Summer Gardens Mobile Village

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Jan 8, 2022 7:35 pm
"Eat this, sharkface!" Sasha challenges the trolling fish with its dorsal fin cresting the surface away from the luchador. She sqeezes off a short burst of three shots, aiming for the shark.
Last edited January 8, 2022 7:36 pm


Shoot M-16 - (1d10, RA)

(7) = 7

Wild Die - (1d6, RA)

(1) = 1

Damage AP 2 - (2d8, RA)

(865) = 19

Jan 8, 2022 7:39 pm
The shark's skull evaporates in the hail of lead. The water in the area becomes chunky salsa as the triangular fine slowly sinks out of sight, dead instantly but still swimming vaguely in some memory of nerve impulses.
Jan 8, 2022 7:47 pm
"Hot damn! Now aint that somethin'." He stands ready to shoot at the next threat, not to be outdone by a woman.
Jan 9, 2022 5:42 am
Dave climbs to his red wrestling-booted feet in the boat as the shots ring out, and he shouts encouragement as well. "Yeah! Take that, sharks! Sharks who can't jump like El Diablo Fuego and who can't shoot like the hot lady who just shot that one shark who never saw it coming! Yeah!"

It takes him a moment as he starts trying to untie the boat and fire it up, but he does end on a rhyme:

"Everyone get ready, we've got us a boat! We'll be livin' large if we can keep her afloat!"
Jan 9, 2022 6:04 am
Can we take it thru a drive-thru, El Fuego? I'm really hungry!
Jan 9, 2022 6:49 am
"Yeah kid, but hold your horses little dude! I get this boat working, we'll go for Krystal!"
NOLA's nasty answer to White Castle.
Jan 9, 2022 8:49 am
Stanley can't help but pump a fist in unexpected surprise at both the luchadore's success and the chick for blowing off the head of a shark. He was always an optimistic sort, and knew nothing too bad would happen to him personally, but he was starting to be optimistic about the rabble he had been mixed up with surviving as well. Maybe when this was all over he'd treat them to a nice (for them) buffet dinner. Nothing too expensive of course. "Nice work!" he calls to them. "Where should we head first after you pick us all up?"
Jan 9, 2022 3:55 pm
Dave unhooks the boat, and the engine is a simple push button ignition. It roars to 60 horsepowers of life.
[ +- ] Jim Bellman's Bass Boat
Jan 9, 2022 5:04 pm
"Don't that beat all. I think we're gonna make it. Hey y'all! Don't forget me over here now." Vern waves his gun just to make sure everyone can see him. He also wonders if he should swim back into the trailer and grab any memorabilia he might have.
Jan 9, 2022 5:18 pm
Cletus didn't understand why he wasn't the first to be picked up. Come on! He and El Fuego were the BEST of buds and he was picking up that lady who looked like her clothes had shrunk in the dryer!?!
Jan 10, 2022 12:34 am
Indeed, Diablo putters the boat over to the trailer Sasha is on, then he brings it to a stop, stands and makes a flourish with his hand, which he then offers to her.

"M'lady! Welcome aboard!"
Jan 10, 2022 1:04 am
Sasha accepts the large masked man's offer of a meaty hand to help steady her descent into the bass boat. "Thank you, El Diablo Fuego. By-the-way, nice dive there for the boat." She takes a hop (and a jiggle) the last step into the boat, then immediately tugs on the bottom of her too short and too tight tank top. Which only makes the fabric tighter over the swell of her breasts. "Let's grab the others and get to solid ground."
Jan 10, 2022 3:38 am
While waiting for the boat to arrive, Stanley gives Thelma a side-eye to see how well she is taking El Fuego oggling the new woman.
Jan 10, 2022 3:47 am
Vern grabs his wrench in his left-hand in case he needs to whack a shark at close range over the head, and in his right-hand he holds his shotgun. If pressed he can shoot it one-handed. He is very, very ready to get into the boat and be whisked to safety.
Last edited January 10, 2022 3:47 am
Jan 10, 2022 7:51 am
"Ay caramba," Dave mutters when there's suddenly a whole lotta jiggling and tugging going on in the boat. It is all very distracting. "You are even hotter up close! I am glad to meet you," he says, extending his hand to the mysterious woman again, formally. "I am -- El Diablo Fuego! Now once you are settled and comfortable, we'll get the others. Just give me the say-so!"
Pick 'em all up as fast as safely possible, maybe with Sasha scouting for sharkies. To Vern and Cletus first, then to Stan and Thelma. Thank you CherokeeWind, btw, for sending Dave to Sasha first. Because of course he would. :)
Jan 10, 2022 3:44 pm
Sasha gets on board, then Vern and Cletus. As Dave approaches Vern's trailer with Stanley and Thelma (who is clinging to the rich city man shamelessly, petting the fine material of his suit jacket), the water burbles and gurgles as the trailer shifts.

Notice checks from those not driving a boat please.
Jan 10, 2022 4:04 pm
"Hot damn, git on over here quick, El Diablo Fuego. She's gonna sink!" Vern's eyes go wide with fear. The idea of being gobbled by a shark terrifies him. He eyes the menacing water clutching his shotgun and wrench, ready to do battle with the tentacled sharks in case the trailer sinks and he plunges into the mouth of one of them.


Notice - (1d8, 1d6, RA)

1d8 : (1) = 1

1d6 : (61) = 7

Jan 10, 2022 5:06 pm
Is the wild dice always a 1d6 no matter what value the first die cast is?
@Harrington , thanks for being a good sport as I really overstepped. I should have waited to see your response but I amused myself too much by imaging Cletus ' little mouth hanging open in disbelief. He just doesn't understand that a man has to have priorities! ;)
Cletus felt the rumble under his feet. Eyes widened, It wasn't me, Vern! I swear! I didn't touch nothin'"


Notice - (1d4, RA)

(1) = 1

Wild dice - (1d6, RA)

(1) = 1

Jan 10, 2022 5:28 pm
That's right, the Wild Die is always a d6.
Jan 10, 2022 8:23 pm
Extending her free hand, after settling in to the boat, Sasha instinctively offers the big guy a fist bump, but instead gives his huge hand a quick shake, as their quick awkward moment looks like a game of rock-paper-scissors. "Sasha." She returns the formal introduction. "Best shot in the whole region." She adds as Dave turns the boat and maneuvers over to pick up Cletus and Vern.

She adjusts her position and brings the assault rifle around noticing the janky way the trailer is moving. "That trailer is gonna go."
Last edited January 10, 2022 8:29 pm


Notice - (1d6+2, RA)

(2) + 2 = 4

Wild Die - (1d6, RA)

(661) = 13

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