At Kailani's relaxation, all of the rivals also visibly de-tense and put down their surrendered hands. Maggie begins exploring the cavern you and the rival party find themselves in. She takes out a notebook, large to any average-sized humanoid but puny in her ogre hands, and she begins drawing, writing, and sketching in it, trying to gather as many details as she can about this beautiful location.

Ayo Jabe
Ayo's furrowed brow and the small stream of steam flowing from her ears are clear signs she is still hung up on the fact that they've lost the race, but she can't help but chuckle in agreement with Kailani,
"Same goes for 'round here, everyone's always competing and it's always the rule of the top dog. Gotta earn every bit of trust and help in this town."
Ayo looks completely shocked and baffled by Tereze and Ardeth's offer of aid,
"Oh, um, really? You guys would do that?" Dermot smiles and pats Ayo's leg,
"See, told you there are still some good people out there." he looks at each of you with respect.
In his hands, Faelen feels the weight of the shiny new Jewel, and feels a divine sense of importance emanating from it. Just by holding and wearing the Jewel, there is a profound pull somewhere deep within him that is quickly deepening to spend some time with it, attune to it, learn its powers, and strangely, listen to what it has to say.
Throughout all of this, however, Galsariad almost never takes his eyes off Faelen, who is now wearing the Jewel. His gaze is not vindictive or threatening, but pure, magical curiosity, betraying a intense thirst for knowledge and magic in the drow. The rival party does not block anyone's exit, and instead begins walking with you back the way you came (as it does not seem like there is any shortcut out of this room), with Maggie pulling up the rear trying to spend every extra second she can inside the strange cavern.

Galsariad falls in step beside Faelen.
"Would you mind telling me what happened when you all went unconscious? I must admit that I am very intrigued by this Jewel that you have found, and wish to know more details about it and the events that just occurred." There seems to be a slight twang of regret that he waited around for Ayo's orders and didn't pounce on the Jewel himself, but he is not coming off in a menacing way.
Will move on to the end of the race eventually, but wanted to resolve the conversations with the rivals before we get back to the celebreation.