Ch. 1 - The Festival of Merits

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Apr 29, 2022 7:23 pm
aquafina says:

"Where'd you learn to swim like that?"
Kailani stands up and pulls the warm blanket tighter around her shoulders, grateful for Faelan's mindfulness. Unsmiling she asks: Why compete at all, if you're that sure? Where is the fun in that?" She turns to Ayo, the genasi, then lets her serious stare melt away into something a lot more friendly. "I am from one of the islands of Anamn. I was born to the water. I do, however, enjoy your city so far. It is our first festival. Will you compete in other events?"
May 1, 2022 2:41 pm
Calla whoops as Kailani makes it back to the group victorious before Ayo approaches again.

A little abashed at being told off earlier for staring, Calla pointedly avoids looking her way and pretends to be engrossed in watching the crowd. Conspicuously, her ears are rotated backward toward Kailani and the genasi woman, clearly eavesdropping.
May 1, 2022 5:47 pm
Ayo Jabe
"I enjoy competition either way, even if I know the competition is no match."

"Huh, I've lived most my life in the Emerald Gulch, was born out on the sea too, but I don't even know where that is. You must've come a long way to be here in Jigow."

"And ha, yeah you could say that."
Ayo reaches into pockets under her cloak and fishes out a clump of medallions, one from nearly every contest your group has participated in. "Well, I haven't seen any other teams with as many medallions as you guys, besides ourselves. There's a pretty good chance we'll see each other in the final ceremony. I'm looking forward to balancing our records then." She smiles confidently and heads off into the crowd.

The handsome drow man smiles and inclines his head as he leans over towards Kailani, "Smart move with the Suggestion spell. I will remember that trick should we find ourselves opposing each other at this festival's finale." With that, he turns and follows Ayo's footsteps away from the pier and into the city.
May 3, 2022 7:15 pm
Kailani hints at a curtsy with a look of a cat that ate the canary. Then returns to her friends. She takes a moment to gather her things, dry and clothe herself and catch a breath. She still feels her muscles from the exhausting exercise, but readily ignores them as she hears music coming from somewhere in the city. The festival is going on, people are crowding the streets. Busy vendors, actors, musicians - there is a whole lot more to explore.

Once more her happy go lucky self, Kailani slips her arm through Calla's and bumps her hip grinning: "Come, there is much to be gained still." She throws her infectious smile to all of her friends and starts to walk back towards the noise, naturally taking the haregon with her. The young woman takes a last longing look in the direction of the promising sea, then slightly shakes her head and asks Faelan enthusiastically: "Are you coming? I'll cheer for you and you'll surely win the next contest!"
May 4, 2022 6:25 pm
Raising an eyebrow sceptically, Faelan has absolut no intention of partaking in the arm-wrestling contest. Following the women to the next stage, he is nonetheless very curious how this festival unfolds further.
May 5, 2022 1:26 pm
The group departs from the pier and heads deeper into the heart of the city. Not far from the starting point of the horizonback migration, the party approaches a brick building with a sign that reads, Beefslab Butchers. A simple table and two chairs have been set up outside. Both chairs are currently occupied by people wearing the armor of the Aurora Watch (one female drow and the other an enourmous orc woman), their elbows braced against the table and their hands locked in an arm-wrestling duel. Two dozen festivalgoers watch them silently, until—SLAM!—the occupant of the left chair pushes her opponent’s arm to the table and the crowd erupts in whoops and cheers. A quiet male goblin—Vars, the owner of the butcher shop—sits off to the side, managing the wagers made by onlookers.

Towering above the rest of the crowd, the group can easily spot Maggie, the enormous ogre who the party met at the maze contest. She looks happily at the contest, patiently waiting for her turn to enter. Unlike the other contests, there does not seem to be any posted rules anywhere, but after asking around the crowd, the party finds that the way this contest works is this:
[ +- ] Arm Wrestling!
May 5, 2022 2:23 pm
Tereze storms ahead of the group, eager to show off her strength.
"Come! Watch me crush this!" She shouts excitedly as she walks up to the table and places her elbow down next to the drow. "Your arm must be tired from doing this all day - Mine's fresh as a daisy!" She taunts, but it appears the drow's arm musn't have been that bad, because while Tereze puts up a good fight, the drow easily overcomes her.

Tereze walks back to the group, a little ashamed of her bravado - and uneager to try again.
Got the syntax wrong :| - it's actually a failure
Last edited May 5, 2022 2:29 pm


Athletics DC13 - (1d20+2)

(9) + 2 = 11

Athletics (Dis) DC13 - (2d20L+2)

(109) + 2 = 21

Athletics (Dis) DC13 - (2d20L+2)

(914) + 2 = 25

May 8, 2022 2:41 pm
Putting a pint in Tereze's hand, the half drow claps her consoling on the shoulder. "This is no contest for us, as it seems." he remarks with indifference about this loss in his voice. "There will be others."

Having enough of contests for the moment, he awaits the next step on this sunny day.
May 8, 2022 2:46 pm
'Sorry Thereze. I will try and avenge you but.. You know..' She looks at her thin arms, before going to stride forward.

As she does her height changes, surpassing even Arkas's as a goliath woman sits down opposite the drow, and silently offers her hand.

However despite the apparent muscle growth she swiftly is taken down. She just smile and offers a handshake before returning to the rest, shrinking as she does.

'Well... I tried. But that was fun at least!'
Last edited May 8, 2022 2:49 pm


Athletics DC13 - (D20-1)

(7) - 1 = 6

May 8, 2022 2:57 pm
"You're right, guys. Let's rest up a bit before the grand finale in the evening, maybe even do some shopping - or come up with a name for our team? How about The Ferocious Five" Kailani snickers and thinks about the pie eating contest earlier this day. Maybe The ferocious Destroyers of Pastries? The young woman mischieviously grins to herself.
May 9, 2022 11:13 am
Tereze nods. "I must admit, I am tired. We should try to be fresh for the closing ceremony"

She thinks about a team name. "The... Jigow... J.. Jesters? Junkers Joggers? Jailers? I don't think the letter J is going to get us anywhere"
May 10, 2022 8:18 pm
The boisterous and rowdy crowd laughs as Tereze and Ardeth are swiftly defeated by the drow henchman. The crew then begins heading off find a comfortable place to rest a bit before the final ceremony ...

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