LauraChiGio says:
I think I have done that now panalexiou?
Is there some way I can see Tibbius sheet?
(Never mind I found it in the library).
Konstantos is a PhD in Nuclear Physics. Maybe he called Katerina’s office and we spoke only over the phone before to arrange a meeting for a new power plant in the region? Her boss might have been doing paperwork for the city.
panalexiou says:
Let's push it a little harder. What would be a connection above acquaintances?
Maybe one day Konstantos was in the office while the boss was giving Katerina some bad words, and he defended her?
Let's let tibbius weigh in.
That seems good. Maybe Katerina's boss tried to "throw her under the bus" for paperwork not being approved, but Konstatos pointed out that the boss had copied him on an old e-mail to Katerina saying that he would "get to" the paperwork.