Mar 23, 2022 11:07 pm
After clearing the skeletons from the town's crypts and taking a short rest, you have now entered the Jumble, a large district of tangled roads and single-story buildings in the town of Jigow. The sky is cloudless and the air is warm. Throngs of people, most of them orcs and goblins, but also amongst them hobgoblins, bugbears, ogres, tieflings, and all manner of people, move through the streets, laughing, singing, running, and sightseeing.
All are enthralled by the raucous sights and sounds of the townâs ongoing Festival of Merit, where the town's constant competitiveness is at its zenith. On this day, friendly and sometimes not-so-friendly rivalries between residents are settled by contests of all kinds. Every public space is filled with festival games, food stalls, and/or other amenities splayed out for the merrymakers, and plenty of shops and private residences have flung their doors wide open to join in the revelry.

You hear snippets of conversations as people pass by: a goblin mother telling her children not to go near the cute baby horizonback tortoises, a drow guard in shining insectile armor complaining to his partner that his gauntlet was crushed by a hulking orc while arm-wrestling, and a pair of young orcs in swimwear hollering as they rush toward the banks of the Ifolon River. All around you, colorful signs and banners point toward festival booths surrounded by cheering people.
A friendly orc approaches your group with a smile and a handful of parchment fliers. He hands a flier to the closest person and cheerfully says, "Happy Festival of Merit Day, folks! Here's a list of today's events, winners of each competition will receive a magic medallion! And be sure to join us at the Black Islands for the closing ceremony just before sunset, have fun!"
Please take a moment to describe your character, how they're feeling and interacting with the excitement around them, and what they want to do next!
You guys are free to do whatever you wish and attempt any of the festival games, you can split up or stay together (but please don't split up into 5 different directions lol, for the DMs sake), the city is yours!
All are enthralled by the raucous sights and sounds of the townâs ongoing Festival of Merit, where the town's constant competitiveness is at its zenith. On this day, friendly and sometimes not-so-friendly rivalries between residents are settled by contests of all kinds. Every public space is filled with festival games, food stalls, and/or other amenities splayed out for the merrymakers, and plenty of shops and private residences have flung their doors wide open to join in the revelry.

You hear snippets of conversations as people pass by: a goblin mother telling her children not to go near the cute baby horizonback tortoises, a drow guard in shining insectile armor complaining to his partner that his gauntlet was crushed by a hulking orc while arm-wrestling, and a pair of young orcs in swimwear hollering as they rush toward the banks of the Ifolon River. All around you, colorful signs and banners point toward festival booths surrounded by cheering people.
A friendly orc approaches your group with a smile and a handful of parchment fliers. He hands a flier to the closest person and cheerfully says, "Happy Festival of Merit Day, folks! Here's a list of today's events, winners of each competition will receive a magic medallion! And be sure to join us at the Black Islands for the closing ceremony just before sunset, have fun!"
Alright everybody, here we go! :DPlease take a moment to describe your character, how they're feeling and interacting with the excitement around them, and what they want to do next!
You guys are free to do whatever you wish and attempt any of the festival games, you can split up or stay together (but please don't split up into 5 different directions lol, for the DMs sake), the city is yours!