Chapter Four: The Manifest of the Harikan Squall

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Sep 16, 2016 4:36 pm
"I can't read this, but it's wards and curses," Zora says. She rolls her eyes up toward the ceiling. "I know you weren't keen on breaking that upstairs door down, but there weren't any wards or curses on it. You sure you don't want to...just...get out of here?"
Sep 16, 2016 5:05 pm
"If you're sure that door is the way to Hazard, I'll bash it down myself if I have to. I just don't want to attract any unnecessary attention by going somewhere we are clearly not wanted. It doesn't look like this way is any more welcoming though."

I'm assuming Mordred has some sort of jimmying rig in his set of Thieves' Tools, no?
Sep 16, 2016 5:14 pm
"We have to go up to get out. That looked like the best way out to me."

There would be a file that can slip through the door crack, hard to say if it'll give you the leverage to lift the bar off until you try it, though.
Sep 16, 2016 5:35 pm
"OK, back to the other door everyone!"

This is seeming more and more like a Monty Python film.

Mordred uses his Thieves' Tools to attempt to jimmy the door.

So to use Thieves' Tools it's d20 + DEX modifier + Proficiency, right?


Thieves' Tools - (1d20+7)

(15) + 7 = 22

Sep 16, 2016 5:36 pm
Does anybody want to stick with the warded/cursed door, or is going back upstairs the general consensus?
Sep 16, 2016 11:10 pm
Leth is just following Mordred and Zora's lead at this point, and not particularly interested in hanging around a cursed room.
Sep 19, 2016 11:45 am
As the others head back to the first door, Felor casts an eye over the wards to see if he can decipher any.

Not sure that check, if any, is relevant.


Arcana check - (1d20+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

History check - (1d20+3)

(10) + 3 = 13

Reglion check - (1d20+3)

(12) + 3 = 15

Sep 19, 2016 3:54 pm
Felor can't read this language, but it fits a general pattern of woe-to-whoever-disturbs-the-eternal-rest-of-they-who-etc etc etc anti-graverobber boilerplate.

Upstairs, Mordred is able to get his file through the crack between the door and the frame and can feel some give on the bar on the other side, but he doesn't quite have the leverage to lift it all the way off.
Sep 19, 2016 4:29 pm
Any way to embed the handle of the file in something longer to get better leverage? A torch or maybe someone else has a quarterstaff or similar? Other ideas?
Sep 20, 2016 12:18 pm
I have a spear but I don't know how that could be usefully attached to a file. I don't think the spear tip would fit in the gap? I have a fishing rod and line if that would be useful?
Sep 21, 2016 4:03 pm
It'd be a tight fit, but you could probably jam the catchpole blade in there.
Sep 21, 2016 4:14 pm
Zangua catches up to the group after ensuring that nothing was trailing them, and stands at the back waiting for anything to happen.
Sep 21, 2016 5:58 pm
"Can I borrow your catchpole, Zangua?"

Assuming he allows Mordred to handle it...

Mordred carefully uses the venomous device to try and budge the bar on the far side of the door.

I'm going to call using the catchpole as a slim jim just a flat DEX skill check, without my proficiency bonus. If that's wrong, Octo, feel free to adjust the roll however you see fit.
Last edited September 21, 2016 5:59 pm


X-Treme Thieves' Tools - (1d20+3)

(16) + 3 = 19

Sep 21, 2016 6:16 pm
With some effort, Mordred manages to wedge the catchpole blade into the crack, shaving some wood off the door in the process, and lift off the bar on the other side.

Strangely, nobody hears the bar clatter to the ground on the other side of the door.
Sep 22, 2016 4:15 am
Suspicious of the lack of sound, Leth cautiously sets an arrow on his bowstring and raises an eyebrow at Mordred.
Sep 22, 2016 4:43 pm
The door can be pushed open now, if anyone dares.
Sep 22, 2016 4:47 pm
Zangua takes back possession of the catchpole, and uses it to push the door open.
Sep 22, 2016 5:33 pm
There's some resistance, but the door gives way, opening to a cluttered, dusty basement. The locking bar rests on bolts of fabric that had fallen to the floor. Stacks of broken furniture and piles of old clothes and linens loom to the right, boxes and bins and more piles of cloth to the left. There is a narrow trail through the mounds of junk leading to wooden ascending stairs at the opposite end of the basement.
Sep 22, 2016 6:35 pm
Mordred stealthily goes up the stairs to see where they lead.


Stealth - (1d20+5)

(20) + 5 = 25

Sep 22, 2016 7:04 pm
The stairs lead to another closed door. A normal wooden door, with a bronze handle.
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