The Game

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Apr 22, 2021 1:20 am
Aleksander looks uncertain at first, but once decided he places his hand in Brush's palm with confidence.
Apr 22, 2021 1:54 am
W.A.R.P. X was definitely not touchy feely.

"When the wards sustaining this artificial Manifest Zone fail, will the necromantic energies from the plane of Mabar explode out to kill all they touch or will all life within a certain radius be sucked into the endless void?"
Apr 22, 2021 2:07 am
What can I learn from this contact? Can we create a sort of mind-meld, where I learn some necromantic lore or theory from Aleksander?
Apr 22, 2021 6:23 am
Tamara looks around and on the undead. She is casting Mending, Light and other cantrips left and right. I'm trying to burn of some of the magical build-up energy inside me.
Our task seems simple enough, get the Aurora unstuck and flying again. With the skiff, The Way and whatever we can get out of the Aurora we might be able to land safely back on Eberron.

She smiles at Aleksander she quotes him directly from one of his talks. The task is simple, the execution is the complex part.


Apr 23, 2021 6:50 pm
Brush and Aleksander's spirits briefly join. You see fragments of his life - bloody battlefields, a loveless political marriage, the birth and death of his son, and countless hours spent studying the necromantic sciences. You are left with a sense of the man - he is a towering intellect, an honorable man, but also one who zealously dedicated to his country.

You try to hold onto the scenes that are of particular interest to the current situation. You see the test results of the Black Heart that powers the Aurora. You witness the early failures resulting in people and things being lost forever inside the Plane of The Endless Night. You see the ritual slaughtering of thousands of goats at midnight to provide enough blood. You behold the incredible results of power output after the technique is perfected.

The ritual to turn Aleksander into a ghost also comes into view. You catch glimpses of the ritual daggers and stone altars. You see test subjects ritually murdered and turned into ghosts, and then brought back to life in corpses preserved in sorcerous tombs.


Apr 23, 2021 6:59 pm
Aleksander answers WARP's question "The Endless Night always consumes, never explodes. Should the wards break down, we will be lost within. To date, we have never seen anything come back from The Endless Night, nor have we encountered any record of such a thing happening in the past."

"However, the Manifest Zone is stable"

He floats to an obsidian altar and makes a series of gestures which conjures forth illusory visualizations of the wards and Manifest Zone itself. To those versed in Arcana, you can see what he says is true.

"The problem is we have been cut off and the whole system is powered down. We must syphon the negative energy through the Manifest Zone slowly or we risk a coterminous event, which means we cross over to Mabar and are lost. It will take at least 12 more hours until we have enough energy to return to Eberron."


Apr 23, 2021 7:02 pm
Tamara begins to make some headway in repairing battle damage in the interior of the Aurora.
Apr 23, 2021 7:58 pm
Leaving the discussions to WARP and Brush, B-9 assists Tamara in repairs with his own Mending spells.
Apr 23, 2021 8:23 pm
[ +- ] The images that Aleksander may have seen
Apr 24, 2021 6:40 am
Tamara starts to work and literally pulls materials out of the air. Her dragon mark, which is currently around the place the crystal dagger struck, is glowing fiercely. It even shines through her clothes.
She brings the following skills to the table:

Performance of Creation 1/LR
As an action, you can create one nonmagical item of your choice in an unoccupied space within 10 ft. of you. The maximum value of the item is 200 gp and it lasts for 4 hours. The maximum size of the item is Large, at 14th level: Huge.

When you make an Arcana check or an ability check involving artisan’s tools, you can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the ability check.
Tools: Smith 1d20+7+1D4
Tools: Tinkers 1d20+5+1D4

0: Mending
[ +- ] Creation 5th lev spell
Last edited April 24, 2021 6:43 am
Apr 25, 2021 5:27 am
Whispers, being out of their element, just sits back and watches quietly.


Apr 26, 2021 5:24 pm
Aleksander, having experienced Brush's religious experience first hand, within the context of Brush's lived experience, is visibly moved. You can see his engineer's mind starting to race before he reigns it in.

"Brush, if we get through this, I would like to talk with you more about your God. The manifestation of a god arising from forged people? There can be no greater discovery, and I can't help but think our meeting is no accident."


Apr 26, 2021 5:42 pm
As Tamara and B-9 begin applying their magic to mend the battle damage within the ship, Aleksander approaches Tamara.

"Tamara, you are a brilliant engineer, but we can't fix our way out of this. Your living body cannot survive the Siberys radiation for long enough, and besides, our negative energy reserves won't fill for 12 hours. Our enemies will be upon us in much less.

If we can't save The Aurora, I want you to make sure our story gets back to our leaders. We haven't been able to send a message back to Karrnath since crashing, and we are worried that King Kaius assumes foul play from among the other Five Nations. If we are destroyed, take this to our King and tell him what happened here. Give him this as proof that you found us:"

A signet ring materializes in mid-air. It is made of a strange metal that is white as snow, and has the Karrn wolf's head national symbol carved into it.


Apr 26, 2021 5:48 pm
Con checks for 1 hour of moderate Siberys radiation exposure. Everyone passes and is safe for another hour! You have the equivalent effect of a long rest take place.


B-9 (Benign), Warforged Life Cleric: Constitution save - (1d20+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Death's Brush: Constitution save - (1d20+7)

(19) + 7 = 26

Whispers: Constitution save - (1d20+2)

(13) + 2 = 15

W.A.R.P. X: Constitution save - (1d20+2)

(12) + 2 = 14

Tamara d'Cannith: Constitution save - (1d20+0)

(9) = 9

Apr 26, 2021 6:28 pm
I will take the ring and the story to your king. But I could also just cast the sending spell and give him, or one of his aids the message.

But you are right, my time is properly better served by prepping The Way and the Skiff for battle. Those flaming skulls, they are ranged attackers right? Could we take one or two of them with us as we intercept the enemies?
Last edited April 26, 2021 6:29 pm
Apr 27, 2021 5:16 pm
B-9's inner thoughts conflict as they are surrounded by the undead, but the course of the group is becoming clear. "If our choice is to defend the Aurora, I will do what I can to help," they state to their companions.
Apr 27, 2021 6:14 pm
I think the best we can do within a reasonable timeframe is to meet the enemy and hopefully cripple them, so they can't get here in time. That is the only way I can see we can save the Aurora
Apr 27, 2021 8:03 pm
Brush thinks on this notion proposed by Tam and responds, "Yes, disabling their mode of transportation may be a viable plan. Perhaps if we destroy their means of propulsion, we could delay just long enough for the Aurora's repairs to complete.

"At the very least, we could destroy their main mode of transport. Even if a few stragglers come to attack, we could manage them if we take out their primary transport method.

"Although, I wonder if there is a focal point where the undead hybrid giants are fueled from. Like the Aurora, which is feeding into the energies from Mabar funneled through that heart, perhaps the giants also have some artifact that is fueling their ability to be undead constructs."

He then looks to Aleksander and says, "Do you have any knowledge that you think would benefit us in disabling those Cul'sir abominations?"
Apr 30, 2021 6:13 am
Tamara returns to The Way and the skiff, and starts to get her head around how the weapon on the skiff works.
it was a grabbling hook of some kind, right?


May 1, 2021 6:51 pm
Aleksander nods at Brush's request.

"First, from myself and behalf of all Karrnath, I thank you for your assistance. I acknowledge our debt to you and promise it shall be paid in full."

"Now, here is all we know about their mode of transport, if you can call it that."

Aleksander gestures above the obsidian altar and a different set of illusions appear. It displays the Colossus, or what remains of it:

"This stone and metal head is easily 20 times larger than The Aurora. I believe it to originate from the same science from which the Warforged come from, though Tamara would know more about this than I.

"The abominations live - for lack of a better word - inside the head. They emerged from the eyes and mouth and descended upon us. Our necrotic canons were useless against it."

"Your plan about the thrusters is sound. The neck region does have maneuvering thrusters that appear to be of a different technological origin. Elemental binding. Possibly Dhakanni? We have no idea if the ancient goblin empire ever reached space, but that could account for it. At any rate, they provide minimal maneuvering and the craft mostly obeys its orbit, but if you used these thrusters to put it off-course, that would buy us the time we need."

"The Head itself has formidable weaponry, including energy beam weapons that project from its eyes. Incredibly powerful - you have already bore witness to what they can do to our thick armor. These are the results of just three hits. Avoid them at all costs!"

"As for power source, we believe it is powered from the Siberys Ring. We believe that, like Warforged, this radiation in large doses would be deadly to it, overloading it to the point of destruction. However, in the short term, exposure could cause it to become more powerful. We can't be certain."
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