[IC] Chapter 1: The City has Fallen

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Jun 21, 2022 6:10 am
It's spring / early summer.

If you try to craft bandages I'll have you roll against target 8 (easy) to make sure you make proper and clean bandages. If you use an item (I think someone has bandages) then it will just work.
Jun 21, 2022 6:31 am
Maeve blinks a few times before she realizes she is still there, still whole. And also...she is pretty much hanging on to poor Katerina for dear life. She loosens her hug and looks at the young woman. "Thanks. I owe you." Her glance is sincere. She will not let Katerina come to harm if she can help it.

Maeve pushes herself up, then looks at the men. "There used to be a first aid kit in the bar. Let's be quick about it. You're right we shouldn't linger." She looks at the sky, where the flare had signalled to the enemy, then at what's left of the building. The groggy woman walks towards it.
Maeve will see if she can find Lena - or her remains, the first aid box and survivors who can still be helped.
Jun 21, 2022 6:43 am
Maeve walks towards the bar and the people around it who have stopped their efforts and are looking at the small crew that just destroyed one of these damned invader drones. In their eyes she can see fear and desperation, but also now a flicker of hope.

She starts looking through the survivors, asking about Lena. Nobody has seen her - some people said she was out running some errand when the bombing started. Maybe she found shelter somewhere else...
I will roll to see if Lena is around (1: Dead, 2: Serious Inj. 3: Missing 4: Unconscious 5-6: Good)

You can roll a Scavenge roll with Advantage since you're familiar with the bar and looking for a specific thing (med kit).
Since the bar is actively burning, it will be a hard roll at 12. You may spend Endurance as usual, you may ask someone to help you.
[ +- ] Scavenge roll rules
[ +- ] Help rules


Lena - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Jun 21, 2022 11:34 am
unfortunately I haven't got endurance left to spend


looking for medkit/first aid/supplies - (3d6H2)

(613) = 9

Jun 21, 2022 12:16 pm
Maeve rushes into the burning building looking for the medkit but can't stay inside for long enough to find it, mostly due to the thick smoke. However, on the way out she manages to grab a bottle of moonshine, a local bottom shelf brand that boasts high alcohol content.
You didn't pass 12, but since you passed 8 (easy) I gave you a common item for the bar. You can use this moonshine to sterilize fabric to make bandages (whoever uses this for this reason will roll with advantage) or as per the 'regain Endurance' rules. If used to regain Endurance, whoever uses it will gain a temporary 'Drunk' condition.
Jun 21, 2022 1:57 pm
Konstantos goes into the bar looking for the medkit, but his tiredness and the smoke don't let him navigate well in the bar area. He doesn't find the medkit, but manages to grab a packet of crisps flavored with Gardassian salt. They will last for a long time without spoiling.
@tibbius You rolled in the OOC thread but I'm answering here to keep the story consistent.
Jun 21, 2022 3:08 pm
tibbius says:
"I know a bit about first aid," Konstantos says - but his voice sounds doubtful. He looks at Dan's leg in the flickering orange light of the burning buildings. "Do you feel anything jammed into your leg? It's looking like a nasty gash, but if you don't have anything embedded in it, we can wrap it to stop the bleeding. Not too tight, not a torniquet, just a pad with pressure.
"Yeah, I think, let me see." Beads of sweat are now rolling down Dan's forehead. He might be going into shock. He examines his leg, keeping the weight off of it as much as he can. "No, I think it passed through and I think I might be going into shock. I'm freezing."

He hears Mauve mention something about a first aid kit in the bar and tries to limp in that direction. "Someone help me get to the bar, will ya?"
Jun 21, 2022 3:20 pm
"Got something to sterilize your wound and the bandages with." Maeve feels defeated as she walks towards Dan. Maybe it is good there is no trace of her partner. At least there's still hope. Hope. A concept just out of reach in this moment.

"Is there a medic among you?" she asks the bystanders.
Jun 21, 2022 8:18 pm
Dan and Katerina can still act in this first turn and then we can see if reinforcements will arrive and take further actions as you want ...
Jun 22, 2022 8:37 am
Katerina was feeling numb. This was the worst kind of dream. So many people hurt, so much destruction. The tears had already begun to stream down her cheeks. With no little naivety she returned to Dan and Maeve with little to offer in help.

I’ve got some painkillers
Jun 22, 2022 1:21 pm
"Whew, I am really glad to hear that Maeve. I am not ready to bleed out and die just yet. I have a family to find. And I'll take any painkillers on offer too, Katerina. If you can help me get to someplace out of all this commotion and smoke we can at least patch me up and plan the next moves."

Dan groans as he tries to move his leg.
Since Dan is injured and has no weapons I don't think there is an action he can take other than getting to safety?
Last edited June 22, 2022 1:21 pm
Jun 22, 2022 2:38 pm
Dan you could use the painkillers to gain back some Endurance. Or you could try and make bandages using the alcohol and some t-shirt. Alternatively, you can just try to get out of the area before reinforcements arrive...
Katerina do you want to do something? You could for example try to dress Dan's wounds using the alcohol and some t-shirt. You could retrieve the dropped objects in the square (Maeve's crowbar and Dan's can of food). You could look at the drone debris for clues. You can talk to the survivors for something. Etc. Let me know what your action is for this round. If you want to do nothing, that's also fine... If you have food or drink you can use it to regain Endurance.
Jun 22, 2022 11:52 pm
"I'll take those painkillers, thanks. But I think we need to hustle away from here and to someplace with some semblance of safety if such a thing exists right now. Hopefully, I can move quickly enough and not hold everybody back. But I don't feel so great so I need to get someplace where this injury can be treated and maybe get some antibiotics from a drugstore somewhere before infection sets in."

His head was now pounding, and he was sweating profusely. He was clearly struggling but still trying to put on a brave face. He was just an accountant for chrissakes. What the hell was happening?

"Wrap my leg would ya Katerina, before I bleed out?"
Jun 23, 2022 4:27 am
Dan will regain 1d6 Endurance and the pain killers are gone. Dan has bandages as an item, if Katerina wants to use that properly, it will work on a roll of 8
Jun 23, 2022 4:36 pm
"Ahh much better." The painkillers have started kicking in and now all Dan can feel is a dull, thudding, much milder pain, kind of like a fullness in his leg that hurts a little.


Endurance gain - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Jun 24, 2022 7:55 am
You see that the inside of the bar building is starting to collapse into itself and the fire is growing larger. Many of the bystanders have started to scatter into nearby alleys and roads, especially after the drone was destroyed and the flare went up. They seem to feel there is trouble coming this way soon. Far away into the night you hear the occasional explosion, gunshots, and machine gun fire. It is a difficult night in Gardassia City, and many will not make it to the dawn alive.

What do you do?

Spend one more round exploring
Move on now


Severnan Reinforcements? [6+] - (1d6+0)

(4) = 4

Jun 25, 2022 12:21 am
Katerina was frantic with looking. This was a nightmare and the sounds of terror through the night we’re getting to her. Approaching the now destroyed drone with care, she bent over it to take a closer look. If she could find anything, maybe Konstantos would know of it.


Check the drone - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Jun 25, 2022 12:56 am
"Katerina," Konstantos says anxiously, touching the younger woman's elbow tentatively, "we must get out of here. Danger will come for that flare." He looks past her at the device she's examining. He knows a bit about technology, and specifically recalls some things about the research that his buddy Anton was doing at Universtat Severnapol.


knowing is half the battle - (3d6H2)

(636) = 12

Jun 25, 2022 3:14 am
Katerina looked through the drone debris, the drone had been thoroughly destroyed by the self destruct mechanism. Nothing useful was left. However, on her way back to the others she stumbled upon the spot where the flare landed. A small mechanical device seemed to still be in tact underneath the little flare parachute. Showing the device to Konstantos he identified it as a satellite based homing beacon. This is the thing that will possibly attract more of the drones.
Now everyone has acted this round, you can decide where you want to move towards and what to do with the homing beacon.
Jun 25, 2022 3:33 am
"I may only be an accountant," Dan says as he limps along, "but it seems to me that we should get as far away from the beacon as we can, or plant it somewhere nowhere near us, and quick!"
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