OOC and Setup

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May 10, 2022 6:23 pm
Poor Cody. He's already on the polices hitlist
May 10, 2022 8:02 pm
Alice is doing alright :D
May 10, 2022 10:54 pm
Guilt by association... Been there a few times. I'm sure Johnny will get grilled for a bit until they realize he wasn't even in town when all that happened.
May 11, 2022 1:49 am
Excuses! He's probably a secret serial killer
May 11, 2022 12:02 pm
Clearly Logan and Johnny should go into business as Part Hunters instead of Monster Hunters given those Notice Rolls!
May 11, 2022 1:40 pm
no kidding! They should have found Ramon's backup clue, with that :D

Pausing Alana for a bit to see what the boys get up to for the rest of the day.
May 13, 2022 4:51 am
The situation with Al is getting legit...well played.
May 13, 2022 6:40 am
I might also be getting Logan and Anna in trouble. Logan for not wanting to tell anyone about the body and Anna for telling them to fight a robot
May 13, 2022 6:48 am
I can see Logan getting into some trouble, more so than Anna. She sent us to check out Linda..and in the course of our investigation we fought the Lindroid.

I honestly see Cody getting into more trouble because of his rep and previous interaction with the police department.

No matter how it plays out, I still love this game!
May 13, 2022 7:02 am
I can see Logan getting into some trouble, more so than Anna. She sent us to check out Linda..and in the course of our investigation we fought the Lindroid.
Sure, but Al basically implied that Anna told them to fight the Lindroid, so she'll probably have at least some explaining to do 😄

I love causing chaos
May 13, 2022 2:28 pm
And Alana throws Logan right under the bus... 😂
May 13, 2022 10:27 pm
Next up for Alana might be a "Return to Oz" story complete with shock treatment 😬
May 14, 2022 10:12 am
Ironically, Alana needs to learn how to lie to adults, the very thing they accuse her of! This is Shakespearean, guys
May 14, 2022 10:56 am
@bowlofspinach there is the option of you playing Alice if you want, while Alana is more strictly watched?
May 14, 2022 1:07 pm
Can I still throw another Benny at it? Seems like an important roll
May 14, 2022 1:56 pm
It is unlikely that she doesn't get caught, to be honest. Even if she makes it past the door, they'll get her trying to get out of the house, two adults vs an 11 year old carrying a dog.
May 14, 2022 2:01 pm
Yea, that's true.

I'm not really interested in playing Alice, though. I'll think about it
May 14, 2022 4:58 pm
With Al's parents reacting so hostile from the get-go when she came forward with the information, there wasn't really another way for this to go, at least from Al's side. She's genuinely trying to do the right thing and keeps getting punished for it and she doesn't understand why.
Trying to run away was kind of her last resort at that point and I don't see that changing for her at the moment.
May 14, 2022 5:06 pm
Maybe it's just my character being too much of a mess in the long run, but currently I don't see any way for it to go where Al doesn't just get punished harsher and harsher every day until she gets chained up in the basement or something. There's just no communication happening in that house, only punishment.
And that's partially the fault of me making a character who's really bad at communicating
May 14, 2022 5:28 pm
I think children learn very quickly to omit details or lie, when they tell things to adults. You are playing Alana as if totally and utterly incapable of telling lies, which for me is more a trait pertaining to some pathologies. For some children with Asperger or Autistic traits it can be impossible to lie, and they may interpret things very literally, not understanding symbolic language, for instance. Telling lies is quite a sophisticated human interaction and negotiation, but IMHO most children are quite good at it, at least at a basic level. My two pennies.
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