Prologue part 2

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Mar 17, 2022 2:35 pm

Yoth and Mal'i'Gott' each wakes up inside a 5 ft cube wooden box with dim light coming from roof. each in a separate one.

You feel terrible (exhaustion lvl 1 condition) and have a feeling that your box is moving up slowly. You can't remember how you get here. You can't actually remember anything, but your name. Box suddenly stop moving and in a while you hear a voice
Do not be afraid! We mean no harm. We will help you. Please keep yourself to an opposite wall and they break the box quickly - you see workers of different races with sledgehammers and other tools giving way to an old human lady.
Welcome to the Maze. My name is Lilly. Do you remember your name?
Mar 17, 2022 6:12 pm
Yoth takes quick stock of his situation. No memory. Several workers with hammers that could be used as weapons. A softskin woman using polite words, but seemingly in charge - that could make her responsible for his imprisonment and memory loss. Nevertheless, Yoth has few options. No one appears immediately hostile, so Yoth decides to avoid agitating them.

"My name is Yoth," he says. "What is this Maze, and why am I here?"
Mar 17, 2022 7:28 pm
Mal, upon waking, would have pushed on the edges of the box, and when the people told him to step back, he would have done so.
Does Mal have any of his equipment?
Though he doesn't remember anything, his instincts are triggering, and his ears dart in millimeter increments back and forth as his eyes dart around. When the crate holding him is open, he bursts out of it, running out of there, trying to find an escape.



Mar 17, 2022 7:50 pm

Yoth, I don't know why are all of us here, I'm afraid, but I could tell you what a maze is.. and she explains it to be some sort of dungeon full of mindless monsters and traps, but also containing chests that include food tools and materials to maintain the settlement setup in the valley surrounded by high walls. You will have opportunity to ask details to the "maze runners" - a few strongest among the humanoids in the settlement who risk their lives going into the maze.

Also she explains that there is a chest on top of your box with your belongings (starting gear per your class/background), and suggest help to get the chest to "your tent" that is some 200 feet away from here.
Mar 17, 2022 7:59 pm
Mal'i'Gott' start running and soon realise he is in a small valley surrounded by high walls. He is running toward a settlement containing tents with humanoids of different races walking around doing their daily business. Some look worried at you, some ignore you whatsoever.
The walls surrounding the settlement are not far away - you could run to each of them in few minutes and you see a 4 big open doors - on to each side (i.e. S,W,N,E). You hear old woman crying Please calm down, we mean no harm, we are in fact your only allies here
No you don't have anything, but your clothes.
Mar 17, 2022 8:36 pm
Mal, upon observing the settlement and his surroundings, and seeing that people are not outright chasing him with irons or weapons, he slows his sprint to a jog, and then his jog to a walk.

He walks back towards the woman and says, "Sorry, apparently I don't do well in cages. You may call me Mal, but my full name is Mal'i'Gott'.

"I don't remember much of anything, other than I had more equipment than just my clothes. How did I come to be here?"
Mar 17, 2022 10:29 pm
Yoth opens the chest and looks inside. The items seem to fit with what little he remembers about himself - armor, a shield, a few weapons, and a holy symbol. This last item he picks up and examines. Yes, he thinks to himself. This is deeply tied to who I am. Setting these items back in the chest, he listens to Lily's story.

Yoth looks around as Lily talks, confirming how what she says aligns with what he sees. He sizes up the creatures moving about the camp - individually, likely of little threat, but they have numbers. Yoth does not like being at the mercy of these people, but there seem to be few better choices than cooperation.

"Thank you," Yoth says to Lily. They seem foolish words, but some part of Yoth's memory informs him that this is something softskins like to hear. Then he follow's Lily's advice and begins taking his belongings to the tent Lily says is his.



Mar 18, 2022 1:29 pm
Lilly takes an effort to introduce you to to each other saying that you will need to cooperate tomorrow fighting through the maze, when you suddenly hear human screams. As you look that way you see a creature with a coming out of the maze gates. It use it's Longbow to shoot an arrow but the arrow doesn't make 200 feet to the human screaming.

Lilly is obviously astonished: This is ...! This can't be...! I understand your condition, but you are our only hope, please protect us agains the monster.
We do not roll initiative yet, it is 1000 feet till the enemy. Between you and enemy there are people from the settlement - 200 feet from you and 800 from the monster. They seem to try to take cover now.
You have your starting equipment, but it would take 10 minutes to done heavy armour
You have exhaustion lvl 1 (only affect ability checks) and all your per short rest, per long rest features are used.
There are no "buildings" only tents in settlement but there are some bigger trees to get 3/4 cover and bushes to get get half cover I will draw a random map once you are closer to each other
Mar 18, 2022 3:56 pm
Mal feels something in his pocket, and he puts his hand into his pocket, feels a thimble, and, for a moment, he has a strange daydream of sharpening a flower petal in a strange fey grove. He hears laughing, and then he remembers the current predicament and lets go of the thimble.

He grabs his pack and his greatsword, leaving behind his chain mail armor, "Lizard, we have to help these people."

He then grasps his wargong, runs in a different direction than the fleeing people, and he yells, "MONSTER!!! HEY, I BET YOU CANNOT CATCH ME!!!"
Basically, he it trying to draw the monster's attention, and take him to an open space away from the fleeing humans, mostly so that others can find places to hide or flee.
Mar 18, 2022 6:07 pm
Yoth sees the scene unfold. It is still not clear if the people in this camp are a threat to him or not, however, the new creature is clearly hostile. Siding with the camp makes the most sense if only from the standpoint of sheer numbers.

"Lizard, we have to help these people," says the bugbear Lily has just introduced. Yoth does not necessarily agree that they have to help, but it does seem the best course of action. It also appears to be a good way to gain favor with the bugbear, which seems wise. "I am with you," Yoth says.

Yoth grabs and secures his holy symbol, then picks up his shield and spear. Putting on armor would just make him a target, so he leaves it be. Then he begins running towards the creature.
At 1000 feet away, there is nothing Yoth can do this round other than move towards the creature.

Does Yoth have spells prepared? If he does, he will cast Shield of Faith as he moves. If spells are not prepared, he will simply take the Dash action to quickly cover the distance.
Last edited March 18, 2022 6:09 pm
Mar 18, 2022 7:20 pm
As noted above you have all of your spell slots used just as any other spendable resources, such as Channel Divinity, Lay on hands or even divine sense (which would hardly be usable today anyway). You are still much stronger than commoners with 4 hp

I would like Mal'i'Gott' to roll performance as straight roll, because I want to give advantage due to wargong and his size, but he has disadvantage due to exhaustion. DC 10. Regardless we skip to the moment you are withing 600 feet which is long range distance for long bow

As you start running the monster start running toward the crowd (but may change it depending on the roll). In a while another creature appears from the doors and follow the first. They run at 100 feet distance to each other.
I will let you explain anything else each of you do before we start battle when you are 600 feet away from closest enemy and initiative order is: 1. You 2. Enemy
Mar 18, 2022 7:29 pm
Mal's performance check


Performance - (1d20+2)

(17) + 2 = 19

Mar 18, 2022 7:51 pm
[ +- ] Mistake - post no longer valid
Last edited March 18, 2022 8:58 pm
Mar 18, 2022 8:09 pm
Mal would start to dodge when his battle sense tells him that he is within range of the enemy monster.
Mar 18, 2022 8:21 pm

by you have all of your spell slots used I mean you can't cast anything but cantrips today. You do remember how to do that but you realize you have all of your magical energy wasted for today

OK I don't want to over complicate it so we will assume you are able to find 3/4 cover if you spend half of your movement and 1/2 cover if you spend all of it. It does include halving your normal movement and your dash, i.e. if you do dash but half it back to 30 you will get 3/4.

You see that enemy is running toward you and firing arrows (they both make 30 feet per round) please decide your strategy and who is running first. I will skip to the moment when you are either 150 feet or the first time arrow hits any one of you.
Mar 18, 2022 8:23 pm
Hint: until you are withing 150 feet dash has no effect because disadvantage is granted by land range already
Mar 18, 2022 8:56 pm
Oh... I misunderstood what you were saying about spell slots. We can just ignore my last post. I'll make a new one shortly.
Mar 18, 2022 9:09 pm
Yoth will use his full move to get 3/4 cover. His intent is to let Mal take the lead if at all possible.

Are we in actual combat rounds yet? If not, Yoth's general plan is to follow Mal towards the enemy, taking the dodge action as he moves and trying to move from one piece of cover to the next until the range to the enemy closes to 60 feet. If Mal stops moving towards the enemy, Yoth will do the same. He does not intend to lead the charge towards the enemy.
Mar 18, 2022 9:09 pm
Mal yells to the Lizard man, "Keep some distance; stay close, but not too close! I'll slice their faces off!"

Mal is running up at a normal pace, and using his action to dodge, yelling and banging his wargong until he gets to about 100 feet away or so, and then he will drop the gong and pull out his greatsword and rush them Braveheart-style.
Mar 18, 2022 9:24 pm
Let me clarify - your options are as following, please pick one knowing that enemy already have disadvantage due to long range (if you need help with DnD rulin on disadvantage or cover - just ask me):
Ottion Action Approach Speed Cover
1 Dodge fast 30 1/2 disadvantage on attacks
2 Dodge between trees 15 3/2 disadvantage on attacks
3 Dash fast 60 1/2
4 Dash between trees 30 3/2

Your speed will determine how many shots you will get before you get close enough for us to go into initiative
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