Pedrop says:
... every ship is TL12 or more ... At least in core book ...
Their examples might be mostly TL12+, but they are only examples.
Pedrop says:
... So we won't get
any ship ...
No, you still get a ship. It just won't have any Tech higher than TL9 or maybe TL10 for the miraculous/cutting-edge stuff. The only things that are likely to be impacted is that there is no Jump2 (though people are working on it, and you may end up getting it as a special treat), even Jump1 is outside the reach of most people, so your having a Jump Drive at all makes you special.
'Crystaliron' armour is also not available, but this applies to everyone, so it leaves you on equal footing.
I think that you may be limited to a Semi-Streamlined Hull. Don't expect to be taking your 200ton spaceship into atmosphere all the time.
This is off the top of my head, we were thinking about working out ship details in the story, and possibly creating our own, but we can work this Benefit into that, using your choice as a basis,
Cat's Ship Shares can contribute too, and your time in Scout Services might affect things as well. You are (currently) 'majority share-holder' of the players (though the group still only owns a quarter of the ship), and the main Pilot, so maybe you are the 'captain'?
Presumably you don't have possession of your Trader while working for the Scouts? Or are you more of a Free Trader --still a 'Merchant'-- but out on you own? The Scouts are not very tolerant of trading on their time (so don't tell them).
Pedrop says:
... Even most basic SCOUT/COURIER ...
That's a really fancy ship! What do yo mean 'most basic'? :)
Pedrop says:
... why you have chosen this limitation to TL 9 ? ...
It is what the players chose. It is also what the recruitment was for, and what I have been thinking of ideas for since than. I had not expected it to be that low, but once the players suggested it the potential was clear, it is an exciting time to be exploring, technology as not become commonplace and 'normal'. It is much more Firefly and BSG than Star Trek/Wars.
Pedrop says:
... not claiming that there is no reasoning for that ...
We did not need a lot of 'reasoning', it was what everyone wanted, I initially proposed higher (on basic assumption) but everyone wanted lower, and we had to drag it up to TL9 to ensure we had Jump Drives.
We did not 'reason' about it much since it was clear that lower TLs were better for gameplay. We can talk about it --and what it means-- here, but don't expect it to change at this stage.