Most of you awaken on your own accord, Mura standing guard however many hours later its been. She looks at Axon warily while he magic's the dirty and grime away, but says nothing. The rest was well-needed and well-earned as you all feel the muscles relax despite the lingering soreness from yesterday's events.
It's not long after everyone is awake and situated that Captain York arrives with two other guards in tow. 'Guards' is a loose term, as they appear with little in the way of weapons. Mura and Avice hand their their crossbows over to the men, and Avice the sword at his side. It's clear there are not enough weapons to go around.
York spends a few moments with the yellow-robed man who sits still in the corner, mumbling the same few words over and over when the captain asks him questions. Frustrated, the captain turns to you.
Vaustin York
"Hope you all had a decent night," he says with a weak smile. He looks like he got significantly less sleep than any of you.
"It's certainly not what it could be, but it's not much worse than anything else we have right now. Come on," he waves you to follow him,
"I'll show you around a bit and introduce you to Winter. She's waiting for you in the chapel." He starts to turn away then turns back.
"Thank you, by the way. You really cleaned up - thanks to you I was able to convince a few of my men to go back out and look around. Hopefully we'll be able to pull some more resources into camp soon." He turns back and heads out of the room, expecting you to follow.
As you head out of the room from the south-east door and head south. As you reach the southern end of the hall, you see a large, intricately carved wooden set of double-doors on the western wall and two smaller doors along the southern wall. At the eastern end of the hall, a set of four bedsheets have been clumsily switched together, creating a curtain that obscures the area behind it.
York leads you through the large double doors and into a large chapel. Improvised pallets are clustered beneath sculpted divinities, and cooking fires burn beneath cracked windows. Panes of violet and blue stained glass form spiraling patterns between prisonlike bars, while dozens of candles flicker from modest alcove shrines. Around twenty other people crowd this room. While some of them look familiar to you from their positions as guards, most appear far less able to defend themselves even if there were enough weapons to go around. The majority of them look scared, cold, weak, or injured. True to York's word, three of these survivors appear to be only children, sitting near an armed man in the south-west corner.
York leads you to a woman standing in the center of the room. She is tall with long black hair and pale skin. She wears black leathers with the hint of a chain shirt underneath and a polished dagger at her hip. A long black cloak hangs down her back and a necklace with a spiral-like emblem is around her neck. Her eyes strike you upon first seeing her, as they are of two different colors - one yellow, one green. Her face bears a stoic countenance, but she nods to you as you approach.
Winter Klazcka
"Ah, you must be the gallant warriors Captain York has been telling me about. My name is Winter Klazcka, though I never claimed the title, I suppose I'm what passes for an authority around here, though the Captain does more than he lets on."
"I understand you did us quite the favor in dispatching a few of those fiends north of the barricade. Thank you," she says with another slight tip of her head.
"I suppose, given what you've done, you're probably not doppelgangers yourselves. Regardless, you've more than earned the right to be welcome here." She gestures around the room.
"Do no harm to these good people, and we will take care of you as our own. Now if you'll excuse me, there is much for me to do. As soon as someone can get around to it, we'll get breakfast together for all."OOC:
Whew. Big post, lots to take in. So now you know what's been behind the barricade - a lot of scared folk, all holed up in a small room trying to stay warm and alive with only a couple of strong-willed people apparently holding the little community together.
Winter seems warm enough to you, but is ready to move onto the many other tasks she has ahead of her. I'll leave this opportunity open for you to react and engage with the NPC's as you see fit.
Also, you all healed 2 HP from natural healing overnight; the status tracker is updated. Did anyone want to grab any of the supplies from the gatehouse?
[ +- ] Gatehouse Items, 10 Minutes of Searching
[ +- ] Status Tracker
Name | HP | AC | FF | Touch | Fort | Ref | Will | vs Fear | Perception | Initiative | Condition
Axon | 12/12 | 11 | 10 | 11 | +3 | +2 | +7 | +8 | +1 | +3 | None
Elias | 15/17 | 19 | 19 | 10 | +6 | +3 | +10 | +10 | +2 | +0 | None
Grim | 16/16 | 14 | 12 | 12 | +0 | +2 | +7 | +13 | +7 | +2 | None
Iosef | 15/18 | 14 | 14 | 10 | +2 | +0 | +6 | +6 | +7 | +0 | None
Razhel | 17/18 | 13 | 10 | 13 | +4 | +6 | +1 | +7 | +6 | +5 | None |
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Name | Unaffraid | Spooked | Shaken | Scared | // | Frightened | Panicked | Terrified | Horrified
Axon | x | | | | | | | |
Elias | x | | | | | | | |
Grim | x | | | | | | | |
Iosef | x | | | | | | | |
Razhel | x | | | | | | | | |