Kamisori made a name for herself as a drone jockey in the merc trade, but arena bot fights are a rather different beast, as she already experienced. Still, she gathered a lot of experience on the field since she last faced the arena, and she grew out of her most obvious mistakes from the last time around. Making a few adjustments to Ushi-oni (her attack and self defence drone) to make it more "sportly" she realises she lacks a fundamental skill for the performance, she's a lousy visual designer. Thankfully she learned to delegate things, and lets her colleagues handle that
[Guys, I need arena bot styling feedback stat!].
She knows the challenge might trash Ushi-kun, leaving her quite undefended, but she's used to jury-rigging her friends on the go, so she's rather confident she can keep it /running until they're out.
Worst case scenario, she'll have Otter look after the wreck. He seemed friendly enough when she contacted him, and he proved to be trustworthy when he /ran with Lunette. He even stepped aside from confronting her this round, and, seeing his skill, she feels grateful for that, even though she might face him next.
• I'm taking the medium, versatile drone gear for the challenge.
• The styling request is meant as a hook for the others to help, if they want to.
• In the event that her drone gets irretrievably wrecked, and she leaves it behind, could that count as getting a Light load?
• Facing Otter and her old bot would put her at a disadvantage, he heavily modified it, and knows Kamisori well enough to catch her off-guard, at least at the beginning.
• Otter is, obviously, an unknown variable, and Kamisori's trust might just as well be misplaced, anyway. Otherwise he might even offer to lend her her old bot as temporary replacement, in the event she loses Ushi-oni.
Does the competition's prize offer access further up the Heights? Or something that might be exchanged for that?
Depending on the answer, it would change Kamisori's approach from a distraction to cover her colleague's intrusion, to focusing on winning to reach their target.