Recruiting Gods for a Sundered Land

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OpenSundered Land (PbtAish)Public2 / dayvagueGM
(This game is to test out the new feature where the public can comment on games they are 'not in'. It uses The Sundered Land --an inverted game of one player and many GMs-- by the Bakers, of PbtA fame.)

I'm a warrior seeking peace and an end to bloodshed. I'm on a pilgrimage to the Temple to No Gods in the distant City of Gulls. My pilgrimage has brought me to [a random, bad place], inhabited by [random enemies]. My goal is to pass safely through and continue my pilgrimage.

You, my friends online, play the world. Your goal is to see me to my doom, instead of safely on my way. You're allowed only to directly answer my direct questions, though, so you might not be able to do it.

The rules:
1. Only answer my questions.
2. If you don't already know the answer, make something up.
3. Keep your answers short.
4. If your answer is disruptive, I'm allowed to delete it.
5. Otherwise, I have to go with the first answer somebody gives.

Jan 20, 2022 6:08 pm
This is an experiment to see how the 'Comment on Public Games' feature works.

You guys get to answer the questions posed to you and dictate my fate. Be merciful... or not, I am in your power.
Last edited January 20, 2022 7:50 pm
Jan 20, 2022 6:29 pm
Sort of like a choose-your-own-adventure book in RPG form? Like, you'll be asking us "I ran into a canyon on my journey and must cross, what should I do?"
Jan 20, 2022 6:30 pm
So it's kinda like one player (you) and lots of GMs?
Jan 20, 2022 6:33 pm
Yes to both. :)
Lots of random unknown GMs!!

The GMs can only answer my questions, though, and are sorta trying to kill me. I need to phrase the questions such that they don't just declare me dead, but sometimes "Do I die?" is the only valid question I have, so I need to rely on the gods mercy... Death need not be the end, but the game can be short.
Jan 20, 2022 6:34 pm
If anyone else want to be the player, we can arrange that. Probably best after I die... um, I mean, get the City of Gulls and reach peace.
Jan 20, 2022 6:47 pm
How detailed and descriptive are the answers supposed to be?
Jan 20, 2022 6:53 pm
Adam says:
How detailed and descriptive are the answers supposed to be?
About along the lines of the ones we have been getting so far. [ref] [ref]
Since I am supposed to take the first answer, spending too much time writing complicated ones generally means you get scooped.
I have changed that rule before, sometimes the GMs want to collaborate and we take the best, or most voted answer.
Jan 20, 2022 7:07 pm
Though it may break you record of "only doing DnD" if you accidentally "GM in a PbtA-adjacent game". :)
Jan 21, 2022 7:43 am
It might be worth marking this as open for applications, just so people can see that it's open for participation from the tavern.

This mini-game is a lot of fun, and brilliant for drop-in, drop-out, no-commitment, RPG itch-scratching.

Bored? Have five minutes to spare? Read the thread, and make a post.

Instructions for people who are as clueless as me.
0. There's no game to join.
1. You read this thread to see our hero's predicament and the latest question posed.
2. If nobody has answered the latest question, then you post your answer here.
Jan 21, 2022 3:32 pm
Adam says:
It might be worth marking this as open for applications, just so people can see that it's open for participation from the tavern.
I toyed with 'opening' it, but figured I would give this a try this way. Part of the point is that you don't need to join the game to play along, and I don't want people feeling they need to apply.

(I have found a way to set the number of character sheets to 0, but not to set the number of players to 0. Solo games actually have 0 'players' by the definitions of the site, so 0 is a valid number.)
Jan 21, 2022 3:33 pm
I have set it to open. Let's see if that makes a difference.

If anyone else wants to run their own Doomed Pilgrim, speak up here. You can then join and I can help you get going.

The rules are all on one page (spread).

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