Chapter 16 - X marks the Spot

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Jun 29, 2022 10:45 pm
I say both...we need to get the map to the birds, but we also need to see what Anna found. That's what Logan was talking about when he said let's head upstairs.
Last edited June 29, 2022 10:46 pm
Jun 30, 2022 12:46 am
We might want to call Eddard before opening the bag.
Jun 30, 2022 3:49 am
The map was designed to distract the birds while we get the real treasure. If we want to give it to the birds, we can, but I don't see the use in it. Solomon will just realize we tricked him and probably break in here faster.

I also see no reason to call Eddard, at least not before opening the bag and seeing what's inside
Jun 30, 2022 6:39 am
Ben, A's brother
"Your house is sooooo cool, Logan! I bet it's haunted, right?" says Benny looking around the vast place.

Anna, L's sister
Anna gets a battered bag and shows it. "You guys were right, there was something hidden where Logan told me to look. Not a treasure chest, though..."
you are all still on the ground floor at the moment.
Jun 30, 2022 7:02 am
"So awesome!", Al exclaims as she sees the bag. "Let's go up and have a look!" She watches Ripper try to play with Shadow who is not playing along. "Your cat is rude," she tells Logan.

Then she has an idea. "How about we open the bag, take what's inside and then put something else in, put it back where Anna found it and then let Solomon take it! That way, he'll be happy because he'll think he has the treasure and he'll stop attacking everyone with birds!"
Jun 30, 2022 9:23 pm
The Hunters and Anna climb upstairs to the Monster HQ. Once up there, Logan makes sure the curtains are closed, and also closes the door.

Anna puts the leather bag on the floor, in the centre of the room. They gather around it.

Anna, L's sister
She looks around at the eager faces of the Hunters. "Ready?"
She starts undoing the buckles and straps of the old bag...

[ +- ] ...
[ +- ] ...
[ +- ] ...
[ +- ] ...
The Hunters look at each other.

Ben, A's brother
"WAY. COOL..." whispers Benny.

Anna, L's sister
"There is more..."
Jun 30, 2022 9:34 pm
Anna, L's sister
[ +- ] ...
[ +- ] ...
[ +- ] ...
Ben, A's brother
"Holy Fricking Shit."

Jack the Ripper


Jun 30, 2022 9:41 pm
Jack the Ripper
At the sight of the glowing sphere, Ripper whines in distress, backing off from it with her tail between her hind legs.
Jun 30, 2022 9:51 pm
Al takes Ripper and holds her in her arms, petting her gently to calm her. "Holy crap!", Al agrees with her brother. "Looks like we got some awesome monster-fighting weapons! But also this fulcrum-thingy! We have to keep it safe and away from the spirit of death, but how?"
Jun 30, 2022 10:19 pm
Holy shit! Ramon was a freaking monster hunter! Logan carefully touches the weapons and crucifix. Vampires, possibly Werewolves...Ramon was the real deal. This fulcrum must be what Solomon wanted us to find.

Looking at the notes, the weapons, and the fulcrum Logan feels like some kind of mantle has been places on his shoulders. Looking at everyone around the table, Logan slowly nods his head. We need to finish what Ramon started. We need to find a safe hiding place for the fulcrum. We need to get ready for a fight as well. We send Solomon on a wild goose chase and this isn't there waiting for him and he's coming back with a vengeance.
Jul 1, 2022 4:42 am
Well, looks like we're not going to fool him by putting something else in the bag. He knows what he was after and if he doesn't find it he'll come after us. Johnny countered Alana's earlier plan. We definitely need to call that Eddard guy now.
Jul 1, 2022 6:24 am
"Maybe he has an idea," Al confirms. "But why don't we just toss the fulcrum thing into the sea? Without birds watching, of course. He'd never find it there. Unless he can control fish as well."
Jul 1, 2022 8:14 am
True, but can't pelicans dive into the water when they're hunting for dinner? There's also a chance someone could go diving and find it. We need to, think like Ramon and, find a place that neither Solomon or birds can get to. No matter what he sends.
Jul 1, 2022 8:17 am
"But also, how will we stop the birds from attacking! We can't just let him send them after us every time we step outside until we give him the thing!"
Jul 1, 2022 8:27 am
That's a good question...Ramon had the tattoos, but I don't know if that was to hide from Solomon or for protection from the birds. Either way you're right. We can't do much of anything until we figure that out.
Last edited July 1, 2022 8:27 am
Jul 1, 2022 12:38 pm
If throwing it away out in the ocean would work, Ramon would've already done that. Johnny countered. He was a sailor that went out over really, really deep waters... Buy I bet being far, far away from land probably helped keep it hidden though.. He thought pensively for a minute while the other two conversed. We don't really know what this Solomon Black guy can do. The other stiff in the case makes him out to be like a vampire or something but we've seen h in daylight.
Jul 1, 2022 5:02 pm
"I think the other stuff is just for other monsters that Ramon hunted!", Al says. "Anna, you found the treasure. Do you have any idea what to do with it?"

Anna, L's sister


Jul 1, 2022 8:45 pm
Anna, L's sister
She is looking at the strange spherical object and its glow. "I... I have no idea, guys. I am so confused. What's with the birds? Why are we closing the curtains? And... how is this thing making light? It looks old... and it was buried for years. I don't understand..."

Having even less elements than the Hunters, she seems at a loss to make sense of it all.
Jul 1, 2022 8:50 pm
"Because Solomon can control the birds and he makes them attack people because he wants the orb!", Al explains as if all of that is obvious. "Even Ripper understands it and she's just a baby!"
Jul 1, 2022 11:17 pm
You'd figure there'd be someone we can, like, give this thing to so they can guard it or take care of it and keep it away from people like Mr. Top Hat... he didn't think using the name they knew for him was a wise idea, especially not in front of the thing that he desired most. Naming something tended to attract it's attention, at least that's how Johnny understood the supernatural. Somebody maybe better equipped to handle a vampire or whatever it might be.
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