[IC] Chapter 1: The City has Fallen
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When the lights switched over to battery backup, Konstatos secured his equipment and shut down the fuel cell quality check process. He looked around the lab and grabbed the first three useful things he saw.
When the first explosions happened, Katerina, in a deep sleep, thought she was dreaming. As the building began to shake and crack like thunder, all she could do was sit panicked in the dark until after the end of the torment. Frozen to her spot on the floor she could hear practically nothing but the occasional thump of heavy things hitting the floor - she would later discover this was rubble from the nearby buildings.
It took a long time for her to brave pushing open the door past the debris and putting her head outside to see the carnage that awaited her.
Maeve awoke in her own bed. Drowsy she glanced at the radio clock beside the opened bottle of red label scotch on the nightstand. 2 a.m. She had barely slept for three hours.
Lena. Lena had told her to go home. Told her to sleep. It had been a rough couple of days and Maeve had been spent. Lena said, she would take care of the bar.
Maeve subconsciously reached for the small silver medal around her neck.
Another siren.
The woman got up and looked out of the small bedroom window that usually was a natural light source to the subterranean apartement. She grabbed a pair of jeans, shirt, jacket. Maeve put on her boots. What was happening?
She had to get to Lena.
As she was about to leave, she thought of the tape. She had promised. Mave went back into the small kitchen. Another window showing a stretch of dark pavement. She bent down to reach the drawer....when she saw the balls of fire from the corner of her eye and suddenly ...
...the world ended.
It was cool and comfortable down there but his anxiety was getting the better of him. Smoothing his dark brown, medium-length hair, he started to pace as he punched his wife's number into the phone. He knew there was unrest in the city....




Maybe it's the basement blocking the signal, Oh god I hope they are alright.
As he felt his way up the now darkened stairway his hands gliding along the cheaply papered wall, he kept seeing his family in his mind's eye and that terrified him.
Once safely at the top of the stairs, a thick haze floating around the hallway made it difficult to see anything clearly but he could just make out the double glass door exit ahead. Dense smoke blocked his view of the outside but only for a second as it slowly cleared, perhaps displaced by a puff of wind. He tentatively stepped outside, sniffed the air and scanned the area as far as he could given the clouds of dust and smoke and piles of rubble.
"Maeve? That you? What's going on? Does your cell phone work? Dan taps his phone again already knowing it would be futile and sees Katarina and Konstantinos together a few yards away. "Come on, there's Katerina and Konstantos."
Dr Amapis?
Whe…wha… Katerina stammered, it a spurge of gibberish. She had wanted to ask what had happened. She had even thought of asking if they were dead. All manner of questions that would have been right to ask but for which there was no reason Konstantos would know the answer. Instead she managed Why?
Voices from behind Katerina had stirred further from her stupor. She whispered under her breath Maeve,..Mr Hicksman
"Sure. I need to get to the bar." It wasn't far. Maeve needed to see whether ....there was anything to see. She needed to know. Nothing else mattered right now.
The woman lifted the prybar, turned in the familiar direction and started walking again.

Before you can approach the scene, you hear a whirring sound becoming louder, and a small drone the size of a backpack blocks your path to the bar.

Attancion sitizens, disperze away, haigh concentzrazion of sitizens detected - countermeasures imminent - DISPERZE DISPERZE in a highly accented Severnan accent
The drone is hovering about 3 meters (10ft) off the ground and is slowly moving around various small groups of survivors asking them to disperse.
No! He wouldn't give credence to that thought by forming the words.... and he'd never get to them the way things looked at the moment.
I live on the other side of the city. Maybe it’s safe there? It would be a long walk but the promise of a hot shower and a warm bed after this evening would be to tempting to give up. After all, what ever had happened was probably just around here.
Later they'd have to think about their next steps.
Now people could still be saved.
She heard the bzz bzzz a little distance away. She grabbed the crowbar a little tighter.

The others have kept their distance, so they can choose to help, do something else, or remain impartial.
Dan was also thinking that maybe there would be a working cell tower along their route. Or even a few, and maybe, just maybe this really was an isolated event. But the drone seemed to suggest otherwise and that sent chills down his spine.
Rubbing his hand over his hair, he noticed particles of ash flutter down gently to the ground. It was surreal, all of this was, and he realized his head must be covered in ash and dust. He hadn't noticed.
"Come on," he said to Konstantos, "Let's follow Katerina." Maeve he didn't care about. Self-preservation had kicked in. That and the thoughts of saving his family.
Maeve sighs, then hesitates for a moment, then moves backward close to the group of acquaintances. Although everything in her screams to just run towards the flames, she moves and hopes the red dot will disappear as she gains distance. Desperately she looks at the wreckage all around her.
"The Severnians have been gathereing troops at the borders. The president told us this might happen. What do you think this is then, hey? We're at f*** ing war!" The distraught woman tastes a bitterness in her mouth again. She looks at the others, standing there wide eyed - ready to flee. What about the people they were leaving behind, without even trying to help? What about Lena?
"Look. You don't know me very well. But you know Lena. She might be alive in there, as might be others. She is a good person. So are you.
You don't know me very well, but let me tell you - I don't ask for help - ever.
But now - I'm asking."
Her voice gets smaller, breaks at times. She feels like everything is dissolving around her.
"What if it was your family? Please help me help those people over there. Help me save them - maybe save Lena. I need to know if she's alright, or if ..."
She looks at the floor. gathers air twice then continues in a calmer fashion:
"I can help you. I'll come with you, fight alongside you, help you get to your families - but now - please help me get to mine. We have to stick together, if we want to survive this." Maeve looks at each of them. "The time will come - you'll be the one who needs help - please don't just turn a blind eye now. We can attack this thing, we can distract it or hide and wait it out. But if you walk away now, you might save your skin, but you doom everybody else and you hand over the key to these murderers."

Then it turns around and looks at your group which appears to be the largest in the square right now. You can see the drone starting to move fast towards you, with the red laser pointer wildly shaking as it moves. It appears to be trying to lock onto Maeve's crowbar.
You have only a few seconds to act before it gets there.
Katerina addressed the drone. Ye-yes sir. We are going. With that she began to move over to the side of the street as calmly as she could, wincing at every footstep has the click of her heel she felt drew her more attention.
Roll as requested. I will spend 3 endurance. - (2d6+3)
(14) + 3 = 8
3 Endurance + hammer - (2d6+4)
(24) + 4 = 10
asset is gym routine and strength - (2d6+5)
(55) + 5 = 15

Drone shooting (Luck) - (1d6)
(1) = 1

Countermezures initiate! it starts blinking red. Five, four, three...
staying alive - (2d6+10)
(64) + 10 = 20
Heading for cover. Spend 5 endurance - (3d6+5)
(623) + 5 = 16
Maeve blinks.
A part of her shocked brain signals for her to get away frantically, but it does not quite reach the rest. She looks at the beeping, blinking thing. What has just happened? Has she been shot? Has this been the plan? What about...
Away, she has to get away.
Confusedly and awkwardly she tries to bring distance between her and the bleepy blinky murdery thing. Maeve snickers. There is a warm wetness on her cheek. She has to get away before she falls apart. Cover. She has to find cover before...
Getting out of dodge with disadv. - (1d6)
(4) = 4
wrong idea about disadv. thus roll again - (3d6)
(515) = 11
She can’t die, her drinks are too good! - (2d6+5)
(54) + 5 = 14
knowing how to get to safety - (3d6h2)
(665) = 12
getting to safety (if knowledgeable is n/a) - (2d6+2)
(13) + 2 = 6
Gym asset (5 more endurance points = 0 left) - (2d6+5)
(15) + 5 = 11
Dan crawls out from cover and limps over to the group as he clutches his bleeding leg, gritting his teeth in obvious pain. "I need help. Who knows first aid?
If you try to craft bandages I'll have you roll against target 8 (easy) to make sure you make proper and clean bandages. If you use an item (I think someone has bandages) then it will just work.
Maeve pushes herself up, then looks at the men. "There used to be a first aid kit in the bar. Let's be quick about it. You're right we shouldn't linger." She looks at the sky, where the flare had signalled to the enemy, then at what's left of the building. The groggy woman walks towards it.
She starts looking through the survivors, asking about Lena. Nobody has seen her - some people said she was out running some errand when the bombing started. Maybe she found shelter somewhere else...
You can roll a Scavenge roll with Advantage since you're familiar with the bar and looking for a specific thing (med kit).
Since the bar is actively burning, it will be a hard roll at 12. You may spend Endurance as usual, you may ask someone to help you.

Lena - (1d6)
(3) = 3
looking for medkit/first aid/supplies - (3d6H2)
(613) = 9
He hears Mauve mention something about a first aid kit in the bar and tries to limp in that direction. "Someone help me get to the bar, will ya?"
"Is there a medic among you?" she asks the bystanders.
I’ve got some painkillers
Dan groans as he tries to move his leg.
Katerina do you want to do something? You could for example try to dress Dan's wounds using the alcohol and some t-shirt. You could retrieve the dropped objects in the square (Maeve's crowbar and Dan's can of food). You could look at the drone debris for clues. You can talk to the survivors for something. Etc. Let me know what your action is for this round. If you want to do nothing, that's also fine... If you have food or drink you can use it to regain Endurance.
His head was now pounding, and he was sweating profusely. He was clearly struggling but still trying to put on a brave face. He was just an accountant for chrissakes. What the hell was happening?
"Wrap my leg would ya Katerina, before I bleed out?"
Endurance gain - (1d6)
(3) = 3
What do you do?
Severnan Reinforcements? [6+] - (1d6+0)
(4) = 4
Check the drone - (2d6)
(44) = 8
knowing is half the battle - (3d6H2)
(636) = 12
She looks left and right, looks at the little crew of survivors. Safety first - proper strategy later.
Maeve walks towards Dan, puts his arm around her shoulder and supports him in a way that will prevent further strain on his injured leg. Being tall is definitely an advantage. "Let's scram. The military camp will be a natural target, I think. They might have a place for the survivors, but there will be fighting and who knows if we can leave again... Best head for the hills and find shelter there, or the burbs. Maybe we can find an old school radio and see what's what." To Dan she says: "Where are your folks? We could hide and rest up a bit on the way. Let's get going while we still can."
He waves in the general direction of there, which of course no one can see due to the particles of debris and dust hanging like clouds across the landscape.
"Hills yes. That makes sense. Thanks."
Dan hitches an arm around Maeve's waist and limps along. The pain is better but he is still feverish and in need of better care.
Abruptly, he darts back to grab his hammer - he sees it lying on the ground, over there.
After about an hour you see on the street a group of men wearing mismatched olive drab clothes and makeshift red armbands rushing towards the square where you used to be. In front of them is another one of these drones you shot down.
Dan sits down slowly and stiffly, grunting at the pain in his leg.
I found some food. We should eat and rest a little. I have some water to share as well.
I found some food. We should eat and rest a little. I have some water to share as well.
Maeve nods in Dan and Kat's direction, then listens to the commotion outside. What language are they speaking? Is there anything she can make out?
Having an analytical and ordered mind, Dan would have liked a fully fleshed-out plan before they made a move. But in his current state and with the immediate landscape being a horror show, that would be hard to do, and all this had the added effect of making him even more anxious than he already was.
Maeve nods in Dan and Kat's direction, then listens to the commotion outside. What language are they speaking? Is there anything she can make out?
begging with disadvantage, spend 1 Endurance - (3d6L2+1)
(162) + 1 = 4
Maybe I can find some more things - like a decent pair of shoes. Heels aren’t great for all this running. she forced a laughter to try to lighten the mood. I’ll be back soon.
The teens look a little rough, like they maybe lived in the streets before this. You will have to roll to intimidate them. If you can brandish anything that even looks remotely dangerous you get advantage.
spent 1 can of food - (1d6)
(5) = 5
intimidate with hammer +3 endurance - (3d6h2+3)
(321) + 3 = 8

He feels bad for the old man but there were bigger things to feel bad about.
As the sun rises, the destruction of the city becomes more pronounced. Few buildings are standing, even fewer seem not ready to collapse any moment. A thick layer of dust and oily ash covers everything. The stench of death and burnt plastic reminds you of the destruction you experienced last night. It's a new day, and survival is still your main concern.
You see three men wearing makeshift red armbands approach the ruin where you and other survivors are hiding. They stop about 10m (30ft) away from the hole on the wall that serves like an entrance and shout EVERYONE come out of there. If you don't you WILL be liquidated. By orders of his Lordship Gregor Dubek, the governor of the new Federal Region of Gardassia, Severnan Federation.
does Konstantos know who Gregor D was? - (3d6H2)
(245) = 9
Wishful thinking at best, he figured he didn't have much to lose at this point. He couldn't do much incapacitated as he was. Maybe he could offer free accounting services to whoever this rebel band was. It was worth a shot and maybe buy him time and an in until he had a better plan.
does K know how to make stretcher? - (3d6H2)
(453) = 9
You are able to quickly make a makeshift stretcher. You are now encumbered and will roll anything movement related with disadvantage.
Konstantos can't figure it out.
disadvantaged by stretcher, clambering, 3 endurance - (3d6L2+3)
(251) + 3 = 6
Konstantos can't figure it out.
Current roll = 6
I don’t want to die.
Scavenging for things - (2d6)
(43) = 7
Eating beans and drinking water during the break. - (2d6)
(32) = 5
As your group moves through the ruins to another building and then a back alley, you see...
Luck - (1d6)
(6) = 6
Come with us, this way to the bunker! they say pointing away from the previous area of action.
Dan knew Konstantos and Katerina we're doing their best but at one point he thought he would topple out of the stretcher.
Sneaky Katerina (last endurance point) - (2d6+1)
(13) + 1 = 5
The others can add endurance after your roll...
Sneak with disadvantage 1 endurance - (3d6l2+1)
(361) + 1 = 5
There is a bunker, there is help - maybe some form of resistance. She takes her place next to Katerina and Konstantos, crowbar tucked inside her jacket. "LEt's go then. Tell me if any of you want to switch for a while." Her head still hurts. Maeve licks over her cracked, dry lips. She has to help get these people to safety, has to watch out for her group.
"Hey can you guys find out if my fmaily is ok? What extent is the damage in the city and can you send other soldiers out to find people?"
Shit! They droned a unit! one of them said.
At least it was not us... MOVE MOVE MOVE!!! the other one screamed at all of you...
Beads of sweat dot his forehead as he grips the sides of the makeshift stretcher.
Beads of sweat dot his forehead as he grips the sides of the makeshift stretcher.
Devil's bargain - (1d6)
(5) = 5