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Mar 23, 2022 5:09 pm
Hi everyone. Hope you are thrilled to feel like indiana jones and willing to let your DM to guide you though the overarching narrative.
Feel free to ask ANY questions here or PM anything to DM.
Mar 31, 2022 7:42 am
I will create a separate thread for game mechanics, but before I publish them want to hear your feedback. I plan to use following mechanics for chapter 1
[ +- ] Lifestyle Expenses rewarded with daily Inspiration
[ +- ] No food management for whole game, not just chapter1
Mar 31, 2022 1:21 pm
What do you hope to achieve with those game mechanics? Is it to have some more Inspiration for us to play with?

Micro manage food, water and arrows are never really fun I think. So I am cool with skipping it altogether.
Mar 31, 2022 1:29 pm
With food I want to achieve simplicity
With Lifestyle - I want to both more Inspiration and a reward for spending your starting money on Lifestyle expenses that do not give you other mechanical benefits, so technically you could all live on the street.
Also I want to railroad you to split among the two inns so that you don't miss events that will take place in each of two.
Mar 31, 2022 2:31 pm
Sounds good to me. I know you mentioned there will be other ways to die than just monster attacks so food and water play into survival aspect. Question on the water though. You said we can only purchase 10 pints of water a day but we can carry more than that right? I just want to clarify as not to walk in the forest with only a day of water if we are traveling for a length of time.
Mar 31, 2022 2:43 pm
Making food a minor/non issue makes sense (not many people would be foolish enough to wander into the forest with no food, at least I hope not)

But we may need to purchase some more water skins to keep on top of water I suppose.
Mar 31, 2022 2:49 pm
Personally I think that going to a inn will be focussed on RP mostly. I am hoping that people are not number crunching gold and inspiration. RP is the choice that matters.

Lasme for example will be willing to go to the inn where the biggest party is or might be tagging along with her brother.

As for food and water managing. For a survival setting this could be interesting. If it is not a survival setting, I am fine managing it, but I wonder if it adds much. Especially if spells like create water exist.
Last edited March 31, 2022 2:50 pm
Mar 31, 2022 3:03 pm
1 CP per 10 pints is a price which is irrelevant for you as yous tay in inn. As for amount - you are only limited by water containers and carry capacity...
I will remove water management once you figure out how to deal with it. Magical solution is good enough for me (one PC would need to sacrefice his spell slots every day for that though - I am not removing that part)
Mar 31, 2022 4:40 pm
I don't think I will be so good at remembering the water mechanic and how much we need etc but I guess we will be usually at the same amount of water each, so hopefully I can rely on my team members
Last edited March 31, 2022 4:40 pm
Mar 31, 2022 7:24 pm
Actually there is one more reason I'm touching inn expenses. I want you to think about your starting money as RP tool rather than ability to purchase adventuring gear, spell casting ingredients. I expect you to spend money not only on Inn, but also anything a tourist in exotic country would spend: guides, souvenirs, antidotes, tickets (i.e. dyno ride), night-life, ... I want to compensate those players who decide to spend more money on more expensive inn just for RP reasons - that is by definition the reason for me to give Inspiration.
Besides - in this module your PCs are not hired mercenaries, you will not get payed out right for "the opening quest". There are just no such quest. You are there to spend money not to earn it.
Mar 31, 2022 11:01 pm
Jim's Comfortable Lifestyle with his means of his starting 25gp that he needs to spend 14gp. Which means he isn't going to get that nice formal military dressing for 15gp. He can handle the dagger and 5 flasks of oil.
Apr 1, 2022 1:50 am
Pacan's all submitted, sorry for the delay!
Apr 1, 2022 6:00 am
I like the idea of the spending and playing tourists and with that in mind, the pool of money to make choices.

So with that I understand the system better niw.

However, the table on lifestyle might need some adjusting.

I start with 15 gp.
That suggests comfortable lifestyle. At 7 days that is 14 gp.
Not much left to spend on events or anything. Not exactly the way to prepare for vacation :)

And gold, or inspiration regardless. Lasme will go where the party is.
Last edited April 1, 2022 6:08 am
Apr 1, 2022 6:24 am
I like this non-adventure approach. I have made an in-game reason why she has swords + daggers, but I'm going to remove her bow from her inventory as it doesn't really make sense that a university would travel with one. It would give her 25gp more to spend as a turist
Last edited April 1, 2022 6:25 am
Apr 1, 2022 6:34 am
Yes, cool. Actually when I make my druids I usually forego metal weapons class allows to start with. My last druid I made has neither any weapon nor shield and magic stone is his only offensive means.
I would be open to discuss some boons for anyone who forego an item in starting equipment for RP reason, but you will not be allowed to "sell" them outside of game sessions

P.S. I could see how a PC takes a bow gift from their parents to a travel to Chult only to sell that bow there and get some money to spend in Chult. I will allow you to sell them at half price in Chult, but I would like you to choose whom you sell it to. As a family possessed items they may affect story.
Apr 2, 2022 7:37 am
I had a chat with a friend of mine about GM and player -styles. We concluded that there were two fundamentally different styles.
The crunchie style, where each element has one or more rules that could be adhered to. Games systems like shadowrun cater very much to this.
The freeform style, where the rules are guidelines to the game flow, and one consults the few rules when the player/gm wants to achieve something specific story-wise. Game systems like FATE cater very much to this.

I'm definitely lean more toward the freeform style. My friend suggested that it was because as a programmer and data analyst I wanted to get a counterweight to the otherwise unforgiving rules of programming.

My impression is that our GM style leans heavily on the crunchie style. I want to play ToA but I doubt that I'm going to enjoy it as much with this GM style. I'll step back from the game
Apr 2, 2022 8:19 am
runekyndig, thanks for taking care to explain - it was really helpful. Now I want to note to the other players:
1. I did plan chapter 1 to be significantly crunchier than I normally do DnD because I hope it will help to push you through the intro narrative of the module.
2. I do like exactly how crunchie a DnD is. I will not support freedom of level that FATE assumes within DnD game. I will be enforcing all of the DnD rules as written into the game and will document any exceptions (such as no food requirement)

Now on another topic. Regarding Haggling game
It was my idea. Module assume either random or DM decided mechanics of players learning about the city issues
I did decide to base it on money and charisma. I was afraid that role-playing Haggling and information gathering in pubs and on the streets will take a lot of PBP time so decided to design the "Haggling game".
I feel it is too complicated and willing replace it with a random tables based mechanism depending on players choice. So please comment how would you like to gather information and acquire quests:
A) DM rolling D 100
B) Proportion to PC invested money and rolled skill checks
C) Do this as I would do at the table - have each player to role-play their PC actions and reward players with info/quests based on DM subjective evaluation of how adequate PC action is for information gathering
D) Other
Apr 2, 2022 9:47 am
I don't know FATE so I can't really judge on that.

In my view it is RP > Numbers. DnD is quite a strict game, which is great to allow for thinking and planning out of the box and adds a lot of tactical play as well. I enjoy DnD for the same reason as I enjoy both superflexy story driven ttrpgs and enjoy super crunchy video games as Fire Emblem. In the end, I think it is still more an RP game though.

With the posts above I come to understand even better the rule on inspiration on inn-costs and the comment you made earlier on not selling rations. It never even occured to me that someone would want to sell the rations. But now I think of it, I once read a reddit discussion if players could sell their only set of clothes, for they are useless as they have no rules attached to it. That mindset is not the games I would be in.

I admit that I am curious on how you plan to use number crunching to push into the narrative. My gut feeling would say that crunching numbers drives away from narrative.

So far I am ejoying this game, and I just hope that number crunching will not get in the way of RP. As long as they can co-exist, I am fine. This includes combat. RP doesn't stop when initiative is rolled. Characters may do less optimal things in combat based on their motivations.

As for the haggling and info gathering. In my view that should be done by, and have the player roll a skill check based on how they approach the situation. That would be basically be why there are skill profs in the first place. Looking purely at myself, I have a lot of social skills on my character, especially for situations like these.
Last edited April 2, 2022 9:55 am
Apr 2, 2022 11:19 am
For achieving goals in game, I am always a much bigger fan of allowing the dice to speak. *I* as Dramasailor dont need to be an int 20 person to solve a riddle if my SuperWizard is. Just like I as Dramasailor don't need to be a 20 strength body builder lifting huge stones just to allow my barbarian to do so. To me, haggling and extracting information is the same. If my character has strong charisma and succeeds on rolls, thats the key to getting information, not how well I role-play it. I'm a big fan of how quality role-playing can grant advantage on a roll (a la inspiration).

None of this is meant to say I dont like RP investment into the story, because I do! Its what makes it an immersive tram game and not just me with a stack of sheets. I just dont want key game progress to hinge primarily on how well someone writes a situation with a game-system as dice-centric as D&D is. If I wanted that, I'd go play FATE or one of the other "softer" systems (mathematically speaking).
Apr 2, 2022 2:57 pm
Hmm all good valid points. As for me i like the way it has been going. Almost every game ive been in ignores many rules that removes many challenges that are fun trying to find a solution for (find a dragons hoard but is too much to carry and you think whatever is left behind will be taken by local bandits. Do you leave thousands of pounds of gold? Do you leave your weapons and supplies to take more gold?)

Especially since this game leans more survivalist route not having unlimited arrows, torches, water, spell components etc is a big element in surviving. It makes the challenge more deadly. I am not really a fan of dnd games where i know no matter what i do i will survive.

The haggling is a nice concept. Most dnd game players try to haggle down the price anyways. Not sure why the skill profeciency is not allowed though. It would be weird in my opinion turning off any of the other skill profeciencies. Cant use survival while in the jungle looking for water would be weird.

But i like how things are going so far and the mechanics. Gotta try different things to get difgerent information. And gotta make sure you plan ahead or come up with creative solutions if you plan on surviving. Life is hard. Especially the adventurer life. Not everyone comes back alive.
Apr 2, 2022 3:12 pm
Regarding proficiency. Once again - I'm a RAW person. Rules say
To make an ability check, roll a d20 and add the relevant ability modifier.
Sometimes, the GM might ask for an ability check using a specific skill--for example, "Make a Wisdom (Perception) check." At other times, a player might ask the GM if proficiency in a particular skill applies to a check.
I have seen many DMs who assume it is their duty to always pick a specific skill. I do not. I believe that weather particular skill applies depend on how background matches with the task. That's why I was stressing out background choice. I am nevertheless open for negotiations with a DM as defined by rules.
Apr 2, 2022 3:24 pm
GreyWord says:
Regarding proficiency. Once again - I'm a RAW person. Rules say
To make an ability check, roll a d20 and add the relevant ability modifier.
Sometimes, the GM might ask for an ability check using a specific skill--for example, "Make a Wisdom (Perception) check." At other times, a player might ask the GM if proficiency in a particular skill applies to a check.
I have seen many DMs who assume it is their duty to always pick a specific skill. I do not. I believe that weather particular skill applies depend on how background matches with the task. That's why I was stressing out background choice. I am nevertheless open for negotiations with a DM as defined by rules.
Gotcha my bad. When i read it the first time i read it as a persuasion check as that is what I am used to for negotiations. I just looked back and you did say make an ability check my bad. Good to go I understand it now thank you
Apr 8, 2022 6:47 am
Hi All. I've send notice to NatOne and will remove if no answer in next 72 hours from the player .
Nevertheless since module is for 5-6 players we will continue, but I will in parallel be looking for 6th player, but only after those 72 hours.
Apr 8, 2022 4:01 pm
Regarding Haggle. Please let me know what you thing, but it looks like this was bad idea of mine - it cause too much questions.
I suggest we do following:
1) I announce that non magical items that has price in PHB could be purchased at 80% of their cost except heavy armour
Heavy armour costs 200% (yes twice the price) because in this hot climate heavy armour is hard to find
2) We ban any haggling from the game, all the prices that are state in the game are not negotiable. This is just too burdensome to negotiate them over PBP
Apr 8, 2022 8:31 pm
Its whatever to me. There are pros and cons to keeping it and discarding it.

1. We have already invested some of the actions in the week to over come the haggling requirement
2. Some already spent the 4 multiple for things like the 5gp dino tour that they now have less resources in case they need that gold later
3. It is a bit weird trying to figure out what can be haggled and what can not be haggled as the rule isnt stretched over everything in the same way.
4. We still have 5 more days left here (or so we think) that we can start getting things at cheaper prices instead of a 4 time multiple.

Pros and cons to both. I sort of lean towards getting rid of the haggling and the 4 times multiplier to all goods and services but im ok with whatever the group likes best.
Apr 8, 2022 9:02 pm
I do not mind the haggling, maybe it would be better to be more complete with the rules to avoid such questions?

Either way I do not mind. Am having fun
Apr 8, 2022 11:01 pm
I like Haggling but combined with 4x cost, lack of funds, and no apparent means to generate such, it isn't great. That is my view of it.

I see it totally hampers buying most anything. Before you can even haggle you have to have 4x gold of the item you want in case the haggling fails. In the point to gain a fine military outfit that Jim was considering, he would have to have 60gp cash as it is 15gp normally. Currently Jiim couldn't consider haggle/buy anything that cost much over 3gp player's handbook cost.
Last edited April 8, 2022 11:06 pm
Apr 9, 2022 6:51 am
OK I got you, it looks like I am robbing you, when I was trying to give you a 20% discount at the cost to time spent. Probably it was not clear that failed aggressive only waste time, but you could repeat it as much as 4 times a day, not to mention two of you could cooperate to help each other and give advantage.
I will introduce events into the game that will disable haggling and return prices to normal. More over to demonstrate I do not want to rob you I will restore all of your money spent haggling (i.e. except inn expenses) and grant free waterskin and free local clothes to anyone who did not buy one yet.

My excuses for this failure of mine. As I wrote I'm inexperienced PBP and appears my ability to define rules in written are to be improved.
Apr 9, 2022 9:23 am
How is HP handled for level 2? is it that rolled or average.

Do we auto add it to our characters HP or is it only added to max possible currently?

Is Multiclassing possible? Pop'ing to level 2 was unexpected so no roleplaying toward something new was done.

Jim for next level can do Barbarian, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Ranger, or Rogue per Multiclass rules.

Didn't know we would be leveling so I have not laid out a plan for such.

Added strange question: If we go on a say jungle expedition. Does Jim have to buy extra ration for safety after he has thrown away 10 rations earlier due to Comfortable lifestyle?
Last edited April 9, 2022 10:01 am
Apr 9, 2022 10:04 am
multiclass-yes but according to PHB. You would need to manage it yourself though I am not expert.

HP : your choice average or roll. No rerolls though.

you could assume you lvl up before long rest

Take your time. You could delay lvl up decision until after first initiative roll
Apr 9, 2022 12:55 pm
Pacan's level 2 synopsis:
Circle Choice: Circle of the Moon
Wild Shape
Combat Wild Shape (can use bonus action instead of action to trigger wild shape)
Circle Forms (Can transform into beasts CR1 or lower. No flight or swimming yet)
Average HP
+1 first level spell slot
+1 prepared spell
Question for you as a DM regarding druid wild shape forms. By default, there is no restriction on what beasts I can turn into (except the CR and flight/swimming restrictions). However, I know there is an optional rule that limits forms to those the druid has seen or something to that effect. I know we aren't using variant rules, but wanted to confirm if you're expecting a limited list of forms that I'll be able to use.
Apr 9, 2022 1:10 pm
Best of my knowledge It is not optional rule it IS RULE
Wild Shape
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your action to magically assume the shape of a beast that you have seen before.
I've been playing druid a lot myself and my approach to this is: if you multi-class into druid you are limited to beasts you have seen in the game. If your starting class is druid we could discuss in private list of animals you have seen. I would assume they all need to represent singe environment type (I would think most obvious choice is: forest/hill/urban). By the way - you have seen Ankylosauruses, triceratopses, , Deinonychus, Dimetrodon, Hadrosaurus, and Young versions of: Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus, Allosaurus. I will allow you to turn into adult versions of those.
Apr 9, 2022 2:39 pm
Can we buy those chult special items or only the one who discovered them?
Apr 9, 2022 2:50 pm
So it is Grey, apologies. Not sure where I had seen the variation piece in the past (might have been third party trying to define what someone has "seen"). More than happy to define a list that we grow over time.
Apr 9, 2022 3:11 pm
Jim Corman discovered chult special items, but I assume he shared that info with you and it was not really so hard to discover for anyone who were buying anything, so feel free to purchase them
Apr 9, 2022 7:28 pm
Getting Jim into level 2:

Jim multiclasses into Cleric of Deneir with the Arcana Domain. Does he get full hp for the first time in the class or should I do roll or do average?

"All PCs gain lvl 2! Your PCs undergo acclimatization and are more capable now. From RP perspective I would assume you do not learn your lvl 2 features, you were simply unable to user then in the first two days in the hot climate"

Featureless: So Jim can't cast spell or do cantrips? He has no prepared spells or slots? Or receive proficiency in Arcana currently?

Edit: Gene is easily confused.
Last edited April 9, 2022 8:21 pm
Apr 9, 2022 7:56 pm
You gain the hit points from your new class as described for levels after 1st. You gain the 1st-level hit points for a class only when you are a 1st-level character.
does it answer?

and you gain your spells as per phb lvl up plus long rest.

if you don't know how multiclass works pm me your discord name I could try to teach.
Apr 9, 2022 8:22 pm
Smiles. Okay. Jim Corman is leveled up.
Apr 10, 2022 6:57 pm
Verbal component discussion
I would like to discuss this before finalize ruling. As usual my intent is to stay with game rules/designer comments on that, here they are

I will start with DnD designer comment on s spell suggestion that is similar to command or visious mockery because saying something is part of spell casting in all 3 cases:
Verbal components are mystic words (PH, 203). The spell's suggestion is a separate, intelligible utterance.
The verbal component of a spell must be audible to work. How loud is audible? That's up to the DM.
Now I don't want to be the decision maker on "how loud is audible". I vote whispered is not audible, but if most of the players vote it is I'm fine. But I will certainly make sure enemy spell casters will also benefit of that.

So why do you all think
a) Whispering is audible and creatures could only hear it 5/10/30 feet away depending on how loud is environment (i.e. 30 fet in empty empty room, while 5 feet in crowded city street)
b) Only clear, loud voice is audible and creatures would hear it 30/60/300 feet away
c) Caster must make stealth roll against creature passive perception, while environment and distance could impose advantage or disadvantage as decided by DM.
D) Other
Apr 10, 2022 8:09 pm
As a sorcerer, I could take the subtle spell metamagic. Allowing hushed casting kind of reduces the impact of that choice, so I vote B

But I don't mind that much, dunno if I would pick it anyway
Apr 10, 2022 8:18 pm
I lean towards B, but not with those distances. There are spells that specify if the result can be heard up to 300 feet away, so the verbal definitely shouldn't reach that far.

I think of whispered being unintelligible beyond 5-10 feet even in the quietest rooms. So I would put it at "must be stated loudly enough to be clearly understood at 30 feet in a quiet room. Observers can make a perception check to hear beyond that" something like that. Kind of like having a conversation in a reasonable conference room.
Apr 11, 2022 2:40 am
I think it all depends on the spell as each one has sort of different descriptions. The spell command says something about the creature has to know the language that is spoken so for that one it seems like if it is not loud enough for that creature to hear then it wont take effect. Other spells like dissonant whisper says you whisper that only the victim hears so it sounds like that one it doesn’t have to be loud enough to be heard the magical word just need to be spoken. Spells like earthquake do not target a person and have a range of 500 ft so it would look like to me that it doesn’t have to be a certain loudness but just words that have to be spoken. I think like Jeremy said up to the DM to determine if it could be whispered or not. Hmm this is a tricky one for play by post. I lean a bit towards option C but some spells are needed to be heard especially spells that says the victim needs to hear it. All others I think could be said at any volume level. In a tense situation like we are in now maybe it is impossible to not be noticed unless a successful stealth check was made. But as always im down for whatever as long as its spread over equally.
Apr 11, 2022 4:01 am
The group I used to play in a lot had this to say about spell casting. Loud enough for the gods to hear. Otherwise anyone you could see would know you casted with a verbal component and a few around the corner. On the thought that the verbal component must be spoken clearly and whispering and mumbling just isn't there. This applies to Cantrips as well as Spells.

Understanding what was casted is a different ballpark. In previous editions, it was very difficult to know what was casted, but 5e I believe leaves it rather open.

5e avoids using range deterioration. They like it cut and dry. My general thought was everyone around you always hears what you say unless it is specially said to be a whisper to someone right next to you.
Last edited April 11, 2022 4:10 am
Apr 11, 2022 6:10 am
[ +- ] Probably too late and everyone already "this DM is such a jerk". But I want to explain the reason I do this.
@Tasrek in the quote above I read game designer insist that spells like command consist of two separate audible things:
1. Verbal components - mystic words
2. The singe command word
You must do both for spell to trigger.
I do not have issue if everyone but target of "dissonant whispers" only hearing mystic words and nothing else. I will not allow the spell to ignore the mystic words verbal component. That was not the question, The question is - how loud mystic words should be pronounced.

@GeneCortess everyone hearing mystic words does just it. They could assume you are casting spell. They can't be certain you cat it and there is no way for them to recognise the spell.

I would prefer indeed to not use range deterioration. In the game you are usually either around your target or hiding away from it. If we will ever have something in between I will rule the way it is most beneficial for players.
Apr 11, 2022 8:14 am
As a non-caster (or so I plan at the moment) I would say either B or C (a chance to say the verbal component whilst an anvil strikes or something perhaps?)
Apr 11, 2022 1:29 pm
Sounds good to me 👍
Apr 14, 2022 6:40 am
Anyone need an easter break?
At least in Latvia we have easter holidays starting tomorrow and including Monday. I will be able to post though some delays are possible.
But if anyone need a longer break, please let me know, otherwise I treat Friday and Monday as normal working days for purpose of pushing game events forward.
Apr 14, 2022 7:29 am
Jim tries to egg the GM on. 'Holy Omelet'
Apr 14, 2022 8:14 am
I don't even get easter eggs :'(

I have some visitors over the next few weeks though - but it shouldn't affect my presence here I would think
Apr 14, 2022 10:32 am
Pretty much the same here, Friday/Monday are holidays but nothing that should effect here
Apr 14, 2022 12:01 pm
Im still at the beach house on vacation, so still slow posting until Monday, when I'm back for normal pacing.
Apr 14, 2022 12:01 pm
Im still at the beach house on vacation, so still slow posting until Monday, when I'm back for normal pacing.
Apr 14, 2022 12:39 pm
Good point in game chat - I want you to be able to double check if I make any mistake with attack of opportunity and such
[ +- ] Before gladiator move first round
Gladiator take 31 damage
[ +- ] After lgadiator move first round
Added damage from Bear (9) and Travers (12), 52 in sum

By the way, very impressive rolls! I did not expect this battle to end so quickly and with so lille KO PCs.

But now to the point: I will try to make this more transparent to you in future. I think I should add info about opportunity attack into the second table. Any better ideas?
Apr 14, 2022 1:05 pm
I do not have any better ideas than that. Adding to the second table sounds like a good idea. And I am fine with continuing as normal for Easter. Question how do you make a table in GamersPlane?

Also wanted to remind @Jim, @Pecan and @K'lahu that you have bardic inspiration in case you roll an attack and you think you are close but might not be enough.
Last edited April 14, 2022 1:10 pm
Apr 14, 2022 1:11 pm
I'm good with it being in the second table as well! Yeah, there have been some really great rolls so far. Nothing like fortunate rolls to start spinning mythical tales about the PCs' abilities
Apr 14, 2022 5:37 pm
Question about another rule. I saw you said spells are never non lethal so the question is if a killing blow is done to an enemy will the PCs have the opportunity to heal the enemy after they fall or once a lethal strike has been made and brings the enemy to Zero HP there is no way to prevent death?
Apr 14, 2022 5:47 pm
Tasrek says:
Question about another rule. I saw you said spells are never non lethal so the question is if a killing blow is done to an enemy will the PCs have the opportunity to heal the enemy after they fall or once a lethal strike has been made and brings the enemy to Zero HP there is no way to prevent death?
I'm just trying to follow DnD rules and that is how I read them. Happy to be wrong here, but that is the only way to knock out enemies that I am finding in the rules
Knocking a Creature Out
Sometimes an attacker wants to incapacitate a foe, rather than deal a killing blow. When an attacker reduces a creature to 0 hit points with a melee attack, the attacker can knock the creature out. The attacker can make this choice the instant the damage is dealt. The creature falls unconscious and is stable.
Here is a forum discussion that supports my view though
Apr 14, 2022 5:57 pm
That's correct that spells (unless they specify otherwise) cannot be changed to nonlethal damage. However, from death saving throws in the phb:
Mighty villains and special nonplayer characters are common exceptions; the DM might have them fall unconscious and follow the same rules as player characters.
So you, as DM, could determine any NPC to be special enough to warrant a death saving throw if you wanted the players to have a chance to use resources to stabilize and heal them, for example.
Apr 14, 2022 6:00 pm
Yeah i was seeing that and it says the creature falls unconscious and is stable. I was just wondering if the other ways to give the enemy damage would be able to make the enemy fall unconscious and is not stable. Giving a round or two of possibly having the enemy not die. I dont see any rules for or against making the enemy fall unconscious and is not stable.
Last edited April 14, 2022 6:01 pm
Apr 14, 2022 6:01 pm
But actually I support that ruling. I believe spells are more powerful than martial, especially in games where a LR happens between almost any two battle encounters not to mention how OP some out of combat spells are (goodberry for example makes whole ToA survival stuff absolute).
So if there is just a tiny drawback that spells can not make less damage than their power is willing to deliver.... that is only fair.

But that is my as a player subjective feeling. I it does no influence my as DM decision. If only support my trust in DnD 5E rules being better that they may sometimes seem to be.
Apr 14, 2022 6:02 pm
@Dramasailor thanks for reminding me this one. Gladiator is not a special though. But I will remember that for special NPCs.
Apr 14, 2022 6:06 pm
Cool cool just thought id ask and see what you thought
Apr 14, 2022 6:14 pm
My experience is that D&D has all enemy die at 0.

This prevents the many multiple problems that would arise if they were not dead at 0. Of course, also I have seen that as GM might want the enemy to only be subdue for whatever reason too. This sometimes happens when the party takes down a key enemy or one that has some info to tell before it dies.

I think it is in the rule that you can strike to subdue but is seldom used. I have been in games where the GM has asked if your strike was a subdue strike in the interest of weather the character really meant to have killing.

Also, no 0 death becomes more of a tracking nightmare if enemy don't die at 0. If you can imagine what that would be like in a larger scale combat. Fairly soon everyone has to double tap everything to ensure death. If there is a rule that targets don't die at 0, lt should be well announced as it is definitely going to alter combat. (double tap.)

Player Characters can live after hitting 0. We are hero types. And hate remaking new characters on the spot.
Last edited April 14, 2022 6:18 pm
Apr 14, 2022 6:28 pm
Makes sense. I wasnt sure as a lot of it can be taken different ways and see how others thought about it. Like how it says melee attacks and doesnt say melee weapon attacks since there is a difference there as well. Just thought id see how everything works out before it happens rather than afterwards. Sorry for all the ruling questions lol
Last edited April 14, 2022 6:31 pm
Apr 14, 2022 6:55 pm
D&D doesn't have monsters die at 0. The book specifically calls out that many DMs do that but gives them the option of also having them use the saves as well. It only specifies that players ALWAYS get death saves (unless specifically stated otherwise). It is intentionally gray there to allow for rules sanctioned "plot armor".

I'm fine with a gladiator not being special in that sense, but could see reasons why a DM would also treat them as special (they are specifically named as a quest target. Not random kobold 7 of 9). Either way I'm happy.
Apr 18, 2022 8:51 pm
Question DM. Is there a certain amount of races we can bet on each day if we choose the betting at the race tracks morning activity?
Apr 19, 2022 3:46 am
technically no limitation. And you could put any amount on each bet.
Apr 19, 2022 4:53 am
Cool cool thanks just wasnt sure if it was only one bet per morning or if we could do more
Apr 19, 2022 2:14 pm
My association with dance competition
[ +- ] Diploma
Apr 20, 2022 3:04 am
Welcome to the game DragonDweller62!!!
Apr 20, 2022 8:15 am
Apr 20, 2022 11:53 am
I hope you understand that what I've just done in the game is this:
Your PC has a choice to "abandon the game of ToA" or volunteer be part of the game. I don't want NPCs to force your PCs to go outside of their comfort zone, invest their time and risk their lives to save Syndra's life. No, I want you as players to come op with reason your PC will do that to either save Syndra, their parent or a lot of rich people in the world. Or maybe someone see an opportunity to get rich, influential, powerful.
It is your job to hook your character now. Your PC duty to volunteer risking their lives to find and deal with Soulmonger - the task that Syndra and a dozen experienced adventurers failed.
The mission impossible. The hero mission.
Apr 20, 2022 6:54 pm
@tasrek and @boop, thanks for the welcome! So happy to be playing with you all!
Apr 20, 2022 7:07 pm
Smiles. Do enjoy.
Apr 21, 2022 12:13 pm
GeneCortess says:
Pricing for Insect Netting (Just large enough to cover one person while resting/sleeping.)
I haven't seen such item in PHB, but there is an item in module that suits similar purpose:

A gourd or vial of salve, which sells for 1 gp, contains 20 applications of odorless grease. One application protects its wearer against normal insects for 24 hours. The salve is waterproof so it doesn’t wash off in rain.

More details of prices of special Chult items here (open spoiler "Chult special items" to see details)
Apr 21, 2022 2:26 pm
There is from a book called 'Arms and Equipment Guide'.




I always liked this item.



Apr 21, 2022 2:50 pm
Now I found it. I did not know about this DnD 3e book .
In any case I am sure merchant prince Kwayothé makes sure this item is not available on the market. I would be fine for the item to be available in black market as it is explained in module, but you have not yet found that "market".
Apr 23, 2022 3:50 pm
Wisdom (Insight) check decides whether you can determine the true intentions of a creature, such as when searching out a lie or predicting someone’s next move. Doing so involves gleaning clues from body language, speech habits, and changes in mannerisms
You could google "Insight is not a lie detector" for more opinions, but my opinion is this:
searching out a lie
is not equal
detecting a lie

If a PC want to try and see if a NPC is lying or hiding something that means your PC assumes NPC lie and act accordingly. He is asking questions to catch a lie. I will by default result a failed insight as NPC getting frustrated with your PC assuming him to be lie.
But regardless of a roll you will if NPC behavior is suspicious or sincere.

Do you find this reasonable? If majority of the players want insight to work as a lie detector hidden from NPC - I could do that for you
Apr 23, 2022 4:20 pm
As always you are the GM so however you want to rule it. I just will make sure not to roll insight as I wouldnt want to offend the NPCs. I was thinking someone could say something and just try to pay attention to the response. Like for the example of how i just used it Ha'aroo just said Soulmonger while if a person heard that and wanted to hide what they knew about it might raise their eyebrows, talk in a quicker mannor trying, trying to change the conversation, touch their face, get upset, studder etc. And sometimes these signs could be overlooked or interpreted in an incorrect way if the other person is not good at determining people's true intentions.

I rolled it to see if however the NPC reacted to see if it was genuine or not. Saying the word soulmonger could spark hope, dread, anger, confusion and I was not thinking that saying the name of the artifact would make it seem like Ha'aroo was questioning the NPCs motives even though he Ha'aroo was curious if the NPC has heard of it and if so what reactions it sparked in the NPC. To see if his body language and tone, pitch facial reactions matched the words that he said. I just didnt know that you ruled insight in this way and will make sure not to roll insight in the future.
Last edited April 23, 2022 4:22 pm
Apr 23, 2022 4:28 pm
I'm still learning to DM and could take an advice or accept the way majority of players find it more fun.
You know what - there is a passive insight attribute in dndbeyond. I would suggest that I roll do a hidden Deception roll by NPC whenever NPC is hiding something or telling a lie. Compare roll against passive insight and tell you that there is a lie if he fail. Tell nothing if pass.
Apr 23, 2022 4:44 pm
However you like to do it. I usually think of passive (skill check) as if that person isnt looking for a reaction (insight), isnt trying to remember an event (history), isnt trying to look for the hidden creature (perception), isnt trying to sneak up on someone (stealth) but through their natural abilities succeeds/fails without trying. While active rolls you are trying to think of an event (history), look for enemies (perception), look for body language (insight) etc.
Apr 23, 2022 6:06 pm
I assume (especially PC proficient in insight) is naturally doing this:
Tasrek says:
To see if his body language and tone, pitch facial reactions matched the words that he said.
at least in real life that's what I do when speak to a person face-to-face. And I don't count myself as proficient in insight. I know some human resource managers in my company are. They just can't stop looking at body language of every person even on a party.

Anyhow. DnD isn't real life simulation. I want rules that are left for DM discretion to be used the way everyone feels fun. I feel fun that failed insight should be punishing, though DC should be proportional to NPC attitude toward you. For Grandfather Zitembe DC is 5 because he is thankful for PCs to appear in the right moment.
If players don't find it fun - I am cool to change it
Apr 23, 2022 7:49 pm
GreyWord says:
I'm sorry if I made it look like Grandfather Zitembe quickly became aggressive. He did not become aggressive . He is intrigued. Or at best he don't believe that your source of information is to be trusted. That's the real cause of his behavior and I'm sorry if I am too poor role-player for this to be evident
Lol its all good its hard to tell tone of voice and body language when we are doing a play by post. You cant quite act out how any mannerisms. I thought i failed the DC since you said that was an example of how you do failing insight checks, Ha'aroo didnt get any feeling of the priest being excited on their intent but instead became suspicious of them and instead of answering if he could help us he started asking who we were, why we are there, what our intent was, who we worked for and then you posted if we try to read someone's body language and fail they will be offended. So thats what I thought what had happened.

And thats why Ha'aroo is thinking that either this priest is wanting the soulmonger to continue or that the groups goals are something Savras is not wanting done at this time. Im interested to seeing how Pecan and the priest reacts and where we go from here.

Its hard to understand intent and body language through text and so we are going to need to rely on you if we feel someone is being honest or if someone sounds like they are trying to hide something.
Apr 24, 2022 6:45 am
Everyone! As I wrote earlier I'm inexperienced at PBP DMing and I believe I've made a mistake there.
I want to remove any negative penalties for failed insight check.

It is probably too late to fix the scene with
Rolling insight in case I need it to see how Grandfather Zitembe reacts.
So I would provide a fix here in OOC to explain how I will try to fix it in future

1) DC for High priest insight is 15 (because I've decided so). For different NPCs it could be anything in range from 5 to 20 (or even auto pass for a commoner or auto auto fail for professional spy).
2) I should have explained that Grandfather Zitembe reaction shows surprise and partially disbelief/suspicion in what you told him
3) If you would fail a roll I would instead tell that priest seems extremely interested
4) You wouldn't know DC. My answer wouldn't tell you if you passed or failed with your roll. And again you could pass with 1-1 or fail 20+6
Apr 25, 2022 8:32 pm
Just a note on your preparations. There are enough problems for you to solve in this module to worry about things like campfire or food. If you wish you could assume Syndra have you object with Continual Flame cast on it
[ +- ] Continual Flame
You could also assume there are fruits in the jungle eating which will give you enough energy. As I wrote previously you only need to solve water problem either with magic or any other way.

Note howere that I play RAW and create or destroy water spell says "You create up to 10 gallons of clean water within range in an open container" . Meaning you need to have a single container as spell target. You can't target several waterskins
Apr 25, 2022 8:40 pm
Agreed! I had forgotten about the food bit. For water, totally agree. With a water collector, that allows us to capture 8 gallons of water, though if we wanted to acquire a small barrel we COULD theoretically deal with it that way, but that adds extra weight to contend with.
Apr 25, 2022 8:45 pm
Thoughts on a red shirt'ed mule. or Dinosaur.
Apr 25, 2022 8:51 pm
GeneCortess says:
Thoughts on a red shirt'ed mule. or Dinosaur.
lol it took me a few moments to get the red shirt'ed comment lol

GM can we have the continuous flame spell put on Jim's lantern by chance?

Dont know if the rest of the team would like it on there but it would be nice to have it on something that we can mask the light when needed.
Last edited April 25, 2022 8:54 pm
Apr 25, 2022 8:57 pm
I mean, given that it generates no heat, doesn't need oxygen, and can't be smothered. Could put it on a belt buckle and then just throw a cloth over it if we felt like it.
Apr 25, 2022 8:58 pm
Jim can cast "Goodberry" every day for 10 people worth. In fact he has the spell right now in memory. It says provides nourishment to sustain a creature for one day. I take that as food and water for a day which is sweet.
Apr 25, 2022 9:01 pm
Only problem with Continual Flame is the 50gp cost of a red ruby. Which Jim cannot cast.
Apr 25, 2022 9:03 pm
RAW doesn't specify, but Jeremy Crawford indicated that RAI is no it doesn't impact hydration at all (at least that's the decision I've seen most frequently)
Apr 25, 2022 9:04 pm
the gm said that Syndra who brought us will give us one continous flames.
Last edited April 25, 2022 9:04 pm
Apr 25, 2022 9:06 pm
Ack. Good memory you have Tasrek. Jim actually has a large box that he carries on top of his backpack. So, a transporting animal would be nice. Of course it will not eat goodberries. Still Jim will buy some backup oil.

(Jim on his previous explorations has a large box he keeps all his tomb raiding gear in. Bullseye Lantern, Miner’s Pick, Shovel, Crowbar, 10 Pitons, 10 Torches, 50' Hempen Rope & 5 Flasks of Oil.)
Last edited April 25, 2022 9:09 pm
Apr 25, 2022 9:14 pm
when I wrote
you could assume Syndra have you object with Continual Flame cast on it
I mean to say she gave it to you
you do not need to cast it!

Jeremy write
The nourishment provided by goodberry is meant to be like food, not water, but a DM can say otherwise
And I do not say otherwise!
Apr 25, 2022 9:37 pm
So, a goodberry (10 berries) and create water (10 gallons) would go a long way. Which would of course totally wipe out Jim's Spell casting ability. A nice collection barrel for the water.
Apr 25, 2022 9:40 pm
I think the plan Gene, is that we don't have to worry about goodberry castings (which is what Pacan has as well). But if we get a barrel and we each cast the create water, we could easily get all the water we want on a daily basis and save some spell slots. :)
Apr 25, 2022 9:44 pm
Well then Between Jim and Pacan we have food & water covered. With Syndra continual flame we have basic light covered. Jim still rather have an animal mount. That and it is good for carrying the barrel as well as Jim's wooden case of goodies. And we have a guide. There is just making sure all have someplace to sleep would be good.
Apr 25, 2022 9:51 pm
IC, Shara mentions the need for food and the characters' plan to get it, but OOC, I know food isn't a worry and I think the plan above is a good one. All we have to worry about is a beast of burden and sleeping arrangements, and paying the guide we pick.
Apr 26, 2022 5:08 am
unless you want yo roleplay around it I vote we assume Syndra gave you 6 cepies of the map. And Shara used her magic ink to copy all guide adverts and share that. I don't want You to restrict yourself from looking into handouts I am providing. Note that handouts are also available in roll20 at a better quality.
Apr 26, 2022 5:18 am
I could work with that. Furthermore, I'm someone who likes to roleplay everything, but I also have significantly more IRL than PbP experience. I realize it's a different environment, so would it be easier to summarize large chunks of discussion like Tasrek and I just did in-game? Or play out the whole discussion (like when Shara asked to see the map)?

I'm not sure if something like this was already established earlier.
Apr 26, 2022 7:07 am
First of all I would like to point out that Sara were there when Syndra presented the map to everyone, was she not?

Now as for PBP IC conversations. I will add my opinion as player below, but there is my desire for this particular game as DM.

I am am cool with players posting their chunks of small-talks, weather conversations and discussing which inn has a better choice of dishes, etc. I NPCs will answer if I have to to.
Nevertheless, for this particular game (ToA) this is cool only As long as you are able to once a day RL post action(s) your PC are doing to proceed with the story. At the moment in the game for example I need you to decide what your PCs do the second par of the day.
They will waste half a day if you can't post your actions with next 8 hours. Or let me know if you really need mo to delay story from moving forward, I could put it on pause for you.
[ +- ] What I think as a player
Apr 26, 2022 7:50 am
Jim's Shopping list. All are common Adventuring Gear from PHB except Salt and Pepper.

1 Waterskin -- 2sp
5 Flask of Oil -- 5sp
1 50' Hempen Rope -- 1gp
1 Tinderbox -- 5sp
1 Common Clothing -- 5sp
3 Sacks of 1gp of Trade Trinkets -- 3gp
1 Bottle of Perfume -- 5gp
1 Dice Set -- 1sp
1 Signal Whistle -- 5cp
2 Sacks of 1# of Salt -- ???
1 Sack of 1# of Pepper -- ???
1 Shortsword (Machete) -- 10gp
1 Whetstone -- 1cp
1 Map Case (Waterproof) -- 1gp
1 Ink Pen -- 2cp
1 Bottle of Ink -- 10gp
1 Bedroll -- 1gp
10 Sack of Candles -- 1sp
1 Barrel -- 2gp
1 Healer's Kit -- 5gp
1 Mess Kit -- 2sp
4 Bag of Rations -- 2gp
Last edited April 26, 2022 7:54 am
Apr 26, 2022 8:31 am
Grab Salt and Pepper for free.
But please check your carry capacity including all your current equipment, including arrows and money. I've removed the need to carry food for you, but anything else you will need to carry.
P.S. I will not even ask how do you plan to carry a Barrel, which is funny, but as long as you it's wight 70 lb in sum with other items do not go over your PC carry capacity
Apr 26, 2022 8:48 am
As for carry - you will not be able to use any PHB vehicles in jungles but I am ok if you want any of the animals able to carry
They will solve carry capacity problems, but will not affect travel speed. Speed noted in the table I will only take into account if an encounter occure and animal want to run away fro example
Apr 26, 2022 10:22 am
LOL. Jim probably has the barrel delivered to the inn. Would be funny seeing him carry it.
Apr 26, 2022 10:30 am
Maybe poll could help?
I've added names and numbers to guides and add list of your current quests for your connivence. I do not want to rople-play any purchasing you could get anything from PHB at the price. I would like to understand if you lunch your expedition today or postpone till tomorrow and which direction do you go and NPCs will you take with you. Let's do a poll

Where you go and do you hire guide? Multi

Hire no guide Yet. head to Port Beluarian to do two quests (and take Rokan with you)
Hire 2. Salida, head to Camp Vengence (South)
Hire no guide, head to Camp Vengence (South)
Hire other guide and go in direction chosen by guide
None of above: specify your option of guide and direction
Apr 26, 2022 12:05 pm
Smiles. I did an encumbrance check on Jim after purchases. He is down to 18gp, 3sp, 2cp now. He has a STR of 14 so he can carry at the most 210# (14x15). He has 93.68# on him. His wooden case is 111#. So, he can pick it up and walk with it. That barrel is 70# so, yeah he could carry it if he doesn't have his backpack or wooden case with him. His backpack (30# cap) & wooden case (100# cap) are just about filled to the max carry capacity.
Apr 26, 2022 12:09 pm
I was saying rain catcher at the beginning because it was lighter, cost less and foldable to make it easy to carry. I was thinking the donkey as it is a cheap way to carry this chest that comes with the diplomats kit. Not sure if chests can have straps to wear it like a backpack but i know if its full the Ha'aroo wont be strong enough to carry it by itself. It can hold a lot of goods though.
Last edited April 26, 2022 12:26 pm
Apr 26, 2022 12:36 pm
I was thinking a Donkey too. Jim doesn't want to be hauling his wooden case (Chest) around in the jungle. And that barrel is 70 pounds empty. Time we put water in it, it is going to be a lot heavier. Jim has a +2 for animal handling. Jim been on expeditions before so he is simi prepared. That is why he has a wooden case to carry his expedition supplies.

Edit: Forgot to get my Insect Repellent. Gesh.
Last edited April 26, 2022 12:44 pm
Apr 26, 2022 12:44 pm
Once we create water in the barrell though we will be putting that water in our individual waterskins though right? I was thinking at first to get a rain collecter and 8 waterskins so once we fill up the rain collector/barrel then we can fill up our waterskins since we cant create water in an individual waterskin. Or we can but that would be a wasted spell slot. So you wont or the donkey wont need to be walking around with the groups water supply
Last edited April 26, 2022 12:47 pm
Apr 26, 2022 12:46 pm
If we start with the barrel full of water and our waterskins full. I don't think water is going to be a problem as long as the Donkey lives. And to be sure Jim doesn't want to have to carry that wooden case so that Donkey needs to live. No idea what else everyone wants that Donkey to carry? Winks. Nebula probably has 10 sets of clothing and 40 shoes.
Last edited April 26, 2022 12:49 pm
Apr 26, 2022 1:16 pm
Im sure we all have something we will want help carrying. Maybe a donkey per person?
Apr 26, 2022 2:03 pm
Yeah, I was thinking we could easily do the 8 gallons to start and then do 8 gallons later in the day without issue.
Apr 26, 2022 7:42 pm
GreyWord says:
First of all I would like to point out that Sara were there when Syndra presented the map to everyone, was she not?
Pardon my memory, I confused Syndra's map with the one Undra Silvertusk shows the party in Chapter 1.

Is the plan rain catcher + create water + pack mule? That's what I understand from the discussion. I think only one will be necessary, but I'm just speaking for myself.

In regards to a guide, I don't think Shara will need to buy much at the market, just a bedroll to sleep in and maybe some other miscellaneous things. If Jim can't pitch in for a guide, she may be able to help him cover the cost. This all assumes we still want one, but I would feel a little safer with one.
Apr 26, 2022 8:42 pm
Sorry, I am finding the preparation a little overwhelming. I think I will buy similar items to Ha'aroo, unless something doesn't make sense
15 insect repellent 1.5 gold
1 2 person tent 2 gold (whoever wants to be the other person can jump on in with Ha'aroo)
1 bedroll 1 gold
1 hemp rope 1 gold
1 blanket 0.5 gold
1 bag of ball barings 1 gold
1 rain catcher 1 gold
1 backpack 2 gold
10 additional waterskins 2 gold
1 donkey 8 gold
1 pack saddle 5 gold
I'm happy to give more gold to others who can plan better than me / are not buying something because of cost.
Apr 27, 2022 3:42 am
Jim purchased a Mule, Pack Saddle, 20 Feed, Insect Repellent. So, he is nearly broke now. Till the donkey eats up the feed, the water barrel can't be filled fully. It would just be too much weight. Still some space for Nebula's shoes. Jim has space in his tent as well. Jim is burning a slot for Create Water Daily.

His wooden case has the following for supplies: Bullseye Lantern (2#), Miner’s Pick (2#), Shovel (5#), Crowbar (5#), 10 Pitons (4#), 10 Torches (10#), 2x50' Hempen Rope (20#), 10 Flasks of Oil (10#), Waterskin (5#), Tinderbox (1#), Common Clothing (3#), 3 Sacks of 1gp of Trade Trinkets (6#), 2 Sacks of 1# of Salt (2#), Sack of 1# of Pepper (1#), 4 Rations (8#)

The mule has: Pack Saddle (15#), Barrel (70#), 20 Feed (200#)

Does the Mule come with a pull me rope?
Last edited April 27, 2022 3:52 am
Apr 27, 2022 4:00 am
Boop says:
Sorry, I am finding the preparation a little overwhelming.
well... preparatiion is the guide job in real life. It is actually part of module's idea that going to expedition without guided preparations will turn out as a failure. Some players were trying to avoid that. Will see if they are lucky enough.
Apr 27, 2022 4:31 am
Smiles. D&D Players love doing it yourself. Loves everything custom.
By looks. Jim is our guide. At least he has been on 3 previous expeditions, and one was with Ha'haroo. (Player History.) Good that he is proficiency in Survival as well as Perception, but not in Nature.
Apr 27, 2022 4:47 am
he has not been in THIS jungle. could you for example tell party if drinking river water is safe? How to avoid dinos? What is more dangerous? Guide could have.

But you could be lucky enough to not meet dangers or to beat them
Apr 27, 2022 5:14 am
Jim knows how to use a Machete and which way is north. Well, that is about it. Yep. He isn't at all a great guide. He does know how to survive is all. He doesn't know a lot about plants, animals, and/or monsters. Jim is not a GUIDE. He does know how to follow the river. Doesn't take a genius to do that. Jim is not one the smartest people around.
Last edited April 27, 2022 5:16 am
Apr 27, 2022 6:21 am
OK, sorry for spoiling and let's move on. Jim's +4 at survival is indeed good and will certainly be of a value.

Now important notice.

Resource management. Every player have to keep track of their water usage, Insect repellent uses, etc. I will not be micro managing that. I may at some moment in the game say something like "anyone who do not have Insect repellent applied at the moment suffer this...". I don't want to micro manage your sheets, but feel free to ask me any questions

As a player I like to know, but you may ignore this:
[ +- ] mechanical details used by DM
Apr 27, 2022 8:35 am
Sorry all hectic day yesterday so missed most everything.

Travers would offer some money to share a tent with someone and purchase some insect repellant (15 seems to be the average so I'll do that) already has two waterskins but will buy another couple to refill from the barrel and purchase a healers kit, some soap and a bag of either caltrops or ball bearings (which ever I can find), a net and travelling clothes.

If he can find one would also purchase a climber kit. (25GP)

Should be 9GP 4SP and 3CP
Last edited April 27, 2022 8:53 am
Apr 28, 2022 4:23 pm
Assuming you will ask it - you can't do Insight on Ape. If you describe an action of your PC related to animal and I feel that action could fail, I will have you roll animal handling instead.
Apr 29, 2022 1:34 pm
could everyone remind me if they have mule. I found Jim and Sharagwyn purchased mules. Anyone else?
Apr 29, 2022 1:45 pm
i bought a mule
Apr 29, 2022 2:13 pm
I did not purchase a mule.
Apr 29, 2022 2:51 pm
Right, Nebula and Ha'aroo got donkey . I will for simplicity regard them all as mules if you don't mind.
P.S. I'm assuming you are each holding your own animal by a rope. I will roll a hidden wisdom roll for each of 4 animals to see how they react in the situation.
Apr 29, 2022 5:53 pm
I too have a donkey and sure you can call it a mule.
Apr 29, 2022 6:00 pm
I'm just using stat block of a mule for rolls I do on behalf of animals
And on map battle map they look the same. But we could imagine they look different

P.S. The roll I called "Nebula str check" was a typo - it mean to say Nebula mule str check - it is DC for nebula should she decide to stop her animal
Apr 29, 2022 6:04 pm
@GeneCortess I see we have understanding, the mule on left of you is your. I've positioned you based on your "Jim just steps next to his mule" so I could put you in from of your mule free of movement, but sounds like it does not matter this time
Apr 29, 2022 6:09 pm
Map is fine. We aren't robots and it always perfect to what we think. It is what is. Jim corrected his position to where he wants to be in the post. That is fairly much in front of his mule.
Apr 29, 2022 11:17 pm
I'm sorry if there was any confusion, but I never bought a mule. Also, here is a token to use for Shara.
[ +- ] Shara Token
Apr 30, 2022 6:08 pm
Note: for characters or groups of enemies that roll the same initiative I will randomly chose order (roll a dice using Tools)
Apr 30, 2022 10:14 pm
Do I need to repeat the check for my donkey or is he stopped now?
May 1, 2022 12:45 am
Better ski while being pulled. Otherwise a bad way to collect plants.
May 1, 2022 4:55 am
I think yes the donkie still try to get away.
May 1, 2022 6:52 am
Q: Should players be rolling potential attacks and damage?
A: IDK I would prefer yes, players do roll both to hit in case of ready action and potential damage both in case of ready and in case of enemy save required to determine if damage is taken

Corner case: player cast toll the dead on first round and don't yet know if it will be a 1d8 or 1d12.
Solution: player roll both 1d8 and 1d12.
Note: yes, I know it could cause metagaming if you one player see other player 1d8 rolled more than 1d12 and chose different target for his attack, but this is non-essential. I value efficiency of combat peace over player ability to meta game combat decisions.
May 1, 2022 7:28 am
A note on spell components
"Nebula's eyes turn dark and starry as she raises her hands ..."
Spell Thaumaturgy have "Components: V", it means that technically it does not require PC to "rise hands", but only "chanting of mystic words".
I'm thrilled if a player want PC to add somatic component just for role-play purpose and OK if player do not describe the components, but just assume they included (i.e. we assume Nebula is chanting of mystic words).

P.S. I just wanted to point you out that rising her hands is something Apes will see and I will guess how an an aggressive ape interprets rising hands.
May 1, 2022 11:15 am
I added my attack roll to the post :)
May 1, 2022 7:02 pm
Cool, thanks.
I'm still waiting for Sharagwyn and Travers round 2 turns and since it is Sunday there are extra wait time

Note that Undril will not cast any spells round 1 and that Jim manages to move at half of his feet, dragging his mule, when mule finally unfreeze and agree start moving the same direction.
May 2, 2022 2:44 am
Sorry about the delay, I forgot how we were running combat and lost track of whose turn it was. I'm good now.
May 2, 2022 4:00 am
Shara do not move yet, right?
May 2, 2022 4:13 am
Nope, still in the same spot.
May 2, 2022 7:21 am
Shara standing still leads to an interesting problem as she is holding the rope to the mule. Her not moving also is going to mean Jim isn't going to be either. Although he could take the rope and move the mule, but that leaves Shara doomed to be pelted by stones. Which causes a mess. LOL. Very likely to end with both Shara and Jim unconscious. Which of course leave them to the graces of the apes she just magic missiled.

Needless to say the retreat isn't happening. Jim's fighting style doesn't include shields. So there is no doubt that Jim can not shield Shara from any stone.
Last edited May 2, 2022 7:27 am
May 2, 2022 7:42 am
Did I miss something. Did Sara hold Jim's mule by the rope instead of Jim holding the rope?

Anyhow, I am moving Jim and his mule back to his position on the map he were, right? Apes are attacking Sharagwyn in any case, they do understand who is hurting them with the magic missiles.

In order to prevent such issues in future please - everyone describe their PC exact movement OOC if any. Looks like I am not able to always guess your PC moment from the texts like "he hopes to back up".
May 2, 2022 9:18 am
You missed a post where Jim is hacking away at plants while Shara was pulling the mule along as opposed to being behind its ass.
May 2, 2022 1:12 pm
Oh I see, now it makes sense. So it is actually Shara who is operating Jim's donkey not Jim. Will remember next time
May 2, 2022 7:40 pm
Players, may I ask you to include spell DC in your spell name or at least description, so that I don't need to look it up in your char sheets. thank you in advance.
Managing battle turn with 6p is quite a laborious effort already.
May 2, 2022 7:45 pm
sorry still getting used to this play by post and since it is usually a few weeks between combat i forget :/ Changing mine now
May 2, 2022 8:27 pm
Tried to take the front line, didn't work out as planned. My mistake . . .
May 3, 2022 9:53 pm
a little bit of your help/opinion
I would like to fast forward game until I roll any random encounter or you find any place of interest and post that tomorrow.
On the other hand I want to let you discuss things IC
Do you feel like want to take time to chat IC or we could do that OOC?
May 4, 2022 4:05 am
It looked all good to me.
May 4, 2022 5:04 am
I have a big deadline at work which I've been working weekends and overtime for due this weekend. I might miss an occasional post because of it, but I'll still try my best to keep up
May 4, 2022 5:41 am
ok let me edit the last post a bit. And allow players yo decide the peace and the navigator because Jim do not to be one any more if I read it right
May 4, 2022 5:53 am
That is correct. Jim is PISSED. We need a new navigator. Machete is there for the picking up. Sorry for posting in that a bit late.
Last edited May 4, 2022 5:54 am
May 4, 2022 12:22 pm
Night watch: you are 7 characters and one of them elf, it means you could have two characters doing watch at a time. I'm fine to ask you for watching strategy only when I roll a night time encounter. But it will happen sooner or later, so I suggest to decide on watch pairs timely.
For your convenience here are top 4 perception characters in the party: Jim, Haaroo, Pacan and Undril . If Sharagwyn pair with two of them you will have 8 pairs each watching 2 hour and I could roll 1d4 do decide which pair is watching when encounter happens.
I believe for most of the night encounters passive perception is essential, though there may be some rare exceptions (haven't red all of the random encounters myself yet - there are ton of them)
May 4, 2022 12:58 pm
Jim will pair up with Nebula. Seems he has more interest there now then with Shara. Yea. Jim has +4 on his perception. He would pair up with his friend Ha'aroo but he is needed to pair with someone else.
May 4, 2022 5:18 pm
[ +- ] Long rest DnD rules
Sharagwyn has perception only 1 point less than Undril and she is Elf, if other PCs share mistrust to the priest NPC Sharagwyn could perfectly do the 4th 2 hour watch or even do all 4 hours. You just need to decide if she does it alone or what.

You could cross river any time though logically you would need to swim and doing it with mules and barrel is quite an experience, I don't want to consider any mechanical consequences.
Your main choice is - do you stay close to the river or go into the jungles. Going southwest means you abandon river and go through the jungles. Since you were about to follow the river I didn't ever consider such option, but I'm cool to take it if you could came to agreement within 20 hours of my Day 7 Morning - updated post, i.e. you have about 12 hours from now.
May 4, 2022 5:32 pm
gotcha wasnt sure since southwest has the river in it and if we would still be following the river. I see a block between the two camps that have the river in it and she shaded area. So its possible to be in a part of a hex and not another part of the hex. In that case i recommend going south. Are we traveling for 8 hours and resting for 16? Is that how you are handling that or is a travel day much longer than 8 hours?

We could also do like the GM says. Jim and Nebula takes one shift of 2 hours, Travers and Ha'aroo takes another 2 hour shift. By then Shara and Pecan are fully rested and take the last 4 hours.

Probably best that Jim and Ha'aroo not be on the same shift as they both know the other is really good at keeping an eye out for things.
Last edited May 4, 2022 6:07 pm
May 4, 2022 6:27 pm
I'm good with Pacan being paired off with about anyone. She also doesn't need a full night's sleep because the whole Elf trance thing, which she will certainly use to her advantage in helping with making camp ready to leave in the mornings and such.

As for the time waving actions, I completely agree that it's OK to do a time-jump when nothing meaningful happens. If not, this hex crawl part will be a MASSIVE drag. It'll be Christmas 2023 before we finish it, hah.
May 4, 2022 7:14 pm
I did miss there are two elves in the party. It means 4 hour during ling rest you have a passive perception of 14 due to pacan, you just need to cover other two and decide who is up when - in case if enemy get stealth roll above your passive perception it may be important who is unconscious and sleeping when they ambush you.

I am assuming between the lines you are doing a 4 hour rest in the middle of the day when the heat is most terrible and you need 4 more in the evening/morning to set up and pack your tents and stuff, prepare some meal, feed your donkies, etc.
[ +- ] 8 hour travel
May 4, 2022 7:38 pm
Travel: unless players decide otherwise your current travel path is as following
This path would allow you to stay away from known undead territories

At normal peace you will need 7 days to get to what used to be Camp Righteous and 4 more to Camp Vengeance
I will be rolling dice until you either reach these destinations or a random event happens.

The storm that happened day 7 was one of the random events
May 4, 2022 7:42 pm
looks good to me!
May 4, 2022 8:25 pm
Looks like a plan to me.
May 5, 2022 11:10 am
Just double checked the book and figured out I was wrong about "Regardless of weather you move or not your chances to figure out your actual location are the same." If you stay, changes are much better. Nevertheless you could try surprise me with alternative actions I try to be open for out of combat improvised actions when they make sense to me in the context of the story.
May 7, 2022 7:37 am
Boop says:
I have a big deadline at work which I've been working weekends and overtime for due this weekend. I might miss an occasional post because of it, but I'll still try my best to keep up
I'm done now, so should be more active again. :)
May 11, 2022 12:35 am
Hey all, I'm going to be less active over the next 2 weeks or so. I did something that screwed up my shoulder and it puts me in a lot of pain to sit and type. I've seen the doctor and am on a 2 week course of steroids to get it under control. I should be back sooner than 2 weeks, but it may be that long if it takes the full time to be not painful. Apologies all around and I hope to be back soon.
May 11, 2022 3:42 am
Hope you heal up soon and feel better
May 11, 2022 5:55 am
Hope you feel better soon!
We will continue with 5 players meanwhile
May 11, 2022 8:39 am
May Jim come out of his tent and cast Sacred Flame on a skeleton?
May 11, 2022 8:44 am
Yes you all wake up, let me clarify that in game thread
May 11, 2022 9:25 am
added and then updated story post. Will try do better next time. Thanks for asking
May 17, 2022 7:23 pm
Cool. Ha'aroo's bullseye lantern does a 60' cone and 60' dim (6 hours) and Shara light cantrip is 20' radius & 20' dim (1 hour). We can see.
Last edited May 17, 2022 7:25 pm
May 17, 2022 7:28 pm
Bestie is a 6 pound sledgehammer. What would the damage on that be as a weapon? I was thinking 1d6 club damage myself.
May 18, 2022 1:31 pm
Tasrek says:
Dang so this was a little confusing. So no one saw the trap and it didnt activate when Jim passed over it first right? I dont get a saving throw its just an auto fail? Also Jim did you say at the beginning that you had the dungeon delver feat at the beginning of the game? I see you only rolled once for a saving throw and didnt use the bardic inspiration so I wasnt sure if I was remembering right if you took that feat.[/ooc]
1. "one saw the trap" - No you did not.
1.A - pit
I did quote module text "the stone-tiled floor is covered with a thick layer of mud, creepers, and blown-in leaves." didn't I?
It was the hint for the fact that discovering will be with disadvantage which is -5 to passive perception
And none described any action for me to allow active perception roll
1.B - Blade trap:
blades sweep out from concealed wall niches. That is module wording. Based on vocabulary concealed means "kept out of sight or hidden from view".

2. didnt activate when Jim passed over it first right - YES. Mystery :)

3. no dex save to avoid falling - YES. Exactly because it is not triggered on your weight application but when you are in the middle of trap

Yes in ToA lot of traps are mean. Very mean. I propose you to start coming up with creative ideas rather than just expect your high Skills and Feats to save you automatically.
May 18, 2022 2:15 pm
Sounds good. After the whole insight thing i was just planning on rolling only when you ask so that didnt happen again. Not sure if multiple people can be searching for traps, if so Ha'aroo will be keeping his eyes out for things as they travel. If only one then nevermind as Jims advantage (if he did take dungeon delver indicated in seassion 0) plus with bardic inspiration would be best for spotting anything or dodging out of the way if not spotted and resistance if he wasnt able to get out of the way.
Last edited May 18, 2022 2:20 pm
May 20, 2022 4:18 am
Your Intelligence (Arcana) check measures your ability to recall lore about ...

If what your PC wish is to recall lore about magic used in 5his ancient Chultian temple centuries ago then DC would have been 20 I believe and you failed
May 20, 2022 4:26 am
Also. Haaroo did not really saw blades triggered as he fall into the pit moment before. It is Jim who need no roll to deduce he hardly triggered anything mechanical.
In order to make any furher assumption on what is a trigger you need to trigger it again. That's my common sense. Does it make sense to you?
May 20, 2022 4:31 am
Jim is just making sure that if someone happens to drop lower near the floor that the blades don't activate as he tried it with the torch. That was his best effort. He has hope that it requires touching the floor. And if he is wrong well he is the first too cross the rope and will find out for sure then.
May 20, 2022 5:00 am
cool. That was how I first read it. just wanted to double check before cut your rope... you could make dex save with advantage will narrate in an hour
May 21, 2022 4:32 am
Hi all. We had a discussion with a player and I want to fix something in the game, but before I do so I want to hear your feedback.
I do not have good idea what should trigger and how to avoid players doing repeated intelligence ability checks for recalling lore, because I can't put any negative outcome on a failed result.
Here is what I think I will do:
- Any time a player want his PC to "recall lore" about something, player just say "my PC share with others what he knows about X" and roll intelligence check. And either note or let me check if PC has proficiency in either arcana, history, religion or nature.
- I will provide certain (basic) lore info regardless of the roll if proficiency is related to lore I can share
- I will provide all the lore I could share if roll + int modifier is higher than DC I anticipate for the lore (which is based on how accessible and how "niche" lore is that)

Additionally Arcana proficiency will only help with lore. I will never be a "feature" that allows you to identify magic item, to "analyze" magic traps or to "figure out" what spells are cast. This proficiency means PC have been reading a lot, it does not say PC has acquired ability to deduce something.

There is
Investigation. When you look around for clues and make deductions based on those clues, you make an Intelligence (Investigation) check...

I have one more idea, what do you say about that:

1. Player announce his PC is trying to deduce something
2. DM make a hidden investigation check for him
3. DM announce conclusions PC has made: wrong conclusion if it is a FAIL and correct if it a PASS, but player do not know if it is a pass or fail
May 21, 2022 5:10 am
I have always like the thought that you can't always defeat everything and sometimes you have take defeat. That is even if you just missed something. As a player it is some times very difficult to think of everything you need to. To me that is just where the GM steps in if GM needs to. Just all part of the game.

On spells and such. I don't really think 5e does spell ID and magic item ID and such. Previous editions did. Detect magic just gives you a school is all. Not even how powerful or what the magic spell is. If the spell or item doesn't have a history/lore your toast about learning more.
May 21, 2022 5:25 am
About Trapping: Jim is good at spotting/searching for (advantage) and avoiding getting hurt (advantage & resistance) by traps, but nothing more than anyone else about IDing them or disabling them. He isn't a trap maker.

While we were moving Jim was relying on his advantage about spotting them. I guess he needed to be searching too!

Jim has a +0 investigation with advantage to find traps.
Jim has a +4 perception with advantage for spotting traps.

So, he is fairly good at spotting. Which is why he doesn't do a lot of searching.

Edit: On the disabling the blade trap, Pitons and Bestie (Sledgehammer) are great ways to probably to disable that blade trap. And Jim has only 8 pitons left and it probably take more than that to mess over a more magical one and/or lots of time. And also the chances to get all sliced up didn't appeal to Jim.
Last edited May 21, 2022 5:50 am
May 21, 2022 6:31 am
I am aware of passive perception to SEE evidence of traps and that Jim has advantage which gives him passive perception 19 for spotting trap or evidence of a trap. Nevertheless you failed to detect traps because:
1. Module described disadvantage due to environment, removing your +5
2. You could only perceive what you SEE. Let's take example:
[ +- ] Camuflaget Pit Trap
Notice DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check discerns the strange lack of foot traffic
First - your passive perception do not reach 15
Second - in temple there are NO lack of foot traffic and I will describe why in game thread

Now regarding pitons+hammer solution. Here is my OOC (and spoiling some lore I will provide in game thread)

1. It is a fact that every guide and treasure hunter in Chult knows about temple.
2. There are whole organization or treasure hunters and I have shared the info with you, not sure if you remember that.
3. Conclusion: there have been numerous attempts to get into this shrine and they all failed
4. Dodge or break a trap is first thing any treasure hunter would try to do, isn't it? Putting metal into the wall is a brute force, not an intelligent, innovative solution. I'm sorry if that opinion hurts, but that is my opinion
5. Since module claim that shrine traps are not yet broken by moment you arrive it means they CAN NOT be. The organization that have tried to break into the shrine before you had more resources and man power than you do, but failed regardless
May 21, 2022 6:35 am
By the way, this is last time I'm providing excuse and hints for why your PC fail to do what you assumed they will automatically succeed at. If you don't think it is fun to play DnD where most of nice things you have on your charsheet and some dice rolls does not help you to solve issues that are supposed to be a puzzle for players to crack by module designers, then we should end this game before everyone gets annoyed
May 21, 2022 11:01 am
Sorry, I overreacted. What I had to say is that I spoiled some extra info to back up following statement:

A goal of a trap in ToA is never to hurt player. Hurting is just an instrument to tell them they have failed to solve the puzzle, which a trap actually is. And since trap is a puzzle I am no more doing any OOC on them, but I will try to give you hints through lore dumps that you could request by doing intelligence checks as stated above.
May 23, 2022 8:42 am
Am okay for now, but slightly sick - hopefully doesn't get bad enough I can't post, but just a heads up in case
May 24, 2022 1:24 pm
Hello all, I'm back and in the process of getting all caught up on all my games today.
May 24, 2022 6:20 pm
Welcome back Dramasailor! Hope you are feeling better
May 24, 2022 6:44 pm
DM would it take that many days if we dont decide find the soulmonger by making a hole in the back of the ruin since the boats are faster right?
Could you rephrase that question without using negative? I will try to guess your questions however and tell:
1. If you want to dig hole into house of crocodile I will safe your time and effort by reminding you that shrine is "80-foot-tall stone statue carved to look like a man with a crocodile on his back". The shrine is inside of the stone statue and you would need to get through 5 feet tall solid stone. I can't believe you could do that with your tools available, but I'm ready to be surprised.

2. Choosing to ignore chances to use twice as fast traveling option significantly increase chances for Syndra to die before you are able to locate soulmonger. That is not rocket science.
May 24, 2022 7:09 pm
GreyWord says:
DM would it take that many days if we dont decide find the soulmonger by making a hole in the back of the ruin since the boats are faster right?
Could you rephrase that question without using negative? I will try to guess your questions however and tell:
1. If you want to dig hole into house of crocodile I will safe your time and effort by reminding you that shrine is "80-foot-tall stone statue carved to look like a man with a crocodile on his back". The shrine is inside of the stone statue and you would need to get through 5 feet tall solid stone. I can't believe you could do that with your tools available, but I'm ready to be surprised.

2. Choosing to ignore chances to use twice as fast traveling option significantly increase chances for Syndra to die before you are able to locate soulmonger. That is not rocket science.
1. Since stone splitting is usually done with sledge hammers, a sledge hammer and war hammer is probably the best tools for the job right? It will take some time but if we can save Syndra here then mission accomplished.
2. It looks like you moved us only one hex per day instead of two hexes per day. You said boat travel was going to be twice as fast so I was just asking about why it was looking like it was only one hex per day.
May 24, 2022 7:26 pm
You did not board boats. I never red you do
May 24, 2022 7:37 pm
GreyWord says:
You did not board boats. I never red you do
but you didnt read that we left either. Ha'aroo is waiting to see if he got finished with area 5 and Sharagwyn Sagelight is done with area 3.
Last edited May 24, 2022 7:49 pm
May 25, 2022 6:10 am
Please see game description rule number 1
ToA have a huge content and things that require interactive DM-Party interaction that is not possible in PBP. I am doing my best to workaround this. If you feel I am failing... well I am probably not ap tu the task of DMing ToA on PBP and you could let me know that by leaving the game.

Nevertheless I have no fun arguing narrative with players. I will not do that any more.

As for mechanics:
I have been and plan to continue pushing you forward through the game based on what MOST OF THE PARTY members describe they want to do. If PC only argues about what they might do, then DM decides what the party actually do, trying to take into account the communication.
May 30, 2022 7:57 pm
I've just updated your current map in this thread and remind that I'm waiting for the group decision of travel direction/plan. I still wait more players to announce if their PCs will try to do anything in the camp before moving you further, but I will need to know where to move you to in any case.
May 30, 2022 11:05 pm
What time of day is it when we are getting the boot?
May 31, 2022 3:50 am
Technically you could travel let's say an hour longer. I.e. enough to get into safe distance from camp Vengeance and rest there for the night.
May 31, 2022 10:45 am
Sounds like a plan to me.
May 31, 2022 11:36 am
Jim is leveled up now. 2 Fighter/1 Cleric of Deneir (Arcana Domain)
Jun 2, 2022 1:20 am
I understand that variant rules aren't allowed in the campaign, which includes the options from Tasha's. Just double-checking to make sure that's still correct? Wizards ordinarily don't get a new feature at 3rd level, but Tasha's provides them one.
Jun 2, 2022 4:25 am
Sorry for confusion but I change my mind on optional class rules when gane started. That is striked through. You can change your cantrips during LR as per Tasha's
Jun 2, 2022 7:40 pm
Battle clariciation
@Tasrek could we please discuss it here in OOC.
To simplify understanding of the PBP combat as I try to implement it I suggest to imagine battle turn starts with enemy move and those PCs who rolled initiative above enemy has opportunity to do a round number zero. In the current battle everyone but Shara did round 0. This is the reason why I decided your PCs decided to stay there with shara during the extra round she did not take part of.

As for your ability to comprehend communication during the heat of the battle - that I treat to be "on dm discretion" like it or not. I plan to keep limiting PCs ability to communicate during the combat encounter they take active part in.
Does it clarify the situation? I hope to play another few years this game with you and I would like to make sure you do understand how and why I manage the combat. I am also open for any improvements recommended . If you feel like it is bad call that PC have problem to hear what the creatures are talking 30 feet away from you while your teammates are talking and casting spells - I will stop that.
Jun 3, 2022 5:53 am
I have a proposal. If players feel I did a bad call fir OC movement We could start while battle over again leaving initiative order as rolled. Please vote! Should I do so ?
Jun 3, 2022 6:37 am
I would just run it through as you see best. No real need to redo.
Jun 3, 2022 1:43 pm
Ok was trying to figure out your method so that I can adjust things accordingly.

With you having one persons action (thamaturgy) affecting another persons actions due to it all happening at the same time and not viewed turns in a round then it is understandable why one action would overlap anothers action. (Like if i attack an enemy with a shield and is blocked by that shield then on the same round Jim attacks the same person they would not be able to use the shield since it is currently blocking my attack) Its not how i usually play but its good to know that this game is ran that way. And since one round is the first 6 seconds that is why even though even though we all have different initiatives we would all be able to move back during the first 6 seconds.

I just wanted to clarify that we are not resolving one turn in a round at a time and not "first six seconds" turn one, then "second six seconds" turn two. I was thinking that you did not have the apes roll to see if they run off due to the thamaturgy due to it not being written in the spell description but then again it did not say in the spell description that it will block communication for the remainder of the round either.

Just thinking on the use of certian spells like suggestion where the enemy has to be able to hear so they can not be deafened. Would one persons turn affect another persons turn and everything in round one happening at the same time so we have to consider others things that are going on and have to modify some rules like if one person is blocking with a shield against two peoples attacks at the same round? Or do we just have to consider what is going on one turn at a time? I perfer the second way but just want to know how to adjust his strategy if we got to consider how to change things up if we are playing the first way.
Last edited June 3, 2022 1:54 pm
Jun 4, 2022 5:53 am
Heads up, am attending a wedding so slow over the next few days
Jun 4, 2022 6:23 am
@Tasrek you got it all wrong! Let me anseer
With you having one persons action (thamaturgy) affecting another persons actions
NO! Unless action or spell description says otherwise (such as there is an effect until end of your next turn) Action happens RAW.
Did I fail to do that ever?
is blocked by that shield then on the same round Jim attacks the same person they would not be able to use the shield since it is currently blocking my attack
Again - only if rules say you have to user reaction to use the shield. i.e.
[ +- ] Protection
even though we all have different initiatives we would all be able to move back during the first 6 seconds.
It was not menthod it was my one-time assumtion that it would be better for the team if by the enemy movement you would not be 30 feet behind Shara because you perfectly instructed me to not create such situation. Do we still have misunderstanding on my decision?

P.S. I try to run Battle encounter exactly by PHB chapter "9: Combat". It is turn based just as per rules. The only adjustment for PBP is - you need to submit your action and movement before you know how and if other PCs moved before "your turn" and I am occasionally adjust your PC movement. Let me remind you game rule number one "1. You are not 100% in control of your PC"
Jun 10, 2022 6:02 am
I am trying to fix something in the story. I believe the way I was pushing story forward have prevented PCs from doing proper interactions with NPCs and gathering information, which is your main goal in this scenario.
I will do some of the information gather actions of behalf of PCs and see where it get us. I don't want to make this too much on the rails and will allow you to fail with information gathering in future. Will see if I manage that.

Could you please clarify - have you decided to leave the game?
Jun 10, 2022 11:21 am
Not sure what is all and all right now. I would suggest a few days to sort everything out.
Jun 10, 2022 11:46 am
Totally agree. I will take 72 hours off from this game then see what the players have to say and either proceed the game based on player feedback or close the game, admitting that I have failed to turn ToA into enjoyable PBP experience at least for me as DM.
Jun 10, 2022 1:47 pm
GreyWord says:

Could you please clarify - have you decided to leave the game?
Yeah I think its a good time to leave. I have been thinking about it for several weeks now and was holding back to see if some things might change. I dont want my going back and forth with the DM to drag on everyone elses fun and thought here is a good point in the story for Ha'aroo's departure.
Jun 11, 2022 5:50 pm
Of course a bummer to see you go Tasrek.
Jun 13, 2022 12:34 pm
I posted a restarted for the group if we are to continue. My thoughts are to pick up the pieces here and go with a new starting. GM might one hunt down at least one more person as the party just lost two. Although Jim doesn't mind so much as he is now traveling with three women. But considering the area that wasn't the best thought.
Last edited June 13, 2022 12:44 pm
Jun 13, 2022 8:47 pm
OK 72 hours are over and even more. Only GeneCortess provided feedback. I count player silence as vote to close the game.
Anyhow, thanks everyone for being part of this game and help me learn.
Jun 14, 2022 2:32 am
Cool Laters GM. Was fun.
Jun 14, 2022 3:35 am
It was fun, but I guess all games run out of steam eventually. Thanks to the GM and fellow players.
Jun 14, 2022 7:02 am
Thanks for playing with me, maybe we'll bump into each other again sometime

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