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Mar 28, 2022 8:58 pm
You're not wrong Tim
Mar 28, 2022 9:04 pm
If that's a reference, I'm not familiar. I looked it up and ironically enough one of the top results was a Batman fanfic, lol
Mar 29, 2022 1:20 am
I try very hard not to go down the rabbit hole of fanfic, though I can see why that's a great source of homage to whatever it is that people are fans of.

And I agree with RageRed, we're here to play our own versions of these characters and see where that leads us. If anything, as I've tried to write in as part of what I imagine Hank's backstory to be, he sees himself as an elder brother to both Sheila and Bobby and really cares for them. Could things have blossomed? Maybe. Did they? As RageRed says, in this version they didn't. I'm not particularly interested in exploring that relationship either for how I intend to play Hank.
Last edited March 29, 2022 1:39 am
Mar 31, 2022 12:48 pm
annex says:
Might have covid. Feeling horrid. I probably won't be posting for a little while.
Feel better soon, man!

I apologize for my own week-long absence. I'm not feeling any better now than before, but whatever. I'm loving all the kids' grown-up stories. I tend not to put too much detail into these things, though I don't mind at all that most of you went the other route. Bobby went on to become a chef of some small renown but part of him feels like his entire life in this world is just a dream or a pale reflection of the one in Faerûn. He's in a committed relationship with Terri, who has some appreciation for his attachment to his life in the Realm, although she has no desire to go back, and (Bobby suspects) only tolerates his need to adventure out of love for him.
Mar 31, 2022 7:08 pm
Hope you heal soon, @annex.

At this point I'm just kind of keeping an eye on things. Not much else to say, but still here.
Mar 31, 2022 9:24 pm
Thanks, I'm much better now. Alas, going back to work shortly but better that than being in bed with everything in pain.

Once I get the final character sheet, I'll give everyone a final look.

I'd like you to say what your character thinks of each of the others and how you interact with them. No essays necessary, just a line or two. Dialogue and possible changes will obviously follow but I'd like to see how you're all thinking about each other at this point.
Apr 1, 2022 7:37 pm
Here's my thoughts. If anyone objects to assumptions I'm making about your character, let me know.

Bobby: Diana probably interacted the least with Bobby outside the Realm, just because of the age difference. She likes him well enough, but if the whole gang is a family, Bobby is like the distant cousin she only talks to at family reunions.
Eric: I'm thinking that in their 20s, Diana and Eric spent some time hanging out - since they both had money and drive. Diana drifted away when Eric started his family, but those earlier good times still shape her feelings - she likes Eric.
Hank: Diana respects Hank a lot, and likes him, but she isn't always comfortable around him. Even though she's on a better path now, she struggles with feeling like she let Hank down in the past.
Presto: Diana could leave her real world struggles behind when she was with Presto. At the same time, Diana never became close with him. She thinks of him as a great guy that she wishes she had gotten to know better.
Sheila: As times became tough for Diana, Sheila would have been the person in the real world that she felt most comfortable around, since Sheila appeared to have her own struggles. Sometimes Diana doesn't feel like she is really "friends" with anyone from the old gang - except Sheila. Diana definitely views Sheila as her friend.
Apr 1, 2022 7:44 pm
timplausible says:

Sheila: As times became tough for Diana, Sheila would have been the person in the real world that she felt most comfortable around, since Sheila appeared to have her own struggles. Sometimes Diana doesn't feel like she is really "friends" with anyone from the old gang - except Sheila. Diana definitely views Sheila as her friend.
Perfect. No complaints or criticisms.
Apr 1, 2022 8:06 pm
Bobby: The little guy made it after all. Both here and there. Good for him.

Diana: I miss those times we hung out, but she got a little intense for me.

Hank: I know he's not a jerk, and he tries to do the right thing. But sometimes he has bad ideas.

Presto: That little guy made it too. There though, not here.

Shiela: She scares me a little.
Apr 2, 2022 2:26 am
He's her brother. She loves him dearly and now that he's grown up and much bigger than she, he is often the one protecting her. She is happy he has Terri, but also saddened when she sees them together sometimes, as it reminds her that Karena is no longer in her life.

Diana and Sheila have been close throughout and from the beginning. They are definitely good friends and Diana is usually the one Sheila goes to as her confidante.

Eric was a creep with daddy's money. He seems to have mellowed slightly over the years, but Sheila will always remember his harsh words to her and trying to make her look small. She mostly tolerates Eric for Diana's sake.

He looks like Sheila's dad, so he can't be all bad, right? In the beginning, it was probably this fact that made it easy for her to feel comforted by Hank's presence. But, Hank is no Freddy. Her dad has never faulted her mom for being danger-prone Daphne or sided against her in a life-or-death situation. Sheila maintains a friend-ish relationship with Hank, but too much has happened for them to be close.

Sheila has always felt like Presto was another brother and often, in the old days, felt protective of him, especially when he was being put down for his lack of magical control by Eric. She drew closer to him and Varla after the group's first escape from the Realms, when she returned to seek out Karena. Once she started learning magic herself, she would often confer with Presto on the nuisances of the arcane
Apr 2, 2022 5:18 am
I think one of Eric’s most annoying habits now is not his put downs but his dad jokes.
Apr 2, 2022 5:56 am
@RageRed did Sheila & Bobby's family grow up with money? I wanna say they were middle-class but Fred's & Daphne's ascots are giving off rich people vibes. 😆
Apr 2, 2022 6:47 am
Jabes.plays.RPG says:
@RageRed did Sheila & Bobby's family grow up with money? I wanna say they were middle-class but Fred's & Daphne's ascots are giving off rich people vibes. 😆
Apr 2, 2022 7:32 am
I've been thinking about the same thing. I don't think their parents were hurting for money. I need to rewatch one of the early episodes. I remember a conversation happening about a limo, but I don't recall atm who besides Eric was in that conversation.
Apr 2, 2022 12:16 pm
I think my earlier summary hints at these, but let me extend further:

Hank thinks Presto's choice makes him happy, and so thinks highly of the fact that he's chosen to remain in a place which allows him to fully be himself.

Hank thinks for some reason Sheila blames him for their past and tries to keep a distance from him, so he's maintained contact but tries not to go beyond the pleasantries.

Hank can't shake off the elder brother role, but like his relationship with Sheila, tries hard not to impose himself on eiher sibling.

Hank has come to appreciate Eric's point of view more and more over the years, a sign of adulting no doubt. Holiday reunions are a thing for them.

Hank remains a great fan. If Diana were to reach out, Hank would drop everything and answer.
Apr 2, 2022 5:09 pm
Jabes.plays.RPG says:
@RageRed did Sheila & Bobby's family grow up with money?
In the original series, there are implications that Daphne's family is wealthy, though I don't know if it is ever explicit. Subsequent series do make this explicit. Apparently, the parents of the gang members in general get changed from series to series. While I respect the idea that the original series should determine the canon, in my own head canon, it is the "Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated" parents that are accurate. But that's just because I love that show so very, very much.

Some fun-time reading about the Scooby gang, their origins, and their extended families: https://moviesandmania.com/2015/05/06/scooby-doo-the-early-years-article/ (Side note: What was with the creators of Scooby-Doo and "The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis".)
Last edited April 2, 2022 5:25 pm
Apr 2, 2022 9:56 pm
I can absolutely see where the base appearances and personalities were based on the Dobie Gillis show characters. The b/w pictures attached to the article show the actors being very much like the members of the Scoobys . I don't think I ever saw more than one or two of those old shows on late night reruns growing up.

I am fine with Bobby and Sheila using the canon from the Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated show. Which means Fred's parents were the original Mysteries Inc and the Mayor had kidnapped him. This would also make Daphne's family, the Blakes, quite wealthy and having a butler named Jenkins.
Apr 3, 2022 8:32 am
After the events of the television show, Presto decides to stay in the fantasy world they found themselves in. Between Varla, his budding magical education, and his lack of any real ties in their home world (his group foster home wouldn’t miss him), staying there is a no-brainer to him. Before long he meets and becomes an apprentice to a true wizard, Elminster Aumar. Elminster sees potential in Presto and begins his magical education with a tour of their world and countless others. Presto begins to realize the greater shape of things and understands that magic is not an animal to be tamed, but an unpredictable force to be touched carefully. Magic is both an art and a science, requiring great preparation and study but also creativity, quick wits, and courage to do what others cannot. It requires laser focus to make sure that when one touches the arcane it is done with subtlety and precision. Unfortunately, Presto has always had an problem with focus which he only started noticing as he grew older. As his home plane progressed and he learned things from it, he realized he likely suffers from what they refer to as ADHD. Though he’s found ways to cope and is an accomplished and impressive wizard, his focus can waver, even in the middle of important eldritch experiments and castings. When this happens, unpredictable things can occur, and the stronger the magic involved, the more extreme the effect can be.

He tried in vain to keep a relationship with Varla, but much like many other long-distance relationships, it was strained from the start. Eventually both realize they are better off pursuing their own lives, but Presto never again seeks a relationship. Who has time when there is evil to overcome and an endless study of infinite worlds and the power to reach them? He’ll never forget his first love, though, and Presto always wondered how she was doing and what their life would have been like. In times of stress or loneliness his heart pushes him to reconnect, but there’s never enough time.

Bobby: Presto always considered Bobby a friend, though he also felt awkward about being close with Bobby and not terribly close to Diana. As Bobby grew older, however, they became closer friends. Presto was always impressed by Bobby’s ability to act immediately without worrying about consequences or the effects of those decisions. However, Elminster taught Presto that his worrying about the future is not a curse, but a blessing. When one wields as much power as a wizard, one has to think about the far-reaching effects of individual decisions. Presto understands this, but can’t help but be jealous of Bobby’s easier approach to life in their world: Either it’s a friend to greet or a foe to be smashed.

Eric: If Presto ever had a bully, it was Eric. Presto did his best to fend off Eric’s jabs, but eventually Presto realized that a lot of his anxieties were encouraged by Eric’s behavior, and he never entirely forgave Eric for that. They were still a part of the same friend group, but they never became close, and they always had a sort of rivalry. Presto always secretly hoped that Eric would be awed by his abilities so he could finally feel like he won.

Hank: There are two "older siblings" in Presto’s eyes, and they are Hank and Sheila. As a kid, Presto looked up to Hank, admiring him while being friends with him. Hank was everything Presto wanted to be: strong, charismatic, good-looking, and well-respected. A lot of how Presto acted (and, let’s be honest, still acts) was trying to impress Hank. Even now, with near limitless power available to him (as long as he doesn’t lose focus on what he’s doing), Presto still craves the approval of Hank.

Diana: Diana is the other half of Presto’s admiration. She always seemed to succeed at anything she tried, and had a strong confidence in her abilities and her friends. There was no doubt in her mind, while Presto’s was riddled with it. It didn’t help that Presto had a tiny childhood crush on Diana. As an adult the crush faded into a forgotten background, but Presto still respects that Diana has the grit to achieve whatever it is she desires. He views her as a truly good person and has the utmost confidence in her.

Sheila: Sheila was the one of their friend group he never really connected with. When they were left alone it always felt a little awkward, as if they just didn't have anything to say. Presto never really understood why, and wished he had made more of an effort when he was younger. Now that everyone is older, it feels like it's too late to change anything. But who knows? Stranger things have happened.
Last edited April 3, 2022 8:39 am
Apr 3, 2022 1:27 pm
7 years! Wheeeeeee! 🥳 I want to thank each one of you for being part of why I love this community!

Apr 3, 2022 6:03 pm
[ +- ] Happy Se7enth! What did you get?
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