On the orc's mark, the contestants plunge into the water and begin swimming. Competitors roll initiative when they dive into the water, with all participants expected to use the Dash action every round of swimming. Any contestant who moves 30 feet or more on their turn must make a DC 13 Strength (Athletics) check at the end of that turn. On a failed check, the contestant gains 1 level of exhaustion and is pushed 15 feet downstream as they are pummeled by the current.
The distance from the pier to the spear is 75 feet, and it takes an action to wrench the spear free. Whoever returns the spear to the orc is the winner.
Any exhaustion levels beyond the first that a character gains during this contest are removed after 10 minutes of recovery after the contest has finished.

Time seems to stretch on for eternity.
Seconds turn to minutes.
Until finally she rapidly brings her arm back down to her side, and all of the contestants leap into the water and the crowd goes wild once again.
Our first Map!
For everyone who's not Kailani, feel free to continue RPing, and if you'd like to try to rile up the crowd to support Kailani or something, if someone can succeed on a DC15 Persuasion check, I'll give Kailani a d6 of Bardic Inspiration!
Kailani, Genasi, then Everyone Else Initiative - (1d20+2, 1d20+2, 1d20)
1d20+2 : (18) + 2 = 20
1d20+2 : (10) + 2 = 12
1d20 : (12) = 12