Chapter 4: Adventures in Blingdenstone

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Nov 18, 2016 5:49 pm
I'm not going to leave without them, so the decision has been made. "Maybe while we're here we should learn more about those demon lords, just to be safe?"
Nov 18, 2016 10:41 pm
You head to Sark, the guard captain, and present him with your 'trophy'. After inspecting it for a brief moment, he nods in satisfaction, "Looks like a Medusa to me! I suppose you've earned your reward," he says, "I'll have them deliver it to you where you are staying."

Tomorrow morning, you wake up to find a delivery of 200 gp each.

Speaking Stones
Mai'ngor heads over to speak to the priest, Gurnik. As you enter, he walks over, "Ah, yes. I was hoping you'd come sooner rather than later."

He fishes the stone out of a pouch he has on him and hands it over, "I can't tell its exact origin, but it's not of this plane. It's full of powerful magic, on top of being a fabulous receptacle for the stuff. The high levels of magic are probably what led to the death of your tribe, but it may also have been something else, as I don't sense any malignant energy in the stone. Likely, if you found a powerful spellcaster, they could fashion this into an item of great power."
Nov 19, 2016 4:54 am
Hunter looks to purchase some healing potions, hoping that the market or temple still carry a supply after the great battle. The group came very close to dying out in the caverns and the sorcerer was powerless to help in any way.

If she is able, she has the piece of the Pudding King's throne appraised to determine what kind of stone it is. She goes so far as to ask Elfog for his expertise. She does not think it would be obsidian, and if not, Hunter looks for the material at the market, along with a small trinket of a tiny hand carved from clay.

She also visits an alchemist to see if her sample of green slime might prove any use.

After her shopping trip, Hunter avails herself to the svirfneblin and help in any way possible.
Last edited November 19, 2016 5:44 am
Nov 19, 2016 9:14 pm
"Great power is often more a curse than a boon, I find." Mai’ngor murmurs as Gurnik returns the stone fragment. "The so-called Pudding King was one such who craved and was devoured by power, was he not? And yet, power tempered by true wisdom..." the tikbalang gestures at the Ghaleb Duhr, "...such power keeps the evil at bay. What of these demon lords? Is the world in danger?"
Nov 21, 2016 8:53 pm
Speaking Stones
Gurnik's expression turns bleak at the mention of the demon lords, "Yes... the world could very well be in danger. The power of the demon lords is nearly unparalleled. We can merely hope that someone finds a way to seal them back in their abyssal prison."

Hunter Shopping
There are a couple of healing potions left for sale. All of the others have been taken for use on the gnome forces. The cost will be the same as the standard PHB price.
You have an arcane focus, so you actually don't need material components, unless they have a price attached to them
"Hmm... a wondrous sample indeed..." the alchemist says, inspecting the green slime, "Yes, this could be very useful in designing a countermeasure to the oozes. Your assistance could assist in eliminating the threat completely and I thank you for that."

The gnomes gladly take you up on your offer of help, specifically taking advantage of your ability to mold earth and construct additional fortifications.
Nov 21, 2016 10:38 pm
Hunter looks for material components as a backup, in case she's ever robbed of her arcane focus. Being a prisoner of the drow sorta sealed that deal for her.
Hunter purchases the two healing potions, hoping it will be a long time before they are needed.
Nov 22, 2016 8:58 pm
I search for some form of library where I can learn more about the dangers here, specifically the lore surrounding these demon lords. Perhaps they can be re-trapped before they get too far?
Nov 22, 2016 9:03 pm
Hunter is easily able to find the components she needs (go ahead and buy a component pouch at half price).

Xeliss is very frustrated to find that they don't have a library, "Books aren't a good idea to bring on a reclamation mission, lass!" one gnome says to her when she asks.
Nov 23, 2016 3:05 pm
"I gazed upon the two-headed one. A nightmare I do not care to repeat." Mai'ngor shudders, then gazes at the stone menhirs, with even more wonder now that he has witnessed the power of the galeb duhr. He then turns his attention to the small stone shard in his hand. "A powerful spellcaster, you say? Might there be one such in Blingdenstone?"
Nov 23, 2016 4:10 pm
Gurnik shakes his head, "Our strengths lie mostly in the priestly arts. The few wizards that we have dabble in mostly illusions, a good way to distract foes who wander near our home. The most powerful wizards in the Underdark are in Menzoberranzan, the city of the drow, though I hear that there are many powerful wizards among the surface races as well."
Nov 23, 2016 4:19 pm
"Curse the drow, I'll go to the abyss before I go to Menzoberranzan! Mai’ngor growls. "Yes, perhaps it is time my companions and I returned to the surface. I shall be sorry to depart Blingdenstone, friend Gurnik. Your people have shown me there is purity and light to be found in the Underdark. Farewell.
Nov 23, 2016 10:40 pm
"Farewell, noble warrior. Perhaps we will meet again," Gurnik says with a bow.
Nov 25, 2016 4:04 am
"No books? How about maps?" Hmmph. Useless.
Nov 25, 2016 4:44 pm
"Of course we have maps! Hard to navigate the Underdark without them! What you looking for?"
Nov 25, 2016 4:50 pm
Having taken his leave of Gurnik at the Speaking Stones, Mai'ngor tries to recall another name that was given him by Dorbo. "What was it again?...That's it, Kazook Pickshine at the Trader's Grotto." The tikbalang decides to seek this person out. He asks for directions passers-by for directions.
Nov 25, 2016 6:25 pm
It doesn't take long for Mai'ngor to find Kazook at his shop, "What can I do for you?" he greets you when you approach.
Nov 25, 2016 7:02 pm
"Good day to you, Master Pickshine! I am Mai'ngor." the tikbalang says with a bow. "If I may take up a moment of your time, Master Dorbo said you might offer some insight regarding this." Mai'ngor holds up the stone shard.
Nov 25, 2016 7:04 pm
Kazook takes the shard, "Well well well... this is like nothing I've ever seen before. Where'd you get it?"
Nov 25, 2016 7:26 pm
"It is a piece of a large, flaming rock that fell from the sky and destroyed my village. Afterwards, everyone died of a wasting disease. All but me. It is my only keepsake of my home."
What sort of shop is the Trader's Grotto?
Nov 25, 2016 8:23 pm
Trader's Grotto is actually the name of a cavern with a whole bunch of small shops
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