[IC] Chapter 1: The City has Fallen

Jun 14, 2022 7:48 am
You were the lucky ones. You were not outside when the air turned to fire. You were not in the buildings that crumbled as the drone swarms detonated their payloads. You were out in the woods, or hiding in a basement. You survived. 90% of your city didn't. As the enemy's conquering army marches towards you, all you have left is each other. Your goal is to survive. Do you have what it takes to keep fighting for life?
Describe HOW you survived the bombing of Gardassia City.
Jun 14, 2022 4:07 pm
Konstatos was working in the State University of Gardassia Central Nuclear Laboratory, down in the sub-basement, when he heard sirens sounding distantly above the ground level, fifty feet above him. The sub-basement shielded civilians from any potential radiation problems. It also shielded Konstatos from the thermobaric weaponry that was deployed against the civilians.

When the lights switched over to battery backup, Konstatos secured his equipment and shut down the fuel cell quality check process. He looked around the lab and grabbed the first three useful things he saw.
They're on the character sheet.
Then, hesitantly, he checked in with his coworkers. He hadn't really been close to them in the past year. His foreign education had made him a suspect in the gathering political storm. Now, everyone knew the Severnans were invading. Konstatos' co-workers just looked at him silently when he asked whether they should go see what had happened, whether they could help.
Jun 14, 2022 8:35 pm
Katerina had had a terrible day. Her heel had broken, she was late for work, and she struggled through the morning hoping her regular walk in the park at lunchtime would brighten her mood. Plopping on a bench, she had received a message from her best friend Ioanna. She wanted to go out and the thought appealed. Katerina excitedly had responded that she hold meet Ioanna after work and get to her side of town. Despite having a good time, around 0:30 Katerina’s mood dropped. She wasn’t really feeling up to the rest of the evening and as Ioanna had come to her to tell her that the group were going on to another club, Katerina declined. Grabbing the keys to Ioanna’s basement studio, Katerina hurriedly walked back to rest and unwind on Ioanna’s sofa.

When the first explosions happened, Katerina, in a deep sleep, thought she was dreaming. As the building began to shake and crack like thunder, all she could do was sit panicked in the dark until after the end of the torment. Frozen to her spot on the floor she could hear practically nothing but the occasional thump of heavy things hitting the floor - she would later discover this was rubble from the nearby buildings.

It took a long time for her to brave pushing open the door past the debris and putting her head outside to see the carnage that awaited her.
Jun 14, 2022 8:42 pm
The sirens were what tore her from her unsettling dreams. First the sirens, then the shaking.
Maeve awoke in her own bed. Drowsy she glanced at the radio clock beside the opened bottle of red label scotch on the nightstand. 2 a.m. She had barely slept for three hours.

Lena. Lena had told her to go home. Told her to sleep. It had been a rough couple of days and Maeve had been spent. Lena said, she would take care of the bar.
Maeve subconsciously reached for the small silver medal around her neck.
Another siren.

The woman got up and looked out of the small bedroom window that usually was a natural light source to the subterranean apartement. She grabbed a pair of jeans, shirt, jacket. Maeve put on her boots. What was happening?

She had to get to Lena.

As she was about to leave, she thought of the tape. She had promised. Mave went back into the small kitchen. Another window showing a stretch of dark pavement. She bent down to reach the drawer....when she saw the balls of fire from the corner of her eye and suddenly ...

...the world ended.
Jun 14, 2022 8:50 pm
Dan was buried deeply in ledger sheets for one of his troublesome clients. The pressure to cook the books was a constant occurrence and double-checking the supporting documents was always a chore because this particular client often altered the documents. He was thus engrossed when he felt a compression wave. It felt like a thwump! He was so focused on analyzing numbers that he only looked up from the screen. Then he heard louder bangs and explosions and pushing his chair back alarmed he immediately booked it to the basement where all the archives were stored.

It was cool and comfortable down there but his anxiety was getting the better of him. Smoothing his dark brown, medium-length hair, he started to pace as he punched his wife's number into the phone. He knew there was unrest in the city....
Last edited June 14, 2022 8:51 pm


panalexiou Inactive forever!

Jun 15, 2022 5:12 am
As Konstantos carefully makes his way to the surface, he starts realizing the level of devastation of the bombing. The overstrructure of the building simply does not exist any more. He thought he would come out into the University campus, but there's not a single building left standing. As he opens the latch and walks to the surface he notices a small fist sized drone hovering high above. He barely makes it a few steps away of the hatch when the 'Bunker Buster' hits behind him. A bomb especially made to destroy underground installations. Where his lab was moments ago, now remains a collapsed sinkhole. Konstantos is thrown a few meters away and regains consciousness some time later, finding himself wandering the streets in shock. Turning a corner he sees a familiar face...
This first post will be a little 'railroady' for each one of you, so we can get you together as soon as possible.


panalexiou Inactive forever!

Jun 15, 2022 5:18 am
Katerina pushes the door open and stands in awe for a few minutes trying to not break down in a panic attack. Her city is no more. She was lucky that her building didn't outright collapse, but it looks like it may not stay up for much longer. She sleepwalks into the street, dazed and in shock. She snaps out of it when she sees a familiar face walking towards her. It's the scientist Konstantos.


panalexiou Inactive forever!

Jun 15, 2022 5:22 am
Maeve woke up on the ground. It felt like every bone in her body ached, but nothing was broken. Her apartment building was a pile of rubble, and she must have been thrown out by the explosions. She got up and hobbled towards her bar, to find Lena. A couple blocks before reaching the bar, she saw two of her regulars, Konstantos and Katerina engaged in conversation.


panalexiou Inactive forever!

Jun 15, 2022 5:27 am
Dan frantically tried to get phone signal or get internet on his phone, but to no avail. He grabbed a few things and carefully made his way up to the ground floor. He had to push hard to get the basement door open, as most of the building above had collapsed. Making it outside he realized the level of destruction. Walking out the door he saw a couple vaguely familiar faces.
Everyone you're now at the same place.
Jun 15, 2022 5:28 pm
"Dammit!" Dan tapped at the screen of his phone a few times as if it would help matters. His anxiety was at an all-time high as he rushed up from the basement frantically fighting with the basement door on the way up which clued him into the fact that the building itself was probably badly damaged.

Maybe it's the basement blocking the signal, Oh god I hope they are alright.

As he felt his way up the now darkened stairway his hands gliding along the cheaply papered wall, he kept seeing his family in his mind's eye and that terrified him.

Once safely at the top of the stairs, a thick haze floating around the hallway made it difficult to see anything clearly but he could just make out the double glass door exit ahead. Dense smoke blocked his view of the outside but only for a second as it slowly cleared, perhaps displaced by a puff of wind. He tentatively stepped outside, sniffed the air and scanned the area as far as he could given the clouds of dust and smoke and piles of rubble.

"Maeve? That you? What's going on? Does your cell phone work? Dan taps his phone again already knowing it would be futile and sees Katarina and Konstantinos together a few yards away. "Come on, there's Katerina and Konstantos."
Jun 15, 2022 9:49 pm
Her head swam with the overwhelming destruction of it all. None of this was real, a dream. But the biting chill of reality forced Katerina on through the maelstrom. Oddly framed in the orange wash glow of the night was Konstantos, a strange beacon of normality.

Dr Amapis?
Whe…wha… Katerina stammered, it a spurge of gibberish. She had wanted to ask what had happened. She had even thought of asking if they were dead. All manner of questions that would have been right to ask but for which there was no reason Konstantos would know the answer. Instead she managed Why?

Voices from behind Katerina had stirred further from her stupor. She whispered under her breath Maeve,..Mr Hicksman
Jun 15, 2022 10:13 pm
"Uh," Konstantos says uncertainly. "Katerina?" he looks around in the hellish glare of the burning wreckage. "We should probably get away from here," he says, "or ... maybe bombs don't fall twice?" He laughs anxiously.
Jun 16, 2022 7:45 am
Maeve followed to the small group of familiar people. She nodded in greeting. For a few moments, she just stood there. She put the crowbar she had grabbed somewhere on the way down, leaned it against her boot. Then she reached in her pocket and took out a cigarette. After a few drags she absent-mindedly wiped away some of the blood over her left brow with her hand.

"Sure. I need to get to the bar." It wasn't far. Maeve needed to see whether ....there was anything to see. She needed to know. Nothing else mattered right now.

The woman lifted the prybar, turned in the familiar direction and started walking again.
Jun 16, 2022 2:38 pm
The bar was just a few blocks away, on what would have been an easy stroll in the warm summer night, if not for the debris, moans of the wounded, and gas fires coming from several destroyed buildings. Indeed, the bar itself is on fire, the building has partially collapsed, and there seem to be some people there trying to pull survivors out of the rubble.

Before you can approach the scene, you hear a whirring sound becoming louder, and a small drone the size of a backpack blocks your path to the bar.

Attancion sitizens, disperze away, haigh concentzrazion of sitizens detected - countermeasures imminent - DISPERZE DISPERZE in a highly accented Severnan accent

The drone is hovering about 3 meters (10ft) off the ground and is slowly moving around various small groups of survivors asking them to disperse.
What do you do?
Jun 16, 2022 2:48 pm
"I have to find my family. The cell towers must be shot, maybe literally. Oh my god this isn't real. Can't be happening." Muttering away, shaking his head in disbelief he follows the others for lack of anything better to do. His family would be on the other side of town if they were still ......

No! He wouldn't give credence to that thought by forming the words.... and he'd never get to them the way things looked at the moment.
Jun 16, 2022 3:40 pm
Konstantos touches the hammer tucked through his canvas belt. He's still wearing his lab coveralls, he hadn't taken time to put on regular clothes. Now the working clothes are all he has, perhaps. He stares at the drone, trying to decide what to do. "Let's leave," he blurts out anxiously. "We don't want to find out what this drone does."
Jun 16, 2022 3:50 pm
Katerina had pulled out her phone. Desperately she tried to message Ioanna. Where the hell was she?

I live on the other side of the city. Maybe it’s safe there? It would be a long walk but the promise of a hot shower and a warm bed after this evening would be to tempting to give up. After all, what ever had happened was probably just around here.
Jun 17, 2022 6:46 am
Severnans. Damn. So that's what was happening.
Later they'd have to think about their next steps.
Now people could still be saved.
tibbius says:
"Let's leave," he blurts out anxiously. "We don't want to find out what this drone does."
"Leave then." Maeve said and walked towards what was left of her establishment. She could still taste dust and soot on the air, smell the burning ... things. As she got to the rubble, the woman tried to assess who could be helped. Maybe Lena had gotten away in time? Maybe somebody had seen her?

She heard the bzz bzzz a little distance away. She grabbed the crowbar a little tighter.
Jun 17, 2022 12:09 pm
"Katerina, good idea," Konstantos says with a woeful glance toward Maeve. "Let's go!"


panalexiou Inactive forever!

Jun 17, 2022 2:25 pm
bzz...bzzz...bzzz... As Maeve approaches the burning building, the drone zips past her and stops right in front of her, about 3 meters (10ft) above ground and hovering menacingly. Disperze immediate! Severní Army Orders! Suraender weipons now!. You see a little red laser dot pointing directly at you, doing a little dance on your clothes as it specifically targets you Maeve.
What do you do Maeve? You are in direct danger so you will probably have to roll something... Let me know how you want to approach it, so we can figure out the roll.

The others have kept their distance, so they can choose to help, do something else, or remain impartial.
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