1: What a strange view

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May 13, 2021 11:28 am
Oh well...if it would remove all the bugs, it must be a good plan. ;)
May 14, 2021 11:46 am
Khezzik's fire gauge a satisfying grove in the swarm of bugs
Lopeiros first arrows also causes damage but not as impressive as the fire.

Nirion jumps out of the room, leaving blood spatters on the floor. But bugs gatheres around them eating it up. He can hear them eating part of the floorboards to get to the last bits. But they do not presue him out of the room.
The swarm does how ever retreat making it a harder target to Khezzik's fire.
They gain an efective 3/4 cover or +5AC
runekyndig sent a note to runekyndig
May 14, 2021 11:55 pm
Takeshi mentally calculates the risks and intones an arcane phrase. The shaft of the complex artificer bomb soars skyward in a gentle ascent. Meanwhile, Akio weaves high over the swarm and snatches the crystal, wheeling and darting toward the door.
I think I understand that the warhead is separate (currently) from the device. If so, Takeshi casts Levitate on the bag to float it toward the ceiling.

Akio moves full 40ft above the swarms, grabs the crystal, and dashes back to his spot on the map (still flying to pass under the lintel of the door).
May 15, 2021 4:03 am
"Bugs not following us? Seemed pretty hungry for Nirion-flesh, no worries chasing us before. Something weird about this room, and purple bugs. Maybe purple bugs can't zip-zip through the lines like blue ones? Seem to be in charge though."
May 15, 2021 7:09 am
From Takeshi advantage point, anywhere on the ship, thanks to the helm, he gets a good view of the arcane warhead. The warhead is not yet connected to the ballista bolt.


The bag of holding is suspended in a thin wooden frame (think chopstick). The portable hole is suspended just above the opening of the bag. If the frame gets jostled too much or worse, break, the hole will enter the bag of holding, destroying both items, and opens a gate to the Astral Plane. The gate originates where one item was placed inside the other. The resulting vacuum would suck any loose objects and creatures nearby the gate through it to a random location on the Astral Plane. The gate then closes.
now marvel at my drawing skills :D I hope I have made the description clear enough
May 15, 2021 10:41 am
Nirion winces and slides to the floor. Can anyone heal? Did we find potions anywhere? he's looking quite hurt.
I'm at less than half hp
May 15, 2021 11:48 am
Ha, that’s a lot better than anything I can draw!
Leo gets down and checks over Nirion’s wounds to see if they are infected or diseased from being bug bites. "I have a small amount of healing I can do each day, but I can only do it once. Probably best to save it til someone is grievously hurt."
He can cast healing word once a day, it ain’t much, but it’ll bring someone back up.
May 15, 2021 1:17 pm
Nirion nods. Thank you, that would be wise, who knows what horror await through the next door. I promise not to step on anything else... He gives a weak smile.
May 16, 2021 11:45 pm
Instead of targeting the bomb, he'll cast Levitate on Nirion to bring him to the ceiling and away from the swarm.
May 17, 2021 1:21 am
"So, thingy on table - is something very dangerous, yes? Big magic? Want this one to take it apart?"
Galdr, I think we're all safe outside the room, and the bugs don't seem to be following. Khezzik should be able to disable the device from a distance using Mage Hand - it's like the Arcane Trickster was made for this exact situation. ;)
Last edited May 17, 2021 1:21 am
May 17, 2021 1:48 am
Ah, I missed that. Have fun playing bomb tech. Akio is at the doorway. Hopefully he doesn't get ported. :'D

I'll ready a thunderwave (point of origin the door) to repel any bugs who chase the group.


Thunderwave Thunder Damage (DC 15 Con for half) - (2d8)

(42) = 6

May 17, 2021 10:05 am
You can try....if you succeed, I believe that is my bag small smile. Be careful
May 17, 2021 11:27 am
To disarm the bomb safely and recover the items, its a Tinker's tool + INT check DC 20. But how do you handle the bugs?

To disarm the tread and throw the bomb overboard it is a DEX check DC 8. Can be done with mage hand without risk to the bomb tech

You could also set off the bomb and suck out most, it not all the bugs. But it will leave the artificers workshop in a bit of a mess. I will roll saves for each item of intest in the workshop (handouts ect)
May 17, 2021 11:48 am
Yeah, that might be tricky. I was hoping I'd be able to consider it a trap, and therefore disable it using thieves' tools (normally a Dexterity check, though his Intelligence is the same bonus).

As far as the bugs, I was hoping to do it from outside the room, using Mage Hand. Using your Mage Hand to disarm traps at range is one of the abilities expressly granted by the Arcane Trickster feature Mage Hand Legerdemain.

Even if all that's allowed, it would still only be a +7 to the check, which makes a DC 20 a big risk. Nirion could Help ("Wait! Don't cut that string yet!" etc) for Advantage, which makes success more likely, but an unlucky roll could see them both sucked into the Astral Plane and blow a big hole in the ship.

In comparison, throwing it overboard is completely safe. So do we roll the dice and gamble, or just abandon the items safely? Personally I want to risk it, but I think it's a decision that everyone should be involved in since it has potentially catastrophic consequences.
May 17, 2021 11:54 am
If it blows goes it will create a vacuum, sucking nearby creatures and loose items with it. There is no real threat to the ship.
Yes, you could use Mage Hand Legerdemain to remotely disarm it, but this is an artificer product and should be handled as such. Just as you don't use lockpicks to disarm an electronic timer.
May 17, 2021 1:03 pm
Risk it. Risk it. Risk it.
May 17, 2021 1:11 pm
Fair enough. Khezzik's not proficient with Tinker's tools, so he's got very low odds of successful disarmament even with Advantage. On the other hand, if it's not going to hurt the ship, it might be a good opportunity to just set it off from a safe distance and get rid of all the bugs at once. Let's continue this in-character. :)
Khezzik narrows his eyes to slits and peers at the contraption on the table. "Hmm... Thought it was just twigs and string, but actually is all complicated gubbins. Very nasty to untangle. What does Nirion reckon happens if thingy activates?"
May 17, 2021 1:17 pm
Akio continues to sail out of the workshop, clutching the crystal, making its way to its master.
Does the ship have an "intercom" system?
May 17, 2021 7:35 pm
Nirion grimaces. "We would not want to be nearby...it could go very badly
May 18, 2021 1:17 am
Khezzik cocks his head to the side. "Big boom? How big?"
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