One More Job

Mar 27, 2021 8:20 pm

One fluorescent light swings lazily in the common room outside your cell. It's comfortable enough. Like a cheap motel without the roaches. You've certainly slept in worse. And the food has been.... a step above airline. They're not looking to make friends, but they don't want to make enemies, either. But the big digital clocks off-set from the doors don't lie. Wait time is over. It's time for your newest gig.

An intercom pings and crackles before Agent 115's voice rings out. She is......a bit of a bitch to be frank. She found you, after all, and even had the wherewithal to make you agree to this. There's something admirable about her gusto, but you all know that the dog-fighter is always more relaxed than the hounds.

"Good afternoon, everyone! We appreciate your patience as we've made finishing touches on your supplies and worked out final logistics for this mission. A slot in the floor opens as a display case of tech rises, hissing.

Now, you all know the basic plan. The anarchist group Shadow Scream has obtained an Article filled with delicate information that could compromise many first-world governments, and a fair number of others, as well. Your task is simple. Get it. Modern civilization will be saved, and you'll receive your agreed-upon payouts for taking one more job.

Another hiss, another opening. This time.....punch and energy bars?

But first! No use heading out a job with strangers. Take some time! Suit up! Get to know each other! You kids play nice, and once your transport's ready, we'll come get you.

The intercom cuts out, the mag-lock on your doors open with a thunk, and the only sound initially is the faint creaking of the doors as they swing open.
Mar 28, 2021 12:40 am
Bruce walks out of the cell, ignoring the snacks and the others he's working with. This was going to be his last job, regardless of how things turned out, so he felt no need to be anything more than a damn good driver to these people.

Instead, he heads towards the display case full of tech. He picks up what looks like an ordinary car key fob, having used something similar to this before. It's a modern skeleton key that can change configurations to fit any physical lock, not least of which being car ignition locks. In addition, the fob part could open electronic locks, although this required pressing it against the lock for a not insignificant amount of time. Overall, a useful tool.
Mar 29, 2021 1:23 pm
Tom pokes his head out into the common space. He's a light sleeper so as soon as that first buzz came through he was wide awake.

Stepping out into the space, he's 5'10" with an athletic if not powerful build. Whatever clothing he's wearing is put together very sharply and is impeccably pressed. He's smiling and as soon as he sees the other guy in the room looking at the display case he goes over and says "Hey. Tom. Nice to meet you." and puts a hand out to shake.
Mar 29, 2021 4:02 pm
Bruce looks over at Tom, and cautiously returns the gesture.

Mar 30, 2021 1:52 pm
Linus sits up from his cot, adjusting his red hair that had become tussled from his short, interrupted nap. Nothing a little gel can't fix, he thought to himself. Or at least gel would have been more useful than this off-brand sugar water. How's a guy supposed to make a good first impression with a drink the color of radioactive lipstick?

Upon hearing a pair of voices from the next room over, Linus moves to the doorframe of his cell and gently leans on it. "Strange venue for a cocktail party. And don't even get me started on the hors d'oeuvres. How did you fine lads land an invitation to such a prestigious gala?"
Last edited Mar 30, 2021 1:52 pm
Mar 31, 2021 1:57 pm
Tom walks over and introduces himself, hand out to shake. "Hey. Tom. You know the old game... They call, browbeat and blackmail me, and I come running. You?"

Tom takes the guy in, trying to figure out what his role would be. Tom knows he's good at tech. The other guys is very terse but maybe not their biggest gun... He's sure he'll find out later.
Mar 31, 2021 5:57 pm
Linus's Irish accent was subtle but unmistakable. He might have been second or third generation, or just grown up in Boston. "Oh I'm out on loan. Bit of a cultural exchange program you might say. Not that I had any say in it, otherwise I might've sprung for better accommodations." He took in Thomas's put-together outfit at a glance. "Sharp fit you've got there. Armani, right? Modern Masters collection if I'm not mistaken. Such a timeless look."
Last edited Mar 31, 2021 5:57 pm
Apr 1, 2021 1:19 am
Donnie wiped the droll from the side of her mouth as the intercom rang out.

Blah blah blah...whatever, whatever… Oh, munchies!

She snagged a power bar while raking her fingers through her dark black hair.

"First impressions mean a lot," she said to no one, spraying crumbs of granola as she spoke. She did her best to straighten her clothing to look presentable. This was gonna be the biggest score yet how could anyone not be excited. She took a deep breath and made her way into the common room

Please be fun and like-minded individuals ready to take on the wor--- her thoughts were interrupted by the sight of the three men.

Well, at least they might have experience!

"Oh hi," She gave a small wave her large black eyes making their way to the floor. "I didn’t mean to interrupt, guessing we’ll be working together."
Last edited Apr 1, 2021 1:42 pm
Apr 1, 2021 4:42 am
Bruce simply nods in acknowledgement of Dominique's greeting.
Apr 1, 2021 2:33 pm
"Sharp eye, my man. Looks good and feels good." Tom has the most basic American accent out there, like he just walked out of a TV show. "And depending on where you're at, could fit in a lot of places. Maybe not where we're going though."

Tom goes over to the woman and introduces himself. "Tom. How are you?"
Apr 1, 2021 11:36 pm
Dominique brightened at the man's introduction.
Better now
She thought to herself a red hue coloring her face.

"Dominique," She responded, her voice carried a light playful tone "Pleasured to make your acquaintance Mr. Tom. Although I do feel a bit underdressed for the occasion."
Last edited Apr 1, 2021 11:36 pm
Apr 2, 2021 7:49 pm
Tom chuckles a bit to himself. "I doubt any complains about your look, anywhere you go." He flashes Dominique a smile then changes the subject.

"He and I were just talking about how we wound up... assigned to this little group, I'm sure you heard. How did you wind up here?"
Apr 3, 2021 7:38 pm
"The short answer is money. The longer answer, you would be amazed at how quickly you can burn through jail time when Agent 115 has a crush on you."

The young woman gave a quick glance around; there was no doubt the whole room was bugged- as if Agent 115 would let them talk without supervision. The idea of her fuming at the very hint of a relationship between them brought a smile to Donnie’s face, which she promptly covered with her hand to stifle any laughter before continuing,

"This job is the rest of my sentence plus enough padding in the ol’ bank account to never need to work again."
Last edited Apr 3, 2021 7:38 pm
Apr 5, 2021 1:09 am
"You don't mean to tell me you're a criminal type? We don't take too kindly to folks who get caught around here," Linus winked playfully. "Not to go bragging or anything, but some of us here are known for, and undoubtedly hired for, our unmatched discretion. What did they manage to pin you for?"
Apr 6, 2021 5:50 pm
"What can I say," Dominique returned the playful tone "Every family has their problem child. Surprisingly enough ours wasn’t me. Rest assured love, I’ve never been caught for something I’ve done."
Apr 9, 2021 1:43 pm
Tom nods. "That actually is pretty reassuring. It almost seems like they've tried to frame me for more than I've ever done..." He gets thoughtful and pensive for a moment before brightening back up.

"So what are you alls specialties? We're obviously all here for a reason. I'm a... I guess hacker is the most straight forward term." He wiggles his fingers in front of him like their on a keyboard. He's subconsciously typing out the opening few lines of code needed to start his specialized software.
Apr 9, 2021 10:01 pm
Linus perks up at the opportunity to talk about himself, addressing the room at large. "I've worn a great many hats in my day: diplomat, negotiator, coordinator, maître d', arbitrator, interrogator. Why I even worked as a cheese monger for a time. For lack of a better term, you could say I'm something of a people person."

He turns to Thomas in particular, "I read people the way you read a line of code. Everyone has constants and variables, limits and controls - and everyone's got bugs. I'm not in the business of troubleshooting, I'm just the one that makes sure those bugs don't soil the rest of the program."
Last edited Apr 9, 2021 10:01 pm
Apr 10, 2021 9:46 pm
Bruce nods, understanding the value of a people person in their line of work, especially given his own introverted nature.

"I drive. Enough to get through tough situations."

A bit of an understatement, but Bruce wasn't one for telling frankly outrageous stories about himself, even if they were true.
Apr 12, 2021 8:55 pm
"Well, aren’t you all an interesting bunch?" Dominique was practically bursting at the seams as excitement coursed through her. "A hacker, a smooth talker," She gave Linus a quick wink "and an ‘alright’ driver. Consider me a ringer then, if you can't hack it, talk your way through it, or drive a car into it. I’m your girl."
Apr 13, 2021 1:21 pm

Transport's ready! Hop on in.


A door you didn't realize was hidden in the wall slides open to a mediocre mom van with rust, but not too much. You realize the generic bumper stickers on the back project false license plates as needed, and inside, the transport has more of the fixings of a high tech limousine. You have a government driver for the first stretch of the journey, and Agent 115 is ready to greet you. Her face is like stone, but her voice drips with condescension. When she does afford a brief smile, it's clearly rehearsed.

Everything the media states about Shadow Scream is inaccurate, but where's the surprise there? she begins without fanfare. They work under the guise of leaking government secrets with mixed accuracy, but they're much more mobile than that. Over the years they've managed to clandestinely get every major government into their back pocket. Including ours. Many governments figure out how to cull the herd in this case.

Including ours.

But fire is a tool and a danger, as you know. Some damage has already been done, and there are scorch marks.

You'll start at the Big Dog Resort. There's a lower-level hacker that we think can get you to their boss. Just like Casino Royale - fun, right?
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