One More Job

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May 8, 2021 12:02 am
Linus muttered to himself, "Naturally. Not that we need a physical description or anything. Lousy, good-for-nuthin', HR speakin', messenger-bot. We'll see who gets the last laugh when automation puts you on food stamps." He turned to the rest of the team, composing himself quickly, "I'm sure the target will make themselves evident shortly. We'll have a better grip on the situation once we see them in action. Until then, well you heard 115. Make merry! We rendezvous at the $100 blackjack tables in one hour. Don't be late." And with that Linus made directly for the taproom.

Big Dog wasn't too different from any other high end resort. Tourist traps immediately inside the main entrance, pretty women who clearly worked for the resort sitting at the roulette table "gambling" the house's money back into its own pocket, themed food stations for every race and nationality under the sun, flashy bartenders who could chat the ears off Satan himself but couldn't make anything more complicated than a pre-mixed margarita to save their souls. What a classless sham, Linus thought to himself, how the mighty fall. It almost made him nostalgic for the illegal makeshift back-alley joints he used to frequent. Almost. Security around here was more discrete after all, no pat downs or strip searches, no possibility of gang violence, no random beer bottles to the head. Just good old-fashioned people-watchers, teched out in the latest and greatest gear for certain, but such gadgets were nothing more to a half-witted guard than a nuclear bomb was to a lesser ape. They were no match for professionals.

Luckily, Big Dog also played by the convention of keeping the quiet bartenders in the back. They were the ones smart enough to work daylight hours at a cash cow like Big Dog, but not ambitious enough to make the jump to the culinary arts. Savvy enough to make a proper Manhattan, but not nosy enough to ask why you didn't order an Old Fashioned instead. Linus quickly sidled up to such a bar and ordered a Sazerac. This would make as good a perch as any from which to scout the field, he figured.


Locate the target (Street Smarts) - (1d6)

(2) = 2

May 8, 2021 2:03 am
Bruce was never one to gamble at casinos, not liking the smell of smoke and the presence of a lot of people. He'd rather spend a weekend fishing on a lake or something peaceful like that.

But he could handle this much. Considering that the hacker was likely here to game the system, Bruce decided to look around the one armed bandits, seeing as the slot machine was one of the few games that relied on the use of technology. Walking through the rows of oversized, flashy machines, he picked a bass fishing themed one to sit in front of, which had a good view of the rest. Internally sighing, he puts in his card and pulls the arm. Casino Royale my ass.


Street Smarts (-) 3 - (1d4)

(2) = 2

May 16, 2021 7:16 pm
I'm sorry for going dark there. May's been a trip!
It doesn't take much for either of you to find the target. He's a regular Dennis Nedry type - portly, bespectacled, in a gaudy polo shirt and khaki shorts. He's sitting at the blackjack table mansplaining how the game works to one of the just-attractive-enough women the casino uses to sell more drinks and get drunks to Security.


A Sazerac, eh? Nice choice, my friend. The bartender adds some extra bitters you don't recognize, but when he sets it in front of you, you realize he figured out how to recreate the wormwood taste the modern absinthe lacks. I haven't seen you around here before, but I can tell you're a man of experience. Let me know if I can get anything for you.

It's a classic song and dance. Ask the question without asking it. Compliment the customer. Be available, but don't pry.


Over in the jungle of slot machines, Bruce feels a light tap on his arm.

Excuse me.

It's an old lady, no doubt spending her retirement fund one penny at a time.

Excuse me, sir, I seem to have lost my glasses. Are you with security?
May 17, 2021 3:40 pm
Bruce sighs internally, and keeps an eye on his belongings, including the casino card in the slot machine.

"No ma'am, I'm not with security. I can help you look for your glasses though."

He pulls his card out of the machine. Might as well get a little walk in, since he'd already spotted the hacker.

"Now then, where did you last remember having your glasses on?"
May 18, 2021 5:44 pm
I'm not sure, dear. Let's see. I met with the girls around nine am....

They're on top of her head. In the meantime, someone swept into your place and got a minor jackpot.
May 19, 2021 12:41 am
"Matter of fact, there's a slight favor I would ask of you. You see that man over there?" Linus gesticulates to the...unseemly man at the blackjack table as the bartender nods in acknowledgement. "That sorry excuse of a man is my brother-in-law. Or rather was until my dear sister discovered his penchant for making excessive acquaintance with her lady friends. This weekend was meant to be a pleasant affair, but the sod's gone and taken it literally!" The bartender gives an amused chuckle as Linus grabs a pen from his jacket and a spare order sheet from the bar to write a short message on the back of it. "Could you kindly have someone bring this and a martini on the rocks to his royal loathsomeness?"

The bartender takes the finished note from Linus before neatly tri-folding it and producing a martini glass. "I'm sure we can make that happen. My condolences, sir." Linus leaves a sizable tip and nods in gratitude before leaving to find the others and inform them of the developments.
The note is written in a flowing cursive script that reads as follows:

It's rare to find someone around here who truly knows how to gamble. I'll be watching Table 17 in one hour. Impress me, and I'll be sure to make it worth your time...

Until then, A Secret Admirer


Appeal to the target's knowledge of gambling (Extrovert + Finer Things) - (1d4)

(4) = 4

May 19, 2021 2:08 am
"...They're on your head, miss."
May 19, 2021 1:27 pm
The target reads your note, smirks, and sticks it in his pocket before saying...something to the woman sitting with him. The bartender rolls his eyes like he's seen this a hundred times before.
Oh! Oh, thank you sir. You're such a fine young man. Your wife is a lucky woman.

She pats you on the hand and gives you a dollar, which, in fairness, is a lot for a lady playing penny slots, and waddles off to find her friends.

You know, she could be luckier. The man at your slot machine doesn't look up. Boss doesn't mind you freelancing, Bruce, but you'd better not be conflicting your interests.

Son of a......Italian mafia, but they always used the least Mediterranean looking fellows they could get their hands on. Telling him your name and not giving you a heads up was a jerk move, too, but not uncommon.

Listen, whatever they're paying you, we could cover more. Boss wants to chat in an hour. Table 17. And to prove he's serious, your lovely Linda will be with him.
May 19, 2021 10:23 pm
Bruce quietly folds the dollar bill up, and puts it in his pocket. Damn agent. Can't even catch what's under her nose.

"I doubt you would present a better deal...But I'll stop by for a minute. Just to see her."
May 25, 2021 7:03 pm
Thomas has been holding up at table at one of the bars on the casino floor. He's trying to pass himself off as a business man who has to send an email. That old story.

While Bruce and Linus are making contact with the Target, Tom is working on Plan B until they call him. A digital honeytrap to help lead the man where he can more easily be nabbed.

He has total faith in the Team and Plan A, but it never hurts to have a backup plan.


Tech roll (d6, focus 5) - (1d6)

(6) = 6

May 25, 2021 9:20 pm
Please add a tech roll to see how solid the trap is.
May 25, 2021 9:57 pm
Since Bruce is meeting with the boss in an hour from when he was contacted, that would put it after the meeting time for the team, taking into consideration the time spent gambling, right?
May 25, 2021 10:53 pm
Dangerously close, but technically yes.
May 26, 2021 2:56 am
Bruce drifts around the different games, and checks out Table 17 briefly. Tired of gambling, Bruce decides to spend the time up to the meeting eating ox tail soup at the casino's restaurant. He keeps an eye and ear out for anything interesting.
May 26, 2021 3:08 am
The first meeting is the target with Linus. When he arrives to the table, "Nedry" - rather, Garrett Conrad - is sitting with a different drink lady. There are a few other players there, but from his vantage point in the restaurant, Bruce can see that his boss and wife are at the same table. Linus doesn't seem to be aware.
May 26, 2021 3:23 am
What he does notice about the pair is that the man is a hugh roller playing coy, maybe second generation American tops. The woman by his side wears a tight choker and a tighter smile.
May 26, 2021 11:14 pm
The long hand of Linus's watch clicks to perfect vertical. He looks up and smiles at the fact that everyone has managed to find their way back together without having to be babysat. "Well everyone, let's not keep our guests waiting. Who's got the best poker face?" The group stands silent in front of him, faces unwavering. "Hilarious, you're a load of comedians. Now enough of the cockamamie, who's it gonna be?"
May 27, 2021 2:34 am
I'm a bit confused about where everyone is right now. So Linus is talking to the team while they're away from the table?
May 28, 2021 9:05 pm
Yes, one hour has passed and the team has managed to not get lost in the resort, so everyone has rendezvoused near the blackjack tables. Coincidentally, the target is currently at the blackjack tables - table #17 to be precise. Even more coincidentally, that's the same table where Bruce is supposed to meet his people very shortly.
May 29, 2021 4:32 pm
Thanks for the recap. This is a...difficult situation for Bruce.

As for poker face ability, Bruce has Nerves of Steel as a habit, so he could do the job pretty well. Bonus if someone is telling him what to do while at the table, since he has Follows Orders Well as a habit too.
"...Can you draw the target away from that table? I recognize one of the other players from an old job. They...will not take kindly to our mission."
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