1: The Light of No Tomorrow

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May 31, 2022 12:39 pm
Bobby reaches out with his feelings, questing for Uni.

"Where are you, dear friend? Tell me you're okay."
May 31, 2022 8:31 pm
Almost there, dear friend, Uni thinks back.
Jun 1, 2022 6:37 am
"We've tried and we've pushed, Presto," Varla said. "How much harder and how much further before we just give up?"
Jun 2, 2022 4:59 am
Shelia reenters the inquisition room, but only into the doorway, with a drink in hand. She takes another drink, swallows, and replies to the questions about Karena. "I don't expect we will make contact with Karena unless she wants us to."
Jun 2, 2022 5:13 am
"It's true, then. I was certain about Venger but had hope that Karena wasn't also... lost to us. She is most certainly not one of the League's possible targets."

Malchor's melancholy face softened momentarily.

"I'm sorry, Sheila."
Jun 2, 2022 6:42 am
"I knew it! Uni's okay! I never doubted it for a second!" Bobby sighs with relieve belying his confident words.
Jun 2, 2022 7:55 pm
annex says:
"We've tried and we've pushed, Presto," Varla said. "How much harder and how much further before we just give up?"
Presto looks at her, surprised at the words he's hearing. "Oh, Varla, we can't give up! We can never give up! But things won't always be so hard. We'll make sure you, my friends, and the Realm are all safe again. At least then we can rest. Then, maybe I can find some way to prevent this from happening again and it will keep everyone safe!"
Jun 2, 2022 8:16 pm
"That sounds like the kind of control people like Venger want," Varla replied. "You can't save everyone, Presto. No one can. No one can make everything safe all the time. No one can make everything alright."
Jun 2, 2022 8:20 pm
"Are you OK, Diana?" Lorne asked. "I only met Kosar at one of those get-togethers you all used to have. The whole 'star being' thing was a bit intimidating but he seemed nice."
Jun 2, 2022 8:26 pm
annex says:
"That sounds like the kind of control people like Venger want," Varla replied. "You can't save everyone, Presto. No one can. No one can make everything safe all the time. No one can make everything alright."
Presto looks into the distance for a moment, thinking to himself. "Well. We have some time to consider it. In the meantime, there are a few things we have to do to prevent our friends from being hurt. I'm sure we could use your help, if only for your thoughtfulness and company. Would you come back inside with us? I suspect the forcecage will drop soon and I want to make sure we get the commander outside and away from the tower safely. I promised him a travel pack, and I need time to get it together."
Jun 2, 2022 10:11 pm
"Presto... You just killed someone and brought them back to life! In a different body! I know you're Magi, I know you view the worlds differently, I know... It's just all so much sometimes. Too much too often," Varla said. Presto can see a tear run down her cheek.
Jun 3, 2022 12:11 am
Presto brings her in for a hug and tries to comfort her. "I know it's a lot. I've been at this a long time, and sometimes it's still too much to bear. I wouldn't blame you if you'd prefer to take a break when things get to be too much.

I'd personally prefer if you stayed here at the tower where it's a bit safer than coming with us on our next trip. I don't know what they're planning for us with Kosar, but I don't think it's going to be safe. I don't know if Malchior will stay, but the Unseen Servants should see to your needs until they dissipate. After that, the whole tower is at your disposal, and there's plenty to keep you comfortable." He starts walking her back inside.
Last edited June 3, 2022 12:12 am
Jun 3, 2022 2:00 am
annex says:
"Are you OK, Diana?" Lorne asked. "I only met Kosar at one of those get-togethers you all used to have. The whole 'star being' thing was a bit intimidating but he seemed nice."
Diana had spaced out a little amidst the chaos, and it took her a moment to realize someone was talking to her. "What? Oh, yeah. I'm... I'm trying to be alright. I'm not sure how much you know about Buddhism or Zen, but it's a path I've been trying to walk the past few years. Accepting things as they are, and focusing on doing things that matter rather than getting caught up in my emotions. But it's hard, especially at times like this. Kosar helped put me on this path, so I have a very strong desire to hold things together, even as I have a strong desire to go on a rampage... for basically the same reason." Diana sighs. "The worst part may be that there's really nothing I can do right now. Kosar can normally take care of himself, but I honestly don't know what's going on right now. Whatever it is, it seems big."
Jun 3, 2022 4:33 am
"I've met more than a few monks. I know that way of dealing with the world," Lore replied. "Just be ready to do something when there is something to do. If traveling through the Mists have taught me anything, it's that you have to treasure the boredom and tension between times of terror. I feel we're all heading into another time of terror but I trust in you, all of you, to see us through it. You freed tens of thousands of people from a demiplane. You cross dimensions at will. Presto can even raise the dead... but none of that compares to the strength and love in your hearts. Remember that."
Jun 3, 2022 4:36 am
Varla nodded, sniffled one last time, and walked with Presto back into his summoning room.

The orcling is incoherently babbling on the floor.

There is still at least thirty minutes left on the force cube.

"He might be evil but he's traumatized, Presto. Terror won't get anything useful out of him now, see?"
Jun 3, 2022 5:08 am
Okay. Yeah. I know you all want the crying girl to be Sheila, but it isn't.
Jun 3, 2022 5:11 am
RageRed says:
Okay. Yeah. I know you all want the crying girl to be Sheila, but it isn't.
LOL! Freudian slip.
Jun 3, 2022 6:35 am
"I can leave the room if you want that piece of garbage semi-coherent," Bobby offers. He seems a little less agitated now that he's been in telepathic contact with Uni. Of course, he's still worried about all the other unicorns and anyone else the League might harm.

"Just get him to talk soon. I don't like just sitting around here. I'll be in the kitchen."
Jun 3, 2022 3:50 pm
"I didn't mean it that way Eric. I just think the danger is in this realm, not on earth." He considered the emotional dilemma before them; it wasn't something that could be easily resolved. Perhaps a breather was needed. "We know where Kosar is, we know we'll have to go handle Kelek. We ought to go soon, once we've made our preparations."
Jun 3, 2022 6:04 pm
Presto looks at the halfling-orc in the cage and sighs. He calls an Unseen Servant over and directs it to gather certain supplies.

"No, I think he's suffered all the punishment he can endure. For the moment he needs a rest."

Presto turns to Hank. "I won't lie, I'm exhausted. I don't think I can get us to Kosar, not without risking...a lot. I can probably do it, but there could be consequences. And I don't know how much use I'll be once we arrive. Instead, I think we ought to take a rest here before we push into a place that we may not be able to safely rest in."
Do any of you have any more questions for the former orc commander? Presto is out of questions to ask and thinks that orange has been squeezed of all its juice.

Also, Presto is quickly running out of tools to use. It's up to you folks if you want to do a long rest, but he could use one. Presto still has a whole bunch of spell slots left, but he's used all of his big guns, and I don't know if we'll be able to get a rest in the "Valley of Dead Unicorns". It just doesn't sound like a place with a tavern with good Yelp reviews.
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