Chapter 13 - What Ramon wants

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Apr 10, 2022 7:02 pm
Logan smiles as he watches Al drag Johnny over to meet him. That's Al for you...about as subtle as a vampire in a church. Smiling Logan reaches out and shakes Johnny's hand. Hey Johnny, I see you've met our resident tornado.

Ben, A's brother


Apr 10, 2022 7:51 pm
Ben, A's brother
Benny notices Alana regrouping with her friends, but for once he does not want to follow. He sticks by Sandra with adoring eyes, wanting to spend time with her (and not wanting to miss out on the promised present!).
Apr 11, 2022 4:02 am
Al glances suspiciously at Benny when he doesn't follow before then turning to her friends. "I told Logan all about the library monster," Al says. "We had the idea to throw a party in the library and then go look for it some more!"

Jack, A's Dad


Apr 11, 2022 8:29 am
Jack, A's Dad
Al's dad notices her chatting to her friends and calls out, "If you're wandering off with your friends, meet us at eight at the Pier for the firework display, Al!" He steps over to give her some pocket money, "Here, don't forget to eat, OK?"
Apr 11, 2022 12:35 pm
"Dad, who do you think I am?", Al asks. "I never forget to eat!"

She grabs the money and turns back to her friends. "Let's get cotton candy!", she offers, waving the money at them. It won't fill her up but she's pretty sure that if she tells her parents later that she spent the money on sweets and is hungry, they'll buy her something. They'll probably be annoyed but they won't let her starve.
Apr 11, 2022 12:47 pm
Logan makes off to follow Al, but turns back to Johnny. You coming? L9gan says with a smile on his face.
Would it be fair to say Logan's mom gave him some moneyas well?
Apr 11, 2022 1:31 pm
sure they all have pocket money, plus something extra from Al's dad now
Apr 11, 2022 1:51 pm
About the library "monster"... Johnny began. It might not be a monster but there might be a ghost involved. It's kind of a long story but I can tell you on the way to the concession stands.

He follows the two towards the delicious smells as he explains,So, I volunteer at the Old Folks Home as well as the library right. Now the first day I was there and applied one of the residents passed on, a man named Ramon. This was also the first day I applied to volunteer at the library and met Alana. Johnny dodged a pedestrian that either didn't see him or didn't want to move to let the three pass. Without skipping a beat, he continued That was when we found out someone...or something... he deferred to Alana's explanation before she could give him the side-eye. had been breaking into the library at night. Now the next day at Sunny Haven, I was helping pack away Ramon's things and he had a lot of books so I asked if I could donate them to the library. They said it was okay so I took them all home.
There all kinds of books about the sea and sailing and stuff. I went through the books to see if there was anything in them and found some words highlighted. "Seek and you shall find".
He paused a minute, trying to figure how to continue without sounding weird. There was just no way around it so he plunged in, I couldn't figure out any more than that so I packed to books away and one of them flew out of the box and landed on my floor. Turns out there was a secret page at the back with another message. I, I'm, think Ramon's ghost is trying to get us to follow the clue and I'm thinking maybe the break-ins at the library might be someone else trying to follow the same mystery... He looked at the other two to see what they thought of his story.
Apr 11, 2022 1:58 pm
Al looks extremely excited at this. "A ghost is sending you messages and wants us to beat the library monster at solving a mystery? That sounds super amazing!" She punches Logan's arm. "See, I told you Johnny is cool!"

"What's the message? Is it a riddle? I bet it is a riddle!"
Apr 11, 2022 2:06 pm
Definitely a riddle. Listen to this.... He pulled a scrap piece of paper out of his pocket with Ramon's words scribbled on it:

"Two Mighty Swords will cross in deadly fight; Look for the first hilt where sailors look at night"

Any ideas? I thought a lighthouse maybe? Or something with red skies, like in that old rhyme about weather. I dunno tho. I don't know anything about sailors or boats, I come from Oklahoma originally. he looked at the other two for inspiration.
Apr 11, 2022 2:07 pm
Logan pauses in thought as he listens to Johnny. That would make sense, that someone else is after what Ramon wants you to find. What's the clue that you found? We put our heads together and I'm sure we can figure it out.

Logan stands there silently when a grin spreads out onto his face. Was Ramon a pirate? Because if he was that means we're going to be looking for buried treasure.
Apr 11, 2022 2:13 pm
I never met Ramon...while he was alive I don't know how old he was but I don't know about him being "pirate days old". Johnny shrugged not really knowing much about when that might've been historically. There were a couple of ladies at the Home that seemed to know him pretty well, Ethel and Eleanor, but I didn't get much out of them when I asked.. He shrugged again, But I really didn't know what to ask about Ramon and that was before I went through his books.
Apr 11, 2022 2:20 pm
"Aren't Ethel and Eleanor the ones who told us about Mother Ruth?", Al asks.

She considers the rhyme for a moment. "It sounds like a lighthouse to me. Or maybe a bed? But not only sailors sleep in beds. A hammock maybe?"
Apr 11, 2022 2:37 pm
Logan listens to Al and mods his head in agreement. Those are solid ideas, the answer has to be something similar to them. Otherwise we'll be checking out a lot of beds and such.
What would an appropriateroll be to try and understand the riddle?
Apr 11, 2022 2:53 pm
Wouldn't sailors, like everyone else, look up at night? Johnny mused. Like when you're laying in bed about to go to sleep, you look up?
Apr 11, 2022 2:55 pm
well, the thing with this riddle is that you won't know if your solution is the right one until you try it - there isn't a written solution that can give you certainty. However...
Logan is the only local, out of the three of them. He frowns, thinking of what places a lighthouse, a bed or a hammock make him think of.
give me a Common Knowledge roll. I'll take a Smarts roll if you are unskilled.
Apr 11, 2022 2:57 pm
It'll be a Smarts roll.


Smarts, Wild - (1d8, 1d6, RA)

1d8 : (7) = 7

1d6 : (3) = 3

Apr 11, 2022 3:01 pm
"So, stars?", Al asks. "Or the moon? Those are a bit too far away to search them for a sword. Maybe a planetarium!"
Apr 11, 2022 5:37 pm
Logan remembers that there is a small lighthouse in Gulf Haven, on a rocky peninsula called Heron Point. It is not in use, and he's only seen it lit once, when he was younger, during some festival. He hasn't been back there for years, but sure enough, it does look like a lighthouse.
Apr 11, 2022 7:23 pm
Those are all great ideas, but I think I know where we can at least start looking. There's a peninsula in Gulf Haven called Heron Point. I'm pretty sure there's a small light house there.
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