Ch. 1 - The Festival of Merits

Mar 23, 2022 11:07 pm
After clearing the skeletons from the town's crypts and taking a short rest, you have now entered the Jumble, a large district of tangled roads and single-story buildings in the town of Jigow. The sky is cloudless and the air is warm. Throngs of people, most of them orcs and goblins, but also amongst them hobgoblins, bugbears, ogres, tieflings, and all manner of people, move through the streets, laughing, singing, running, and sightseeing.

All are enthralled by the raucous sights and sounds of the town’s ongoing Festival of Merit, where the town's constant competitiveness is at its zenith. On this day, friendly and sometimes not-so-friendly rivalries between residents are settled by contests of all kinds. Every public space is filled with festival games, food stalls, and/or other amenities splayed out for the merrymakers, and plenty of shops and private residences have flung their doors wide open to join in the revelry.

You hear snippets of conversations as people pass by: a goblin mother telling her children not to go near the cute baby horizonback tortoises, a drow guard in shining insectile armor complaining to his partner that his gauntlet was crushed by a hulking orc while arm-wrestling, and a pair of young orcs in swimwear hollering as they rush toward the banks of the Ifolon River. All around you, colorful signs and banners point toward festival booths surrounded by cheering people.

A friendly orc approaches your group with a smile and a handful of parchment fliers. He hands a flier to the closest person and cheerfully says, "Happy Festival of Merit Day, folks! Here's a list of today's events, winners of each competition will receive a magic medallion! And be sure to join us at the Black Islands for the closing ceremony just before sunset, have fun!"
Alright everybody, here we go! :D

Please take a moment to describe your character, how they're feeling and interacting with the excitement around them, and what they want to do next!

You guys are free to do whatever you wish and attempt any of the festival games, you can split up or stay together (but please don't split up into 5 different directions lol, for the DMs sake), the city is yours!
Mar 23, 2022 11:09 pm
[ +- ] Festival Event Flier
(Blue markers on the map below are festival events, described above. Green markers are other possible locations of interest. The Temple of the Luxon is the place you cleared the crypts of.)

Mar 24, 2022 9:50 am
Tereze, a tall pale woman with a commanding presence and a cold unhuman-like beauty, takes the paper and gives the orc a quick nod of acknowledgement. Turning her eyes to the page, she quietly scans over the events of the day silently, before speaking up.

"I don't know about the rest of you, but I could do with a good meal after all that" She announces while she uses the brief moment of pause to dust a layer of bonemeal from her chainmailed shoulders and to shake out her stark white hair. "The promise of a reward sounds extra sweet - as long as there's enough good wine to wash it down!"

She passes the leaflet along to the next member of the makeshift group. "Looks like it's on all day. If we wait until later, I'm sure we'll all be even hungrier than now, if you want to check out any of the other events"

Tereze crosses her arms and stands with a wide stance, prepared for action - whether that be combat, pie eating or riddle solving. A large warhammer hangs off her back. A silver cresent moon emblazoned in its cheek.
Last edited March 24, 2022 9:40 pm
Mar 24, 2022 10:47 am
This is it. Jigow. Not bad. Not bad at all.

Faelan's gaze wanders around, while the half drow follows a few steps upwind behind a big bugbear that unknowingly cuts a path for the young man from Roshana through the countless people partying. Offering the soldiers a nod of recognition, the noble looks around and smiles at his new companions in a jovial mood: "We came to the right place as it seems. Let's celebrate our victory and spend some well earned coin."

As the others take a thorough look at the freshly minted adventurer, they perceive a man with evidently most drow heritage in his veins. Long straight white hair that fall beneath his shoulders, sky blue eyes and dark skin just a few small tones lighter than black. This and his height and weight, just a tick to much for a pureblooded dark elf, are the only clues of human ancestry.
Walking with the air of self-assuredness and trust in his abilities, Faelan frequently seems to stand out. This is mirrored in his well kept, dark attire which subtly reveal his noble origins, for it is not foppish or scream of the gold it had cost, but is of considerate craft, just shy of a deliberate understatement. At his side, plain for everyone to see, there is a gilded rapier with a well-worn hilt that stands as a reminder that this half drow is no easy prey for people with ill tidings on their mind.

Spying over the shoulder of Kailani, Faelan studies the festival flyer for a few seconds. Hearing Tereze call for food, the fighter looks up and declares with a twinkle in the eye: "It might not be the most dignified idea, but let's go and get some cake."

Then he strolls in the direction of the contest.
Last edited March 24, 2022 10:48 am
Mar 24, 2022 5:03 pm
'I could go for pie. Pie is always good. Food is always good.' Ardeth peers around the shoulder of whoever got the flier and taps the top of the flier. Clutched in the half-drow's other hand is a couple of sticks of street food already. A hood is pulled up over her head, hiding most of her face...and any occurring changes.

Only around 5'2 the half-drow has been darting from stall to , and happily chatting away with stall owners and stall goers alike, clearly enjoying herself. Yet the person aiding fighting the skeletons had been 6'3 and bearing distinctive goliath markings under the hood. Any queries have so far been met bey a wink before the bard darts off to investigate something new.

'Oh there's a group contest as well, at sunset. What do you say, if we can fight skeletons together whatever this emerald Race Grotto is should be easy. ' She grins as she scans the list.

Then suddenly rather than peering around a shoulder she peering over it and a more refined voice speaks. 'If we wish to wait... Well there is riddles nearby, those will be child's play. The maze too.'
Mar 24, 2022 8:04 pm
"Oh and there's swimming!" Kailani shouts excitedly and taps her finger next to Ardeth's. "And the pie? What kind do they have - what do you think? Faelan! Hey, What do you think?" She grabs the half drow's sleeve and tucks at it a few times. The city around her is buzzing and the young woman lets herself be swallowed by the energy and life. The member of the Ashari has not been in the town long, but she already loves the hubbub, various sounds and smells - all so different from what she is used to.

She abruptly raises her arms as if to stretch and spins around herself in careless pirouettes a few times. Kailani stops, lays a hand on Ardeth's arm for support - ignoring the sudden difference in height - and exclaims: "Pies and wine - here we come!" The dark haired tomboy winks towards Tereze and marches on in high spirits. She isn't sure about eating for sport, but she looks forward to something sweet. Afterwards she might try and convince her new acquaintances to head towards the river and stop for riddles and rhymes along the way.
Mar 25, 2022 5:28 am
Surrounded by more strange sights and sounds than she's ever experienced before, Calla's orange eyes are almost as big as her tawny ears. Bouncing from vendor to vendor in excitement her energy is infectious, if not overwhelming. Every onlooker gives her a second look, and sometimes a third as it seems harengon are not incredibly common in Jigow and she speaks in a thick accent, made almost incomprehensible by how fast the words tumble out. She keeps picking up even common items in fascination, mumbling excitedly to herself under her breath and running a hand through her tousled hair, before getting distracted by the next novelty.

"We should try our feet at the race, no question!" She says to Ardeth before continuing on, the words coming out in a quick jumble. "How about herding some tortoises after some pie?" Her sturdy woolen skirts sway violently as she practically dances from foot to foot, vibrating with barely leashed excitement and the hand-embroidered stars and moons swirling in a dizzy constellation.
Last edited March 25, 2022 5:23 pm
Mar 25, 2022 2:55 pm
Amazing introductions everyone! Feel free to continue any conversations you had going even after I move us forward (this applies to any time, just be sure to mark it as such, I often use the
feature to break up a post spanning different times). I've found that games that have a lot of Player on Player interactions are some of the most fun and engaging games on GP! :)
The group makes their way through the busy streets of festival-time Jigow towards the location on the handout map labeled 1. The Best Pies in the Jumble! The savory scents of meat, pastry, and spices fill the air around a rickety but graceful three-story building mounted on the back of a gigantic horizonback tortoise, with a sign on top that reads UNBROKEN TUSK TAVERN in both Common and Orc. A cooking stand and a festival stage with a long table are set up at the tortoise’s feet, where an orc stands over a massive oven. She bustles from the oven to the stage and back, placing delicious-looking hand pies at each seat and stacking more of them on a cooling rack nearby.
Human Man
A few people are already gathered on stage, including a cocky male drow flexing his vaguely defined muscles, a beautiful halfling woman who winks at the crowd, and a scrawny young human with a mop of brown hair and a scruffy beard. He downs the rest of his drink, stands up and with his hands over his head, cheers to the small crowd gathered at the edge of the stage. The audience rowdily whoops, hollers, and claps in response, anticipating the beginning of the contest.

Agatha Silverspoon
As your party approaches the scene, the orc calls out in a cheerful, melodic baritone, "Come to sample the best meat pies this side of the Wastes, yes? Then come to the right place y'have! Ha! I sell ’em up there, but I’m running pie-eatin' contests down here all day, for those with orc-sized stomachs, heh. 5 silver to join in, winner gets a magic medal, but don't worry, there'll be no losers, since everyone'll get a taste of Agatha Silverspoon's famous pies!"
Mar 26, 2022 9:40 am
Tereze smiles at the palpable excitement of the group, for a moment revealing a set of long sharp fangs. Years of habitual suppression amongst company less favourable to her kind triggered in her mind and she forced her mouth shut. She recognized it as a silly reaction, especially when so many of Jigow residents had some sort of tusk, horn or other protrusion.

"It seems the decision is made" She says to Ardeth, following after the others. "For what it's worth, I think we worked quite well together back at the crypts. I would be proud to work together in that Emerald Race with you". Besides, there was something about this town that intrigued her - and it was most likely the grand event was the best place to find out.
Tereze's mouth salivates as the scent of fresh pastry whafts through the air. "Sign me up chef!" She cheers, tossing Agatha a gold piece, assuming at least one of her companions wished to join her also.

With heavy footsteps, Tereze strides up the steps to the stage and secures herself a seat. She gives a joking taunt to the other competitors, theatrically yawning and showing her fangs. It felt very vulnerable, showing them so openly like this, but she wanted to make an impression. Sometimes battles were won before they reached the battlefield.
Mar 26, 2022 10:31 am
Looking over his shoulder, Faelan smiles warmly at Kailani before he answers to her excitement. And of course the question; her cheerful, bubbly way still an amazement for the fighter. "I don't know my dear. Let's risk a closer look and be surprised by cinnamon and blueberry creations."

Strolling further through the crowd, the half drow turns his head and replies to Callas idea: "Herding turtles? That sounds like fun mingled with a challenge. Count me in!"

As they are reaching Agathas Tavern, Faelans eyes wander around and take the gigantic tortoise in, which seems to serve as a base for the whole building. Crafty! Hopefully the animals the want to herd are a tiny little bit smaller. Coming up to the stage, the noble stands with closed eyes still for a moment and saviours the smell of all the pastries and pies. As a young man, used to hard training and fighting, he is accustomed to eat a lot to regain his strength. A good meat pie is just the right thing after putting some skeletons to rest. Maybe with some desert?

"Me too!" he adds without hesitation right after Tereze, while climbing the stairs and tossing a second coin to the ork chef.
Mar 26, 2022 11:07 am
"Whoohoo!" Kailani hollers and claps for both of them and looks over her shoulder to see whether more of their group join in. Pie eating as such she relishes, pie eating as a contest - personally not so much. This is not her kind of event. That doesn't stop her from cheering enthusiastically. Kailani is sure one of them will make first place and bring honor to their newly formed group.

While the others and some of the onlookers are making up their minds, the young woman buys one of the smaller, sweeter pastries for herself. She grins up to the impressive Agatha: "No Orc stomach here, I'm afraid, just a sweettooth." Pie in hand she makes her way to the front and waits for the beginning of the contest while enjoying the crispy crust and layered texture.
Mar 26, 2022 4:04 pm
A happy consensus made, Calla follows the eclectic group further into the throngs of people. Once, when she had become too deeply enthralled in examining some kind of metallic contraption painted in shades of purples, reds and yellows she had completely lost sight of her newly found compatriots and panic quickly overrode her excitement. Her eyes darted and her ears rotated in all directions trying to catch Faelen's refined tone or the oddly changing voice of Ardeth through the din - with no luck. "Kailani? Tereze?"

She had only met the other travelers earlier, but they had been accepting of her help in the fight, and she had felt a sense of kinship with their adventurous spirits. She had never felt that before at home. Quicking hopping straight up to look around above the crowd, she was able to make out two white-haired heads and she scurries to rejoin the party, leery of wandering off again.
One whiff of the mouthwatering smells at the Unbroken Tusk and the haregon's spirits are back to elation. She hadn't really known what they had meant by a 'pie eating contest' and she was relieved to find it seemed exactly as straightforward as it had sounded. Pie was pie after all. Thankfully.

Turning to Kailani she sputters about for a moment embarrassed before asking, "Howmuchisfivesilvers?" holding a gold piece in her palm. "Ha, whoops, sorry! I mean, I just don't know how many silvers in a gold piece? I usually just trade some chicken eggs for a pie!"
Mar 26, 2022 4:10 pm
Gonna wait for everyone to respond before beginning the contest
Fun-loving Human Dude
As Tereze bares her sharp fangs, it seems like this is the exact perfect crowd who would 1) not be bothered by large, unnatural teeth (tusks or otherwise) and 2) in fact, get excited by them. The crowd cheers even more rowdily than when the human man egged them on moments before. As Tereze takes her seat once again, the young man turns to her sitting next to him and says in awe, in a somewhat mature but still creaky voice that sounds like it is just getting to the final stages of a long time spent in puberty, "What? No fair! You've got razor-sharp fangs and all I've got is the munchies from one too many cups of ale! Ha, but don't underestimate me, I've been known to party with the orcs and ogres of Asarius, so I can handle a little too much." He says with a competitive spirit and a big smile.
Mar 26, 2022 4:18 pm
Agatha Silverspoon
The pie is honestly amazing, you can't deny it. Agatha laughs at Kailani's words, "Ha! No worries, lass. As long as you get to enjoy the pie in some way." She leans in close so not everyone can hear her as she whisper-grumbles, "I wish everyone without one would admit they didn't have one, would save me a lot of clean up, heh." She vaguely nods her head towards a corner of the stage, where a little bit of... once-eaten pie still lingers and a bucket and mop sit slightly hidden from the crowd just off the side of the stage. "Hope ya enjoy it." she smiles before throwing another batch of pies into the large outdoor oven.

She puts one big meaty foot onto the stage as she bellows into the crowd and passersby, "It's the top of the hour, last call f' any more participants!"
Mar 26, 2022 5:16 pm
aquafina says:
"Hope ya enjoy it."
"Never had better!" Kailani exclaims with honest and most pleasant surprise. It tastes marvellous. "You really know what you are doing. I'll surely come again"
SeaJay says:
"Howmuchisfivesilvers?" holding a gold piece in her palm. "Ha, whoops, sorry! I mean, I just don't know how many silvers in a gold piece? I usually just trade some chicken eggs for a pie!"
A rabbit that deals in eggs? Hm. The worlds are full of wonders. Kailani smiles companionable: "Ten silver pieces make a gold piece. Let me see..." She helps Calla find the right change. "I wish you great success, Calla. I'll keep my fingers crossed for good luck!" The dark haired woman demonstrates with the hand that doesn't hold half a pie and waits for Calla to join the others on stage.
Mar 26, 2022 6:57 pm
Adrasthea says:
"I wish you great success, Calla. I'll keep my fingers crossed for good luck!"
"Thank you so much!" Calla says as she leaps onto the stage in one bounce.
Mar 26, 2022 7:57 pm
"Let's hope your stomach's as big as your confidence!" Tereze jests warmly. "You know, it's still not too late to back out and try the next hour"

Gosh. The scent of these fresh pies was making her stomach grumble. She wanted to start already. She looked down at Kailani down below. She certainly seemed to be enjoying hers.
Mar 26, 2022 8:16 pm
Faelan sits in his chair, arms folded in front of him while listening to the friendly banter with a smile.

Looking at Tereze and her fangs, he starts wondering by himself, what kind of creature she could be. Coming to the conclusion that as long as she eats no people but pies, the white-haired woman is fine in his book, he turns his attention back to the here and now.
Mar 27, 2022 1:09 pm
As Kailani rests on Ardeth for before there seems to be a suddenly look of uncertainty and embarrassment from under the hood, before suddenly the shorter more familiar stature is backs as the half-drow gives a cheers and follows after the rest towards pies.
At the call for last orders Ardeth frantically waves her hand with the silvers clutched in it. The half-drow was always hungry.
Mar 27, 2022 3:08 pm
"You know, it's still not too late to back out and try the next hour"
Fun-loving Human Guy
The young man's eyes narrow and a grin cross his face, "Oooo, sounds like someone is a little intimidated. Good luck, I think you're gonna need it." He turns to the pies placed in front of him and begins readying himself as Agatha Silverspoon takes a stand in the front of the stage.

The rowdy crowd becomes just big, anticipatory eyes and giant, cheerful smiles.
Agatha Silverspoon
"Whoever can finish the most of my delicious pies, wins one o' these!" She holds up a glittering tin-colored medallion shaped like a meat pie, attached to a leather strap like a necklace.

"On yer mark..."

All of the contestants hover their heads over the pies placed before them, waiting for the signal...

"Get set..."

The crowd is silent as a hush falls over the busy street, nearly every passerby has stopped and is staring at the stage...

[ +- ] Best Pies in the Jumble Contest!
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