay to do. Once we have rendered what aid is practical, it is best we leave before the Jotun Colossus arrives. If the Aurora cannot be made spaceworthy in that time, its destruction and the evacuation of the ghost crew back to the surface aboard The Way are possible options... if the ghost crew opts to leave. Either way, we must leave and safely return to base with what we have and what we know."
Apr 20, 2021 2:36 am
"We should retrieve some siberys shards, also. I would hate to leave without harvesting a few and bringing them for research and what-not. This substance affects magic in such...colorful ways."

As he says this, he thinks on his experience communing with the giant, and Bjïlwa his daughter, and a tear forms and runs down his cheek.

He wonders at the beauty of the marvels of his god, and seeing the significance of a construct crying, leaves the tear to run down his cheek without wiping it.


Apr 20, 2021 4:33 am
Tamara guides The Way toward the wrecked Aurora, guided by the Flameskulls. Wil 'o wisps and skeletons scatter as The Way nudges up against the wounded ship at the hull breach, and you enter The Aurora via your cargo bay door.

The interior of the ship is exactly as Tamara experienced it in her clairvoyant vision:

The interior is an open concept, giving it the appearance of a large, dark cavern. Necromantic fetishes and talismans (skulls, black candles, obsidian altars) adorn most surfaces. Artificial rivers of blood flow through flexible tubing in a network around the ship, all converging at a throbbing black heart in the center of the cavern. Around the heart, a multi-tiered black iron platform has been constructed. An unnatural chill permeates the air, as does the smell of burning candles and musty bones.

The ghost of Major Aleksander ir'Brenius floats up to you. Although he looks over all of the Warforged, it is Tamara that he addresses. Although he has the face of a stern, no-nonsense man, a smile seems to be breaking through.
[ +- ] Aleksander ir'Brenius in life
"Tamara d'Cannith, can it be you? When I say to you that you and your team of Warforged are a welcome surprise, please understand what an understatement it is. But, we must delay pleasantries. You are likely aware that you are in a Siberys radiation zone. And, we have stepped into the middle of a secret war and are in grave danger."

Meanwhile, L0-C0 lets WARP X know that attunement is 85% complete and anticipates attunement completing in less than 20 minutes.
Apr 20, 2021 5:06 am
Brush puts his fist to his chest and bows his upper torso before the Major, saying, "Major, it is a sincere honor and pleasure to be in your service.

"I fought on the side of Breland during the war, but your exploits of strategy were talked about by my superiors at length. I believe my unit fought a unit of yours at one point, but it was a hard-fought fight, and your strategies won the battle that day."

Brush lifts his head from the bow, the track of his single tear visible on his mechanical face.

He says, "How can we be of service to you, sir?"
Apr 20, 2021 4:43 pm
B-9 brings his medical kit with him, despite the knowledge that nothing 'alive' remains; there may still be a use, after all.
Apr 20, 2021 5:18 pm
CancerMan says:
B-9 brings his medical kit with him, despite the knowledge that nothing 'alive' remains; there may still be a use, after all.
Maybe you can bind some broken zombie parts together or something.
Apr 21, 2021 12:25 am
"What specifically did your Jotun believe should be salvaged from within this ship, L0-C0? Or was it the vessel's general advanced state?"

W.A.R.P. X walked with B-9 and was in awe of the necromantic wetwork within the Aurora. Its purple lenses slid over its eyes as it tried to discern exactly what they were doing. Was it merely fixing the damage or something more? Its eyes were drawn especially to the heart, the massive and beating core of the ship, and the delicate fetishistic web surrounding and supporting it.



Arcana (advantage from Goggles of Object Reading) - (1d20+9, 1d20+9)

1d20+9 : (13) + 9 = 22

1d20+9 : (17) + 9 = 26


Apr 21, 2021 7:47 am
Aleksander acknowledges Brush with a nod. He replies "My nation is my life. This statement has never been more true now that I am dead."

He gestures you to follow him, and explains their situation as you in as your descend into the depths of The Aurora. He begins by explaining his ghostly state.

"We believed that Siberys radiation would be unsafe to operate in, so we shed our mortal skins. As disembodied spirits we are able to operate the ship and command undead. But it came at a cost. Before launch, we died in a blood ritual that bound our spirits to the ship. Now we cannot leave the ship. If we can get The Aurora to Eberron safely, Karrnathi mages can re-ensoul our spirits. However, if we do not return soon, the opportunity will expire."

As for what can your do to help, he is clear. He confirms what you already know - how they were attacked by the giant hybrids and the Riedrans. However, he only describes the Riedrans as 'unseen attackers' - he seems to know little of their actual identity. When those two forces began fighting each other instead of The Aurora, they escaped.

We didn't make it far, however, and now we are sitting ducks in a race against time. We are no match for giants, and whatever unseen attackers they fought was at least strong enough to hold their own against them. Tamara, you and your team's reputation is known in Karrnath. You have overcome incredible odds in the past. We could use some of that magic now."

Meanwhile, L0-C0 has only limited information to share with Warp X: "The ship is a key part in reconstructing the Colossus."

Warp X examines the heart of the ship as well as the wards that the ghosts are manipulating around it. He realizes that the wards are sustaining an artificial Manifest Zone - a weak spot between the walls that separate the planes. It appears to be connected to the plane of Mabar, the Endless Night that consumes life and light. It’s an unlimited wellspring of necrotic energy but also a hungry void that seeks to consume the cosmos. The heart itself seems to be pumping the necrotic energy throughout the ship.

Warp X is also certain these wards are damaged. Should they fail, he is uncertain what would occur, but it he suspects it would not bode well for The Aurora or its ghostly inhabitants.
Apr 21, 2021 8:15 am
Brush says, "I am a ward of death and life, a servant of a god who has not revealed itself to me.

"This feat of magic is inspiring to me. I wish to learn from you.

"For now, I will do all I can to help you. May my soul commune with thee?"

At that moment, Brush manifests his soul, it originating from himself and walking towards the ghost of the Major.

His spectral hand is outstretched towards the Major, offering his hand, palm up.
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