Heist in The Heights [RP]

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May 2, 2022 7:50 am
"Four amateurs..." D. thinks out loud. "Let's try to solve this as quietly as possible then. We don't want too much attention drawn to ourselves. At least not until old Winston does his magic."
so Wiston and and Blank were warned, and Solovei is ready right? Let's see what trouble we can raise :D
May 2, 2022 10:12 am
I think it'd be impossible to guess a password to a place like this, so would need be a good time to use the flashback mechanic about how I got an old password or something like that?
Winston knew, as all good hackers do, that knowledge of software and coding expertise is only half the job. An equally important aspect of hacking is the human element. People were often stupid or lazy, sometimes both, and the easiest way to bypass security is exploiting people rather than the software.

After they accepted the job, Winston did some investigating into the place. Scoured for blueprints, checked out business records on what services the place must have used, what tech vendors were employed, and so on. One bit of trickery was impersonating a new member of the security company and getting a backdoor admin password for the system currently used by The Heights.
Last edited May 2, 2022 12:53 pm


Empathy + Influence + Push - (0d6+0d6+1d6)

(0) + (0) + (4) = 4

May 2, 2022 3:32 pm
A subtle nod to D. communicates acknowledgement of the incoming trouble. Pretending to watch the crowds around them, Blank checks the rounds in the gun hidden in his jacket -- Good; smoke screen rounds, he thinks.

"Still connected Miles," He says into his com. "But things may be about to get...warm...out here."
May 3, 2022 12:36 pm
"Gotcha. I'll join you then." Miles checks again if all cables are clean and safe, and heads out of the airducts to meet with the others.
May 7, 2022 7:44 am
- D. -

The 'four amateurs' are actually four teenagers --apparently making use of your supplied distraction to sneak away and do whatever teenagers do in private. There was a slightly tense dynamic to the group even before they came upon your imposing presences in an 'out of bounds' area.

One of them --it is not clear which-- lets out a small, high-pitched scream, and they all turn large eyes to you. One of the girls that was leading the group gabbles an accusatory something at you, but their slang is strange --doubly so, since they are not only from an insular community, they are also teens-- so understanding what she said is a challenge, even for your streetsmart ears.

Any thought of just scaring them away and relying on the general uninterestingness of possible reports of 'a strange guy... where we were not supposed to be', go out the window when the impenetrable barrier emits the clear klonk of unlocking for the first time in decades.

The barrier does not open --it sounded to you like it will need some muscles to help it on its way-- so you may be able to obfuscate the source of the sound if you can manage to communicate with these residents.

Any news of an 'unlocking' would travel fast.

What do you do?
May 8, 2022 2:33 am
The security company issued him the default admin login and password that comes standard with the software and any hacker worth their silicone knows is basically useless unless you're attempting to hack a grandma who doesn't know her asshole from an I/O port. It would be slightly suspicious to be pushy about admin credentials as a new hire, but to be good at his job he would need credentials that would be actually useful.

"Very funny. Is this some kind of new employee hazing ritual? Maybe you'd like me to save my reports using the Alt+F4 shortcut keys too? Come on, what are the real backdoor credentials?"


Winston: Smartness - (2d6)

(56) = 11

May 8, 2022 6:58 am
- Winston -

The backdoor codes for the relevant model were handed over with copious and repeated reminders to "not talk about backdoor club". Hopefully no one puts two and two together from the model and serial number and gets tipped off about where, specifically, these codes go...

But go they do. The machine accepts them without making a fuss, the connecting plant-stem from the control system to the door mechanisms goes from 'red' to 'green' as the locks retract.

Job done!

Then, what appears to be a stylised 'log' appears somewhere down the line, it takes but a moment to recognise that as the pictorial representation for 'jam' (as in 'log jam'? how droll). Age --as you well know-- wreaks havoc on physical systems, but that is not really your responsibility.

What do you do?
May 9, 2022 9:07 am
D. initially takes advantage of the kids reaction. He's not supposed to be there, but clearly, so aren't they. That means they will stay quiet about this as teenager don't like to get into real trouble.

He decides to play confident and intimidating, which is not far from his natural self. "Hey kids. Planning to do anything funny in these parts?"

Then the barrier unlocks. What the? he stops for a moment. His act is momentarily broken by the knowledge that his intentions are now very clear and the kids are definitely going to talk now.
before moving on... the roll


D.: Caution + D.: Streetwise - (1d6+2d6)

(2) + (25) = 9

May 9, 2022 12:06 pm
- D. -

"Dunno." The apparent leader 'answers' sulkily with a shrug --in typical teenage fashion. At least your experience with the underground scene allows you to sorta make out what they appear to be saying mumbling.

While three are eyeing you with distinct interest. (Here is something new. They seem to be thinking. Save us from our boredom.) The nervous-looking boy following behind reaches for his phone --'see something, say something' maybe? You suspect he is about to sound the alarm.
Threat level 2 results in two level 1 consequences:
Your Effect is Reduced from 3 (after Edge) to 2, meaning you can understand be understood by them, and they are interested, but you don't have their trust.
There is the Complication of the one reaching for the alarm.
You can Resist either or both of these, or deal with the consequence in followup moves.
May 9, 2022 1:09 pm
Noticing the teenagers attitude, it seems clear that they are just bored, so not a real treat to the mission. "You dunno? Come on man, you gotta somethin up your sleeve and don't want to share it with the old guy?" he relaxes his attitude and checks their reaction. That's when he notices the one on the back reaching out for the phone. What is he thinking?. "oi! you there, are you supposed to be even here? If you take a pic and share, you're just going to cut the fun short." He turns to the others, pretending to not be worried by the kid's call (all the while being focused on his every move). "So, you heard that noise right? You guys know what that is? Is that normal? I bet something cool just happened? Wanna check it out?"
So, resisting the Complication by pointing out it's not a smart move for him and resist effect by promising something cool. let me know if it is enough
Last edited May 9, 2022 1:09 pm
May 9, 2022 2:30 pm
resisting wild teenagers


D.: Smartness - Drop that phone! - (1d6)

(1) = 1

D.: Smartness - Creepy kidnapping-like talk - (1d6)

(5) = 5

May 9, 2022 2:46 pm
- D. -

There is a lot of blushing, their attitudes a mixture of 'creepy old dude' and 'cool creepy older dude'.

"Umm... you know..." The lead boy stammers indicating the girls, and then glancing around at the 'private space'.

The trailing kid drops his phone as though it is hot and then scrabbles to make sure the camera is off and locations are not transmitting. He evidently had not thought much about those consequences and is impressed you did not report them.

"Yeah," he blurts out to the others. "Make sure your phones are not transmitting..."

Then the clonk happens and they all stop and stare at you in wonder. "Did... Did you just open the door!?" The lead girls asks. "Wow! Can we see?" She elbows the sulky looking girl next to her. "I told you this would be exiting."
May 10, 2022 12:15 am
So just so I'm understanding correctly, there is a physical malfunction with the door/lock due to age?
May 10, 2022 8:26 am
D. froze for a moment. It was the expression on the sulky looking girl that triggered it. He knew far too well what it meant. He too was a teenager punk looking for adventures. And adventures don't end well. And this one... he had no choice but to take them with him since they knew what they are up to.


That's the same expression she had before they decided to be just a little too stupid. He looks down his hands, still feeling the sticky warm blood from years ago. He stares emptily at the sulky girl for a few seconds too long. She does look like his sister did that day...
A quick trauma instead of full flash back if that's ok. He'll take them to the door, but now he will be extra attached to the teenager girl
Last edited May 10, 2022 8:27 am
May 10, 2022 8:38 am
Eventually you all make your way over to the barrier.

It has quite clearly moved a bit, you can see a clean section, previously covered and now freshly exposed to the atmosphere.

"Wow." One of the teens says in an awed voice. "You actually did it!" They have grown up with stories of the daring exploits done in attempts to open this barrier, and here you are, strangers, waltzing in and just opening it, just like that.

D.'s 'level of cool' might diminish slightly when his companions appear and reveal that it was not just the force of his personality that did it. But first impressions last.
When you each arrive at the door, how do you react to the additional persons?

The doors started to open (you are free to define direction and shape). How do you open then wide enough for people to get through?
May 13, 2022 11:15 am
The door is hexagonal in shape, and the barrier is three pairs of plates. The first two plates slide open with rusty grating, but the last pair stops with a grinding sound leaving only a one foot gap.

Startled at the voices, Winston whips his head around, which makes him temporarily dizzy. He was too old for sudden movements it seemed.

"Yes, I did do it. Now, who are you?" he grumbles. "And do you have a car jack? We can use it to pry open this last set of doors all the way."
May 13, 2022 11:21 am
D. simply shrugs as if there was nothing he could have done when Winston looks back and notices the kids.
May 13, 2022 11:33 am
"A what, what?" The trailing boy asks Winston --though he might need D. to translate for him till everyone gets the hang of their slang (or they start to speak properly... but what are the chances of that happening?). "And who the hell are you?"

The smaller of the two girls studies the gap speculatively. "I could get through there." She declares.
May 13, 2022 11:44 am
vagueGM says:
The smaller of the two girls studies the gap speculatively. "I could get through there." She declares.
I guess that's the one I'm protecting now right? nope, bad idea :D
D. knows the kids probably know "car jack" as "that thing" or "the stuff" or other unclear designation so he kind of gestures his way mentioned cars and races until they figure out what a car jack does. The he move to block the girl's way and looks at her. Seeing her expression he struggles to keep his cool and let go of his overprotective instincts. "And, do you think you can open it from the inside?". "Not good, this will not end well..." "Maybe I can go as well" he shows his cyber arm even though it may not be useful at all...
May 13, 2022 12:02 pm
- Winston -

"Why would you want to pick up a car?" The trailing boy asks in a combination of teenage exasperation and attempted-hiding of genuine curiousness. Growing up inside a skyscraper they possibly have no experience of 'cars' and definitely were not carrying such tools with them.

"I'm Demi, by the way." He adds in a more civil tone while moving over to watch was you are doing.
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