1: What a strange view

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Apr 17, 2021 7:03 pm
Wrapped in a supple leather binding, Turner's spell book had a bluish cast. Not the dark angry blue of the deepest Northern seas but more of the frostier blue when the waves were tossed about on the surface. Down the spine of the book, the body of a kraken appeared to have attached itself with the tentacles curled around both the back and the front cover. When shelved two eyes would view all from the bookshelf. In mari multa latent, in the ocean many things are hidden, text was emblazoned in silver that encircled a compass rose in the center of the cover. Code!

Your life's work distilled into a tome... how could any but another wizard understand how bereft one felt when your spell book was missing? To be reunited was esctasy but the circumstances were troubling. To have had the snap breeched, pages splayed open for foreign eyes as secrets were probed before being recorded and all without consent felt like a very personal violation. Resentment burned as Turner glared at the prone one's remains. Had she not rendered aid thinking the one on the ground was not the monster? Looking at Code, her spell book, Turner doubted she had ever been so wrong as she reclaimed her book.

This one is the one with answers. Grimacing, Turner shook her head battling the feeling of being cheated not being the one to make her answer for her crimes. That is what the mage was wearing that blew powder into my face. That probably means we can find some of that powder somewhere in these supplies.

Bonus! I can now list the inventory on a proper sheet of parchment even if it's torn from her spell book instead on the outside of the boxes like in the hold.
Turner flips through the spell book looking to see if any spells she doesn't have before ripping out a page unless scrolls are easy visible.

I also would like to know if I see Khezzik pocket the items. What do I need roll?
Last edited April 17, 2021 7:07 pm
Apr 18, 2021 4:33 am
Khezzik isn't trying to hide that he's taking some spell components, he's just not asking for permission from the others. If you want Turner to take note of what he's taken, I'm fine with that.
"That book belongs to Turner?" Khezzik watches with what can only be described as hunger as Turner retakes possession of her spellbook. "And this one... Takeshi?" He guesses, based on the recognition in the old man's face. Then his gaze flicks slyly to the third book.

"And this book... to Khezzik, maybe?"
Last edited April 18, 2021 4:40 am
Apr 18, 2021 6:04 am
You quickly look through the woman's spellbook. Decoding the spells will take some time, but she has an index that makes it easy.
You learn that her name is Jeanna. Among her gear is also a healing kit. She properly the ship's doctor.
If Khezzik has a spellbook, it is here as well

Jeanna has been added to the Crew Discovered list.
[ +- ] spellbook index
Apr 18, 2021 6:22 am
Khezzik doesn't currently have or need a spellbook. He wants to keep Jeanna's spellbook to help him study to become a wizard.
Apr 18, 2021 7:55 pm
Leo is excited to see books, but saddened when they are quickly claimed/reclaimed by the others. All the best fairy tales and folklore are written in books. Most of the fascinating research he has done into other worlds and planes has been from spending late nights talking with Senobia and with Jeryth but also from studying books upon books in the Emerald Enclave libraries. Oh how he misses those libraries.

"Huh, these look interesting. Anyone mind if I take a look at these?" he says as he arranges the staff, sword, coins, and random personal belongings on the ground and uses his innate firbolg rituals to cast Detect Magic.
And just for clarification, do we need to roll for non-consumable spell components like sprigs of spruce, mistletoe, or ashes?


Roll for Holy Water spell component (Protection from Evil and Good)(1st Level Spell) - (1d100, 2d4)

1d100 : (83) = 83

2d4 : (11) = 2

Apr 18, 2021 8:06 pm
Leo can tell that the staff and sword are magical. There is also something in the top bunk that radiates magic. When Leo digs it out, he finds a leather-looking brace with some potion bottles attached. The potion looks like healing potions, but they are attached to the brace, and it to is magical.
[ +- ] something like this
No, only roll for consumables. ;)
Apr 19, 2021 1:26 am
Can we get a clarification on whether the sword is a shortsword or a longsword?
Apr 19, 2021 5:40 am
kadeton says:
Can we get a clarification on whether the sword is a shortsword or a longsword?
sorry, slip of the keyboard. It's a shortsword :)
Apr 19, 2021 7:15 am
Khezzik quietly stows Jeanna's spellbook away in his backpack, moving slowly in case anyone is about to yell at him for it. "Just keeping it safe," he says to nobody in particular. "This one will carry it in case anybody needs it." He's trying to appear calm and controlled, but is visibly quivering with excitement.

He then moves on to watching Lopeiros conduct his ritual, nodding along in parts as he tries to get his head around this unfamiliar way of casting a familiar spell. As the ritual concludes, he immediately begins pressing Lopeiros with questions about the items.

"What you see? Shiny weapons, magical, yes?" His glittering eyes glance sidelong at the short sword, clawed hands flexing unconsciously as he resists the urge to just grab it and run.

"What you found there?" As the firbolg digs the bracer out of the bedding. "More magic? Strange-looking thing. For holding drinks?"
Thanks Rune! :)

I'm guessing Khezzik (as a Rogue) will get the greatest value out of a magical shortsword, but if someone else can use it then keeping the spellbook would be more in character. He's still a kobold though, so if anyone sternly orders him to hand over the book he won't contest it. He's just more used to begging forgiveness than asking permission!
Apr 19, 2021 5:54 pm
Takeshi drew in air sharply at the sight of his scroll heaped upon a desk, unclasped and bare for any and all to read. Obsidian dragons crouched as studs on each end, both inset with eyes of jade. A protective case of cedar bore crimson designs reflective of the elements. An interlocking sigil hung open, forced apart by arcane prying. He closed his eyes and reopened them in an effort to contain his rising anger.

Then he noticed the kobold hefting the third tome. He moved forward and sternly spoke as he extended his hand to collect the spellbook from the kobold's hands, even as he retrieved his own with a practiced ease, "A moment, traveler."

Should the kobold yield the text, Takeshi scans the book and remarks, "That is a proper wizard's book--of no small degree. You may detonate yourself, boil your eyes, or worse if you are not careful. I could instruct you in its nuances if you'd like to make better use of its art than its former owner. However, I'd first like to decode its secrets to ensure...neither wards nor surprises await its use."

The wizard then turned to the bunks laden with objects of arcane importance. He tugged his beard and looked to Turner. He then took a pearl, a jewel-encrusted horn, and several pouches heavy with components. He muttered their alchemical names when he identified each object. He added toward the other wizard as he did so, "Initiate Turner, do you know the art of the Elevated Insight of the Crescent Owl? If you do, then we can swiftly identify the staff and sword. Ah, yes, and the resplendent axe!"
My frenetic weekend IRL seems to have been more profitable for the group!
1st level spell components: 95%, consumable 2d4 (like pearls for Identify)
2nd level spell components: 80%, consumable 1d4
3rd level spell components: 70%, consumable 1d2
4th level spell components: 50%, consumable 1d2-1
5th level spell components: 40%, no consumable
Takeshi may not mind Khezzek obtaining a spellbook, but a glance at its pages would reveal it to be rather advanced. He'd want to copy the spells (should we find the expensive inks to do so) and happy to train magic initiates.

Edit: Consumables added to Takeshi's sheet along with a component pouch to reflect the miscellaneous components collected.

Does Turner know Identify? We could quickly ID the Sword and Staff, along with the Axe. :D

What is the spell Portal Magic?

Last edited April 19, 2021 6:31 pm


Level 1 - (2d4)

(42) = 6

Level 2 - (1d4)

(2) = 2

Level 3 - (1d2)

(2) = 2

Level 4 - (1d2-1)

(2) - 1 = 1

Apr 19, 2021 6:17 pm
The quill doesn’t require ink.
The time you must spend to copy a spell into your spell book equals 2 minutes per spell level if you use the quill for the transcription
My conclusion to reading the benefits of the Scribe is that one doesn't need expensive inks. Could clarification be made, please?
Apr 19, 2021 6:30 pm
CherokeeWind says:
The quill doesn’t require ink.
The time you must spend to copy a spell into your spell book equals 2 minutes per spell level if you use the quill for the transcription
My conclusion to reading the benefits of the Scribe is that one doesn't need expensive inks. Could clarification be made, please?
Usually the writers explicitly state when a circumvention of a specific rule occurs. I think they intended to maintain the core class cost for each spell level, while decreasing the time allotted. Though I'd be happy to forego spell transcription costs! :D

Also, Cherokee, I edited my post and included some questions toward Turner. :)
Apr 19, 2021 6:30 pm
CherokeeWind says:
The quill doesn’t require ink.
The time you must spend to copy a spell into your spell book equals 2 minutes per spell level if you use the quill for the transcription
My conclusion to reading the benefits of the Scribe is that one doesn't need expensive inks. Could clarification be made, please?

You Wizardly Quill do not use ink to write with, and instead of 2 hours pr spell level, you use 2 minutes, but you still need the expensive components. Stuff you have here aplenty. For spell-copying purposes there are about 1000gp worth ~ 20 spell levels
[ +- ] Wizardly Quill
[ +- ] Copying a Spell into the Book
Apr 19, 2021 6:41 pm
@Galdr what spell component consumables are you after? Pearls for 1st level spell Identify? 90% chance they are there, and there are 2d4 of them. That is how the list is intended.
You can return anytime and look for the components you need. But only once. Leo has already found what holy water there is.

Are the rest of you waiting around in the small room while the old wizard is studying the spellbook?

After about 5 min Takeshi wraps his head around the spell "portal magic". Its something to do with penetrating a wall and letting the ship pass through. There are several terms that he is unfamiliar with. He has no idea of what a Crystal Shell is, but apparently, the spell can open it.

runekyndig sent a note to Galdr
Apr 19, 2021 7:04 pm
runekyndig says:
@Galdr what spell component consumables are you after? Pearls for 1st level spell Identify? 90% chance they are there, and there are 2d4 of them. That is how the list is intended.
You can return anytime and look for the components you need. But only once. Leo has already found what holy water there is.

Are the rest of you waiting around in the small room while the old wizard is studying the spellbook?

After about 5 min Takeshi wraps his head around the spell "portal magic". Its something to do with penetrating a wall and letting the ship pass through. There are several terms that he is unfamiliar with. He has no idea of what a Crystal Shell is, but apparently, the spell can open it.

Galdr sent a note to Galdr
No worries, I misunderstood. Identification pearls aren't consumed in the casting. Do you mean expensive components or consumable expensive components?

What he'd be looking for:
Level 1: Incense for his familiar ritual and ID pearl
Level 2: Arcane Lock components
Level 3: Clairvoyance focus and Glyph of Warding components
Level 4: Divination components
Apr 19, 2021 7:20 pm
Khezzik visibly deflates as Takeshi demands the spellbook, but his eyes go very wide at the offer to actually teach him the magic it contains.

"Yes," he says, nodding vigorously. "Yes yes yes-yes-yesyesyes. Please teach."
Apr 19, 2021 8:39 pm
The wizard nods toward the kobold and remarks, "Of course."

After several minutes, his eyebrows arch significantly. Takeshi exclaims, "By the five elements! This arcanist moved between realms as if one could traverse between Kara-tur and Faerun. Oh, I shall need several minutes to copy. We shall need this ritual shoudl we commandeer this vessel."
To ensure understanding:
You Wizardly Quill do not use ink to write with, and instead of 2 hours pr spell level, you use 2 minutes, but you still need the expensive components. Stuff you have here aplenty. For spell-copying purposes there are about 1000gp worth ~ 20 spell levels
We have the resources to transcribe up to 20 levels worth of spells available? (10 spell levels if split evenly between the two current Scribes?)


If so...would Turner wish to spend some time transcribing some of these spells? I've bolded what I think Takeshi may prioritize.
[ +- ] Spellbook index
Last edited April 19, 2021 8:54 pm
Apr 20, 2021 3:07 am
While the wizards are transcribing, Khezzik is waving the shortsword around in a series of flourishes to get a feel for its balance. Nobody noticed him picking it up - it was on the blanket one moment, and in his little clawed hands the next. His movements with it are worryingly quick and deadly.
Apr 20, 2021 6:22 am
Khezzik is waving a shortsword around in a confined space with 4 other people. Perhaps he goes into the hallway?
But it feels good in his hands, and he can feel that his magical conduits are a bit more defined. But the edge feels like a normal sword.

runekyndig sent a note to kadeton
Apr 20, 2021 7:10 am
runekyndig says:
Khezzik is waving a shortsword around in a confined space with 4 other people. Perhaps he goes into the hallway?
I did say "worryingly"! But yes, after he gets glared at a couple of times for swinging the blade far too close to other people's knees for comfort, he'll get the hint and retire to the hallway. He's just happy that nobody has told him he has to give it back yet.
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