Ardeth happily joins in with any festivities, mingling with both the group and their rivals, plenty others as well, drinking and celebrating away, her form shifting as it does every now and then. As Faelen approaches at a moment of her sitting down and catching her breath from dancing and celebrating him she gives him a grin and raises her tankard towards him.
At his question she pauses a moment before grinning and shrugging.
'What's with you and your single face?' She teases, taking a big sip of her drink before sticking out her tongue.
'My many faces are all me. Other times I was watched by the Luxon. Right now I am Ardeth, but ..' She suddenly shifts into the male orc who rode the the tortoises.

' this I prefer to go by Arkas, as I did in life. As do our 'many faces as you put it.' He chuckles and takes another swig.
' Tell me friend, have you heard of changelings? There are a few of us around here and there'
Last edited July 15, 2022 5:16 pm