Squadfather44 says:
What's up with the die roller? I don't think I've made a roll since we started.
Agreed - I think all of your rolls for some reason have been really low so far. They're bound to come around, but it certainly feels like the dice gods are ganging up on you.
RageRed says:
C1NDER says:
Hi Rage! Yes, I can include them in the roll if you'd like -
The current initiative order does make use of your modifiers, though I can see what it might look otherwise.
I assure you I took your +5 initiative bonus into consideration (and everyone else's, including the enemy's), I just rolled the flat 1d20's in quick sequence and added the modifiers manually.
Yeah. I know, but 6 looks better than 1, even if it is still on the bottom of the list. ;p
From now on, I'll not only roll with the modifiers included, but I will also include the total result in the initiative chart :)