What are we playing here?

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Jun 19, 2022 3:01 pm
vagueGM says:
It sounds like you are describing 'an RPG'. :)
Lol, true.
vagueGM says:
Maybe more along the lines of Firefly
I've seen many mentions of Firefly when ppl talk about traveller, but I have no idea what it is and have never seen/read/heard it. I'll just take your word for it :)
vagueGM says:
I fear I am missing the significance.
Probably not significant to the story, but significant to the setting. So yes, set-dressing. I guess it's significant in the same way that we can use a vacuum cleaner instead of having to use a broom. I'd say that's pretty significant in my life :P
It does rule out being a robot PC (which is fine by me)... unless we go for one of those "first sentient robot" stories.
Jun 19, 2022 3:13 pm
TheGenerator says:
... seen many mentions of Firefly ... I have no idea what it is and have never seen ...
Sacrilege! Where is the unfriend button... :)
TheGenerator says:
... unless we go for one of those "first sentient robot" stories ...
If you were a reader, I would highly recommend Murderbot Diaries, by Martha Wells. Actually I will still recommend the books. :)
Jun 20, 2022 4:59 pm
Welcome Airshark.

First: Don't stress about participating here before you go fishing. Anything you can add is welcome, and we will try get you a summary, but we will continue while you are away and should have a clearer picture (and be ready to start) once you get back.

Addressing your concerns from the recruitment PM:

We are not doing Star Wars, at most we will draw a bit from its tone and levels of seriousness.

If keeping up with the pacing becomes a problem we will talk about it. We appreciate the offer to step off, and also won't hold you to staying if it is not working out.

Humor is nice, and we can keep it lighthearted, but I don't want it to be 'silly'. 'Zainy', or 'whacky', or 'hijinks' are fun at times, but there will probably be serious moments too. Most of that is up to the players, and shifts and changes with the seasons. Sci-fi often lends itself to cultural references better than fantasy does.
Jun 20, 2022 5:47 pm
vagueGM says:
Sacrilege! Where is the unfriend button... :)

Hi Airshark!
Jun 20, 2022 6:12 pm
Hi everybody!

Last edited June 20, 2022 6:12 pm
Jun 20, 2022 6:13 pm
Saw the SpongeBob gif, wanted to give it a try.

I read most of this thread. Everything so far is fine by me! Looking forward to Explore travel some planets.
Jun 21, 2022 2:36 am
Agreed that while Futurama is hilarious I don’t see that as a sustainable model for gaming.

I like the idea of AI and robots as an aid to humans not a playable "race". And not going beserk.

I don’t plan on playing an alien but I wouldn’t object to others playing one.

Understood about Obi-Wan overpaying, I just was trying to come up with well known examples where a trade deal was made without getting too detailed.
Jun 21, 2022 2:37 am
Welcome Airshark!
Jun 21, 2022 2:59 am
TrailHead says:
... examples where a trade deal was made without getting too detailed.
I read the (really short) Trade chapter. It is simple enough, but also versatile enough, and does not impose on our options much.

The players can choose to engage in as much trade as is desired.

Often we --the players-- do not even need to know what is in the cargo the PCs picked up --maybe just the category. If we are doing boring trade runs where the goods are legal it can all happen in the background.

I don't know how the numbers hold up, it looks like --with a little bit of effort-- you can make millions on the right trades. I assume it is set easy enough so it does not become frustrating, the GM probably has to throw in complications to set the appropriate rate of wealth gain. The Trade system does look interesting enough though, and could help us flesh out the world (assuming we are not using the existing one).

On the other hand, players can roleplay the process of locating and negotiating for cargo if they don't want to use the dice. I found myself wanting to roleplay out solutions to the dice's answers, and that is wrong of course, we should pick one or the other, each time, and live with the consequences. This applies equally for Speculative Trade, Freight, finding Brokers or Passengers.

If we want, we can turn the process of finding cargo or buyers into a mission that needs some sessions to complete. Whatever the players find fun. Lucrative cargo hauls could be rewards for jobs well done, and so on, too.

The book does not mention it, but you could take on passengers (or --less likely-- cargo) heading towards your 'current destination' or anywhere you are stopping along the way. Or take them partway if your destination moves them closer to the passenger's destination (but that might pay less, as they need to pay for another flight, and layover costs).
Jun 22, 2022 7:31 pm
For the record: I have read most of the book, I skipped the Psionics chapter --we can look at it if it comes up-- and did not make it back to Vehicle and Spaceships after jumping to Trade. I went on to read World and Universe Creation.

I have more notes about the World and Universe chapter than all the others combined. But that should not be a surprise, it is the chapter aimed at the GM. :)

We (or I if all y'all choose to stay out of it) will have more work once we have seen how the characters turn out. What happens during Character Creation will affect what sort of universe makes sense. I will start a thread for this in the meantime, though.
Jun 22, 2022 7:33 pm
So, how should we get started? Just start rolling a character?
Jun 22, 2022 7:35 pm
TheGenerator says:
So, how should we get started? Just start rolling a character?
Yeah, let's continue to work on characters.

@TheGenerator: Do you want to do more work on your test character, it really is the later Terms that define the character of the character. Or you can start on your 'for real' character.

@TrailHead: Do you want me to make a thread for you to work on characters stuff, maybe with a test character or two?

We can wait for Airshark to get back and get caught up before starting playing, but we can start work on our characters while we wait, then fill in connections once we have everyone.
Jun 22, 2022 7:41 pm
I'll start the real one, I think I got the basics down.
Jun 22, 2022 7:43 pm
TheGenerator says:
I'll start the real one, I think I got the basics down.
OK. Take it slow. Take it Step by Step. Fill in what fiction you can at each stage of the process, adjust as needed when the dice deny you your goals.
Jun 23, 2022 12:24 am
I don't know why I was asking if you want me to make your Character threads, we will need them eventually anyway.

Don't hesitate to ask questions, and I am sure TheGenerator will be happy to help with the process if I am not around.

Stop whenever you need to and we can work out details.

Get involved with each other's Character Creation process, I am missing all the back and forth happens during this at the table. But don't feel like you need to force it, we will do the actual linking of characters once the Terms are done.
Jun 23, 2022 1:03 am
Yes please start me a character creation thread
Jun 23, 2022 5:57 am
vagueGM, maybe we need a thread where we sum up all career events. Since my char creation thread is already 3 pages long it's probably a bit annoying to find them for Trailhead and Airshark
Or should I put this is the char sheet?
Jun 23, 2022 11:11 am
I was thinking the same thing. For now I think we could use a 'summary so far' post from time to time in each Character Creation thread, that way we don't clutter up any final summary thread.
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