Character Creation and Session 0 questions

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Nov 15, 2021 11:25 pm
GreyWord says:
Could we agree that you have met the monk before and have carried you in, so you could introduce yourself jumping out of his clothes?
Haha, that sounds great!
Nov 16, 2021 7:28 am
somethingsomethingbirds1, Araklusta :
As a player you know your charactes have once been much strunger (lvl 8) but they woke up this morning in the cage feeling terrible and remembering nothing since they started their adventuring life (since lvl 3). You were brought into a poor settlement and escorted to a tent to have good sleep. They said it is usual to feel so terrible arriving here but you will be Ok my tomorrow).
Nevertheless an angel appeared in your tents. (you had each your won tent) and gave you a potion to drink (either you agree to do it or it had to focre you - it is up to you, but the potion had strange effect on you: now you feel good, but it paralysed you for a moment. Angel bacoma invisible and brought you through the portal into the maze (where you are now in the game). More over forced Clover to cast charm from a scroll on Lucas.
Anyhow - shortly after you joined the party you understand little of what is going on there. Except those words Angel told you:

You are now part of the team tasked to find chests with food and bring it back to the settlement. This is dangerous place to be in, but it is on a purpose. You shall prove you are strong and smart enough for the job or you shall perish. We believe in you. I wish you do
Dec 1, 2021 7:15 pm
Have my character mostly completed now. Thanx for having me. Just needs some starter info.. :)
Last edited December 1, 2021 7:17 pm
Dec 1, 2021 8:21 pm
GeneCortess, I will try to incorporate your character into story soon. I would like to ask you to read at least first few posts in Prologue your arrival is similar, though you will have some short-cut to join the rest of the company. It would be even better if you could quickly read whole thread.

If you choose Eldritch Knight you should choose 2 cantrips and 3 spells.
Dec 1, 2021 9:51 pm
Spells are done as well as more. I have some gear listed. Mostly just need to do some background writing & work with description and appearance. I suspect the character is good for starting now.

I have a picture also for him now.
Dec 3, 2021 5:29 am
I think my character is complete. Give it a look at let me know if I've missed something.
Dec 3, 2021 7:27 am
GeneCortess, Aldrusian, welcome! Please come to prologue thread we will do prologue with two of you while the main team finishes current scene.
Dec 4, 2021 10:54 pm
Winks. Next time I supply a bit more info with any check. LOL. Like. "Insight". Gotta love my horrible roll.
Mar 14, 2022 3:20 pm
I am interested in playing a lizardfolk life domain cleric (god: Sumuanya). I want to confirm that lizardfolk (as presented in Volo's Guide to Monsters) are allowed.

Another thing to confirm: when creating characters, we get the class and background starting equipment, correct?
Mar 14, 2022 3:27 pm
Yes and yes. You can't change ability scores (Your Constitution score increase by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.) as per optional rule in Tashas though.
I may be gifting you one magic item on top of starting gear to balance out with the base team (i.e. if the current team will be lucky enough to get their items you will also get some).
Mar 14, 2022 3:40 pm
@timplausible I may also quite willing to involve any PC deity into the story, but the way this deity is described I don't see any way I could involve yours
Semuanya was utterly amoral, uncaring, and unfeeling. He didn't even care much for the struggles of his own lizardfolk worshipers, let alone the issues of other beings, dismissing most of these as irrelevant to his greater concerns
So if you wish you could describe your own version of Semuanya that would allow deity to be somewhat involved your your PC destiny.
Mar 14, 2022 4:14 pm
Will you be lore - accurate cleric?

Cuz i have played one, was funny af.
Last edited March 14, 2022 4:16 pm
Mar 14, 2022 4:34 pm
GreyWord says:
@timplausible I may also quite willing to involve any PC deity into the story, but the way this deity is described I don't see any way I could involve yours
In the past, I have viewed Sumuanya as granting powers to lizardfolk clerics to aid in their personal and species survival, but beyond that, he ignores them. I wouldn't expect that Sumuanya to be involved in my character's destiny beyond kind of wanting him to survive.

With that said, it isn't too much of a tweak to change Sumuanya so that he is a bit more concerned about making sure lizardfolk survive and flourish, and thus more active in helping them do so. This variation may be trying to make my character into a powerful champion that can aid in the survival of the species. The ultimate character destiny would be to travel to different lizardfolk tribes when they are in need, aiding them, and also training the next generation of potential champions. Kind of like being a mortal avatar for Sumuanya.
Last edited March 14, 2022 5:08 pm
Mar 14, 2022 4:37 pm
Bubbles says:
Will you be lore - accurate cleric?

Cuz i have played one, was funny af.
Mostly. Given the party's situation in this game, that may not look much different than a typical life cleric. Best odds for personal survival rest on keeping the rest of the party alive. Making choices about how to distribute healing might be a bit more cold and calculating though.

One thing I enjoy about playing lizardfolk in play-by-post is the writing the cold, calculating inner monologue. His actions may support the party, but his thoughts about the party are much different than a typical character.
Last edited March 14, 2022 4:40 pm
Mar 14, 2022 5:06 pm
By way of introduction then, here's my character:

Name: Yoth (variation spelling for the draconic word that means "holy)

Class: Cleric (Life Domain)

Appearance: a green lizardman in chainmail armor. He carries a spear and a shield, and a mace hangs from his belt.

Personality: not much of one. Talks only as much as necessary. Lacks any discernable sense of humor.
Mar 15, 2022 8:18 am
@timplausible please fill in following in your charactersheet:
Total HP 0
Speed 0

I will also private message you some questions/clarifications regarding some minor things I am not sure I understand.
Mar 15, 2022 1:32 pm
I believe I have made all the updates and corrections now.
Mar 15, 2022 5:20 pm
Character approved. Now waiting for one more player to join and we could start with prologue for you.
Mar 16, 2022 5:36 pm
Hi GreyWord, I was thinking of running with a Feylost, wandering drifter-type paladin bugbear named Mal'i'Gott'.

He was abducted as a child by some fey creature, so he wasn't unduly influenced by evil. He is good, but I feel he is similar to maybe Jack Reacher, in terms of he is not tied down to one place, but is an unstoppable force when he finds an injustice that needs to be solved.

He is an Oath of the Watchers paladin, and he hunts fiends or evil fey that try to disrupt the balance of the environment around him at that point in time.

Let me know if this concept works for you.
Mar 16, 2022 9:26 pm
Having played Oath of the Watchers myself ... I can only support you on that.
I don't have access to "The Wild Beyond the Witchlight" - but you could have it as a background , but I will not try to involve that background into the story in any meaningful way.

P.S. Current team just killed one bugbear so may have some preoccupation. but that's not my call - ask it them :)
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