Chapter 2

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Apr 27, 2022 4:22 am
Jim in the evenings after a fire and tents are up, will play with dice'ing games and has trinkets for play instead of doing gold for some kill time.
Oh. And earlier when we are talking about copying maps and such. Just happens that Jim is rather skilled in the area of map making and doesn't have the necessary Cartographer’s Tools (15gp, 6#).
Last edited Apr 27, 2022 4:22 am
Apr 27, 2022 4:33 am
Shara is a bit disappointed that the party spent much of yesterday arguing, but nothing can be done about it without wasting precious time. She will have to hope the party was right about not needing a guide.

The dawn before they set off into the jungle, Shara sweeps the market one last time.
Some retroactive shopping:
Bedroll (1 gp)
Blanket (5 sp)
Clothes, traveler's (2 gp)
Healer's kit (5 gp)
Insect repellent (salve) (1 gp)
Kit, mess (2 sp)
Robes (1 gp)
Soap (2 cp)

Total price is 10 gp, 7 sp, and 2 cp. Shara bought her own bedroll and blanket, but still asks if she can bunk with Jim in his tent.
As they follow the coast, the land is mostly verdant, rocky plains and steep ridges, as shown on the map. The dark wall of jungle ahead swallows the party, and Shara is fascinated by the dense nets of leafy foliage and brilliant, exotic flowers, taking thorough notes on everything she sees as Jim slices through the green with his machete.
Just some flowery description. To answer those questions:
1. Shara applies 1 use of salve repellent
2. Happy to let Jim or any other volunteer navigate
3. Fast pace all the way. Shara is upset if the party goes slower, but doesn't argue.
4. Fully agree with Pacan. Crossing the river rather than staying to one bank may waste too much time.
5. Happy to let the others cast create water.

With this first long rest, Shara will edit her list of prepared spells. Let me know if I should detail that list here.

As they rest, the others notice her studying her book intensely, talking, laughing, and joking as if enjoying a conversation. It never replies (out loud, at least), but the others notice genuine, unabashed joy on Shara's face, as if catching up with an old friend.
Apr 27, 2022 4:40 am
Jim is fine for tent mate Shara. Shara gets some perfume puffed on her. Sorry that Jim forgot SOAP!

Jim doesn't have to let Shara win at the dicing, she probably just beats him. Besides owning the dice, he really isn't very good. He knows the rules and that is about it. He has a ton of trinkets to use for play. Jim really doesn't gamble. Which is good for him considering how bad he is at dicing.

Oh. Shara will also note that Jim's tent seems to have been slightly treated as it really doesn't let any light in. There is no light glow visible on the walls of it really. Jim seem rather particular about keeping his tent inside dark.

Jim has ZERO concern about any plants he butchers with his weapon. In fact, he really doesn't care much at all about PLANTS. It is all green stuff to him. He has a whetstone just for keeping his Machete sharp.

Jim will tell about his previous expedition with Ha'haroo. As well as the time he fell into a death trap and used his Sledgehammer (Bestie) to break walls to escape. He will show off Bestie as it is in his backpack. Jim is very knowledgeable about traps and such in tombs.

Jim speaks in Common, Draconic, and Elvish fluently. He is fairly much the optimist and has a relax atmosphere about him. Also missing the point that he didn't bring any drink with him. You do also find out that Jim has a fear of drowning in water and really wants to avoid it if possible. Jim is very much an Archaeologist and not great in conversation. He is also an ordained priest of Deneir, but doesn't talk about that.
Last edited Apr 27, 2022 5:08 am
Apr 27, 2022 5:10 am
Shara is surprised but grateful for the perfume. She doesn't mind that Jim isn't great at dice, she's just happy to get to know him and have fun.

While Jim is haphazardly chopping through foliage, Shara is studying and categorizing unfamiliar plant species behind him. She doesn't mind him as long as he doesn't interfere with her specimens.

Shara listens to the story of Jim's last adventure with extreme fascination, appreciating the characterization of both Jim and Ha'aroo, the latter of which she hasn't really gotten to speak with yet. When Jim shows off Bestie, Shara shows off her awakened spellbook. She tries to convince him that it is sentient, but only the owner of the spellbook can hear its speech. She just calls him Book. Jim probably just tries to stay polite.

She is grateful for company and doesn't mind the lack of drink. Of the darkness of his tent, she thinks how well he must sleep! and nothing more. Of a gentle nature, she also assures him that he won't have to fear an early death, though it's clear that she can't guarantee it.

She is warming up to her new companions, but is still quite awkward in social situations, never really driving an argument (as seen back in the city) and leaving long pauses in conversation; the relaxed and friendly atmosphere helps. Through their conversation, Shara and Jim discover a love for knowledge and history in common with each other, with Jim representing the more adventurous and physical aspects, and Shara representing quiet and contemplative study. Shara is clearly impressed by his fluency in many languages and devotion to the God of Scribes, but she doesn't force him to elaborate if he doesn't want to talk about it.
Apr 27, 2022 5:32 am
Shara will come to understand that Jim and the church had some rather major falling out. That is what she can figure out. Obviously, Jim is devoted to Deneir just the same.

Jim is polite about the BOOK. He does think she is a touch out of it about it, but he has seen worse. Not to mention his own problems about drowning. Which obviously has almost happened when he was younger and has left it's mark on him.

Jim is a dead log when sleeping and not at all fast about waking up.

He is rather interested in history and literature. Especially in the area of Tombs/Ruins. Shara would guess that he is rather bookworn'ed studied. He will even show her a map he has to a ruins, but he hasn't yet figured out where it is.

Shara will also discover that Jim is an only child from a rather rich family. Which is bothering him as one is cursed to die. This also appears to allowed him to have heavy library like studies that aren't available to those without some money.

She also discovers that Jim can cast the following cantrips: Guidance, Light, Prestidigitation, Sacred Flame, & Spare The Dying. An earlier description of an encounter the party has had, Jim can also cast Faerie Fire and it has been mentioned that he does goodberry to.
Last edited Apr 27, 2022 6:05 am
Apr 27, 2022 6:18 am
Shara reveals that her mother, an archaeologist and anthropologist specializing in Netherese ruins along the Sword Coast, is also fated to die by the curse. Shara surmises jokingly that her and Jim would've gotten along if they ever met. Her father is a wizard who also has an awakened spellbook and is a member of the Order of Scribes, wizards whose mission is to catalog the magic of the Multiverse. Or so she's been told.

Finding it useful to share their spells, Shara enthusiastically thumbs through her (mostly empty) spellbook. She knows simple tricks like prestidigitation, mage hand, and light. Her attacks include ray of frost, burning hands, and magic missile. If the party needs her to, she can cast charm person or sleep. Utility spells include feather fall, mage armor, detect magic, and the newest addition: create or destroy water. Jim doesn't have to listen to the entire list, but Shara is happy if he does.
Apr 27, 2022 6:19 am
Nebula, trusting the party to not lead her astray, follows in their footsteps and buys some similar equipment.

She lights a stick of incense and carries it in her free hand. Though it smells strong, she's glad not to have the worry of bugs biting her.

Nebula too volunteers Jim as their navigator. She knows roughly how to travel with the stars as a guide, but that information is useless under tree cover.

Nebula drinks water from the group's store and sleeps alone in her tent. It's hard to sleep when she knows her father is wasting away, and that she's the only one who can do anything about it. She tosses and turns for a few hours until loud snores finally emerge from the canvas sheets.
Apr 27, 2022 6:36 am
Jim is a divine caster. Although it seems he can cast arcane like spells too. Jim does know how to cast Magic Missile, but a spellbook is useless tool to him. Shara does know that Jim has an amber crystal in his pocket that he uses sometimes for spell casting.

Jim does commit to Nebula about her stick of incense. Jim likes the scent. He is also sporting the colorful belt that he purchased while they were together.

Although earlier Nebula dominated most of Jim's time, it seems Shara has that job now that we are in the wilderness (jungle). While traveling Shara is right behind Jim and has the responsibility to pull Jim's donkey along which is infinitely better than walking behind it having Jim pull it. Jim just slices and dices plants to cut away for the party. I'm guessing we are fairly much in a single file line with Jim leading. Jim really isn't great with the donkey either.

Jim does talk about Ha'aroo. Both became friends on the earlier expedition. Ha'aroo is the bolder and more imaginative of the two for sure. Jim is semi laid back. As noted early when Ha'aroo was out dancing.
Last edited Apr 27, 2022 6:44 am
Apr 27, 2022 8:44 am
Travers applies his insect repellant in the morning before setting out and follows Jim trusting him to lead the way. He travels with his handaxe out chopping back vegetation if required to allow for easier travel.
Apr 27, 2022 1:40 pm
While travelling Ha'aroo will be near the back of the pack and keeping eyes out for any dangers from behind them and anyone who may be tracking them (most likely wont be able to do this effectively at a fast pace but that is what he is focused on). Also while travelling he is sharing stories with their travel companion Undril Silvertusk. Curious on her reasons for coming here, her intentions, what she thinks about the organizations she is involved with. Telling her about his sister, how he learned to play the lyre etc.
Apr 27, 2022 1:51 pm
will do this in two posts - next post in few hours, first rolling different events and Jim's survivor
You wake up next day and weather is just as "good" as yesterday. You make a good progress moving by river side despite the fact that you have to cross or even swim over several tributary and otherwise watered places. You notice that river wide and slow and it is hard to understand which way if flows.


Weather - (1d20)

(14) = 14

Fast peace progress - (1d4)

(4) = 4

Jim Corman: Survival - (1d20+4)

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Unknown NPC


Apr 27, 2022 5:48 pm
Unknown NPC

Middle of the day Jim who is leading the party, being busy with looking for dry place to proceed, but Nebula and Sharagwyn almost at the same time whisper: look! now also a JIm spot a woman in chain shirt and mace on his belt. The woman greet you and asks you about reason you are travelling through the jungles with a donkey and barrel. If I may ask what's in the barrel?
Woman behaves non aggressive, but suspiciously look at the barrel.

What's your reaction? What do you all do in the situation?
Apr 27, 2022 7:43 pm
As in my mind i am picturing Jim, Nebula and Sharagwyn in the front and the other four in the back. Ha'aroo hands the donkey over to Undril Silvertusk and then turns so his back is to chain shirted woman puts his hand upon Travers shoulder and whispers in a hushed tone near his ear "dont look now but there is another person at my 5 oclock." (Or whatever the correct angle of the person that is hiding in the bushes) And then faces the front of the group as much as possible with the hidden figure in his peripheral sights.
Last edited Apr 27, 2022 7:47 pm
Apr 27, 2022 9:42 pm
Pacan stays in the middle to back of the group, mainly observing the jungle around them as she goes. After her meditative trance each night, she spends a few hours in the very early morning praying and communing with the spirits of the land, comforted by what familiarity there is there. Before they set out, she applies her grease and makes sure her leather armor stays in proper working order.

When the woman stops them, she takes a pause, leaning against her walking stick with an appraising eye. Chain armor, in this weather? That sounds - brutal. she thinks to herself.

We're carrying a fresh supply of water, trying not to get over-parched out in this heat. she offers at the question.
Apr 27, 2022 9:54 pm
As they trek through the jungles Travers' eyes float all around looking at the strange sights twitching at every noise to begin with before becoming slightly more at ease.

When Ha'aroo mentions the one hiding in the bushes Travers nods subtly slowly swapping the handaxe to his off hand to be ready to draw his sword if required, glancing around the group as he does so.
Apr 27, 2022 10:07 pm
As a dialogue begins, Shara glances nervously from Pacan to the stranger. "Perhaps," she pipes up, feeling painfully vulnerable to the vaguely hostile stranger, "we could take a moment to introduce ourselves? We all seem a bit tense." She is tense herself, but hesitates to make a sudden move before anyone else.
Apr 28, 2022 6:29 am
"Nebula! Best dancer in the Thundering Lizard!" Nebula smiles, she had gotten used to using the accolade in her introductions now. "Who might you be?" She enquires.
Apr 28, 2022 2:06 pm
Jim has been rather busy with killing off the plant life and had not notices her there. But now that he is aware mostly due to everyone speaking to her. He lets others talk and only take a step to gaze over her, before he feels the need to look around being that she shouldn't be here.


Perception Check - (1d20+4)

(7) + 4 = 11

Apr 28, 2022 2:24 pm
"Oh yes," Shara says to the stranger, forgetting her own introduction in the tension of the encounter, "where are my manners? I am Sharagwyn Sagelight, of the Conclave of Silverymoon. Some of my friends know me as Shara." She looks around at the others after the last bit, proud to call them friends, as she believed that was mostly true. A moment later, her eyes immediately lock back onto the stranger's position.
Apr 28, 2022 3:39 pm
Pacan bows quickly Pacan Lathalas of Eaerlann, apologies. she says, making a simple introduction. As others are shifting weapons, she straightens back up from her bow and looks up, squinting in a stray ray of light.
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