Day 2

Apr 3, 2022 8:14 pm
Then doors opens and you get into the maze yet again. You are moving a corridor and enter into a room with furniture, but this one is not covered in dust or something. There are some overcoats sized for small creatures (i.e. Halfling), boots, gloves, instruments (if you touch could roll history check to probably recall what is the instrument used for).
Apr 3, 2022 9:54 pm
Thorem enjoyed the evening of entertainment with others and a good nights rest. By the morning he was ready to go. A good breakfast again and a shot off his new mini still, he was ready to go. He has his new two healing potions with him.

The night had brought many memories back to him, but still many more were still haunting him. He knew well how to use his greataxe but where did his training come from. He now remember his time in a dwarven brewery, but still more was lacking.

He is wearing his new powerful belt that he really hasn't said anything about. Otherwise his greataxe is always in his hands. Combat is something he expects all the time. Into the maze he goes.

He looks over to see that Bellow and Anguis are good to go. He doubt it would do any good to tell Agnuis where he can put his Hell Hound. He looks over the two new ones (Mal & Yoth). And of course gives them greeting just before we go in so they know his name is 'Thorem'. He hopes they have the common sense not to wander away from the group as surely that would mean they don't return.

"Lets do this."

Thorem will muse though the clothing a bit and surely handle/look over the instrument(s). Seems Thorem has a nature habit for trouble.

Thorem: HP 36 + 7 Temp/36 + 7 Temp, AC(14), Greataxe in hands.

Thorem's magic items:
Belt of Hill Giant Strength (unknown to party) Party does know he got a belt as they seen him take it out of his chest, but they don't know what it does.) (Those that listened to his tale of the days adventures know it gives him greater strength.)
2 Healing potion (known to party)
1 Protection from Fiends (known to party)
Masquerade Tattoo (unknown to party)

Thorem treats Bellow and Anguis as trusted companions: Bond: I will lay down my life for the people I serve with. Hell Hound can DIE. (Thorem's beard is still roasted from that Hell Hound.)

Party here has seen Thorem use Firebolt & Magic Missile. Those that listened to his tale also know he can cast Shield as well.
Last edited April 3, 2022 10:55 pm


History Check - (1d20+4)

(9) + 4 = 13

Apr 3, 2022 10:07 pm
Yoth wakes, eats, and prepares. He doesn't know exactly what to expect, but what he has been told is enough to let him know that he should expect danger and fighting. He gathers his gear and follows the others into the maze.

The first room they come to is nothing like what Yoth was expecting. Clothes. Instruments. Yoth stays as clear of everything as possible, touching nothing. Even without memories, he knows that none of this makes any sense, so he is on his guard.
Apr 3, 2022 10:21 pm
Description of Thorem: Level 4 Fighter (Eldritch Knight)/Entertainer

Thorem is a male mountain Dwarf. He is about 4 and half feet tall and just about as wide. He is rather muscle bound as well. He appears to be middle aged. He has brown eyes and brown beard to match. Always seems to be in a chain shirt with two handaxes in holders to his side. He favors his greataxe and carries it most all the time and he has a warhammer on backpack for an extra weapon. Attached to his backpack besides 50' of hempen rope is his favored Dulcimer in a leather sack. All gear appears to be durable, but in an unkept manor as he is.
Last edited April 3, 2022 10:22 pm
Apr 3, 2022 11:17 pm
Oh yeah. Yoth had asked for healing potion(s) and holy water(s). I'm not clear on what he actually got, if anything, with regards to that. I did see he got 2 javelins. But I'm not sure about the magical liquids.
Apr 3, 2022 11:27 pm
If it is up Thorem then Yoth did get what he wanted. Thorem is rather generous to his fighting companions. Even if one is a LIZARD.
Apr 4, 2022 12:36 am
Bellow, human barbarian in buckskin pants, leather boots, and his new chain shirt, carries a glaive and wears a backpack and has a hand axe and short sword on his belt.
He speaks to the bugbear.
It's Mal, right? In case it matters, I can speak your language. Goblin.
And to Yoth, Say new buddy, do you speak anything other common? Do you speak at all?
Apr 4, 2022 12:52 am
Yoth is a green lizardfolk. He wears a full suit of chainmail, which is unusual for his kind - they usually go without armor and rely on their tough hides. He carries a shield and what appears to be an unusual mace - a metal weapon crafted in the shape of a wooden club, with small holes in the end.

Yoth regards the human. "I speak when I need to. Common and draconic," he says "You have been through this maze before, correct? What can we expect?"
Apr 4, 2022 2:52 am
Yesterday we saw more traps than fighting. But today is already different. We saw no furnished rooms like this one yesterday.
Apr 4, 2022 3:45 am
Gnellson says:
Bellow, human barbarian in buckskin pants, leather boots, and his new chain shirt, carries a glaive and wears a backpack and has a hand axe and short sword on his belt.
He speaks to the bugbear.
It's Mal, right? In case it matters, I can speak your language. Goblin.
"Yes, my name is Mal. That is kind of you to offer, but I am fairly comfortable in speaking in the common tongue.

"So, insights into your plunges into these mazes so far, Master Bellow?"
Apr 4, 2022 6:20 am
Anguis happily accepts the javelins and takes one of the hand-axes and 2 HP potions , most likely he will need to collect corpses for the hound, at this point he finds the sack of holding really convenient. He also bags a bag of flour, remembering his many kitchen accidents the thing is both flamable and good enough to be thrown around.

Early in the morning he goes to the kitchens and joins the cooks, he attempts to enchance the quality of the food with his skills, making a couple of treats, they're not as potent as the breakfast, but are still useful. He grabs a bite to eat with him, not eating the breakfast, and spends the rest of the morning with the hound, he talks with the fiend trying to read his mood, see if it has any distinct features that might help to tell him apart from the others, and readying the both of them for the path ahead. I bet he's itching to rip something apart.... In infernal Well good morning, i guess. We will soon head out to the maze, usually there are a lot of things to hunt. If we kill something whose hide looks comfortable to sleep on, don't eat it right away, i will ask the locals to skin it - can bet that sleeping on a bare cage isn't exactly comfortable...

When out of the cage the hound Is still attached to one of Anguis arms via hanged-mans noose. I might need a proper leash for the hound... Yes a dark iron chain with a round tag...
If there are no distinct features Anguis will search for some paint or in worse case flour to mark the hell-hound.
[ +- ] Appearance
Last edited April 4, 2022 6:25 am
Apr 4, 2022 6:42 am
GeneCortess, what was history roll about? Did I miss anything?
The cook who prepares magical porridge to you approvingly nod when see Anguis making the treats (but there is no kitchen, porridge is prepared at open air on bonfire.
I would like You Bubbles describe distinct feature of your hell hound.
And sorry for skipping morning you wanted to roleplay, feel free to describe anyth else you do before going into the maze.
Apr 4, 2022 1:50 pm
Reason for a History Check.

'There are some overcoats sized for small creatures (i.e. Halfling), boots, gloves, instruments (if you touch could roll history check to probably recall what is the instrument used for).'
Apr 4, 2022 3:11 pm
right right. Missed you touch them don'tjust look.
Thorem remember to have seen similar equipment weared by dwarfs who work in wet mines, close to underground rivers. They are waterproof.
Apr 4, 2022 3:34 pm
Anguis notices that the hell hound has a slightly shorter tail than his brethren, in the place of the long rat-like appendage that easily reaches the ground, he has a shorter one that ends at the hounds ankles, like those more characteristic to normal domestic dogs. Did it end up getting bitten off or something?
Apr 4, 2022 4:10 pm
OK, I must admit I have lost the the map I had in my mind. For this scene you will need to try to imagine visuals. I'm adding a picture only to help imagine how it will look like, but it does not represent actual map.
[ +- ] Abstract representation of environment
Eventually you enter next room that looks like some mad scientist laboratory: there is table with buttons and handles. There are some baths filled with white liquid (just like milk) and what looks like big ice cubes (5x5x5 feet) all around. There two identical objects. Each consisting of circles and balls connected by a vertical metal tube
As a players you could imagine it is like this but not yet activated, so there are no lights yet sparkling
Apr 4, 2022 4:54 pm
In the room with the clothing and such, Thorem leaves the stuff with some distain. He had never been in the wet mines but once and nearly drowned is a shocking thought to him. He doesn't at all care for memories he gets. And deciding'ly moves on.

The mad laboratory kills and curiosity that Thorem might have. This looks so bad. He has absolutely zero interest in checking through the room.
Apr 4, 2022 5:45 pm
The second room is so different from the first, that it may as well be a different dimension as far as Yoth is concerned. His approach is nearly identical, however - hang back, keep his distance from the objects in the room, touch nothing. He takes a quick glance around the corners of the room - not wanting to miss anything that might be lurking there.
Apr 4, 2022 6:03 pm
Bellow looks but does not touch any button or switch.

Two questions.
Do the doors to the small rooms along the hall have locks?
Do the baths have lids?
Bellow is always concerned about restraints and prisons.

If the first bath has no lid, I'll gently use my glaive's haft to feel for a body in the bath.
Apr 4, 2022 6:31 pm
OK I've got actually description map of the large room for you. White cubes - those are cubes, looks like white ice or something. And for simplicity let's assume that 4 baths have blue water not white to match the picture. There were no small rooms just one smaller room which may look like team dressing room in real life. Doors between dressing room and room with baths have no locker

You see double doors at the other end of the room, a corridor string to that door and two baths on both sides.
There are also a few books on the table. Bellow find no lids on the baths.
Sorry but you will need to explain me meaning of this sentence "to feel for a body in the bath". If you are poking water you do not find any creature body in there, but give Sleight Of Hand check DC 10 to see if you could figure out anything else by that.
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