Character Creation and Session 0 questions

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Oct 4, 2021 9:04 am
Hi All. We will start as soon as have 4 players, but you could start making your chars already. Rules for creating:
1. Standard array only, average HP for levels 2 and 3.
2. Following sub-races not allowed: Human Variant, any "dragonmaked", i.e. "mark of" sub races from "Rising from the last war".
3. "Customized origin" is also not allowed.
4. No "AU" and other play-test, home brew or other non official materials

Open for any questions.
Oct 4, 2021 7:09 pm
Great! So characters begin at level 3? Just to confirm
Oct 4, 2021 7:59 pm
Yes. you start with lvl 3 char. you are no beginners and don't need time to choose subclass
Oct 4, 2021 8:36 pm
Name: Elrond Gracewill
Race and Class: half-elf sorcerer of Wild Magic. Level 3
Backstory: The wild magic surged through me at a young age. The small minded people of my even smaller town had never seen magic like this before, and it terrified them. I was cast away from my home. Banished as an adolescent for being a danger to everyone, for I could not control my natural gifts. I suspect the towns folk expected me to die in the wilderness, but instead, I have thrived
Last edited October 5, 2021 8:15 pm
Oct 5, 2021 3:00 am
Name: Bellow Banyan
Race and Class: Human Barbarian Zealot
Backstory: When civilization kept creeping in my people moved deeper into the forests. But I was called to teach the intruders the meaning of respect.

That icon is from a different character. I'll try to change it.
Last edited October 5, 2021 3:02 am
Oct 5, 2021 5:03 am
Does anyone plan on being a healer?
I’d like to play a rouge but I can be something else if that role really needs to be filled.
Oct 5, 2021 6:25 am
I've decided we could do first episode without finishing characters, it will give you more insight on type of the game I have in mind. So I will do Epilogue now and you could finish or change your chars afterwards.
Oct 5, 2021 3:23 pm
Would you like us to begin in the prologue forum, or will there be another one for our first in game post?
Oct 5, 2021 3:45 pm
Name:Phoenix Vey
Race and Class : Half-Drow Celestial Warlock
Backstory: Orphaned at a rather young age he was forced to live on the streets, struggling for survival, hated by all. It’s not surprising that he eventually turned to crime, giving in to the bitterness at the constant mistreatment. He becomes an assassin, and revels in his revenge against those who wronged him. Until one fateful encounter that shattered his beliefs, when he was offered a second chance. Now he struggles for a different reason, to make up for what he’s done.
Oct 5, 2021 3:50 pm
Once you all finish your initial character sheets and I approve them I will create "Day 1" thread. Meanwhile you are welcome to try to gather any information of your interest in Prologue thread by asking questions to Lilly. Or - who knows perhaps she will point to you other NPCs.
Oct 5, 2021 3:51 pm
Tenrec: Half-Drow is a variant race, isn't it? Sorry I don't allow variant rules.
Oct 5, 2021 4:01 pm
FYI the prologue thread has no option to post as a character. Only as a player
Oct 5, 2021 4:21 pm
TheFrenchNorth says:
FYI the prologue thread has no option to post as a character. Only as a player
I believe that is because you don't yet have an approved character in the maze runner game yet
Oct 5, 2021 5:18 pm
Name: Anguis 'Greg' Nessus
Race and Class: Fallen Aasimar Paladin oath of the crown

Backstory: Brought up in a cult of the great archdevil Asmodeus, he is rumoured to be the reincarnation of Gregory the scarlet diplomat (My old character), one of his generals, who was the founder of the now thriving cult. He's been raised as the 'royalty' of the cult, pampered and believes that the world should be handed to him on a silver platter.
Don't worry the dude is more of a silly pampered kid than a total edge lord. ^^
Last edited October 5, 2021 8:20 pm
Oct 5, 2021 5:26 pm
Gotcha, I’ll keep the regular half-elf rules then, but for flavor I’d like to keep the appearance if that’s cool.
Oct 5, 2021 5:53 pm
Tenrec says:
Gotcha, I’ll keep the regular half-elf rules then, but for flavor I’d like to keep the appearance if that’s cool.
Yes cool, I will try to remember that so that NPCs will treat you accordingly (persuasion checks will have higher DC for you, though intimidation may be lower) compared to human for example
Oct 5, 2021 6:04 pm
To All players: although you start at lvl 3 I suggest you come up with background that accord to a lvl 8. General himself, barbarian who slain Hydra, Sorcerer who stole ancient dragon treasure... that all fit this scenario. Your characters have once been lvl 8-10, but due to reasons not yet know have experienced what caused "level down to 3" and you will regain your former strength in a week of game time... if survive
Still I recommend to postpone those background details for now. I recommend you to develop them as you decide your level up choices
Oct 5, 2021 7:34 pm
Oki, noted, I will come up with something more as we lvl up
Oct 5, 2021 7:34 pm
Do we need to post our character pictures??
Oct 5, 2021 7:40 pm
Character pictures would be helpful, if you could do that by the moment you do first post once inside the maze
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