Chapter 13 - What Ramon wants

Apr 10, 2022 7:56 am
4th July 1983.

At the breakfast table of Alana, Johnny and Logan's houses, a similar scene takes place. A fresh copy of the Washington County Chronicle is spread open on the table, and an article pointed out.

Jack, A's Dad
"Hey, spirited girl, check this out!"

Aunt Mary
"Say Johnny, isn't this the girl you brought at the cinema yesterday?"

Ellen, L's Gramma
"Oh, Loey! You and Anna are in the paper! I am SO proud of you, dears!"

[ +- ] The Article

Ben, A's brother


Apr 10, 2022 9:41 am
Ben, A's brother
"Let me see! Let me see!! he rushes to the paper. "HEY!!! WHERE's MY PHOTO?!?" he says horrified, not seeing it anywhere.

Anna, L's sister


Apr 10, 2022 9:43 am
Anna, L's sister
"Oh. Let's have a look..." she checks her photo in the group one near the tree. "Hmm... do you think my nose looks big in this?"
Apr 10, 2022 10:14 am
"Why would they have put your photo in there?", Al asks. "You didn't even do anything! And nobody would buy the paper if you were in it."

She reads the article over two more times, a wide grin on her face. "This is so cool!" Then she shows it to Ripper. "Look, Jack, you're in the paper!" She turns to her dad. "Can we cut this out and frame it in my room? It's the first news report of many about my heroic exploits!"
Apr 10, 2022 11:32 am
Ben, A's brother
"NOT. FAIR!!! Ripper wasn't even there either, and she's in the photo!" he protests, sulking.

Angela, A's Mom
"Don't start it, Ben. Sure, we can frame that. Now finish off your breakfast, there are lots of fun things in town today. Let's make the most of the day with your Aunt Sandra."

Auntie Sandra
"So proud, of you both. Al AND Benny." she winks at the latter, "I've seen them taking your picture too, and that's enough for me!... Oh, and we'll have to look for a special present for Benny too, today , right?"
Apr 10, 2022 11:42 am
Logan can recover the Fatigue point from the previous adventure. Still bruised, but the night rest has done him good.
Alana's burn still gives her some trouble, we'll keep her 1 Wound and associated -1 penalty for now. Mom is taking care of dressing her wound, as she cannot trust her to do it herself.
Apr 10, 2022 11:57 am
Al grumbles when Sandra mentions having to look for a present for Benny but she doesn't argue. With her having gotten a dog, she doesn't really have a leg to stand on in that regard. And, she thinks, maybe she can convince Aunt Sandra to buy her another present as well.
Apr 10, 2022 1:31 pm
Having stayed up late searching through Ramon's collection of books, Johnny didn't rise especially early but that was okay. Aunt Mary wasn't an early riser because she worked late hours and neither was Charlene because she lived her life in a sort of timeless void of nebulous responsibilities that only she could keep track of.

Aunt Mary noticed the picture of Alana and her friends in the paper as he sat down at the table, a bowl of 'fruit hoops' trying desperately to go soggy in the pitiful amount of milk he'd poured on them. Hey, yeah. he replied, brushing his hair from his face with his fingers, She said she was supposed to be in the paper for helping rescue a kid or something but it's kinda hard to tell sometimes if what she says is real or not. That's definitely her though; there's no mistaking that hair...
The last comment reminded him, I might be out at the festivities most of the day today so could you help me hot oil & braid my hair before I go out, Charlene? This humidity is rough on my hair. Mary had hers cut and styled in a very modern business-chic style befitting someone in management but Charlene had kept hers long and figured out how to keep hers from frizzing in the humidity. Johnny had yet to get the hang of her technique just yet and needed a bit of help if he was going to be presentable most of the day.
It was his intention to drop by Alana's house later and see if he could catch her there; if not, it wouldn't be too hard to catch her out at all the activities around the downtown area.
Apr 10, 2022 1:42 pm
Logan beamed proudly at the article in the paper. He was equal parts proud of himself and the others. It was a team effort Gram, it never would've worked out if we didn't work together.

Finishing his breakfast, Logan helps clean up and put everything away. When do all of the festivities start? I don't want to miss anything. Logan quickly rushes upstairs and finishes getting ready.
Apr 10, 2022 1:46 pm
With his hair perfectly groomed by Charlene's expert hands, Johnny sets off for the day of celebrations.

Music seems to be playing from every corner, mostly jolly brass-band or marching band style tunes.
The streets are already filling with visitors, both locals and tourists, walking along the red-white-and-blue streets.

He notices many streets closed to the traffic, and an increased police presence at junctions. Downtown Gulf Haven is pretty much transformed into a giant pedestrian area stretching all the way to the Strip and Amusement Pier.
Apr 10, 2022 1:50 pm
Logan's Mom and Gram are glad to see Logan moving with a renewed spring in his step, after one day of taking it easy (although they both commented about how dipping in the lake all dressed wasn't the best of ideas).
Logan has got permission to roam freely today, provided he promises to avoid straining, and that he remembers to stop for a rest and something to drink and eat frequently.
Apr 10, 2022 1:52 pm
We fast forward a couple of hours, when the three Hunters bump into each other while crowd surfing on the Strip, among flags, hot dogs, tricolor bunting and patriotic music blaring from loudspeakers attached to the streetlights.

Al and Logan are still on foot, Johnny also left his trusted skateboard home.
Apr 10, 2022 1:58 pm
I think Johnny would probably just be on foot. Keeping up with his board might be a pain with the crowd.
Apr 10, 2022 2:00 pm
sure thing, I'll edit my post.

Pasting here Ramon's note for convenience.
[ +- ] Ramon's hidden note
Apr 10, 2022 2:10 pm
Johnny sat on the street curb, Coke™ sitting beside him and the remnants of a hotdog in his mouth as he waved to Alana as she approached. He'd been people watching and people had been watching him.
Apr 10, 2022 2:13 pm
Logan waves as he sees Al walking up. Hey Al, can you believe it. My family has finally given in and let me have the day to myself.
Apr 10, 2022 5:23 pm
Are Ripper and/or Benny with Al?
Apr 10, 2022 5:32 pm
Al is out with her family, so presumably, yes, both are. They are together at the moment
Apr 10, 2022 5:44 pm
Al spots Logan and Johnny at basically the same time. They're just meters away from each other and for a moment, she wonders how they haven't noticed. Until she remembers that they've never actually met.

She runs over to Johnny without a word to her family, pulling Ripper alongside her. "Hey vampire boy!", she greets him with a grin. "Come on! Logan is right there. You should meet him. You'll get along super well!"
She then runs over to Logan, expecting Johnny to follow. "Hey Logan! My family is making me drag Benny around. But I bet we can shake him."
Apr 10, 2022 6:44 pm
He should've expected the high energy greeting; Alana never did anything by half measures. Vampire boy? That was new... of all the things he'd been called in his life, that one was a first. He tried to greet her but all that came out was muffled by half a hotdog in his mouth.
Johnny tried to quickly swallow down the bite he had in his mouth as she dragged him over to meet the other member of her Monster Hunter Club. He could only stick his hand out in greeting to the other boy as he tried to choke down the remnants of the big bite of hotdog. Hey. he said sheepishly swallowing the last bit after an awkward pause, Logan? I'm Johnny.
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