I am aware of passive perception to SEE evidence of traps and that Jim has advantage which gives him passive perception 19 for spotting trap or evidence of a trap. Nevertheless you failed to detect traps because:
1. Module described disadvantage due to environment, removing your +5
2. You could only perceive what you SEE. Let's take example:
[ +- ] Camuflaget Pit Trap
Camouflaged Pit Trap
Source DiFP
This pit has a cover constructed to resemble the floor around it. When a creature steps on the cover, it swings open causing the intruder to spill into the pit below, a ten foot fall that inflicts 1d6 bludgeoning damage.
A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check discerns the strange lack of foot traffic over the section of the floor and discovers the trap.
Notice DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check discerns the strange lack of foot traffic
First - your passive perception do not reach 15
Second - in temple there are NO lack of foot traffic and I will describe why in game thread
Now regarding pitons+hammer solution. Here is my OOC (and spoiling some lore I will provide in game thread)
1. It is a fact that every guide and treasure hunter in Chult knows about temple.
2. There are whole organization or treasure hunters and I have shared the info with you, not sure if you remember that.
3. Conclusion: there have been numerous attempts to get into this shrine and they all failed
4. Dodge or break a trap is first thing any treasure hunter would try to do, isn't it? Putting metal into the wall is a brute force, not an intelligent, innovative solution. I'm sorry if that opinion hurts, but that is my opinion
5. Since module claim that shrine traps are not yet broken by moment you arrive it means they CAN NOT be. The organization that have tried to break into the shrine before you had more resources and man power than you do, but failed regardless