Mar 27, 2021 8:20 pm
One fluorescent light swings lazily in the common room outside your cell. It's comfortable enough. Like a cheap motel without the roaches. You've certainly slept in worse. And the food has been.... a step above airline. They're not looking to make friends, but they don't want to make enemies, either. But the big digital clocks off-set from the doors don't lie. Wait time is over. It's time for your newest gig.
An intercom pings and crackles before Agent 115's voice rings out. She is......a bit of a bitch to be frank. She found you, after all, and even had the wherewithal to make you agree to this. There's something admirable about her gusto, but you all know that the dog-fighter is always more relaxed than the hounds.
"Good afternoon, everyone! We appreciate your patience as we've made finishing touches on your supplies and worked out final logistics for this mission. A slot in the floor opens as a display case of tech rises, hissing.
Now, you all know the basic plan. The anarchist group Shadow Scream has obtained an Article filled with delicate information that could compromise many first-world governments, and a fair number of others, as well. Your task is simple. Get it. Modern civilization will be saved, and you'll receive your agreed-upon payouts for taking one more job.
Another hiss, another opening. This time.....punch and energy bars?
But first! No use heading out a job with strangers. Take some time! Suit up! Get to know each other! You kids play nice, and once your transport's ready, we'll come get you.
The intercom cuts out, the mag-lock on your doors open with a thunk, and the only sound initially is the faint creaking of the doors as they swing open.
One fluorescent light swings lazily in the common room outside your cell. It's comfortable enough. Like a cheap motel without the roaches. You've certainly slept in worse. And the food has been.... a step above airline. They're not looking to make friends, but they don't want to make enemies, either. But the big digital clocks off-set from the doors don't lie. Wait time is over. It's time for your newest gig.
An intercom pings and crackles before Agent 115's voice rings out. She is......a bit of a bitch to be frank. She found you, after all, and even had the wherewithal to make you agree to this. There's something admirable about her gusto, but you all know that the dog-fighter is always more relaxed than the hounds.
"Good afternoon, everyone! We appreciate your patience as we've made finishing touches on your supplies and worked out final logistics for this mission. A slot in the floor opens as a display case of tech rises, hissing.
Now, you all know the basic plan. The anarchist group Shadow Scream has obtained an Article filled with delicate information that could compromise many first-world governments, and a fair number of others, as well. Your task is simple. Get it. Modern civilization will be saved, and you'll receive your agreed-upon payouts for taking one more job.
Another hiss, another opening. This time.....punch and energy bars?
But first! No use heading out a job with strangers. Take some time! Suit up! Get to know each other! You kids play nice, and once your transport's ready, we'll come get you.
The intercom cuts out, the mag-lock on your doors open with a thunk, and the only sound initially is the faint creaking of the doors as they swing open.