Chapter 1: Moose Hunt
Entangle Cantrip - (1d20+5)
(8) + 5 = 13
Once he's ready Atticus rushes to join the others in attacking the moose.
Once he's made his attack, Atticus makes a tactical retreat and moves back.
Attack - (1d20+4)
(8) + 4 = 12
Damage (if attack is successful) - (1d8)
(7) = 7

One of Igbork's arrows hits, though it's another grazing hit.
The moose does a new charge and runs around the area hitting everything in its way. It manages to charge through the rest of the group before it ends its charge right in front of Atticus.
Pakano seems to get to his senses again, he grabs his spear before getting to his feet. He strikes out at the big creature, and his spear hits its mark causing a large wound.
Pakano initiative - (1d20+11)
(11) + 11 = 22
Pakano Reflex save - (1d20+8)
(10) + 8 = 18
Moose damage - (1d8+5)
(4) + 5 = 9
Pakano attack - (1d20+10)
(6) + 10 = 16
Pakano damage - (1d6+4)
(5) + 4 = 9
reflex save - (1d20+5)
(12) + 5 = 17
The intense pain of not only one of them, but both, taking the full force of the charge is enough to throw them both back, but they somehow remain standing.
Determined to end the creature before them, in spite of the pain coursing through his body, Koram throws his hands up and shouts an incantation, then brings his hands down towards the creature as electricity bursts from his fingers towards it. Simultaneously, Haitith bites at the beast in a flurry of teeth.
Free Action: Cast Focus Spell: Extend Boost (Arcane check vs standard DC to extend length of Boost Eidolon)
Action 1: Cast Focus Spell : Boost Eidolon (+2 Eidolon natural weapon damage)
Actions 2&3: Act Together - Cast Spell : Electric Arc; Eidolon Strikes
Critical hit? In PF2e its just double damage - no need to roll again, right? If the spell hits too, that's 27 damage :D
Koram Reflex Save - (1d20+5)
(8) + 5 = 13
Haitith Reflex Save - (1d20+5)
(6) + 5 = 11
Electric Arc Attack & DMG - (1d20+7, 1d4+4)
1d20+7 : (9) + 7 = 16
1d4+4 : (3) + 4 = 7
Eidolon Strike (Jaws, Piercing) Attack & DMG - (1d20+7, 1d8+6)
1d20+7 : (20) + 7 = 27
1d8+6 : (4) + 6 = 10
Extend Boost (Arcana vs Standard DC) - (1d20+4)
(5) + 4 = 9
Pakano lifts his spear above his head, ready to take credit for the kill.
Wipa walks out of the brush, concern obvious on her face. "Well fought! How are you faring Atticus?"
As he sees Pakano lift his spear to end the moose he laughs You may be a member of the falcon clan but today you fought like a duck. If you want to get the final blow go ahead! As long as we all survived and we have enough meat for the Night of the Green Moon I'm pleased
He's cut short by Haitith's loud hiss as the eidolon positions itself between Igbork and the fallen mastadon. "You will NOT claim my kill, whelp!" the dragon says in words Igbork can understand, "This was my glory, mine and Koram's, not yours, you graceless fool!" The eidolon rears back, bearing the full front of its long, slender body and baring its fangs, a faint blue glow of energy emanating from its scales.
"Haitith!" Koram shouts, "Enough! This is about the Following. For the Following. Let him have his moment."
The eidolon's eyes remain locked with those of Igbork for several long moments, then Haitith withdraws to coil and sulk next to Koram.
He draws his shortsword and prepares to thrust it into the moose after everyone else is ready to deliver a final blow as well

Pakano gives Haitith a glare before relenting and placing his spear above the moose, ready to strike on Igbork's mark.
Together you "slay" the beast together, and are able to patch up your damages before Wipa instructs you on how to butcher the carcass. The process takes several hours, as it involves removing hide and organs, carefully segmenting the skeleton, and carving out the meat. Once done you are able to transport it all back to camp where you're greeted by your loved ones.
Your training in butchering from Wipa opens up the skill feat All of the Animal as a common feat going forward.
"What do you think?" he asks, a smirk on his face, "Pretty good for my first time out on a hunt like that, huh?"
She smacks his shoulder and grins back, "Could have been worse, I suppose. I heard you all about got killed out there."
"Who told you that?" he asks, his face reddening.
Haitith, quiet until now, perks up, "It is true, you know. I had to step in and save everyone, or you'd all be trampled to death. While it would have been interesting to watch, I couldn't well let my only tether to the mortal plane die."
Koram screws his face up and frowns at the dragon, "Yeah, right. You know you love me. Don't try to hide it."
The dragon harumphs and curls up on the ground in silent protest.
The three of them lounge near the fire together for a little more than an hour as the final hours of the day wind down and Koram relays the events of the hunt, moment by moment, to Talina. Eventually as the fire turns to embers they vanish to Koram's tent until the next morning.