Out of Character (OOC)

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Jan 29, 2022 12:10 pm
A place for us to discuss things outside the game.
Feb 2, 2022 9:33 pm
Welcome everyone! For a quick breakdown, here's what we have for our party - I think it's a really strong mix of characters:

- Equinox - Human Medium
- RageRed - Human Slayer
- annex - Human Sorcerer
- squadfather - Paladin
- LoudKid - Shaman

Feel free to post here and in the character creation thread. I will be using polls for various things throughout the campaign - please vote in the first one, found in the 'Polls' subforum.

Thank you all for your interest in the game and I hope we'll have a really great time! I am by no means a rules expert, so please don't hesitate as we maneuver through everything, to let me know if I might be off the mark. I may still rule to do things different, but I encourage any and all feedback.
Feb 2, 2022 11:09 pm
No problem, thanks for sending me an invite. I'm looking forward to gaming with everyone.
Feb 2, 2022 11:28 pm
Very glad to be here! Happy gaming, all!
Feb 3, 2022 12:45 am
Thanks for having me! Excited to play a more intrigue-focused game, and I think PbP will actually lend itself better to that, so I'm hopeful we'll have a good time. I'm a tiny bit concerned by the lack of a trapfinder, but it shouldn't be game-breaking. I'm gonna go keep filling out my sheet and brainstorm for pre-fugue background.
Last edited February 3, 2022 12:46 am
Feb 3, 2022 7:48 am
Yeah, this should be a lot of fun. I've read through all 6 of the campaign books and it tells a really exciting story that will have you guys going all over the place and running into some crazy stuff.

Trapfinding can be worked around :) As you learn where your strengths and weaknesses are as a group, more things might pop up too, but that's part of the fun. Wand of Trapfinding is always an option. And there is at least one spell and trait that allows disable device to work on magical traps. I will also say, while there are areas with traps, this campaign is not littered with them.
Feb 4, 2022 10:00 am
Me, my wife, and the kids all have come down with Covid the last 2 days. My post rate may be down for the next few days.

I still hope to get through the character sheets and backgrounds over the weekend.
Feb 4, 2022 10:07 am
Oh NO! That sucks. Feel better.
Feb 4, 2022 10:49 am
Mild symptoms and quick recovery to all of you!
Feb 4, 2022 4:46 pm
Oof. That sucks man. Wishing you the best.
Feb 4, 2022 5:56 pm
No worries, get better. I feel your pain, Covid hit my house last month.
Feb 4, 2022 6:11 pm
Squadfather44 says:
No worries, get better. I feel your pain, Covid hit my house last month.
I hope y'all are ok.
Feb 4, 2022 6:25 pm
annex says:
Squadfather44 says:
No worries, get better. I feel your pain, Covid hit my house last month.
I hope y'all are ok.
We are doing better. Thanks!
Feb 5, 2022 12:29 am
@ C1NDER, Feel better, man.
Feb 5, 2022 9:26 am
Thanks everyone!

I've messaged most of you about your characters so far. Very little to do on characters sheets before approval. Backgrounds are looking good!

@annex - I'll prioritize looking over your sheet once you submit it.

This is a truly great cast of characters, I can't wait to see how things play out :D
Feb 5, 2022 5:58 pm
I'll have that up in a few hours.
Feb 5, 2022 8:34 pm
Submitted. Still needs some work, though.
Last edited February 5, 2022 8:44 pm
Feb 5, 2022 9:21 pm
Excellent! I'll look over it sometime today.
Feb 5, 2022 10:08 pm
annex sent a note to C1NDER
Feb 9, 2022 3:21 am
Everything's looking great everyone!

I hope to have our first in-game thread up within a few days, just waiting on one file character approval.

In the meantime, please check out the Safety Tools thread and give any feedback there you'd like before we dive into things :D
Feb 17, 2022 9:40 am
LoudKid asked me how I'd like to handle knowledge rolls for monster lore in this game.

I think after we clear this initial encounter, what I will do is place the basic results in a spoiler tag up front when the creature presents itself. In the spoiler tag I will place the required knowledge skill and its DC. Any character that meets or exceeds the DC when they post can 'know' the information. Particularly high rolls may earn additional knowledge that I will provide thereafter.

This will be on an honor system of course. I recommend not reading the spoiler if you don't succeed at the roll, but if you do, the hidden information may not be used in a way that gives the group an unearned advantage. I do not suspect that would be an issue here :)

PbP is a great medium, but most would agree combat can get a bit slow at times - I am a big fan of finding ways to reduce unnecessary back-and-forth, particularly during combat, and I think this will do the trick.

It'll look something like this, using a Centaur as an example:
[ +- ] Monster Lore - Knowledge (Nature), DC 13
Mar 11, 2022 5:54 pm
I am formulating a post, will have it up asap
Mar 20, 2022 9:11 pm
Its my wife's and my anniversary weekend, so posting is sporadic.

Get any other planning posts you guys can/want, otherwise when I'm able to sit down I plan to move the group north to the next thing worth noting and narrating you successfully moving the body inside.
Mar 20, 2022 9:40 pm
Happy anniversary!
Mar 20, 2022 9:49 pm
Happy Anniversary!
Mar 20, 2022 10:18 pm
Happy Anniversary!
Mar 21, 2022 7:07 am
Happy Anniversary, my friend!
Mar 22, 2022 11:09 pm
Thank you, everyone! Had to go back to work today (boo!) but only for half a day (YAY!)

Posting pretty much back to normal now though. Sorry about the confusion on the lighting. Also I should have introduced the room description along with the option to do the 10-minute search - that basically required an extra post back and forth that was unnecessary. I'll try better to eliminate those types of things as we progress.
Mar 25, 2022 8:09 pm
Apologies. In bed with a nasty tropical virus. Mosquitoes are NOT our friends! But at least it wasn't covid, and I'm feeling better.
I'll most likely be sleeping a lot over the next few days thanks to The Good Drugs so coherent posting may be out.
Mar 25, 2022 8:15 pm
annex says:
Apologies. In bed with a nasty tropical virus. Mosquitoes are NOT our friends! But at least it wasn't covid, and I'm feeling better.
I'll most likely be sleeping a lot over the next few days thanks to The Good Drugs so coherent posting may be out.
No worries! Glad you're feeling better. Incoherent posting might fit well for Axon ;)
Mar 30, 2022 10:02 am
I'm going to give LoudKid another few hours to post, then get this moved forward. Anyone else is welcome to post any additional actions until then.
Mar 31, 2022 12:32 am
Hey guys. To be succinct: I was in a bad car accident and have been in and out of surgery since the middle of last week through the weekend. Just got a new phone to post with. I'll catch up with the main thread and post later.
Mar 31, 2022 1:09 am
The horror that is RL.
I'm glad the accident wasn't worse! Mend well!
Mar 31, 2022 7:52 am
That's terrible to hear. I'm really glad you're healing up and hope all the surgeries go/went well. I deal a lot with car accidents in my line of work and know how devestating they can be. Take your time catching up, we'll be here when you're ready.
Apr 10, 2022 1:05 am
Should I roll for the potion or wait on the GM?
Apr 10, 2022 4:23 am
In most cases, I don't mind who rolls it - probably usually the person adminstering or drinking the potion. In this case, let me get my post together and I'll handle it.

I might post for Iosef, as I think he telegraphed what he would be doing once the group was back together. Razhel may get one or both potions, depending on Iosef's results
Apr 10, 2022 6:07 pm
Shit, has it been 3 days already? I've been sleeping a lot because of the pain meds. I'm sorry guys. Yeah, channeling and using potions would be what I'd have done. I'll try and check back in more often.
Apr 10, 2022 6:14 pm
Approximately, yeah. The post rate is set to 3/week, which is closer to 1 post every 2-3 days. It's not a big deal, we all know you were healing up from the accident. I did what I did mostly because we were at a bottleneck and two of the players were kinda locked out AND you had indicated to some extent what you planned to do once Grim came back.

Anything I do of that nature will always be in the interest in keeping a steady pace in the game. PbP games that lose momentum die, in my experience, and I'm too damn excited to see you guys take this adventure on to let that happen :D

@ All - As always, please let me know if there's anything I can do better.
Apr 14, 2022 7:45 am
Why is the current scene suddenly reminding me of the blood-in-the-Petrie-dish scene from The Thing?
Apr 14, 2022 7:50 am
RageRed says:
Why is the current scene suddenly reminding me of the blood-in-the-Petrie-dish scene from The Thing?
Nice, comparison..lol
Apr 14, 2022 8:58 am
RageRed says:
Why is the current scene suddenly reminding me of the blood-in-the-Petrie-dish scene from The Thing?
Hah! Hey, if I'm even remotely channeling The Thing with this game, I'll take it.
Apr 16, 2022 10:55 am
I couldn't help but picture Pippin grabbing the Palantir...
Apr 27, 2022 3:41 am
We're gonna have to start killing every injured person we come across. Better terrified than teriyaki. :P
Seriously though... While I'd love to engage full murder hobo, I guess we'll just have to be extra careful going forward with injured 'people'.
Apr 27, 2022 4:17 am
Eh, maybe ;) it is worth noting that both you have now fought were sussed out by good checks.

There are, and will be, better ways to identify them, some of which I leave up to you to figure out.
Apr 30, 2022 4:46 am
Funny enough, I was telling a friend yesterday how much I dislike crit confirmation. :P
Apr 30, 2022 4:50 am
Yeah, I'm not the biggest fan of it myself. It feels rare enough to roll within the threat range that it feels deflating when it doesnt confirm.

This is something I'm open to homebrewing if there's enough interest.
Apr 30, 2022 4:52 am
*raises hand*
Apr 30, 2022 5:08 am
I often forget which is which, playing and running games in both PF 1 and D&D 5e.
Apr 30, 2022 8:46 pm
I agree. The crit confirm roll has always been my least favorite mechanic in PF 1st ed. This is especially true in pbp, as it is sometimes near impossible to roll two really good attack rolls in a row.
May 1, 2022 10:30 pm
The Dice Gods want us to die. :|
May 1, 2022 11:42 pm
Yeah idk what is going on lol it'll turn around next round though...right?
May 2, 2022 12:26 am
Yup. It'll make a 360, that's what it'll do. :P
May 2, 2022 8:34 pm

For future Initiative rolls, could you add each PC's Initiative bonus to their roll? Not doing so, nullifies Razhel's Dex bonus and the extra +2 she gets for a Trait.
May 2, 2022 9:02 pm
Hi Rage! Yes, I can include them in the roll if you'd like -

The current initiative order does make use of your modifiers, though I can see what it might look otherwise.

I assure you I took your +5 initiative bonus into consideration (and everyone else's, including the enemy's), I just rolled the flat 1d20's in quick sequence and added the modifiers manually.
May 2, 2022 9:36 pm
What's up with the die roller? I don't think I've made a roll since we started.
May 2, 2022 9:46 pm
C1NDER says:
Hi Rage! Yes, I can include them in the roll if you'd like -

The current initiative order does make use of your modifiers, though I can see what it might look otherwise.

I assure you I took your +5 initiative bonus into consideration (and everyone else's, including the enemy's), I just rolled the flat 1d20's in quick sequence and added the modifiers manually.
Yeah. I know, but 6 looks better than 1, even if it is still on the bottom of the list. ;p
May 2, 2022 10:08 pm
Squadfather44 says:
What's up with the die roller? I don't think I've made a roll since we started.
Agreed - I think all of your rolls for some reason have been really low so far. They're bound to come around, but it certainly feels like the dice gods are ganging up on you.
RageRed says:
C1NDER says:
Hi Rage! Yes, I can include them in the roll if you'd like -

The current initiative order does make use of your modifiers, though I can see what it might look otherwise.

I assure you I took your +5 initiative bonus into consideration (and everyone else's, including the enemy's), I just rolled the flat 1d20's in quick sequence and added the modifiers manually.
Yeah. I know, but 6 looks better than 1, even if it is still on the bottom of the list. ;p
From now on, I'll not only roll with the modifiers included, but I will also include the total result in the initiative chart :)
May 3, 2022 3:30 am
I'll be traveling for the next 3 days, then I have a kid's birthday to prep for on short notice. I will try to get in some posts where I can, but might be sporadic until about Sunday.
May 3, 2022 3:32 am
Have a good trip and a happy surprising surprise party!
May 11, 2022 5:53 am
Hey guys, I feel I owe it to all of you to apologize for my frequent absences. I'm genuinely sorry for my posting attendance, and I'm going to make sure to check the thread at least every other day from now on. I hope there's no hard feelings, but it's completely understandable for me dragging down the pace. I look forward to continuing the game with you all.
Last edited May 11, 2022 5:58 am
May 11, 2022 6:49 am
No hard feelings. On with the gaming!
May 11, 2022 7:58 am
Yes, game on! Glad all is well, LoudKid :)
May 15, 2022 4:43 am
Razhel has the masterwork dagger with the serrated blade that the last doppelganger attacked with.
May 15, 2022 4:47 am
RageRed says:
Razhel has the masterwork dagger with the serrated blade that the last doppelganger attacked with.
Awesome, I'll mark it down, thanks for the reminder.

For your reference, it is made of alchemical silver, which will allow it to bypass certain Damage Resistance. It also gives +1 to attack rolls.
May 16, 2022 3:42 am
If people are okay with it, flavor-wise I'd imagine Iosef would help by carting around the unclaimed loot in the haversack. If anyone wants anything from it that he hasn't claimed, he'd freely give it. If this is cool with you guys: do you need me to add the items to my spreadsheet, GM, or are we good with party hammerspace?
Last edited May 16, 2022 3:43 am
May 16, 2022 4:24 am
I'm good with party hammerspace.
May 16, 2022 5:04 am
However you guys want to manage that, that's okay with me. I will still keep my running list of loot as I've been doing. I'd say, add it to your individual sheet IF your character is making use the item individually.
May 26, 2022 7:57 pm
GM, could you perhaps put the contents of the journal up here or in the loot thread for the whole party to read? Iosef did pass it out last night in-game.
May 26, 2022 8:40 pm
LoudKid says:
GM, could you perhaps put the contents of the journal up here or in the loot thread for the whole party to read? Iosef did pass it out last night in-game.
Yes, I'll do that in this instance.

My intention in these sorts of matters is to allow someone who becomes aware of private knowledge to know the exact contents, while giving them the option to interpret and share that information in the manner they see fit. I find the reader's (Player's) interpretation of things like this can lead to powerful RP and story moments.

There is a difference, for example, in that Iosef interpreted the 'stranger with strange eyes' in the journal to possibly be Razhel, while Axon passed on this idea, believing the role to be outside of Razhel's general character.

As we progress, its possible some of you may become aware of things that are not even available for others to experience directly. How the player/character interprets and shares that information may greatly impact the story and relationships between characters. Examples being knowledge leading to moments of epiphany as something they didn't previously deem worth sharing suddenly is granted importance, or learning something about another character's past before they themselves know of it - might it hurt or benefit them to know that information? What it was interpreted incorrectly?

I guess long story short, I'd prefer to see the character's interpretation of private information relayed as they interpret it through dialogue to others, with the character choosing to share what they deem worth sharing. That versus, 'I share with the others what I learned' as a blanket means of doing so.

In this instance, I will add a summary of main points of the journal for Razhel and Grim, as a stand-in for the conversation you would have had this morning.
May 26, 2022 8:57 pm
OK, boss. I can work with that.
May 26, 2022 9:27 pm
Sounds like a plan.
May 28, 2022 1:35 am
I tend to agree with that perspective for things like knowledge checks. Just saying this is a physical journal that anyone can read. Iosef passed it to the party with the intent that they would read it and make their own conclusions. I guess I wasn't clear with that intent.
May 28, 2022 4:18 am
LoudKid says:
I tend to agree with that perspective for things like knowledge checks. Just saying this is a physical journal that anyone can read. Iosef passed it to the party with the intent that they would read it and make their own conclusions. I guess I wasn't clear with that intent.
Okay cool. We're on the same page.
May 28, 2022 6:08 pm
Hey, C1NDER! How do you get the NPC pics into posts? I'd love to do that in my games.
May 30, 2022 6:13 am
Oops, sorry - forgot to come back and respond here.

It's a formatting option, you just need to have the URL for the portrait.

The coding is (without the space after the first bracket):

[ npc=nameofnpc]https://gamersplane.com/ucp/avatars/2466.jpg[/npc]

If you use a customer sheet for your GM persona, you can build a library of snippets into your sheet and plug them in real quick and easy wherever you need them.
May 30, 2022 6:36 am
I'll try it out, thanks!
May 31, 2022 9:56 pm
I've been sick a couple days. Nothing major, but it's had me out of sorts. I'll have an update on here as soon as I can, hopefully by the end of the day.
May 31, 2022 11:01 pm
Rest and regenerate and put off describing how horribly I've messed up with that horrid Diplomacy roll, monstrous shadow, and disastrous light show.
May 31, 2022 11:25 pm
C1NDER says:
I've been sick a couple days. Nothing major, but it's had me out of sorts. I'll have an update on here as soon as I can, hopefully by the end of the day.
No worries, get better.
Jun 2, 2022 5:26 am
I really wanted to help that patient. :(
Jun 2, 2022 5:45 am
annex says:
I really wanted to help that patient. :(
There will be more opportunities ahead ๐Ÿ˜
Jun 6, 2022 9:04 am
I am drawing a blank trying to think of questions to ask Winter.
Jun 6, 2022 9:30 am
That's fair, I'll leave it open for a little while longer though. I think the biggest things you don't know about, which she probably does, surround the hospital & its fall into chaos (monsters? earthquakes? nightmares?) and looking forward to what's next (why don't they just leave? how much longer can they last on their supplies?)

I leave it up to you whether your characters would care to ask any of these things, of course.

You will absolutely be able to return and ask further questions of her later, so long as she remains friendly towards you.
Jun 11, 2022 7:49 am
Things we still have to assign before we go back out...
- Masterwork Chain Shirt (250gp)
- Potion of Virtue (25gp)
- +1 Dagger
- Phylactery of Faithfulness
- Masterwork Dagger
Jun 12, 2022 1:14 am
Grim is ready to move on an check those other rooms first, I guess.
Jun 12, 2022 7:13 am
I agree that some more attention should be given to the gear that's being found and if it might have a use in staying alive, it's probably a good idea to have someone claim it that might be able to use it. This adventure doesn't allow for any kind of traditional shopping and relies on making use of found gear/items (and a tad bit of goodwill from this group of survivors).

As for exploration - pick a door, any door! (let me know which area you want to explore next specifically, and I'll get a post up.
Jun 12, 2022 11:06 am
How many masterwork daggers were in the room with Oathday? Rachel kept the dagger that doppelganger attacked the group with. Which I assumed was the masterwork dagger.
Jun 12, 2022 11:36 am
Grim has taboos against wearing the armor, disdains religious items, and prefers weapons that do more damage and don't require such closeness to be effective.
Jun 12, 2022 6:14 pm
There was one masterwork dagger, and one +1 dagger. (Masterwork gives +1 attack, +1 gives to attack AND damage)

There was also the silver masterwork dagger from a prior room, which might be helpful if there is something weak to silver.
Jun 13, 2022 2:39 am
The inclusion of these items does scream that we'll need them, especially something silvered.
With Axon's horrible melee stats, he's definitely not the one to wield anything stabby, and he can't wear armour.
That leaves the Potion of Virtue and the Phylactery of Faithfulness.
The Potion should probably go to a front liner since even 1 temp HP can save a life.
I could use the Phylactery to ensure interacting with something won't turn me chaotic evil or worse... lawful good. I'll take the Phylactery.
Jun 13, 2022 5:57 am
annex says:
The inclusion of these items does scream that we'll need them, especially something silvered.
With Axon's horrible melee stats, he's definitely not the one to wield anything stabby, and he can't wear armour.
That leaves the Potion of Virtue and the Phylactery of Faithfulness.
The Potion should probably go to a front liner since even 1 temp HP can save a life.
I could use the Phylactery to ensure interacting with something won't turn me chaotic evil or worse... lawful good. I'll take the Phylactery.
Jul 1, 2022 6:43 pm
I've got covid. :( Nothing serious but I may not be as active as usual.
Jul 1, 2022 6:58 pm
annex says:
I've got covid. :( Nothing serious but I may not be as active as usual.
That's terrible :( sorry to hear that, annex. Take care of yourself, hope you're able to get some rest and get better soon.
Jul 17, 2022 7:38 am
We've still got a few magic items to divvy up.
If no one wants the +1 dagger, I'll take it as backup but I still think a frontliner should wield it and the masterwork dagger.
Plus I can't help eyeing that Eye of Horrific Insight circling Iosef's head. :P
Jul 17, 2022 8:11 am
I think the only person that can make use of the MW Chain Shirt is Razhel, giving her +1 AC but giving her an armor check penalty of -1 (to athletics, swim, acrobatics, etc.).

Grim has a sort of anathema to any armor that has an armor check penalty. Worth noting the armor Razhel currently wears has 0 penalty and would give Grim +1 to AC.

Razhel having the MW silver dagger is great, in case we run onto something that has weakness to silver.

Someone should swap out any regular dagger they have for either the MW or the +1 version. Might as well, its a slight boost to hit and/or dmg.

Iosef is happy to carry the backpack and hold unclaimed loot, and to swap out anything he's using if someone else wants to make use of it.

Does Axon want a floating eyeball in front of his forehead for a bit? :)
Jul 17, 2022 5:41 pm
In the People and Places threads I noticed Zandulus's mentor is listed as unknown. I believe the notes Razhel read said Losandro was his mentor.
Jul 17, 2022 6:41 pm
He had been a promising protรฉgรฉ of a doctor from a place called the Sincomakti School of Sciences out of Rozenport. After returning from a venture with that doctor, Ulver Zandalus began suffering terrifying nightmares and lost many facets of his mental functions, including his ability to speak. He was checked into Briarstone and has been under the direct care of one of the asylum's head doctors, Eliege Losandro
That was my bad, sorry. I can see how that gets blurred in the way I wrote it, but I did intend to differentiqte between the two doctors.

Zandalus was placed in the care of Losandro here at Briarstone BY the mentor/doctor from the school in Rozenport after Zandalus went loopy.
Jul 29, 2022 7:40 pm
Welp! I got us into this. It's fitting I should get mauled. :P :(
Jul 29, 2022 8:07 pm
:) Certainly not your fault. There is death behind all doors!

fwiw - Here's the breakdown of the 'Grappled' condition (which both Axon and the Nightgaunt both now have)

Grappled: A grappled creature is restrained by a creature, trap, or effect. Grappled creatures cannot move and take a โ€“4 penalty to Dexterity. A grappled creature takes a โ€“2 penalty on all attack rolls and combat maneuver checks, except those made to grapple or escape a grapple. In addition, grappled creatures can take no action that requires two hands to perform. A grappled character who attempts to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability must make a concentration check (DC 10 + grapplerโ€™s CMB + spell level), or lose the spell. Grappled creatures cannot make attacks of opportunity.

A grappled creature cannot use Stealth to hide from the creature grappling it, even if a special ability, such as hide in plain sight, would normally allow it to do so. If a grappled creature becomes invisible, through a spell or other ability, it gains a +2 circumstance bonus on its CMD to avoid being grappled, but receives no other benefit.

Casting Spells while Grappled/Grappling: The only spells which can be cast while grappling or pinned are those without somatic components and whose material components (if any) you have in hand. Even so, you must make a concentration check (DC 10 + the grapplerโ€™s CMB + the level of the spell youโ€™re casting) or lose the spell.
Aug 1, 2022 10:54 pm
As a lifelong Lovecraft cultist, I was perfectly happy for death by night-gaunt.
As an invested player, I'm hoping this shed contains healing potions for poor Axon. :P
Aug 2, 2022 8:56 pm
Iosef will siphon his health to Axon :D

My priority at this moment is getting a post up here, but work has me swamped - it may be a few hours but its coming!

Great job everyone on that fight though, seriously. Based on the Paizo message boards, that encounter has been responsible for a fair number of player character deaths.
Aug 2, 2022 9:51 pm
Axon will be referring the life gift once we get back inside.

Those crits saved my/our bacon!

No rush. I'm just glad Axon is still alive. :P
Last edited August 2, 2022 9:52 pm
Aug 5, 2022 2:02 am
I added a bunch of entries and detail to our list of People (NPC's), with some reminders of how you met them and what your interactions have been. I'll work on making it look a little more readable and update it as we go. There have been a lot of names thrown at you guys and this might help everyone remember who's who as we play.

Please let me know if I'm missing anyone or if there's an interesting detail about someone you think should be added.
Sep 18, 2022 9:44 am
I'll be working in fear rolls more frequently as we press on. I'm still working out specifics on how I'm going to handle DC's and things of that nature, but for now I'll keep them limited to some of the more unnatural/otherworldly/paranormal creatures and hazards.
Sep 19, 2022 9:38 pm
This surprise round sure surprised us. Looks like the only one not surprised is the undead. :P
Sep 25, 2022 4:48 am
I'll give @Squadfather44 another day or so to post before I move us forward.
Nov 15, 2022 4:28 pm
I didn't want to tie up the In-Character thread with this question. Does anyone in the group use a shortsword?
Nov 15, 2022 7:11 pm
I think Grim claimed the sword and intends to use it (he added it to his sheet)
Nov 16, 2022 2:11 am
Hi, peeps! I'm going to be painfully busy until the 30th juggling multiple projects. I hope I won't have to totally disappear but please feel free to autopilot me if necessary. Apologies.
Nov 17, 2022 5:54 am
No worries, thanks for the heads-up, annex!
Nov 26, 2022 12:04 am
Am I losing my mind? I thought that I saw where someone was suggesting checking the last door to the west before settling in for a long rest, but now I don't see it.
Nov 26, 2022 12:10 am
Equinox says:
Am I losing my mind? I thought that I saw where someone was suggesting checking the last door to the west before settling in for a long rest, but now I don't see it.
"Our brains deliberately make us forget things, to prevent insanity." - HPL
Nov 26, 2022 8:21 am
Equinox says:
Am I losing my mind? I thought that I saw where someone was suggesting checking the last door to the west before settling in for a long rest, but now I don't see it.
I didn't see it, but all is good. I was waiting for people to call out shifts and for a response to a PM about something.

If nobody has a preference, I'll randomize shifts.

I was holding on for a moment, but now is a great time to...

LEVEL UP! Everyone attains level 3, please adjust your sheets accordingly while I get a post together for the overnight stay in the records room.
Nov 26, 2022 10:49 pm
I've updated Razhel's sheet. The poor HPs suck, but those are the breaks I guess.
Nov 27, 2022 7:27 am
I'm still swamped but I'll hopefully have Axon updated by Sunday night.
Dec 29, 2022 6:06 am
Hi everyone! If you'd like to post sooner, please do, but I plan on kicking things back into gear next Monday, 1/2/23. See you in the new year!

@annex how's the healing going?
Dec 29, 2022 1:51 pm
Slowly. Casts come off Jan 27th, then physio.
Yay for more exploration and insanity and exploration of insanity!
Jan 14, 2023 7:55 pm
Speaking of evil, magic, and rats...
Witch whistle made from a ratโ€™sย paw
Jan 17, 2023 9:11 am
Thanks, I hate it! lol
Feb 10, 2023 8:03 am
I realize none of your PC's can succeed at a Knowledge roll to identify a Dhole, and its not really intended that you would. BUT, for you the players:


Feb 10, 2023 2:36 pm
As a proud Cultist, I most assuredly know what a dhole is... and I'm glad Axon doesn't. :P
Feb 10, 2023 6:48 pm
It's outside the scope of our AP (at least as-written), but the suggestion is that whatever is plaguing the dreams of those in Briarstone are doing the same to this creature, long dormant under the island. That is the reason for the earthquakes that have destroyed the asylum. It's a fun explanation for it.
Feb 10, 2023 7:22 pm
C1NDER says:
It's outside the scope of our AP (at least as-written), but the suggestion is that whatever is plaguing the dreams of those in Briarstone are doing the same to this creature, long dormant under the island. That is the reason for the earthquakes that have destroyed the asylum. It's a fun explanation for it.
Yup, that's what I got, too. Scary.
Feb 19, 2023 1:48 pm
Just a heads up, I'm on a family vacation this week. I still plan to post, but if I'm slow to respond I apologize.
Feb 19, 2023 7:44 pm
Yeah. I'm on a vacation week too, but I'll still be around. I can't afford to go to carnival.
Mar 31, 2023 1:23 am
Hi everyone! Checking in - I know our pace has slowed a little in the last month. I've been somewhat ok with that because of SquadFather saying he was going to be gone for a few weeks, but its now been over a month and he still hasn't returned. I sent a DM to him more than a week ago and he hasn't replied.

I'm happy to keep running Elias and Ioseph, but I don't think that's viable long term (one yes, but two feels awkward). If SquadFather doesn't come back soon and you all want to keep going I would consider looking for at least one new player to take over Elias.

I don't think the game is conducive to bringing brand new PC's in and would keep that as a last resort, due to so much hinging on the amnesia / lost memories of the core group.

What do you think? How are you all feeling with the game? Are you happy to continue going with it?
Mar 31, 2023 1:59 am
I'm definitely here for the Lovecraftian long haul!
I say we give SF a little more time and, should he not return, recast with a different player if necessary.
Mar 31, 2023 8:17 am
I'm not too sure how much we have left of this asylum, but a couple new players sound good at some point.
Mar 31, 2023 9:17 am
If I had to throw a percentage at it, I would say we're 75-80% through it. Personally, I do really like the asylum and the story around it, but I look forward to getting to other stuff (particularly less claustrophobic and more open areas).

Duly noted on the additional players though - I'll give SquadFather a little more time then look into seeing who I can find.
Apr 15, 2023 1:08 am
I have opened recruitment and posted in Discord seeking interest.

Here is a link to the recruitment post, if you'd like to see it:

Apr 15, 2023 5:06 am
Please choose players who won't ruin our game.
Apr 15, 2023 7:41 am
I hear you. I have an idea of the type of people I'm looking for and will do my best.
Apr 15, 2023 10:40 pm
Apr 16, 2023 1:22 am
Thanks for the support, guys! Equinox, I appreciate the assist in the recruitment thread. My thought: if you can't read the instructions, you probably aren't going to read the IC tread history either. Deal breaker imo.
Apr 25, 2023 9:08 pm
Working out a couple things, giving Equinox another day or so to post, then moving forward. Thanks for your patience while I've been trying to wrangle some cavalry.
Apr 25, 2023 9:56 pm
Umm? Sorry, I didn't know we were waiting on me.
Apr 25, 2023 11:22 pm
No worries, we weren't specifically, I just noted you hadn't posted since my last in-game post. You were not holding anything up by any means. I've mostly been working on other stuff in the background trying to maneuver some new blood into our ranks.

Looks tentatively like that will include LightOfMidnight and CESN
Apr 26, 2023 12:02 am
Acceptable additions!
Apr 26, 2023 8:41 am
On that note -

Welcome LightOfMidnight and CESN!

@ All - the newcomers will be working with me as they are introduced into the game.

I am including below the customer Pathfinder 1e sheet I've been using of late. You are free to use your own customer sheet, this one, or the default Pathfinder 1e sheet.
[ +- ] Pathfinder 1e Custom Sheet
Apr 26, 2023 2:01 pm
Hey guys!
Thanks for the invitation!

I'll take awhile to catch up, but since I sort of know the campaign I may be able to jump in as soon as I get the PC's sheet sorted :D
I can't find any sheet for Elias, @C1NDER do you have a copy of the latest one?
Apr 26, 2023 3:15 pm
Hi guys.

Just catching up on the threads.

I'll be either grabbing Iosef or taking over Winter. Either way support + heal. Unless people feel the need for something else.

Iosefsl's build looks interesting already so might give myself the challenge.
Apr 26, 2023 11:39 pm
CESN says:
Hey guys!
Thanks for the invitation!

I'll take awhile to catch up, but since I sort of know the campaign I may be able to jump in as soon as I get the PC's sheet sorted :D
I can't find any sheet for Elias, @C1NDER do you have a copy of the latest one?
Sorry it took me a moment. Since it wasn't a custom sheet originally, I couldn't just copy/paste it. Here is Elias van Brunt!
[ +- ] Elias van Brunt
Apr 26, 2023 11:41 pm
LoM, CESN - if either of you have any questions as you look over things, please let me know. I have a couple of homebrew things going on, all should be detailed in the other threads, and shouldn't be too confusing. The big ones are some homebrew handling of critical hits and we are using the Elephant in the Room Feat Tax fix.
Apr 27, 2023 7:47 am
Welcome LoW and CESN!
Apr 27, 2023 8:10 am
C1NDER says:
The big ones are some homebrew handling of critical hits and we are using the Elephant in the Room Feat Tax fix.
I think I got the crits, but the feats I'll probably wait a bit to get a feeling for the character. I'll probably forget the details if I read it before I catch up ๐Ÿ˜…

since I sort of know what is going on I'll try to jump right in while I'm reading the previous chapters
Last edited April 27, 2023 8:11 am
Apr 27, 2023 8:18 am
C1NDER says:
[ +- ] Elias van Brunt
Since background is not really that important for this AP, I might simplify this a bit (I doubt it was relevant at all in the first book) :D
May 1, 2023 11:47 am
Ok. Character sheet and background fully updated now! (i hope...). @C1NDER I left it a my more flexible than it was. Let me know what you think and feel free to fill in the gaps when the time comes. I'm ok with the background being as dark as it suits the story :D
May 1, 2023 11:51 am
Also as update I will be jumping in as Iosef. I've tweaked him a little. (The major one being no lifeline. I may pick it back up again later)

Just finishing reading threads and I'll hop in.
May 2, 2023 4:12 am
CESN says:
Ok. Character sheet and background fully updated now! (i hope...). @C1NDER I left it a my more flexible than it was. Let me know what you think and feel free to fill in the gaps when the time comes. I'm ok with the background being as dark as it suits the story :D
Read through all that and I think it works great! Thanks for laying it out like that, CESN.
May 29, 2023 8:21 pm
Chapter 3 post is up. I'm working on putting together the map - the scaling and adding the tokens in takes some work. For now, the mist is such that none of you can see much beyond about 40ft in this area.

I added a full version of the explored portion of the asylum to our People and Places thread, if you want to see a more expanded view of what you've explored so far.

I'm working towards re-doing the loot thread. Please look through though and see if there's anything else your characters want to claim and add to your sheets.
May 30, 2023 9:37 pm
Another update: I just updated and provided access to the private character subforums for CESN and LightOfMidnight. Feel free to use these for anything you'd like to keep between the GM and yourselves.

Some people are using them to provide and keep track of equipment wishlists and it's encouraged we use that space to discuss and develop your character as their forgotten past unfolds, as examples.
Sep 14, 2023 6:21 pm
Sorry. Should have pinged for turn, last couple of weeks was in a weird haze. Am still around. One major event coming up as happened so trying to get things back on track. (Mums had a surgery. Now it's my housemates turn in a week...and then Dad needs to get chemo. That while I've been a bloody mess for a while.)

I admit I am having fun getting into character of a character I didn't make so sorry for delays. Do poke me if needed
Sep 14, 2023 8:14 pm
All good, @LightOfMidnight

Just to confirm, Iosef is currently up and I need a saving throw from him for the stench (ick)
Sep 30, 2023 11:16 pm
Grim needs to restock on crossbow bolts and has an injury of 4 pts that probably needs addressing before we go after the cult leaders.
Oct 1, 2023 12:29 am
I think all Razhel needs are more bolts as well. She doesn't have spells to recover at this point.
Oct 1, 2023 1:38 am
Restocking bolts will be as simple as being back in camp and updating your sheets if you need to. My next post can open a conversation with Elbourne, from there consider it done. We'll manage the healing.

I recommend everyone take a moment to browse through the loot list - anything that might be reasonably helpful in an upcoming combat you should consider claiming. Potions, scrolls, etc.
Oct 12, 2023 10:08 am
forgot to ask, but he did rest before going to this tower right? I think I get my smite back if that's the case
Oct 12, 2023 10:42 am
We have done completed a rest since your smite was used, unfortunately. Everyone is still down whatever spells were used as well. However, everyone is at full hp, so that's good :D
Oct 19, 2023 9:20 am

I believe a roll of 19 with a longsword is a possible critical.
Oct 19, 2023 9:39 am
that's true. I didn't even look at the numbers ๐Ÿ˜… let me edit that then

... still doesn't kill anything ...
Last edited October 19, 2023 9:41 am
Oct 21, 2023 5:26 am
A note on the crit.

With how we're running crits, a natural 20 is always double damage, but with the roll of 19 you still have to roll to confirm. I rolled for you, CESN, just to keep things moving. The confirmation wasn't a hit, so you just do normal damage.

However! It was JUST enough to take him to 4hp, then burning hands did exactly 4 damage, so a good example of how even a couple of hp's worth of damage can make a difference :D
Nov 6, 2023 7:43 am
@LightOfMidnight (and everyone, really) remember to add claimed items to your character sheet. I may not have accounted for it all, but to the best of my recollection, Iosef claimed the following:

Lesser Talisman of Healing Power
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (originally 24 charges, now 22)
Wand of Lesser Restoration (7 charges)
Scroll of Cure Light Wounds x2
Scroll of Sanctuary
Nov 6, 2023 1:05 pm
I think I did, but checking it I find a mysterious "Cloak (Magical, DC 20 Spellcraft to identify)".
was it identified and I forgot to update it or I just forgot to ask the magic person to identify it?
Nov 6, 2023 7:29 pm
It has not been identified as of yet, though attempts were made 'today' to do that. That doesn't mean you can't wear the cloak anyways, if you desire. It would only be a problem if its cursed! (it's not, it's a cloak of resistance +1)

This does bring up a good point that I planned on addressing between books: do you all like how I've been handling identification of items in this game? would you prefer we auto-identify magic items that are found instead? Please let me know, as we can adjust when we move to the next book as needed.
Nov 6, 2023 8:09 pm
How about a wand of identify that can be used by anyone?
Nov 6, 2023 8:28 pm
Its is worthwhile pointing out you can take 10 on identifying. So Iosef could automatically identify 18 or less.. but in take 10 anything higher he would auto fail.
Nov 15, 2023 10:55 am
only the healer is shaken then? That's find right?

I guess I can do some unsuccessful stabbing as usual xD
Last edited November 15, 2023 10:56 am
Nov 15, 2023 11:40 am
I want all your guys will saves :p I'm a Wis caster as still somehow lowest. (Not that it would have helped on a Nat 1)
Nov 18, 2023 5:20 pm
LightOfMidnight says:
Hey now I'm a shaman not a cleric :p
I have been playing too much 5e clearly. Couldn't even remember there's shamans ๐Ÿ˜‚
Nov 19, 2023 7:18 pm
Sorry for the slowdown, everyone! Birthday weekend for myself and my daughter, which also required a bit of prep beforehand. I'll be back to catching up then normal come Tuesday. I will try my damndest to get an update here before then.
Nov 21, 2023 8:31 am
Taking a cue from my friend, Equinox, I would like to award everyone 1 hero point in celebration of my birthday a couple days ago. Cheers to you all and thank you for making every day a gift by spending your time with me on GP!
Nov 21, 2023 9:08 am
Yay! We have to celebrate that with a TPK obviously! what else could a GM wish for their birthday? ๐Ÿคฃ
Nov 22, 2023 2:44 am
The assassins failed yet another year. Good.
Thank you!
Nov 22, 2023 7:32 pm
haha you're welcome! I certainly don't hope for a TPK, I'm having too much fun with this group of PCs :D

I hope to evade the assassins for many more years to come. (They must truly be the worst at their jobs)
Jan 7, 2024 1:24 am
Just over 1,700 posts and now we're here!

As we finish some final narrative posts in the in-game thread, we are essentially complete with this adventure! Nice work everyone and thank you for sticking with the game. I have had a wonderful time going through this with you all so far :D

I'll be updating the treasure thread with new stuff you found after the Tatterman fight, including a dedicated post on the specifics of the Chain of Nights book.

The next adventure takes us off the island and to the nearby town of Thrushmoore, where you discovery revelations about yourselves, a mystery about Count Lowls who placed you in the Asylum, and the workings of a devious plot.

I'll be posting at least a couple of polls, starting with the big one - do we want to continue? I would be glad to keep this going for you all. Please respond when you have a moment.
Jan 7, 2024 8:34 pm
After some discussion behind the scenes, it looks like we'll be wrapping this game up. If you don't mind hanging out for a little while longer, I will be writing an epilogue to give this a proper send-off.
Jan 8, 2024 5:12 pm
Well, that's a shame for those two yeses, which I guess were LoM and RR. Thrushmoore is a bit more RP and investigation so it would be a nice change of pace if I remember the AP well. Thanks for running this adventure! I've been wanting to see the Asylum through for awhile now :D
Jan 8, 2024 11:03 pm
Thanks CESN, I appreciate you coming aboard and playing Elias for us!

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