The Idea: What would happen if I video-chat-interviewed Gamers Plane users and posted those on YouTube?
The Rationalization: My obsessive brain insisted that I do this, but did not fully explain why. So why would I do this? Afterall, I'm an introvert and I have no experience conducting interviews. I want to know more about all of you, you people who I largely only know through your posts. You have a lot to say, and while I could probably post huge chunks of video showing what I know about GP, (guides, tips, tricks, and anecdotes) you could, too, if only you had a platform and the impetus to do so.
The Team: I sought a few of you for advice, and many people have contributed to the development. Among them, Lavtodd, Windyridge, Len, Skeptical_Stun, and Keleth have all given me advice or feedback.
The Mission Statement: Gamers Plane is an amazing, inclusive community, full of positivity and respect. I want to construct not criticize; build everything, destroy nothing; find common ground and avoid divisive topics; shine a spotlight on how normal and human we all are.
The Result: I present to you the first episode of Player Versus Player, the interview subtopic to this project. Here I interview GP moderator Len and we spent 45 minutes talking. I think we both could have continued for hours.
Gamers exPlane - Player Versus Player - s1e01 Qralloq v Len
Next Steps: I have a couple more people who have expressed interest in participating. I'll set up times with them and hope to get those going soon. But all of you can contribute, whether or not you want to be anywhere near a camera and microphone. Send me feedback, suggestions, questions, requests. If you would like to be interviewed, please reach out, either through a PM or on Discord.
I'd later like to expand this to include user guides ("Qral-lore"? ew, awkward). I could easily run through topics like: What a New User Should Know, Building a Character Sheet, Setting up a New Game, Using the Administrative Control Panel, or How To Sing Heavy Metal Songs So Off Key Even Geese Would Will Complain.
Another possible topic is Q&A (Qralloq & Answers). If users send me questions, I'll answer them in a video series dedicated to such. Maybe an interview with a subject matter expert could be arranged.
I want this to be in part a community project. I am inspired by you all.