"Thank you for gathering to take on this job." The Operator's voice is many-layered and hard pin down.
"Your job, now that you have chosen to accept it, is to steal a prototype medicine manufacturing device (see image001) so it can be reverse engineered by the client.
"It is not known exactly where the device is, but you have enough in the accompanying datapacket to recognise it when you see it. The lab where is it housed should be obvious enough as well when you get there.
"We suggest trying to get in from the lower levels. You will have to get past the gangs that are apparently squatting down there, and will need to come prepared with ways to get past whatever barriers the high-levelers have installed to keep the gangs out. We don't know these Lowlifes living at the bottom, but they sound like your sort of people.
"We hear they even stage 'robot battles'." The Operator says with a distasteful shudder.
"Anyway: Beyond that: How you get in and out is your business, we don't want to know the details. The previous team did not..." but they don't say what any previous team did or did not do.
• Did you have any follow-up questions for The Operator at this time or during your legwork?
• You are now at The Heights, and in the thick of it.
• What preparations have you made before this moment. Flashbacks and obvious research and planning is in order.
• How are you getting in?