1: What a strange view

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May 7, 2021 4:22 pm
I do not have the spell, but could one of you magically alter the sails to alleviate the issue?
May 7, 2021 4:25 pm
"Maybe can change the decor, sitting in magic chair? Seems to do all kinds of stuff."
May 7, 2021 5:57 pm
Turner mounts the gatlingwand and can feel that the whole thing requires attunement before the barrage magic missiles can get their guidance from her mind.
5 wands of magic missile strapped together. Can be fired all at once, can be recharged from the pointpoint.
Takeshi is working on the helm, and he figures out how to turn on all the lights. The darkness of space is vanquished, and the light makes several blue bugs run and seek shelter in nooks and crannies. Leo can see that they can travel through the blue pain groves
What does the rest of you do while Takeshi examines the helm for an hour?
There are still 2 closed doors you haven't checked out.
May 7, 2021 9:27 pm
I want to make sure I understand what you are saying. Turner needs to take a short rest while studying the gun before she will be able to use it?
May 7, 2021 11:53 pm
It is accurate that the party would have ample time while Takeshi identifies and attunes to the helm. ID only takes 11minutes, not one hour 😊
May 8, 2021 3:08 am
Sorry, I missed that there were still doors to open. Khezzik will be all over those!
May 8, 2021 7:01 am
CherokeeWind says:
I want to make sure I understand what you are saying. Turner needs to take a short rest while studying the gun before she will be able to use it?
Galdr says:
It is accurate that the party would have ample time while Takeshi identifies and attunes to the helm. ID only takes 11minutes, not one hour 😊
Yes, you need to be attuned to use the Gatling wand. That takes a short rest ~ 1 hour to do. Takeshi is held up with unraveling the altered magic item of the helm, which will also take him about an hour.

Remember to keep a note of what items you are attuned to. The normal limit is 3 items. The helm is an exception. To use it you need to attune to it (learn to use it), but it does not count towards the limit, and several ppl can be attuned to it at the same time.
kadeton says:
Sorry, I missed that there were still doors to open. Khezzik will be all over those!
I figured that Khezzik could not wait an hour for the mages to fiddle with their respective magic items.
May 8, 2021 11:06 am
Nirion, for now, will assist with searching the rest of the ship, as the helm makes him a bit nervous
May 8, 2021 2:35 pm
The biscuit that the wizard had earlier consumed to end the intinal grumbling of her stomach was fast wearing off. Not surprising if it had been weeks since she had had a proper meal. Turner announced, Before I tackle the gun, I'm going to make something to eat. The bowl seemed scaled to accommodate more than the individual. It's more efficient to fire it up once than for each of us. So at your convenience, come grab a plate.

Climbing down on her way to the kitchen, Turner stops to take note of the current glow count of stones on the chair before proceeding to the bowl. Turner remembered from her earlier investigation that the food was broken down into its basic components. Now to see if she could combine those into a tasty meal. If only Mrs. Watson could see her now! Many times the dear woman fretted on how Turner could do chemistry experiment while she burned every bit of bread she had ever tried to bake. But to Turner's defense there had also been a book with just one more page to read with the loaf tucked away in the oven and by the time her nose told the tale it was always too late while the bubbling beakers remained on the table in front of her.

But this was more casting and not cooking...at least Turner hoped. Glancing over to Takeshi, Turner felt inspired to conjure the contents of a chicken stir fry served with lo mein noodles testing the bowls full capability. Finding plates in the cabinet protected from the poison dust, Turner portioned out two servings.

Carrying one to the seated wizard, For you, while you work. Did the use of the bowl make an appreciative difference on the power? If so then maybe it's the provisions in the hold for us. Also, Nirion and Khezzik both suggested alternating the appearance of the sails. Surely they the pirates had some disguise for entering legitimate ports. Maybe you can keep an eye out as you are delving into the ship's capabilities. I'm off to make the gun functional.
May 8, 2021 4:51 pm
As I understand your individual positions at this moment
oDoor = Open door
cDoor = Closed, unexplored door
I don't know where Leo is, so his default position is in the front, yelling "I'm king of the world!" #sorrynotsorry
May 8, 2021 5:26 pm
Turner flows to the kitchen, to the chair to speak with Takeshi and then goes back to the gun to attune herself to it for the next hour.
May 9, 2021 10:46 pm
I don't know where Leo is, so his default position is in the front, yelling "I'm king of the world!" #sorrynotsorry
Sorry! Been a busy week! I hope to be back to my full posting rate this week, but apologies for lagging a bit!
Leo pats Khezzik on the back for solving the riddle. He tried to focus on something other than the mesmerizing art show for the gods. He gets up and takes a leisurely stroll for the front of the ship, grabbing another piece of tough jerky out of his pockets to snack on. He stands there, taking in the beauty around him, wishing he had someone from back home to enjoy this moment with. One of his siblings, his friends, or especially Senobia. They hadn't known each other for long before he was brought here, but he can't help but feel like she should be experiencing this as well. The beauty part of it, not the being drugged, kidnapped, and sent floating through space and time with no clear answer on how they got there or how to get home part.

Leo spots Khezzik and Nirion moving to explore more of the ship, and meets up with them.
I obviously did not think my magic items through entirely lol, but technical question: none of my magic items are attuned to me right now. But could I attune to multiple things that go in one place, such as the Headband of Intellect and the Eyes of the Eagle, but only benefit from one at a time? So every time I put the goggles on to look for something, but intelligence drops lol
May 10, 2021 5:52 am
Did you guys noticed how Leo thought it safer to eat the jerky than eat the meal Turner made? Haha
May 10, 2021 12:16 pm
Hahahaha ranger is not ready to eat the arcane mush.

I'll have an IC post up today. Between Mother's Day and a death in the extended family, I've been unable to do much posting this weekend.
May 10, 2021 1:34 pm
Takeshi continued to commune with the helm, while he wrote with his precise yet fluid strokes. The wizard sought to deduce something, inputting calculations alongside notations in his foreign script. When the other scribe produced some food, he pursed his lips briefly. He politely accepted the food bowl and settled it where he could reach, then returned to his labor.

"Please refrain from utilizing the ship's mana reservoir until I have assembled some efficiency diagrams. The reserve depleted to nothingness, which is why we roused. The crew required our energies to sustain the vessel. Had one lived, we would have yet laid as the survivor siphoned our art for fuel. A crude use of our talents, but effective for preserving the occupants."

The elf steepled his fingers, briefly looking into the void beyond the ship. Then the mage returned to writing as he added, "The vessel operates on an inefficient conversion rate. We had four of sixteen gems empowered, but the food generation reduced the charged amount to three. Once I conclude my calculations, I should have a method for us to sustain the ship at a higher capacity without unduly restricting our abilities. Did Sensei Harper instruct you in mana recovery techniques?"

Meanwhile, Akio followed Khezzik and Nirion about their business. The tressym kept within sight, though tended to flit and sporadically dart away whenever the two paid any mind to the creature. Despite its seemingly feline aloofness, the shiki-no-kami reported what it saw to its master, keeping him informed on whatever discovers the others managed to uncover.
Last edited May 10, 2021 4:46 pm
May 10, 2021 4:24 pm
Did you guys noticed how Leo thought it safer to eat the jerky than eat the meal Turner made? Haha
Haha, don’t take it personally. In reality I misread your post and thought you were only addressing Takeshi lol
May 10, 2021 7:19 pm
When you warn people Turner burns bread, you can't blame people for being leery! Lol We're just having a good time here!
May 10, 2021 9:37 pm
Nirion is momentarily distracted by the smell of food, but would rather focus on finishing the exploration.
May 11, 2021 6:04 am
Turner figures out how to use the kitchen areas food despencer. The food is bland but nourishing. She looks at the filled bowl and estimates that there is more than enough for all of them. Could properly feed 15 people.
Turner knows about a spell that can produce food and water. She guesses that the bowl is properly linked to that. At the kitchen sink water now also flows freely.

Leo sees the foodstuff the ship can produce, and all of a sudden his jerky became a prized possession. Hard biscuits, bland food, or his lovely homemade jerky.

Khezzik is at a dilemma. There are two doors. One at the bottom of a staircase, and one at the top. To which is their curiosity drawn?
May 11, 2021 8:22 am
Down! As someone who grew up in underground tunnels, down always feels like the correct option when Khezzik is in doubt.
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