Chapter 2: Service to the Following

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Grandfather Eiwa


Sep 13, 2022 12:38 pm
Grandfather Eiwa
"Sadly I do not know. After they left, we separated. Have not seen them since in my lifetime," Eiwa replies. "But rumors have reached me that they revel in battle and I would consider cancelling the Green Moon ceremony, but I am afraid that would crush morale. And my worries may be for naught, in which case abandoning the ritual would upset Sister Cinder."
Sep 13, 2022 1:53 pm
"The ceremony should not be postponed lest the moon be extinguished like a candle, Grandfather. Sister Cinder will protect us.", Grom says as he points to the sky with his walking staff and steals an upwards glance to make sure all in the heavens sits in its right place
Sep 13, 2022 9:52 pm
Igbork stares into the flames for quite some time. Without redirecting his gaze he slowly begins to speak
Well after all they were our brothers long time ago. While the reunion may not be happy they may understand that a lot of water has run down the glaciers in the summers since we parted ways and cleansed the land.
We also don't know why they are coming. Maybe they need help. This could be a chance to heal the schism between us.
I say we should welcome them as warm as if we never parted ways but still be on our guard
Sep 13, 2022 10:00 pm
I agree, we shouldn't automatically assume they'll be hostile intent. Let us greet them, as they are, family we haven't seen in many winters.
Sep 14, 2022 7:39 am
"Wise words," Koram says, "but we should also take caution. We don't know their number and we don't know their intent. If - and only if - they harbor ill intent, what is our plan?"

Grandfather Eiwa


Sep 14, 2022 8:53 am
Grandfather Eiwa
"Precautions would be smart indeed," Eiwa agrees. "The following is busy getting ready for tonight, but if I could implore you to get us ready for a hasty retreat should one be needed?"

"Cleaning up the camp, gathering loose materials, organizing tools, and tidying bundles is hardly the most glamorous job, but it’s necessary all the same before the following can journey onward."

"The way east from Rockloom rarely poses any dangers to the Broken Tusks, but scouting ahead can make sure that’s still the case. Tightening the radius of the herd will make them easier to move in the morning."

"And clear heads in the morning will hasten our travel. I am afraid the spirit baskets would need to be dealt with."
This part of the adventure is a skill challenge where successful checks will earn you Preparation Points. The entire party must be present for each activity, and only one character can roll a check to complete the activity. Up to one other character can Aid the character performing the check, but it’s typically challenging to Aid at this level, so a PC who’s strong in the required skill might be better served by waiting to try a second attempt in case the first PC fails. You have 8 hours to spend.

Critical Success The party completes the task brilliantly in the indicated Time. They earn double the listed Preparation Points and can’t repeat the task.

Success The party completes the task in the indicated Time. They earn the listed number of Preparation Points and can’t repeat the task.

Failure The character who attempted the check fails the task and earns the party no Preparation Points, but the time isn’t yet lost. If this attempt is the first time the party has failed the check, another character who hasn’t already attempted the check or Aided a character attempting the check can immediately attempt the check. If the party has already failed this check one or more times, this result is a critical failure instead.

Critical Failure The party expends the indicated amount of Time but earns no Preparation Points. They can repeat the task if they like

Activity Time to Attempt Preparation Points Skills
Clean Up Camp 1 hour 1 Crafting or Society
Clear the Trail 2 hours 3 Survival
Dilute the Spirits 1 hour 1 Medicine or Thievery
Gather the Herd 3 hours 2 Nature or Diplomacy

Sep 14, 2022 4:22 pm
Fellow Broken Tusks, Grom's most valuable contribution would be Nature in which he is Trained and +5. HOWEVER, Grom's guardian angel (i.e. me) is rarely favoured by the dice gods, so if someone can equal that, go for it!

@Furmyr, are the tasks conducted in the above order and sequentially. I.e. we can't clean the camp and the trail in parallel??
Last edited Sep 14, 2022 4:27 pm
Sep 14, 2022 5:49 pm
You can do them in whatever order, but only one at a time. The entire party must be present for each activity.
Sep 14, 2022 7:13 pm
Atticus has +4 bonus to both Diplomacy and Survival. So those may be his best chances.

Can a character make a roll in more than 1 check?
Last edited Sep 14, 2022 7:14 pm
Sep 14, 2022 8:42 pm
Koram's best skill is in Diplomacy, which is +7. Runner up is Medicine, which is a +3.

Looks like Clear the Trail is the best use of our time if we can do it. Does anyone have a decent survival score?
Last edited Sep 14, 2022 8:43 pm
Sep 14, 2022 9:06 pm
Igbork's Thievery +8 should be good for diluting the spirits
Igbork also has a +7 in Survival se he can be useful in helping clearing the trail
Sep 14, 2022 9:29 pm
how about Society or Crafting? Koram has +1 in both, but someone must have better.
Sep 14, 2022 9:34 pm

So, we have:

Clean Up Camp - 1 hour - Atticus (Crafting or Society +4) with Koram (Crafting or Society +1) as back-up
Clear the Trail - 2 hours - Igbork (Survival +7) with Atticus (Survival +4) as back-up
Dilute the Spirits - 1 hour - Igbork (Thievery +8) with Koram (Medicine +3) as back-up
Gather the Herd - 3 hours - Koram (Diplomacy +7) with Grom (Nature +5) as back-up

Any other suggestions?
Last edited Sep 14, 2022 10:44 pm
Sep 14, 2022 10:21 pm
Looks very good
C1NDER says:
how about Society or Crafting? Koram has +1 in both, but someone must have better.
Igbork has +2 😅
Sep 14, 2022 10:37 pm
Atticus has a +4 bonus to both Crafting and Society.
Last edited Sep 14, 2022 10:38 pm
Sep 14, 2022 10:41 pm
Perfect Atticus, I'll edit the table above.

Igbork and Koram, you largely have the fate of this task in your hands. Do you want to build up to the big rolls or dive right in?
Sep 15, 2022 8:17 am
One character can do several tests, yes. Just one at a time. You have 8 hours. And looks like Clear the Trail was suggested as the first task by Koram. Igbork, feel free to roll the first Survival check. I will reveal that it is DC 15, so Atticus can roll if you fail.
Sep 15, 2022 8:26 am
Well then! Igbork says and claps his hands. Let's clear the trail so that we are prepared in case things go north

Along with his companions he heads out into the wilderness
Last edited Sep 15, 2022 8:27 am


Clear the trail - Survival - (1d20+7)

(12) + 7 = 19

Sep 15, 2022 10:50 pm
After a couple hours of hard labor and following Igbork's suggestions, Koram feels pretty good about their work. "Igbork, friends, I think we did an admirable job!"
Shall we try the next test we have the largest bonus on? or knock out one of the tasks that only requires 1 hour to complete?
Sep 16, 2022 12:10 am
Seems like a good idea. How about 'Gathering the herd'?
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