1: What a strange view

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May 1, 2021 12:18 am
The wizard’s face grows dour. He surveyed the scene and surmised the devastation that claimed the crew. He sighed softly and said, "I have a grim theory: Our hosts fell prey to a desperate miscalculation. The doctor sought to cleanse the swarm of insects. Instead, she exterminated the entire crew with a Slaying Miasma. The insects did the rest of the labor. Yet, where did this infestation originate? Perhaps I shall ask our good doctor when I have the opportunity to realign my ki."

He then looked about the topdeck. "This vessel has means to defend itself stowed somewhere, and an eldritch engine. We should continue to examine the Mobius until we know the entire layout."
Sweet Transcendent Grimoire! *celebrations*

I believe Takeshi could have temporarily dismissed and relocated the familiar.
Last edited May 1, 2021 12:19 am
May 1, 2021 4:51 am
Takeshi's theory seemed to match much of the evidence present but something was off...now what was it? If the doctor cast Cloudkill....that was it! The index of spells in the doctor's spell book didn't include Cloudkill. It was impossible for her to be the caster!

There was another possibility, Turner stood abruptly pivoting toward the stairwell, Khezzik! What did you do with that wand? I need to study it!
Chasing down the location of wand, Turner performs a ritual to ID wanting to know if the wand cast Cloudkill.
Last edited May 1, 2021 4:52 am


Arcana - (1d20+8)

(16) + 8 = 24

May 1, 2021 5:18 am
Khezzik startles with an expression that's half-guilty, half-panicked, when he hears Turner shouting his name.

"Didn't do anything! Was firbolg!"
May 1, 2021 5:34 am
That made me πŸ˜‚! Even now I can't stop smiling.
Don't tell me those lies! Don't you know I have a spell that tells me when you aren't telling the truth? Now hand me that wand before you accidentally set it off and possibly kill us all!
May 1, 2021 7:00 am
Khezzik slowly retrieves the wand from a hidden pocket and holds it out to Turner with the tips of his claws, as though it might explode at any second.
Honestly, he's been so fun to play. Glad he's making other people laugh too :)
May 1, 2021 12:40 pm
I didn't notice where Kezzik went or if he came back in, but Nirion will approach him
Nirion leaves the chair and joins the others, either outside or back in the control room
Ah little friend, you found my cloak!
May 1, 2021 7:20 pm
Leo seems to notice the headbands on everyone's heads for the first time, realizing that his Headband of Intellect is on the corpse rather than on his head. "Oh, well would you look at that, they did the old switcheroo on me heh heh, good one." he says to no one in particular.

Leo isn't really paying attention to the conversation around him, but when Khezzik reactionarily yells Was Firbolg Leo assumes he is referring to passing wind or cutting the cheese, two things he isn't really sure if they apply to them anymore. "Oop, my bad, it was probably me." then he looks up and seems to realize what the conversation was actually about, "Oh, nevermind."
Can I have two headbands and a pair of goggles on my head at the same time? lmao
May 1, 2021 9:07 pm
I plan to pause the game untill Starwars day: May the 4th. Don't let it stop you from interacting between yourselves
May 2, 2021 1:34 am
The aged elf did not balk at Turner's counterargument. He replied staidly, "These aether pirates have stolen many items and artifacts. She may have obtained a scroll of the advanced technique."
May 2, 2021 5:48 am
We're up on the top deck, where we found a little storeroom of clothes :)
"Yes... This one found cloak. Nice cloak." Nirion has to tug a little harder than he expects in order to get Khezzik to let go of it. "Very nice," Khezzik mutters.
May 2, 2021 12:14 pm
Yes..well this one needs it to stay safe. Thanks for finding it.. He smiles.
May 4, 2021 8:01 pm
Turner identifies the wand Khezzik found as a 'Wand of Cloudkill' with 1 charge left. You deduce that the crew has used it on the bugs and it backfired.

The headband that you woke up with is not magical in itself, but they work as a focus for 2 different effects. One is to keep the wearer unconscious, as you might have guessed. The other is to ease the flow of magical energy. If one of you sits in the helm with the headband, you will transfer all your spell slots to the helm.
You can only benefit from one item in your head area at the time, just at you can only benefit from one ring on each hand

You explore the deck of the Mobius and find 3 other doors. One (K12) is locked with some kind of riddle. The two others (P12 and Q11) seem to enter two floors at the end of the ship. The storeroom door (I12) you have already opened and explored.
[ +- ] The locked door
The visible part of the map is roughly the area with breathable air. The blue line indicates where gravity flips over
May 4, 2021 11:16 pm
Leo plops down in front of the door with the riddle on it, fighting his darndest to focus on the riddle instead of the endless view of glitter and adventure that surrounds him. He puts his Headband of Intellect back on, thinking that that is all he has to do with it as he begins trying to decipher the puzzle before him.
I, aquafina, think I may have solved the riddle. But without the Headband of Intellect, I don't think Leo would have, but I will roll an intelligence check for him, if he rolls above a 15, I will say what I think the answer to be.

[edit]... lol nope
Last edited May 4, 2021 11:16 pm


Intelligence check - (1d20+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

May 5, 2021 2:08 am
Khezzik wanders over to where Leo is sitting, watching him intently and expectantly as he tries to work through the riddle, nodding encouragement. When Leo eventually gives up, Khezzik reaches out and pats him on the shoulder. "Good try."

Turning to the door, he says, "THRESHOLD," then shrugs at Leo. "Sorry to spoil. This one wants to see what's inside."
May 5, 2021 10:06 am
Nirion had just moved to try the puzzle as well,, when Khezzik shouted the answer. Thought the second might be an R, you are very clever
May 5, 2021 4:43 pm
Turner gazed down at the wand in the center of a ritual circle, it's secrets revealed. The last piece of the puzzle to complete the picture of the events that lead her and her companions being stranded on a ghost ship. Turner maybe felt a tinge of disappointment that the possible existence of a powerful caster that could aid in their return home was an erouneous one but as a scholar she was trained to follow facts and not desires. The simple truth: the party would have to save themselves.

Leaning back cross legged on the polished wooden deck sailing through a sea of black punctuated by orbs of bright light, it seemed ... possible. Why even now her companions had unlocked new mysteries if the discussion that had reached her ears was to be believed. No time for star gazing, Khezzik, you would be wise to heed Takeshi's warnings. Using magic beyond your knowledge is inherently dangerous which those who once captained this vessel could attest if they had not killed themselves welding this wand. But with that curious streak of yours, I suspect you will be a fast learner but until then maybe you should point out items before waving them about. Shall we see what has been unlocked?
May 5, 2021 7:28 pm
As the commandword is uttered the lock clicks open. When you open the door a few more of the blue bugs excapes from the room. You have entered the armory. You find all your missing weapons here, aside from several heavy crossbows (and bolts), an arbalist with some sort of grappling hook.
Khezzik recognizes the wand of magic missiles he "found" in Waterdeep, but the wand has been bundled together with 4 others into a wands Gatling gun. There are blue groves leading down to a weapon mount. Takeshi believes that the Gatling wand has to be mounted somewhere, properly at the top of the armory, where it can draw magical energy to fuel its spells.
[ +- ] wand gatling gun
Turner and Takeshi are having trouble keeping up with curious, while they spend time identifying this and that. The helm has yet to be examined more closely.
May 5, 2021 9:17 pm
Takeshi took in the revelations with equanimity. The confirmation of his theory reinforced the ancient warnings of reaching beyond your understanding. The dead crew saved us a great effort in clearing themselves away from the vessel. He followed Turner to see the armory and the newest revelations. He remarked, "The sum is greater than its components. The arcane wand-cannon appears meant to mount to the top deck as the magical defensive battery. Mundane crossbows lay at hand. Perhaps we shall come to need such devices in our flight."

He then stepped back out of the room and commented, "Let me know if and when you find the engine room's access point. We should discover what we can of our new home away from Toril."

The aged scribe then retreated to the helm, where he settled into the seat. He opened his ornate scroll and began to chant as he meditated on the helm. He would uncover the vessel's secrets, one manner or another.
Ritually cast Identify on the Helm.

May 6, 2021 6:36 am
Takeshi spends some time at the helm. This is a complex magical device, and someone has even been tinkering with the original construction. After an hour Takeshi understands the helm and how it functions and its relation to the ship.

runekyndig sent a note to Galdr


Takeshi: Arcana +10 (advantage) - (1d20+10, 1d20+10)

1d20+10 : (11) + 10 = 21

1d20+10 : (2) + 10 = 12

May 7, 2021 11:12 am
I, personally, am not thrilled we are immediately marked as a pirate ship, Turner stated worriedly as she glanced at the skull and bones emblazoned on the sails. Legitimate ships would tend to run instead of rendering aid. And then there are the other questionable sloops. I hate to render judgements but rarely have I seen honor among thieves, so I do believe we should prepare to defend ourselves. Let's get this gun mounted now and hope it's a unneeded precaution.


Arcana - (1d20+8)

(7) + 8 = 15

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