Ch. 2 - The Grand Finale

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Jul 13, 2022 10:14 am
Beforing going off to somewhere else, Faelan tries to catch Ardeth in a quiet moment and asks her amicable: "What is up with you and your many faces? What are you? And why the many changes?"

The noble seems rather intrigued by the ever-changing woman and is interested what lead to this kind of behavior.
Jul 15, 2022 5:15 pm
Ardeth happily joins in with any festivities, mingling with both the group and their rivals, plenty others as well, drinking and celebrating away, her form shifting as it does every now and then. As Faelen approaches at a moment of her sitting down and catching her breath from dancing and celebrating him she gives him a grin and raises her tankard towards him.

At his question she pauses a moment before grinning and shrugging. 'What's with you and your single face?' She teases, taking a big sip of her drink before sticking out her tongue.

'My many faces are all me. Other times I was watched by the Luxon. Right now I am Ardeth, but ..' She suddenly shifts into the male orc who rode the the tortoises.

' this I prefer to go by Arkas, as I did in life. As do our 'many faces as you put it.' He chuckles and takes another swig. ' Tell me friend, have you heard of changelings? There are a few of us around here and there'
Last edited July 15, 2022 5:16 pm
Jul 16, 2022 8:34 am
Badly stifling a laugh to Ardeth's retort, Faelan raises his cup in salute and takes a big gulp himself, before looking amused at the woman. An amusement that dwindles rapidly as soon as he understands the many faces have their origin in the rebirthing powers of the Luxon. Of course! So, suddenly somber for a moment, the noble bows his head and replies with the formal greeting: "Light be with you." before weighing his answer to her last question.

"I've heard of your kind Ardeth, but as I understood it, your people a few and enjoy a life of secrecy." Beholding his friend: "But you are an excaption of this "rule", as I see it." Having many questions, like if it is true that changelings are fae that where placed in the cradles of unsuspecting humans by faeries who stole their original child in exchange, the fighter is lost for words as he feels it is not appropriate to ask something like that right now. Instead, he inquires a different, but much more interesting fact: "How many lives have you experienced? How many names do you recall? Do change into all of them?"
Jul 18, 2022 5:01 pm
The form shifts again into the haughty drow from oustide the maze , speaking in a tone more familiar to that of a nobles. 'Did you just ask our age? She holds Faelen's gaze a it to long as she seems serious in asking the question, before the form shifts back to Ardeth.

'That is a hard one. I mean.. it's the more recent of us who come to the forefront the most, but there are a lot of us. We all help out. I me there's me, I only died like 20 years ago, then Veliath was before me...was it arArkas or Grana next.. um Girik was in there somewhere,... as she speaks she keeps shifting. Back to the drow from a moment ago, the male orc, a female Goliath, a goblin too swapped in the robes to tell...

' Like occasionally one I don't even know about will turn up if it hey can help. But I guess the answer is a lot. The more recent the easier it is to access the memories though, to change. Not that we're only limited to herself? She suddenly flashes a grin and Faelen is looking back at a copy of himself, before she's back to being a half-drow
Last edited July 18, 2022 5:04 pm
Jul 19, 2022 7:10 am
Very much in awe by how fare the changeling could remember her lineage, the fighter still smiles a wry smile at Ardeth's reply if he is inquiring about her age. Isn't age just a number for an elf? Faelan wants to retort, but decides to listen a bit longer. His curiosity is being stilled as they speak.

As Ardeth - she will be Ardeth for him he decides in this moment - takes on his face, Faelan barks a laugh. "Of course! All this talk of lifes lived could make a man forget." Coming a bit closer, his eyes shine in an inner amusement, with maybe a touch too much ale in them as well, as he welcomes her again: "I am happy you are in my team. You and your powers, so strange they seem to me, are more than welcome. I've got the feeling that you will have plenty of opportunities to put them to good use."

At last he raises his cup and clinks it with Ardeth's in acceptance and even a bit admiration for the woman.

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