[IC] Chapter 1: The City has Fallen

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Jun 29, 2022 11:01 pm
"I have some canned food. One got thrown, not sure what I have left. Let me look. No water though." Dan moves his injured leg by mistake and suppresses a howl.
How many cans did he have?
Jun 29, 2022 11:04 pm
Konstantos looks at the claw end of his hammer. "I guess this could work to open the cans," he says nervously, "or do they have pull tabs?"
Jun 30, 2022 8:19 am
I found some food earlier and I have this bottle of water. We must rest up as Maeve and Dan are hurt. Katerina placed the items in the center of the group. Standing up she made for the entrance.

Maybe I can find some more things - like a decent pair of shoes. Heels aren’t great for all this running. she forced a laughter to try to lighten the mood. I’ll be back soon.
Jul 2, 2022 12:45 pm
While you're resting in the ruins you notice an old man sleeping next to a bag of what appears to be canned food. Two teenagers of about 16 are sneaking up to him trying to steal his food. Do you interfere?
Jul 2, 2022 12:55 pm
Hoping that one of the cans we have had a pull-top. If so ...
Konstantos reluctantly dipped his fingers into the can and swallowed a couple of mouthfuls of white beans in tomato sauce. Then he passed the can to Katerina.
Regardless ...
Looking up, he sees the teenagers lurking on the old man. "Hey!" he says forcefully, hand on his hammer. "That stuff's not yours."
How physically dangerous do the teenagers appear?
Jul 2, 2022 1:35 pm
@tibbius you can eat the food no problem, I'll assume one way or another you can manage to open the tin.

The teens look a little rough, like they maybe lived in the streets before this. You will have to roll to intimidate them. If you can brandish anything that even looks remotely dangerous you get advantage.
Jul 2, 2022 2:10 pm
Recovering Endurance
Konstantos gets up abruptly and a little shaky, anger or withdrawal hard to say. Gripping his hammer firmly, he moves quickly toward the teens. "Leave the old fellow alone," he says with his annoyed professor voice.
Last edited Jul 2, 2022 2:11 pm


spent 1 can of food - (1d6)

(5) = 5

intimidate with hammer +3 endurance - (3d6h2+3)

(321) + 3 = 8


panalexiou Inactive forever!

Jul 2, 2022 2:22 pm
Screw you Nerd! but when they see they hammer they reluctantly back off. The old man is still asleep, completely unaware of what transpired.
Jul 2, 2022 2:43 pm
Dan ignores the commotion. He is hardly in any condition to do anything useful and rather wishes Konstantos would have done the same. Now all they have done is brought attention to themselves and their "hideout."

He feels bad for the old man but there were bigger things to feel bad about.
Jul 2, 2022 5:52 pm
The next few hours until dawn are uneventful...
If anyone is doing anything else to get back Endurance, you can do it now.
Jul 4, 2022 9:16 am

As the sun rises, the destruction of the city becomes more pronounced. Few buildings are standing, even fewer seem not ready to collapse any moment. A thick layer of dust and oily ash covers everything. The stench of death and burnt plastic reminds you of the destruction you experienced last night. It's a new day, and survival is still your main concern.
You see three men wearing makeshift red armbands approach the ruin where you and other survivors are hiding. They stop about 10m (30ft) away from the hole on the wall that serves like an entrance and shout EVERYONE come out of there. If you don't you WILL be liquidated. By orders of his Lordship Gregor Dubek, the governor of the new Federal Region of Gardassia, Severnan Federation.
What do you do?
Jul 4, 2022 6:47 pm
"Aw shit I'm out of cans." How Dan managed to make a sort of joke at a time like this totally baffled him. "Well I can't run but you guys can and maybe you should in different directions to split them up."
Jul 4, 2022 10:57 pm
Konstantos looks to see if the armband people are carrying weapons. He tries to remember whether he knows who the Gregor Dubek guy was before this stuff went down.


does Konstantos know who Gregor D was? - (3d6H2)

(245) = 9

Jul 4, 2022 11:21 pm
tibbius says:
Who the Gregor Dubek guy was.
The name sounds familiar, you remember seeing him on some political TV show or other, arguing on TV about the state of the country or something. The name has Severnan roots, so you assume he is part of the Severnan minority that has lived in the north of the country for centuries.
Jul 5, 2022 12:03 am
panalexiou says:
tibbius says:
Who the Gregor Dubek guy was.
The name sounds familiar, you remember seeing him on some political TV show or other, arguing on TV about the state of the country or something. The name has Severnan roots, so you assume he is part of the Severnan minority that has lived in the north of the country for centuries.
Jul 5, 2022 10:24 am
hi folks, sry I am on the road until fr evening. Please take my chara with you 😉
Jul 5, 2022 10:31 am
The two militia members are holding long sturdy batons, the one that appears to be their leader doesn't seem armed. He's holding a loudspeaker. In front of them on the ground is a large backpack (closed).
Jul 7, 2022 2:37 pm
The small group of wretched survivors starts trickling out of the ruined building and forming in front of the militia members. You notice the two teens from earlier are not within the crowd, but are going deeper into the ruin using a small opening half hidden behind some furniture.
Are you guys going to do something different, or will you follow the crowd outside?
Jul 7, 2022 2:54 pm
"I think if we go out there, we get sent to some kind of camp and we're screwed," Konstantos says quietly, but loud enough that we all can hear. "Should we follow where those kids are going?" He looks to see what the old man does, too.
Jul 7, 2022 3:54 pm
Grant looks closely at the armbanded people and wishes he wasn't injured. "I ... I can't. My leg, I'll hold you all back. Maybe I can be a decoy for a bit and they might go easy on me since I am injured while you get away and follow the kids."

Wishful thinking at best, he figured he didn't have much to lose at this point. He couldn't do much incapacitated as he was. Maybe he could offer free accounting services to whoever this rebel band was. It was worth a shot and maybe buy him time and an in until he had a better plan.
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